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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Where do they get the cash for those pallets?

Courts full of them today.
I really wish you had kept that one behind the paywall lol!

not sure about the pallets. I always assumed at smaller bonfires it was local construction companies or whatever that were into it that would give them cast offs or whatever and people would dump wood but the craighill one looks like a big set up so not sure if they pay for them or if they are donated or nicked.
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Chatty Member
Colum’s promised to sort out NI once himself and their “sister party “ take office…
I didn't follow that much but did the bedroom tax happen in NI?

I find it strange that NIHE only take account of the claimants money and not look at non-dependants in the house, I know a few still living at home earning high tax bracket money but as their folks are on benefits the rent is covered by NIHE, these are NIHE house stock too. Another case where I'm living and heard need 200+ points (my friend had 140 and had to move away) a man that lived alone died and the adult daughter moved in jumping the queue, NIHE house stock again, both situations is where the parents/previous person been in the house since the 80's, some odd rule from back then?

decided to search - if they are the bottom one taking 1000's home a month, NIHE seek £9.90 a week? that's still pitiful but they one I know all the deeds off def have not let nihe know
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VIP Member
Just reading that report of the Belfast live regarding the funeral of Patsy Aust.

Such a sad event, whatever happened between her and the brother is just incomprehensible.

I’m not comfortable reading such glowing reports of how much they relied on each other - considering he’s been charged with her murder and it appears the grandson is now left with no one.

There must be more to it if they’ve included him in the service?… I’m assuming the grandson must be in his twenties if she’s in her 80’s maybe he’s additional needs or something 😕
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Had it in plenty of places in the north too .. you darent have breathed 😜

Still vividly recall one night standing in silence in a bar in my uni friends local - next thing there was the sound of marching boots and a colour party of 6 entered to give a speech and take two out in the war against drugs!
Very sobering!
Yeah it’s used to be a regular occurrence here ( dealers still given anonymity) although it’s knees by appointment these days, death by surprise.
See they’ve found the missing doctors body in a cave .
It didn’t go to plan in the south maybe they’ll try and oust her before the GE ?
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VIP Member
I think he looks really frail, he always had a good athletic build on him ,even in old age .
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Wee Nora

VIP Member
It’s not? Do you not keep up with the news Nora 😂 they want the entire establishment gone.

What about if you’re a party that makes it especially appealing to the non nationals vote as a way of gaining support? It’s already skewed before the elections take place,if it’s the case a none national can vote why can’t we reserve a vote as Irish citizens north of the border 🤷🏼‍♀️after all the new Ireland will affect generations to come especially a united Ireland.
Yeah I do thanks. They want the establishment gone so vote for independents then 🤷🏼‍♀️ let’s see the “Ireland is full” lot put their money where their (massive) mouths are. We can’t vote because we’re not resident there, another product of partition. Also don’t get what’s wrong with “appealing to non nationals” but that’s another story.
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VIP Member
Completely of topic!

It’s madness the rabbit holes you end up going down just because you can when you see something online.
This story came up of a Journalist sympathetic about Jays Mum

Went to look into that story and unraveled several layer of madness with the Journalist family and the various kids 😜

I’m sure that could’ve been any family here during the troubles ,kids were sent all over the world to stay with host families, nobody even knew who they were beforehand, they just signed up and off you went, one of my friends went to New York for a couple of months, we were just talking about how it would never happen now 😂 it was madness when you think about it.
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VIP Member
Should be woke this phone has a habit of changing
People only think they’re being healthy by cutting certain things from their diet , it’s completely out of our control, the instances of autoimmune conditions are spiralling, along with cancers and rare health conditions.
That really is thought provoking!

So many illnesses are also now being shown to be attributed to the Gut-Brain connection especially autoimmune disorders.

It’s all a really interesting topic to look into, but from proper sources not the snippets from the snake doctors peddling their products, supplements & poorly written books.
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VIP Member
s that for everything? I’ve dual citizenship but my husband only has Irish citizenship and we can both vote in the upcoming election.
I’m talking about asylum seekers not being able to vote in UK local elections like they were in the south, you can vote in UK elections from different territories provided you’re a citizen of those countries.ROI is part of the British Isles and common travel area.
Surprised they couldn’t reach a verdict.
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VIP Member
Here, so I don’t know much about the south but are all of the below parties/people “far right”?

it just seems like an easy throwaway term these days and you would know about it if there were far right in charge

When you read these type of articles you can see why people speak out, don’t know if I’d label them far right for raising genuine points.

Its not just the south affected UK have learned the hard way but can’t claw it back.


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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Thanks for the tips, I will take a look in the morning. Going to do a trial run in case it is a one off hopefully.
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