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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Who in their right mind would object to this death trap road getting an upgrade? Disgraceful.

I’m not familiar with the road but is it not that they aren’t objecting to the upgrade but are proposing something better? A by pass or something? I don’t know enough about the area to know if this is feasible?

Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Someone has replied to say it stands for all the other identities. Which is waffle and doesn’t make it clear at all. Its a valid question to ask, but she has gone about it in the wrong way.


VIP Member
It’s only technically legal in terms of thoughts not being illegal. Same way only thinking about murdering someone is technically legal. Any form of action is illegal. Any sexual attraction to children can never be mainstream.
That’s what the MA movement are pushing for the right to be attracted without being labelled.There’s nothing to say that would never happen when we look at what’s acceptable under human rights laws as stands .

Wee Nora

VIP Member
Know nothing about him I’m still convinced he’s SN by the immaturity he projects…Starmers a wanker !
Not a thought for the people in the surrounding areas, what will these men do all day? There’s a reason why they prefer to live in cities not in the middle of a field, they’ve already turned their accommodation in Newtown into a war zone fighting with staff and each other.
SN how? Did quite well at school by all accounts, he’s married with a family. No flies on him when it comes to asking for money anyway. Still no update on the mica money.


VIP Member
I thought that with the photo with her mum that perhaps following surgery they had maybe her full of steroids to bulk her up for the chemo.

That’s bad about that young boy. Hopefully they find him ok
It could be but from what they said she was cancer free after the op and this was only a preventative measure, that could mean many things including a simple pill that has no outer symptoms, you’ll notice Charles hasn’t lost any hair etc…I still think it’s strange she hasn’t been seen since Christmas and now the dates seem to be getting pushed back…Maybe the boys with a relative? Could be a custody dispute or something.
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VIP Member
Same as Stormont…Talking to a brick wall 😂
That’ll be wild


VIP Member
Yeah and then answered her own question by suggesting it stands for p*dos.
Yes but that’s not wrong as any sexual orientation can fall under the + including those groups fighting to be recognised that the rest of us wouldn’t comprehend, read into it it’s eye watering and eye opening.
the Minor Attracted movement want recognition under the +
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VIP Member

Sorry but this is hilarious. Mooning the New Yorkers and I honestly don’t agree with the 9/11 thing but I find it funny in a dark way that it has been sabotaged like this.

Loved the Bryan Adams bit.

They’ve turned off the portal