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VIP Member
Ugh. I'm EB. Normally an Alliance voter but with Naomi Long, I'm so angry at her about women's rights and her support of the transgender lobby at the expense of actual women. I would still vote Alliance depending on the candidate but unfortunately I can't currently vote for her. Also have said I will never and can never vote DUP as they're abhorrent. I think Gavin is reasonable enough but what he stands for in the DUP isn't something I could vote for so he also won't be getting my vote. I might spoil it. I'm hoping for an Alliance knock at the door in the meantime.
Yeah I think both Alliance and SDLP have swung too far left for people’s liking …Shinners abandoned their core policies it’s going to be a cliff hanger for sure .
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So we just wait to be poisoned 🙄 not like they’re not aware of this serious public health problem.

Another jobs blow for #vokecity ,but it’s fine ! as long as we’re getting millions to wave flags and shout city of hope that should see us through, radio silence on all political fronts as usual 🫸🏻
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I’ve lived in the east for about 16 years. Never had a single representative of any party knock on my door. I would say my area is probably a DUP vote but never had them come by. I would listen to any rep that came to the door, even just to challenge them but to get an idea of what they really think but they clearly just can’t be arsed. All the parties are self serving, both in ROI and the UK.
I’m in the bit that has just changed from East Belfast to North Down so that must be why we are seeing them all. I’ve never voted here before as I was only just 18 when I left, but my family are all in East Belfast and I grew up here. Alex Easton has been very helpful to a friend of mine with an education issue. Through work I have met lots of the local MLAs but alliance are very out of touch with the swathe of the seat below the arches all the way over to nettlefield and the cregagh. Next time I get the chance to chat to Peter McReynolds, I will ask him what that’s about.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Whatever it is it’s serious going by the comments, maybe bird flu?
Could do without it ffs.
It’s all been sorted out and the flight is on the way.

Query about the museum- are they not normally free anyway in general?
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Chatty Member
Not much choice in the East. Dislike both front runners. Thinking of spoiling it. (Even though I know it is stupid)
Same here. Also East Belfast. Will never vote DUP but don't want to vote for Naomi Long either. Have voted for her in the past but the last few elections I haven't. I am appalled at their stance on women's rights with the whole trans issues and the inequality of abortion to birth for disabilities. Not the party of equality they claim to be. I spoiled my vote in May 2022. Didn't feel good but there was literally no option I felt was even "best worst"
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Et tu Brute?

VIP Member
I don’t think keeping things to ourselves is something NI people do, we tell it like it is ! Haven’t you seen our politicians in action 😂
I think the comment was directed at me Monga. Me thinking it’s weird has offended 🫣
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Nobody loves themselves more than Umar 😂

Traditional Unionist 🐂 💩😂

Marriage is basically the legality of the relationship,you might have bother later on but when it comes to inheritance.
I reckon Jim’s going to take it
I think until the Donaldson scandal the DUP were nailed on. But there could also be a Sinn Fein wobble. I think there will be a low turn out which isn’t a good thing. Shame we don’t have the monster raving looney party running here as they would probably be preferable.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
This is the point I was trying to make earlier in the thread regarding addiction and the fall out from the troubles. This film has won awards but it doesn’t say where you can watch it. Does anyone know?

Wow. That looks worth a watch.
Looked on YouTube and there is another trailer. I don’t think the movie is out yet. That wee boy is so striking with his bright blue eyes and ginger hair.

Ive been using one of there with great success for stroganoff last few years.

Went to look and it’s still giving me access to it on the website so have taken screenshots just in case that changes 😜

The ‘Big Daddy’ steaks out of Iceland are great in this and makes it very economical.
Thanks! 🥰
Not sure where you are but if you are near Tyrone you can go to the dungannon meats factory and the moy park factory and get cheap meats at their wee shops there. Will save you a fortune. The moy park one is good as occasionally you will get Waitrose packets and I’m thinking wtf are these poshos paying over the odds for the same shite we get out of Tesco.
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Chatty Member
The conspiracy theorists will be saying that it is a portrait of the replacement and it's to get the public accustomed to how she looks so we're less shocked when they start wheeling her out 🤣
The conspiracy theorists are wild! Twitter is full of Americans convinced she's dead/in a coma.
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VIP Member
That really is thought provoking!

So many illnesses are also now being shown to be attributed to the Gut-Brain connection especially autoimmune disorders.

It’s all a really interesting topic to look into, but from proper sources not the snippets from the snake doctors peddling their products, supplements & poorly written books.
Yes, it really does make sense when you look how the endocrine system seems to be going haywire for lots of people and our immune systems turning against us, there’s always been talk environmental factors were contributing/ blame for this but nothing concrete being pinpointed as of yet!
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
I don’t know what that means 😂 makes perfect sense to me. Anyway the people will get their say at the polls soon enough and they can vote for another century of FG FF rule if that’s what they want. Disproportionate amount of anger directed to SF who’ve never been in government in the South imo. Helen McEntee was a FG Minister last time I checked.
Yeah I actually agree that it is bizarre that Sinn Fein are getting the brunt of the blame but I think they misjudged their voting base in the south over the referendum. If they don’t take power in the south at the election then I would say they will bin off Mary Lou.
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