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Aye, everyone planning to get drunk but with Karina’s live and my chinese later I’m sorted 😂😂 can’t see her going out later. She’s literally just been talking about Fanny flaps with her friend Sazzy 😳🤣
Fanny flaps aww god ... she's now quoted that peach gin " is like pink gin but with a peachy flavour " no shit Sherlock 🤣🤣🤣
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Lazy Sunday

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She wasn't vulnerable or bullied when she was telling people to tap the screen guys, he's in another room but they live together.
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Lazy Sunday

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Every meal a takeaway, nails done at the salon but after everything she said last night about joining Slimming World this morning she has decided it's to expensive to join. I do find myself willing these girls to succeed but only they can really want to do it.
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Her attitude is awful, vulnerable or not there is no need for her awful attitude. Apparently she called Nick a paedophile on live.
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Also is it just me or does her lad seem really nice and normal?! Like does he need help to escape or is he as tapped as she is on the inside? He seems genuinely nice!
Dan is very genuine and a lovely man, I’ve had a few conversations with him myself. Of course as there is like a 90-99% chance he’s living with a narcissist, he will go by her word she’ll gaslight and manipulate him into agreeing with her, if he says one true fact, she’ll get defensive and be like “No, why are lying” and correct him, she’d constantly stalk his lives on fake accounts just so she can see what is being said in comments, because he like mutters the comments then answers them, probably because he knows she’ll jump down his throat.
Dan was live earlier with someone who was mentioned earlier saying Dan can do better and he can, he has that potential. He’s a lovely man who is just stuck in a spiral, he’s technically being fed her ways, probably why he’s starting to have an attitude. She possibly tells him that all the haters are liars and just trying to make her look like a bad person etc, so when people try and explain the truth to him he just shoves it under the carpet. I personally hope that he opens his eyes and gets a little bit of sense as Nathan keeps rolling out various proof of his little narcissistic girlfriend.

Mel has never been mentioned here or at least been a specific target. What possibly has been said is that she’s just brainwashed to support Karina. If anyone who is stalking this thread is reading everything, getting the wrong side of it all then going at the wrong person, but I haven’t said one word to her 😅
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Well once i seen her two sisters, one who is married to someone 4 times her age, the other is a bit like nona but younger it all comes clear, the entire family is on another level. I feel for them all though as they have lost there mum very young. Nona is vunerable but she is very aware what she puts on her socials and loves the attention. I think shes only back with Dan to get pregnant. 😕 what happened to college? She was going with her sister in september ive not seen her mention it since.
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There’s plenty of disabled people on social media, including tiktok, who don’t get hate (more than likely they get some, but everyone who chooses to put themselves out there does) because they’re a good person!! She doesn’t get hate because of her “disabilities”, which change everyday🤦🏻‍♀️, she gets hate because she’s a horrible person. Anyone who lies about pregnancy, miscarriage and domestic violence should expect to get hate. I’m sorry but it’s true. If you’re a bad person, expect people not to like you. If she’s still too thick to realise you have to be nice in order for people to be nice back then it’s too late for her. She needs to come off tiktok altogether and never be allowed back on. She’s a lazy, rude, good-for-nothing, self-righteous bitch who really needs putting in her place. I don’t see that happening while she’s got arse-licking mods who block anyone for anything, even some simple advice.
You see she won’t remember her lies because she chose not to, I do get the reason why some people ‘hate’ on her disabilities and that’s plainly because she changes them daily, blocks anyone who mentions them.. With her lies being constant since 2016 people have a right to have an opinion and to stick to that. It’s been 6 years and she hasn’t learnt for the better, she’s long gone.
She needs to get off the app and sort her life out. Researching a job she has STABILITY to do, there is one out there for her ability she just isn’t trying and wants to avoid it. She could look into therapy etc. Just anything to set her mind straight but TikTok isn’t for her anymore, it’s an app full of open-minded and honest people who give her good criticism, not hate, then there’s the people who give her false positivity.
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I could completely understand where she’s coming from if she had never ever mentioned her disabilities before and Nathan just mentioned them out of the blue on his live and told everyone when she didn’t want him to. But she used her disabilities (whether they’re real or not) as a get out of jail free card. Every time she says or does something and then people tell her she’s wrong or she decides she doesn’t mean it any more, she uses her disabilities as an excuse. She mentions them all the time so Nathan probably thought he was doing the right thing by explaining how she thinks and why she does the things she does. But instead she’s completely turned it round and is using it for attention and trying to make Nathan feel bad.
She is utterly ridiculous, she is the one in the wrong but she’ll never admit it, she’d rather come on live feeling sorry for herself, get gifts and then go off because people aren’t agreeing with her. Shannon’s boyfriend also commented on Nathan’s live saying that she’s done the same thing to Shannon a few times and that she isn’t going to be friends with her anymore. I hope that’s true, I hope all these people are finally seeing her for what she is and stay away from her for good. I hope more and more people see it and she loses all her follower and gifts and the attention she loves so much and I hope she finally leaves the app and fucks off.

she says of course I’m going to be upset about you talking about my disability’s my mums dead? Huh!! She mentions every single day she has disabilities but Nathan was sticking up for her and she goes mad. She went mad also because of £100 worth of gifts and said he’s ungrateful… she does remember chucking a wig in the bin that someone gifted her right?
And when people gift her and she just said bless you instead of actually thanking them and being appreciative. And also when she gets a gift and sits and says “the next gift I want is…”. That to me is ungrateful, I don’t know who she thinks she is calling other people ungrateful.
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The constant touching of hair with those stumpy fingers and sickly long nails 🤢
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There's a video on another person's tiktok of her being told by the hotel that they will be fining her for damage to the bedsheets quite rightly too! I'd have thrown her out.
She wasn't so smart and full of attitude when he came in the room
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It’s all an act. Many have said that she speaks perfectly fine vs than on lives.
Absolutely agree, I see that now!

The one part that’s made me fume is when she says ‘You can make someone suicidal. You’re effecting me self harming. That’s what you’re doing’

What a manipulative gaslighter she is.
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I was about to rejoin on my fresh account too. Faye can eat her own shit I was only saying what’s true 😂😂 she can go look after her cats with her pure gold heart. Karina doesn’t have anything to do she’ll either start making a huge dinner even though she was still scoffing noodles, OR she’ll be having her first of many luxurious naps.
Hahahaha “Faye can eat her own shit” absolutely took me out💀💀💀 she only has cats because they have to stay with her and love her, nobody would out of choice😂😂😂
Notice how it’s always when the other person is winning though? It’s always the same, you could put money on it. And people asking what’s up and saying she doesn’t seem herself when she’s losing a game need to give their heads a wobble and realise this happens every single time she is losing!!! She’s a sore loser and she can’t stand someone else winning for once!!! How hard is it to see?!🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

I’ve been a long time lurker on this page but first time poster so here goes.

I used to actually support Karina. I thought she didn’t deserve the hate, until I realised the ‘hate’ was just a lot of confused people asking questions. Bit of background, I’m autistic with multiple chronic illnesses and mental illnesses, I’ve been severely agoraphobic for 3 years. I can’t even sit in my car without a horrendous panic attack. I can barely have people come in my house. I worked right up until I physically couldn’t get my foot out the door and leaving my job was the hardest decision I’ve made. It was my first job and I fucking loved it. I received PIP already due to my disabilities and it took me a long time with the right support to find a job that suited me and didn’t overwhelm me. so I can fully understand how hard, stressful and overwhelming looking for work is when you’re disabled. I fully understand that most disabilities are hidden and looking at me you’d probably never guess I was disabled. Being 18 with my own bills I had to pay them, therefor I had to sign on to universal credit, I know it’s there for people like me who really need it and I know there shouldn’t be all this shame in receiving what you’re rightfully entitled to but it’s people like Nona/Karina/whatever the fuck she is this week, that make you feel the shame. Scroungers like her with nothing wrong other than her weight (which I’m sorry isn’t a good enough excuse, stop shovelling shit and lose the weight) make people like me look like scrounging bastards and I HATE THAT! It’s the fraudsters and the abusers of the system like Nona that make the honest people who just need that support look bad. I’m sick of watching her sit there day in day out getting paid for sitting on her arse eating and contributing to her problems even more.
As for her lives, I got blocked twice, I’d asked for a shout-out for my friends and was told I’d get one if I gifted her, I said I couldn’t afford a gift and got muted. Then today other people on live were talking about her constantly wanting gifts, I’d told them what happened with me asking for a gift, got blocked. Then used my other account and asked why and got blocked again. All she wants is gifts and money. She’s a rude cow constantly playing the victim card and I’m sick of it.

sorry for the lengthy post I just had to get that out!😅
I used to feel sorry for her too until I realised that she had lied about pregnancy, miscarriage and domestic violence. She told everyone that the boyfriend she’s with now broke her jaw the last time they broke up and the excuse she used when giving her lame ass apology was that she was “angry”. We’ve all been angry but I’ve never lied about something so serious. Even when calling her out on it, all her and her supporters/mods can say is that everyone makes mistakes and we’ve all lied in our lives. I don’t know about everyone here but I can honestly say I’ve never lied about anything big like that and I’ve never made a mistake like that either. The more I watch her videos and lives, the more I realise she is just a lying, fat, rude bitch who just wants everything for nothing! Does she really think people should buy her a £15-£20 gift for her to shout them out and follow them? She really is a piece of shit. What really makes me angry as well is when she sits and gets a gift and then goes “oh the next gift I want guys is…” how is that not begging?!
As for the universal credit/benefits thing, never ever feel ashamed of having to receive them because of a disability!! You sound like a lovely person who has had some struggles, you deserve some help! Don’t let anyone, especially people like Karina make you feel ashamed. Take the help where it’s needed and be proud of yourself for trying!!!❤
PS sorry for the long post again, I really need to start controlling myself😂😂😂
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Poor Nathan is doing a sleeout tonight, it’s bloody freezing but he’s doing it for the homeless I think he said. Fucking braindead for anyone to think Karina will do something like that.
Nathan is doing the sleep out for the homeless on the last Saturday in January. Someone asked on his live if Karina was going to join him for it, as a lot of people are saying they’ll go and do it with him, and he said she probably wouldn’t travel there as it’s a long way to go. But she’s more than willing to travel to Leeds to meet up with Shannon and Mel for a night out in March? I’d much rather travel somewhere to potentially raise money for charity and show people I’m not a selfish arsehole than travel somewhere and just get pissed with people who blatantly don’t like me😂😂😂

Because of the hate is that what she said? 😂🤣 the girls had some shit said about her even had people say your dead mum would be ashamed of you which is low to bring in her mum. It was most definitely to do with loosing and her not having a comeback to those saying she should do the same
Yeah she literally cut Nathan off without even explaining why or saying bye and then just went “I’ve cut Nathan off because of all the hate” I’m sorry but people saying that she should and could donate some of her gift money to charity is not hate or bullying. It’s called being a decent human being and giving something back to other people. People spend their money on her to sit on her fat arse all day and she can’t even be bothered to offer to donate some to charity when she’s done fuck all to earn it in the first place😒😒😒
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I'd like to reiterate the eating disorder is probably binge eating disorder, just in case anyone thinks she's referring to a restrictive eating disorder
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Why’s she come back with a completely different attitude it’s like she’s trying to show off to the new boyfriend…what’s she has done to that bedding is a fucking disgrace
She has no respect for anyone or anything and that new boyfriend looks like a toilet brush, and don't get me started on her attitude thinking she's a hard nut and thinking she looks good or in her eyes sexy I think not. One slap and she would fall to the floor xx
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I swear some people just attach themselves to random people on the internet and then blindly support them no matter what🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ People need to open their eyes and see what a vile person she is. She spouts all this shit about other people. She needs to take a long, hard look at herself because she’s one of the worst.
Just been watching her recent videos about tom and I shit you not she is talking straight out of her arse!
1. Saying she’s not sure whether to post the screen recording - She got pissed at Nathan for posting his.
2. Her talking and trying to be protective about her dad - She claimed they aren’t in contact because he’s a ‘bad dad’
3. “This is how you know he’s lying right” - You paused at least 5 times during the 3 minutes and you tried to change your wording too many times that your side of the story seems made up.
4. Saying that Tom’s girlfriend should be scared at him, claiming about how he abused her (AKA; shouting) during an argument. - Didn’t you give him a black eye, Nona? from your comment section from arguments with Dan you’re the monster in them all love.
5. Moaning about Tom saying he hopes she gets cancer - To be honest, if it’s genetic you’re getting it anyway, but with the way your life is going if you don’t develop that it’ll be something else because you have no idea how to treat your own body.
6. You do know the police will want Tom’s side of the story as well as yours? surely you are not that thick to think the police will hear your fluent bullshit and go and arrest him. 😂😂🤣
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He's as much as an unstable vulnerable person as she is. His first live he was talking only about her, pretending he didn't know her name pretending he stumbled across her tiktok etc then he went off live, came back on and wouldn't even talk about her
Seems like he’s gone back off now. Katina has gone very quiet could’ve done with new entertainment 😂
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Hmm liked him at first now not sure.
But he hasn't done anything wrong though.. it's ALL gone out of proportion... there's a lot of things that happened... people on karonas stiring and naths stiring shit last night.
I switched off just after sazzy and nath spoke to each other.. as I had enough for one day lol..
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I’ve been a long time lurker on this page but first time poster so here goes.

I used to actually support Karina. I thought she didn’t deserve the hate, until I realised the ‘hate’ was just a lot of confused people asking questions. Bit of background, I’m autistic with multiple chronic illnesses and mental illnesses, I’ve been severely agoraphobic for 3 years. I can’t even sit in my car without a horrendous panic attack. I can barely have people come in my house. I worked right up until I physically couldn’t get my foot out the door and leaving my job was the hardest decision I’ve made. It was my first job and I fucking loved it. I received PIP already due to my disabilities and it took me a long time with the right support to find a job that suited me and didn’t overwhelm me. so I can fully understand how hard, stressful and overwhelming looking for work is when you’re disabled. I fully understand that most disabilities are hidden and looking at me you’d probably never guess I was disabled. Being 18 with my own bills I had to pay them, therefor I had to sign on to universal credit, I know it’s there for people like me who really need it and I know there shouldn’t be all this shame in receiving what you’re rightfully entitled to but it’s people like Nona/Karina/whatever the fuck she is this week, that make you feel the shame. Scroungers like her with nothing wrong other than her weight (which I’m sorry isn’t a good enough excuse, stop shovelling shit and lose the weight) make people like me look like scrounging bastards and I HATE THAT! It’s the fraudsters and the abusers of the system like Nona that make the honest people who just need that support look bad. I’m sick of watching her sit there day in day out getting paid for sitting on her arse eating and contributing to her problems even more.
As for her lives, I got blocked twice, I’d asked for a shout-out for my friends and was told I’d get one if I gifted her, I said I couldn’t afford a gift and got muted. Then today other people on live were talking about her constantly wanting gifts, I’d told them what happened with me asking for a gift, got blocked. Then used my other account and asked why and got blocked again. All she wants is gifts and money. She’s a rude cow constantly playing the victim card and I’m sick of it.

sorry for the lengthy post I just had to get that out!😅
We all have a rant we need to let off our chests. I’m autistic also or at least I am still fighting for a diagnosis, it’s so difficult! Everyone deals differently with chronic illnesses/disorders, some easily find a suitable job and some don’t, some easily get pip and some don’t. I’m personally still trying to qualify, along with my mother, she’s there with Fibromyalgia, Multiple scoliosis etc, and I’m dealing with a severe blood disorder, along with my anxiety. Neither of us apparently qualify at the minute. It does piss me off how Karina gets it so easy while the rest struggle… She spends her life claiming 2 lots of benefits for whatever reason (she blocks you for asking) and just holds an attitude with everybody except her mods and gifters. I’d LOVE to get the luxury life she has; no interest of at least trying to find a job suitable, eating whatever she wishes because it’s not actually her buying it, having all the time in the world to beg gifts and making a wishlist with no regret. Her fans sit there without actually opening their eyes and understanding what Karina is actually about.. The money, the attention etc. They’re all just looking stupid. Her recent video where she said “Do I complain about having disabilities? yes I do” clearly she doesn’t moan enough when it’s that what is paying her bloody meals and bills 🤨😒 Never could stand the woman and since she’s got more rude to people and her true colours have come out, I never will be able to stand her.
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