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VIP Member
What I don't get is if that house in her name is it council? How can she leave for 3 months to be with tom and Dan stay there for that time and then she comes back and claims he doesn't live there. Maybe she didn't tell them she had moved out to be with another man so the rent kept getting paid and Dan stayed there rent free?


Chatty Member
If ever I were to be held hostage to give up information, watching her eat would make me break.
She is such a disgusting slob of a thing. Adds nothing to society.
She realises she doesn't need to post the first take of something yeah? She could actually correct mistakes and make a bit of effort. Gosh she's just putrid.
And what's with the fucking playdoh on the shelf behind where she parks herself all the time. Is that hers? Does she play with it?
She said playing with the play doh calms her down


VIP Member
She's on live, and saying she's called the police and is taking Nath to court over this 😂 she also called him the r slur, which seems to have angered quite a few of her "fans"
Nooo it’s Tom she’s apparently taking to court. Talking out of her arse as usual 😂


VIP Member
Fuck sake! No way!!!!😳😳😳😳

The people supporting her are actually starting to really annoy me now. There’s prove she’s a horrible person and yet they still defend her? Why?! Just drop her and move on😒😒
^obviously I meant proof but I’m an idiot and I don’t know how to edit a post😂😂


VIP Member
Let’s not forget about her constant switching of reason for why she doesn’t work. It was because she has no confidence one week and now she’s changed it to apparently having a speech impediment all of a sudden.
I have pretty much zero confidence but been in the same job nearly 12 years, she's just lazy

Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
I can’t get over how she sat on live and named these random disabilities, not to mention she said “Uhh” in between them all 😂😂 I have no interest in believing her, she’s just taking the piss.. I’d just let her do the meet and greet and get what she deserves.
My guess is she suffers with depression since her mom died and that's why she's gained so much weight.


Well-known member
Well in a surprising turn of events, it wasn’t spag bol or tuna pasta, less surprisingly it was, in fact, a takeaway😂😂😂
I just watched the “vidyo” why is she so excited over it 😂😂 she can’t fool anybody that she doesn’t get fed. Almost taking her fingers off with every bite, the bleaching process must’ve made her hungry 🤦🏽‍♀️ or she didn’t have breakfast considering she knew she had to be up at 9 for a blood test but slept and missed the appointment anyway 😂


Well-known member
Hahahah bless you!😂😂😂
Exactly!! My sister has been calorie counting since some time last year and she’s done really well! She still eats what she normally would but just in smaller portions and doesn’t have as much sweet stuff. She’s managed to go down 3 clothes sizes as she’s losing the weight slowly☺ Karina is definitely bigger than that now, honestly she’s massive, she needs to do something about it while she still can. I know you get blocked or muted for telling her so but she really needs to be told that she isn’t healthy and that she needs to change🤦🏻‍♀️
Saying that, I’m sat here eating Pringles that have been hanging around the house since Christmas so I shouldn’t be judging😂😂😂😂
While calorie counting I only have 1 cheat day every few weeks. Even if Karina did that she’d still get the odd takeout as long as she’s straight back on it after, and not get distracted and get back into an unhealthy habit 🤦🏽‍♀️ She’s probably at least 28/29st by now.


Well-known member
I get confused with what she says tbh, I’m sure she says different things on purpose so people get confused and don’t understand what she’s on about so she thinks it’s less likely they’ll call her out🤔🤔
Should just get a journal.. Record every lie she makes and what day she does it on 😂😂 Right now she’s saying “I’m having a takeaway tonight guys.. Because I’m upset” 🤦🏽‍♀️


VIP Member
But she admitted to the Domestic violence lie or has her selective memory made her forget that?
Not sazzy 😂😂 it’s too early for her gob to be running

Sazzy exposing a underaged childs face fo 600 people without consent… Of course Karina finds it funny.
Just seen that, as if she’s shown that poor kids face to that many people. How do they not know that’s his family member??


VIP Member
Well yes but karina is her mod but they are always on together..
Shannon hasn't been on at all today not to my knowledge anyways. She's normally on for 2 hours doing her makeup on live.. took her an hour the other day just to do one eye pmsl
Yeah Karina is a mod in hers, sometimes Shannon isn’t on live with Karina though. Sometimes she’s just in the comments when Karina wants to “go live by herself”😂 so surely she’d wanna help? I dunno, I just found it a little weird when I realised😂
I know, I don’t know why it takes so long🤣🤣

😂😂😂😂 Like even using that emoji will get peoples attention? they still ignored her
I know, like people are gunna sit there and think “well I was gunna send a horrible comment about this person but now that one of her mods has commented ⚠BE KIND GUYS⚠ I don’t think I will, moderator Gemini has completely changed my mind, have a great day” like no, they’re still gunna comment and if you block them, they’re more than likely just going to make another account😂😂😂 those mods think they’re the police I swear🤦🏻‍♀️
I beg you just read this whole arse page top to bottom, then come back and genuinely tell me that you think that nona would be capable of faking it, given that these are all the hoops you need to jump through in order to access PIP in the first place.
Look at how much evidence is required, to get what £60 a week? Hardly worth lying for is it. Living on benefits aint an easy life of luxury, no matter what the likes of The Sun and dailymail might try and tell you.
And no, I’m not twisting anything you’re just sat here speaking like some voice of reason when you clearly have absolutely no clue how the system even works.
I’ve explicitly stated several times now, I am not a nona defender, I think she is awful in many ways! Nor am I on benefits myself, I’m a disabled person and I just personally find it really weird when people insist that others aren’t disabled just by simply looking at them.
It is genuinely damaging to the wider disabled community.
Everything you've said in this thread is spot on. Some of us here do agree with you x


VIP Member
Yeah she does. She’s an awful person. But I hate Karina whether she’s live by herself or with someone else. I just think she’s a vile excuse for a human being.
100% she’s disgusting. Karina is easily lead and thinks these people are her friends. Wonder if she’s heard the phrase there not laughing with you there laughing at you.


Well-known member
People who are suicidal, don’t say they’re suicidal. I’m sorry, it might sound harsh but it’s all for attention as usual.

No, he didn’t list them. He just said she has some disabilities. People know she does, she’s always banging on about them. I just mean if she literally had never mentioned anything about being disabled I might be able to see her point but he didn’t even go into detail, he was simply trying to explain why she does some things. He was being nice but now she’s turned on him😒
She literally went on about her dad abusing her but in May she was happy and smiling with him?? I don’t understand like make it make sense Karina love 😂😂😂