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VIP Member
I don’t understand she stated that she’s on good terms with her mum and dad now, but they apparently stopped contact. She needs to make her mind up.. It’s like standing in the toy aisle because my 1 year old niece can’t pick which toy she wants. 😂🙄
I get confused with what she says tbh, I’m sure she says different things on purpose so people get confused and don’t understand what she’s on about so she thinks it’s less likely they’ll call her out🤔🤔


And had a bad tummy but was eating one hefty fking takeaway sandwich with crisps
Oh yeah bad tummy was Jon existant then have seen Nathan's new post she's actually a vile bully

Nathan's part 2 is brilliant she a vile little bully. She actually makes me feel sick xxxx


VIP Member
I have been following Nona/Karina for so long. She used to do dancing videos etc where she was a little smaller than she is now, this weight gain seems to have happened rather quickly because she actually doesn’t leave her bed. anyway, she grinds my gears beyond belief now. As soon as she realised she can sit on her bed and make money from gifts, that’s all she does. You can see her reading questions on her lives but she never answers, only the generic “THANKS FOR THE GIFTS GUYS”.
I know where was some debate over her disabilities/being unable to work, but let’s be completely honest. She can cook, clean, travel, go the shops etc etc. There are jobs she can do - she’s not illiterate, she speaks well enough when she’s begging. She could work for a call center/work from home - I understand we may not how how her disabilities affect her but come on - we see her whole life, all day every day. She knows exactly what she’s doing, she’s too bone idle to even think about a job. She couldn’t wake up in time for a blood test, she has no idea how real life works. She’s still very young and if she carries on she will become an Ian Moore, sitting in her bed all day, never living her life, staring and social media screens.

ANYWAY I don’t want to get into a debate of her disabilities/work capabilities, but I believe she could work. But hey, if she has inheritance money and ridiculous peoples gift money, why would she. It’s the fact she belittled Nathan’s efforts for charity that was the last straw to me - she was actually angry at the fact a charity was getting gifts and she wasn’t. Shes not a nice person, that’s a fact. Money is everything to her and it’s sad to see. I just hope she grows up soon before it’s too late.
Literally agree with every word!! Especially about her getting annoyed that Nathan was getting gifts yesterday for charity and she wasn’t😒
I’m just happy someone else has gone on a rant on here, I’m worried people think I’m unhinged with the amount I post but she seriously just grates on me😂😂😂

Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
She's hilarious going to London in three weeks and thinks she's a celebrity saying photos and signatures for fans, don't forget guys it would be great by the London Eye.
I think she had some sort of big inheritance and that’s where most of her money comes from/came from. Her mum did pass away so there’s a chance she was left a house or a chunk of money. It would also tie in with her saying her dad owed her money. I know she lies a lot but it’s not unrealistic to think she may have been left money from her mum


VIP Member
I have no idea but I am betting she has another secret account because there’s no way she has lasted a whole day without posting anything except the 2 petty videos she did.
I’m honestly surprised she didn’t post anything overnight. And she’s definitely having withdrawals from going live, she won’t stay off much longer😂😂😂 she won’t be able to, how will she buy herself anymore Harry Potter shite or more pointless lights for her bedroom, or god forbid, takeaways😂😂😂


VIP Member
Honestly want her to either leave or to be kicked off, she’s making me depressed just seeing her emotionless face 😂😂 hasn’t tried making conversation or anything, poor sazzy has tried talking to her but ignored. And I couldn’t even make it out, he tries to speak like a roadman too fast to even understand but he was well angry at those calling Shannon boring.. But they aren’t even lying 😂😂

I feel sorry for him. She doesn’t know how it feels to have to be up early for work! she’s so self centered
I know, she’s honestly so boring, nobody would even be able to tell if she froze or muted herself😂😂 even when she tries to show some emotion it’s so fake, and when she “laughs” I swear no noise actually comes out😂😂 I had to go back quick to see what was happening, it’s like a drug I swear, I can’t keep away!!🤣🤣🤣 someone just asked why she’s always so quiet, I think it was a genuine question and Kieran replied saying “mate don’t even start or you’ll get muted” like what?! People can’t even ask simple questions now?!🤦🏻‍♀️ Hahahah, he’s such a weird one, always in the back of her lives or if she goes downstairs for any reason he’s immediately in the comments checking up on her, it’s creepy🤔 she was on live earlier and she said he was in the bath and I’m pretty sure he was still in her comments and watching her😒 that’s probably why they get so offended, because they know it’s the truth but don’t wanna admit it😂😂


Well-known member
If she really is suggesting she has Alzheimer’s or something similar then she wouldn’t even be considering travelling 3 hours on 3 different trains on her own to London? I’m sorry, I know I might be wrong but I don’t believe a word that comes out of that girls mouth. She’s the girl who cried wolf and I hope one day nobody believes her. It’s what she deserves.
This is what is in the Tik Toxic facebook group (What she now knows about) I scribbled names out for their own privacy even though they’re against Karina. I’m a private person I don’t expose 😂😂😂

EDIT- She’s ‘crying’ now.



New member
I did a quick google and short term memory issues are associated with ADHD so maybe she means that? Or it could be to do with her brain injury (assuming shes not lying about that)


VIP Member
I was thinking the exact same as well not seen the Gemini in ages.. it's ALL Mel n the crazy cat woman Faye.. and her new bestie jade who buys her and him gifts .. wtf...
Her mods are insufferable. That Faye literally blocks for anything and everything🤦🏻‍♀️ Someone got blocked because they told her that she could just mute people instead of blocking everyone😂😂 Shannon isn’t a mod in Karina’s though, which I find a little strange? If she was her friend and didn’t want her getting hate and stuff, surely she’d wanna help?🤔


Well-known member
She hasn’t even come back on since the live crashed. Probably ordering her 5th takeaway in the last 6days. Saying that though, she’ll definitely have made Dan go out and get it even though he’s been at work all day and she’s been sat on her fat arse as usual. Probably why she went, he probably got annoyed that they’re having yet another takeaway and his din dins wasn’t ready when he got in😂😂😂😂
I feel bad for him no doubt she’ll spend his money on some useless shit. She probably hasn’t come back on because she isn’t finished being upset yet 😂😂😂