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Well-known member
She still hasn’t finished, I think her partner just asked how long she’s gunna be and she said she still needs to do her powder and highlight? I honestly can’t believe how long it takes her, I’m no makeup artist and I don’t put as much shite on as she does but I only take about 30 minutes, I get bored if it takes me any longer than that😂😂 I’ve never known anyone to put that amount of makeup on to go to the cinema😂 I know, her kid clearly wanted her attention (14 years old or not, she still wanted something) and she just kept getting told to go away because she was helping Karina with her hair but then when the comments got too much she soon wanted her help to read through them. It baffles me why they constantly read out the bad comments as well, that just encourages people to send more because they think it’s funny. Mel’s a miserable little cow anyway, not surprised people comment on it.
We have shannon who laughs at everything and Mel who snaps at everyone, does Karina have any normal friends at all? just rejoined the live and she’s still sat there with the bloody makeup brush 😂 looks like her hair needs doing too or is the face paint the only effort she’s going to? bet everyone is waiting for her 😂😂 still not much speaking from dan, too busy on the xbox.. Scary how Karina is back in the bathroom.


VIP Member
I’m not excusing her behaviour however I do think she’s incredibly vulnerable. I watched her last year and she was very depressed, her mum passed away a few years ago, she didn’t seem to have any family and lived by herself. Now she’s in and out of relationships in and out of hotels and doesn’t seem to have a stable environment.
Part of me feels sorry for her but she’s also very rude to people and very defensive. But I think maybe she can’t see what other people can.

i saw a bit of her life yesterday and her boyfriend was really going all out with the swearing and threats of beating people up. I have no idea what it was even about but he was very aggressive


Well-known member
I genuinely know fuck all about these gifts. Is a disco ball worth a lot?
No clue how much she gets but even when the gift is big TikTok takes so much percentage out of it.

Just brisk walk if she comes for ya she under no circumstances will be able to keep up with u
😂😅 she’ll be huffing and puffing trying to keep up, unless she sees a cafe or something and sneaks in for food because all she does is eat


VIP Member
Jesus Christ I remember someone saying on a video that she won’t even drown she’ll just float 😂😂😂😂 If you think that’s mean I say we sell her to like a beach hut shop where they sell floaties for the kids.. She’d be a limited edition one ffs 🤣🤣
Hahahaha, if she floats she gets burnt at the stake😂😂😂 I don’t make the rules🤣🤣🤣
Hahaha💀💀💀 there’s definitely enough on her to make a good 10 floaties, kids are only little😂😂😂


Well-known member
You think that’s bad? Earlier I heard her on live asking if anyone would miss her or be sad if she died😳😳 what sort of question is that? Clearly she wasn’t winning the game😂😂😂
Yea I heard that wen she was dueling nathan n not winning... send me train send me a train
Tonight's live is soooooo boring . Shannon cameon all guys glazing . I'm not quiet stop picking on me
Mel n the puppy jeez

Can just imagine her pretending to be dead and having dan announce she’s dead just cause she lost 😂😂😂
No she will do a shout out she's dead lol

Can just imagine her pretending to be dead and having dan announce she’s dead just cause she lost 😂😂😂
Ding dong the witch is dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well-known member
It actually makes me really angry because she always thinks she’s in the right. It doesn’t help when her little gang of arseholes always tell her she’s right as well. And don’t even get me started on him taking her back and her getting away with lying about him breaking her jaw😳😡

I’ve got 2 accounts, I’m blocked on my “main” one so had to make another one, I couldn’t miss out on watching that train wreck🤣🤣🤣 I actually had another 2 accounts that I made to watch her but got blocked on both of those as well so I deleted them as I didn’t need them for anything else😂😂😂
Thought it was just me who deleted accounts after being blocked 😂😂😂 literally only made them to watch her, i’m at the point of being too tired to make new email addresses so I type in random letters 😂🤦🏽‍♀️ not like I’ll need it again. Those who got a verification email should feel lucky they were chosen. 🤣


Well-known member
Someone on live they have a spare tenner and asked what she would like from her wish list and her boyfriend had to tell her to say “you don’t have to” as she was about to just start saying what she wanted. INFURIATING.

Someone also said it doesn’t feel right asking people for stuff… she booted off saying “I’m not asking, people are offering. There’s a difference” … yet she sits and says the highest gifter gets a shoutout.
She infuriates me, she always says people ask for it but not once have I seen anyone ask for a wishlist to be made. When she was on live last night her and dan were talking amongst themselves and she was like “Oh, we need that I’ll add it to the list” like we’re responsible for buying everything she needs now? some woman bought her a mug and in her ‘thankful’ video she said it’s something she really needed.. If she was that desperate she could’ve got it herself? relying on others money while she gets dan’s income and 2 lots of benefits in the bank. horrendous.


VIP Member
The live is hilarious when there’s no mods 😂 It’s like a school classroom with no teachers. I don’t get why the mods are so quick to block people.. at least give me chance to read the comment first 😂😂 it’s not like Karina reads them, even if she does she hardly does anything about it. It’s all attention to her.
She had like 4/5 mods in just now and they’ve all disappeared again. They obviously can’t be arsed blocking and muting people either😂😂
Surprise surprise, Nathan has won 4 games in a row so she’s sat feeling sorry for herself getting all the “what’s up Karina” comments😒 how have people not caught on to it yet? When she’s winning she’s laughing and joking and the second someone else starts getting gifts and overtaking her she starts laying there all “sad” 😒🤦🏻‍♀️

😂 I know she looks at the comments like these people are dog shit on her shoe. Really not a people person at all but is as beggy as Karina.
mob the breathing on her videos when she’s eating 🤢
Yeah that’s exactly it! She looks at peoples comments as if they disgust her, even if they’re nice. These people really are something else😒


Well-known member
I feel bad for him no doubt she’ll spend his money on some useless shit. She probably hasn’t come back on because she isn’t finished being upset yet 😂😂😂
She so dramatic I've never seen anything like her before .. 1.1k ppl watching it mind she brought in the viewers


Well-known member
She did that last time with the excuse that she had no dye left.

ps. She accepted my instagram request 😂😂😂
Aww that
Hahahahah that’s absolute bullshit, there was so much on her head, she could have spared some for that patch at the back😂😂😂

Hahah yes, behind enemy lines😂😂😂

Have you seen how much more shite she’s added to her wishlist? She’s actually taking the piss now🤣🤣
What the actual .. also have you seen the number of " Back up " accounts she has now I counted 7 last night


Well-known member
I went in her live earlier and she was singing using that ridiculous microphone and she had all the voice changer things on🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I wanted to comment saying is this really what you spend your time doing as a grown adult on a Monday afternoon?! But I didn’t wanna get blocked because that’s the only account I can watch her on🤣🤣🤣 so I had to leave before I couldn’t control myself😂😂😂

Anyone watched her breakfast video from this morning? Sorry to be disgusting but it genuinely looked like the cat had shit all over her avocado on toast🤮🤮🤮
The microphone wasn’t even on for the first song she sang, nobody had decency to tell her (which I appreciated) she was sat eating salad looking at it like it was shit with sugar on 🤣🤣🤣 clearly not as greasy as she’s used to.

I was confused on what herbs she used what made it look like paste on top of eggs 😂😂 surely it’d just look like sprinkles.. she’s clearly mixed it with something no doubt the eggs has LOADS of salt in. 🤣🤣 she’ll be back on the takeaway later.


Well-known member
Hahahaha and packet mash😂😂😂 thing is, if she’d just have smaller portions of what she already eats it might help to start with🤣🤣 then go on to changing what she eats and having healthier options. But she “tries” throwing herself all in on day one and then can’t be bothered because it’s too much work and by the end of the week she’ll be having takeaway again and saying she doesn’t need to diet because she’s healthy enough because all her clothes fit🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
She does it on purpose. I’ve started calorie counting, not because i’m overweight but i’m like expected to shove myself into a bridesmaid dress in September 😂😂😂 cannot imagine Nona in that situation at all but she needs to buy a pair of scales and download a calorie counter app.. she says she’s 26st still but I highly doubt that it’s been ages since her last weigh.. If she wants to actually be healthy she needs to properly try.