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She’s not going to London now but she’s going at the end of the month amd considered doing a meet and greet 😂 she’s telling people to bring there phones and note pads for signatures 🤣😂 oh my dear god!!
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Because people have asked .. I don't know who have asked as I been on many lives no one has asked for meet and greet.
She had no money last night for a ticket yet all of a sudden bought a ticket and staying in London for 3 nights.. how can she afford that.
Also she's going by herself never met Mel or nathan before yet she has no confidence to work. Really?
I don't understand it all
She got an overdraft or something. She knows nothing about money or shit, she was asking Nathan how long she had until she had to pay the bank back.
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It wouldnt even take a wet sponge to realise she aint disabled, shes made up countless disabilities - she is fully capeable! Theres no doctors or disabilities its literally bullshit looool
‘There’s no doctors or disabilities, it’s literally bullshit’
Hang on, do you genuinely just think you can just turn up at the office demanding money for disabilities with no evidence or are you just taking the piss here?
Medical evidence is crucial part of making a claim for PIP, you have to prove that you’re actually diagnosed with a disability and need help for it, often the DWP will actually contact your doctor for you and ask them about it so you literally can’t make it up lmao.
Honestly this isn’t even about nona anymore, I’m just baffled at your ignorance of how the benefits system works. It seems like you think you can just waltz in say ‘I’m disabled’ and walk out with fistfuls of cash or something?
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Are you thick? What makes you think she hasnt sat there and put on an act infront of her doctor? I'm baffled at the fact you think Karina is truly disabled and you really believe in your head that she's unable to work! 😂 I aint talking about other people, this is very much about fat slob herself and no one else, why are you trying to twist what everyones saying? You're either a Little Nona defender or you play the system just like she does and you feel victimised right now.
I beg you just read this whole arse page top to bottom, then come back and genuinely tell me that you think that nona would be capable of faking it, given that these are all the hoops you need to jump through in order to access PIP in the first place.
Look at how much evidence is required, to get what £60 a week? Hardly worth lying for is it. Living on benefits aint an easy life of luxury, no matter what the likes of The Sun and dailymail might try and tell you.
And no, I’m not twisting anything you’re just sat here speaking like some voice of reason when you clearly have absolutely no clue how the system even works.
I’ve explicitly stated several times now, I am not a nona defender, I think she is awful in many ways! Nor am I on benefits myself, I’m a disabled person and I just personally find it really weird when people insist that others aren’t disabled just by simply looking at them.
It is genuinely damaging to the wider disabled community.
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why was Dan even on a live with this (wonderful person) just letting them go to town on his girlfriend.... I take it back, Karina and Dan are as thick as eachother.
Is this real life!?
Very articulate and clued in person Evil Queen is.

Okay I gotta ask... Is Chelsea a girl or a guy or what? Not that it matters but I'm so entertained and confused!
Pretty sure they’re transgender, I saw a comment on facebook saying something about transphobic but I’m not 100%.
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Exactly, she’s read something somewhere and now suddenly has symptoms of something? Whether it be sleep apnea or insomnia, I don’t think she has either, I think she’s just lazy.
Yeah she came straight on live this morning at around half 11 saying she’d just woken up and was so tired because she hadn’t gone to sleep until 4? But like someone commented on the live, that’s still like 7 hours sleep? That’s plenty of sleep to function, especially when all she does is sit in bed all day anyway. Then Dan went live and by 12oclock she was asleep behind him again🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t get it, it would help if she went and got some fresh air rather than sitting in the same room all day.
Oh my god, what happened?! What did she do?😂😂 I was watching Dan for a bit last night when she went off and I don’t think she realised he was live and she came back in the room and said something along the lines of “I want nippies” and someone else thought she said “I want lickies” either way, revolting🤮😂 Dan went extremely red and everyone started commenting saying Karina’s frisky and then she sat on the bed and said “yeah I want sex guys” and it was at that moment I turned off😂😂😂
Omg 😂😂 She just pulled her vibrator out of fucking nowhere and had to show everyone it, I couldn’t believe my eyes.. I know everyone owns one at some point but Karina?! 😳😆 She was like “I hope I don’t get banned” well why show it then? nobody told you to, it wasn’t even a conversation.
I can’t imagine her and Dan in any possible way without being sick.. She must’ve just been very frisky last night 🤦🏽‍♀️
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HAHAHAHA! Fuck sake🤣🤣🤣 I don’t imagine they’ll miss much conversation by not inviting her😂 I doubt they’ll end up going anyway, Karina can’t even spend more than 40 minutes downstairs, I don’t think she’ll go to London, it’s too far away from her bed😂😂😂 literally, and it was so fucking awkward, it actually hurt to watch😳😳😂😂
Karina will sleep in and miss the train, she’s already confident and admitting that she won’t be able to be awake at 5:30 😂😂😂 To say she has no clue what even happens in London or any of its surroundings they’re going to be in a shitty position to even have her as a tour guide anyway 🤦🏽‍♀️😂 they’d never make it fucking home. “Backpacking with Kariinaaaa”
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Just been on her live titled 'Upset'. She's explained what her disabilities are. This is a paraphrased explanation obviously: Her birth dad abused her which caused her physical injuries and brain injury leading to special needs. She also specified ADHD, and an eating disorder (I would assume this is Binge Eating Disorder). She also said that she "forgets things quite a lot" and said it was similar to elderly people and I assume she's referring to those with alzheimers. She then said that she wouldn't lie about something like that (obviously her past has shown she has and would lie about abuse but okay). I don't know if she has anything else but those are the things she listed.

And yes in case you were wondering she did pause her explanation to thank people for gifts, which were rolling in.
If she really is suggesting she has Alzheimer’s or something similar then she wouldn’t even be considering travelling 3 hours on 3 different trains on her own to London? I’m sorry, I know I might be wrong but I don’t believe a word that comes out of that girls mouth. She’s the girl who cried wolf and I hope one day nobody believes her. It’s what she deserves.

This is what pisses me off.. She’s all laughing with Nathan now! Saying she didn’t mean to say she’ll give signatures, she literally blamed her disability for saying that.. I’m just as lost as what I was before

AHAHAHA her mods as security 😂😂😂 they’ll be equipped with plastic tasers and guns.
Hahahaha I can see it now. Then you’ll have people coming back to line up with disguises on and her mods will be none the wiser that they’ve already been there🤦🏻‍♀️🤣
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And was laughing as someone mentioned thing. Like if she was mature enough she’d of ignored that but no she mentioned it amd laughed. Because every women who’s needing food banks wants a thong
She won't donate nothing she's so self centred it's all me me me .. she cut nathan off as she was getting loads of hate.
All her fans stop bullying her .. really you don't know what bullying is... she was more concerned getting the followers... I'm literally screaming at screen because of her
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What's her disability so? What did she say it was on live recently.... Bí polar or something? I know dozens of people working full time with this.

She's a sack of shit, a lazy good for nothing drain on society. She's the poster girl for what's wrong with benefits Britain and makes every poor bastard who genuinely can't contribute to society look bad.
Ok but my point there literally wasn’t even about nona. My point was that coming on here and saying you don’t believe someone has a disability because they know how to play on a nintendo switch is just genuinely an embarrassingly silly thing to say lmao.
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Just listening to her in the background on @thedanielk999 live she has got him wrapped around her finger. She is so insulting i wish his family or friends would tell him. Hes a happy bloke plodding on working and his cars and she is taking the bloody piss.
He just said “my phone is on 8% so i’m gonna head off for the night” and she immediately went “no” like excuse me Miss Piggy in the back, it’s not your account so shut the fuck up! It’s not his fault you’re too much of a big pussy to go live now with you being so outed. Stupid slob.
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Also, just want to say… she isn’t going to London this weekend now, she’s apparently going at the end of the month for 5-7 days, she hasn’t decided yet (I assume it depends how many gifts she manages to get out of people between now and then) and she’s considering doing a meet and greet while she’s there. She’s delusional if she thinks any more than 10 people are serious💀💀💀
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That sazzy and Gemini sticking up for her, making excuses for her it’s vile. I got muted for saying get these two off and speak to Nathan on his own, 3 against one isnt fair. And why do they keep saying “he’s a man against these women” what has that got to do with anything?? She’s doxxed him and called him all sorts but that’s okay because she’s a woman? 🥴
I hate it when people bring gender into stuff. It doesn’t matter what you are. If you’re right, you’re right. If you’re wrong, you’re wrong. Nathan is right. Karina is wrong. People who are still sticking up for her are enabling and encouraging her behaviour and it’s very dangerous. People need to be telling her she’s wrong whether they’re her friends or not. They should not be encouraging her.
She’ll change her name again soon and hope everyone forgets about what she’s done.
Let’s not forget or gloss over the fact that Dan was also transphobic on his live with Chelsea last night. I believe she’s transgender and he said “I can’t tell if you’re a man or woman”. He should not be allowed to say that, just because he didn’t have any other comebacks because everything she was saying was true. I used to think he was a decent person but I’m starting to believe he’s as bad as Karina, his attitude is getting worse and he’s enabling her. If he doesn’t want to go down with Karina when it inevitably happens then I suggest he gets as far away from her as possible.
Had more to say than I thought again and went off my original point😂😂😂

She isn't even talking just sat there playing with her hair while her rottweiler mouths off! She's a grown women and should fight her own battles! Telling Nathan to join when it's 3 against 1 coz she hasn't got the balls to face him herlself!

And the rottweiler leaves the live and she ends it instantly! Grow some balls Karina and deal with your own shit like an adult
I went into her live for about 30 seconds and could hear her Rottweiler spouting some shit and Karina was sat there just lights are on no one’s a home😂😂😂😂
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😂😂😂😂 her mentioning sausages and mash like you’ve made that enough, but I know her fish talk will be buying a battered fish from the fish shop and microwaving bagged vegetables.
Hahahaha and packet mash😂😂😂 thing is, if she’d just have smaller portions of what she already eats it might help to start with🤣🤣 then go on to changing what she eats and having healthier options. But she “tries” throwing herself all in on day one and then can’t be bothered because it’s too much work and by the end of the week she’ll be having takeaway again and saying she doesn’t need to diet because she’s healthy enough because all her clothes fit🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
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