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Hang on, is she actually sat in bed while her boyfriend is trying to sleep so he can get up for work in the morning??
Yeah she sat downstairs for about 40 minutes earlier and then went back upstairs to bed because she was “cold”. She’s just so selfish.
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Watched Karina on my iPad and nathan on my phone 😂😂😂😂 Shannon’s boyfriend was in nathan’s live saying Karina treats her the same way

She literally went “This is making me think of suici-“ then ended it. Attention seeking bitch I’m not checking on her, she brought it on herself. I knew she’d abuse and gaslight Nathan at some point she’s absolutely ridiculous
People who are suicidal, don’t say they’re suicidal. I’m sorry, it might sound harsh but it’s all for attention as usual.

I didn’t hear Nathan list her disabilities in the video?
No, he didn’t list them. He just said she has some disabilities. People know she does, she’s always banging on about them. I just mean if she literally had never mentioned anything about being disabled I might be able to see her point but he didn’t even go into detail, he was simply trying to explain why she does some things. He was being nice but now she’s turned on him😒
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God sake 😂😂😂 who gave her the castle? there has to be huge hair clumps coming out this time she should’ve left it. Mel has to leave the live soon I’m guessing and Karina claims she won’t be able to do it without her, this is just a whole new showcase itself.
I really can’t get over Mel’s messy hair with everything sticking out with the whole glam going on she looks like a right muppet 🤦🏽‍♀️😆
Nobody gifted the castle, she changed her mind and said she’d do it again if someone gifted a train and then said two trains. She ended up getting two trains so low and behold she did it🤦🏻‍♀️ Oh I do hope so, I need a good laugh😂😂 when she’s eventually finished her makeup, I hope it’s a midnight showing of the movie, I don’t think they’ll make it otherwise😂 can’t wait to see what Karina does when Mel has to leave😂 she thinks she looks like a super model when in reality she looks like a drag queen🤦🏻‍♀️😂
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Tiktok is full of begs😂😂

She’s on live now, there’s my afternoon entertainment sorted while I get ready for new year😂😂
Aye, everyone planning to get drunk but with Karina’s live and my chinese later I’m sorted 😂😂 can’t see her going out later. She’s literally just been talking about Fanny flaps with her friend Sazzy 😳🤣
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Because you seemed to be questioning as to why I was here.
Oh right and I suppose he pinky promised you and said mums as well?
If you’re all about the disabled community you should know how difficult it is to actually fake a disability and get money off the state for it.
I’ve been to a PIP assessment before and trust me, it is not easy to lie. In fact, now more than ever with all the tory cuts to social care, it’s far more common for disabled people who genuinely need benefits to have them taken from them than for someone to get away with lying about a disability in order to obtain benefits, and then to keep that lie going for years and years.
You have to think about what you’re saying here, do you genuinely think that someone as thick as nona could get away with lying to multiple medical professionals with years of experience and DWP assessors who are literally trained to spot liars?
She’s been reported to DWP don’t worry 🤣🤣🤣 a very nice lady is keeping updates about it. Hopefully they do a welfare check also. And to educate, you can fake and get paid for even when it is difficult. Take the series ‘The Act’ for example, Gypsy’s mother makes out she has all of these illnesses/disabilities and got paid for every single of them. Those who REALLY want the money will sit there and sign those papers. Google has enough to make anyone clever enough, same goes with those who fake mental illness. Think about it, how other people put their experiences with certain disabilities online, how can you say she hasn’t script read one of those to make it as her own. She really does try and be slick but her innocence isn’t working.
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New member
‘There’s no doctors or disabilities, it’s literally bullshit’
Hang on, do you genuinely just think you can just turn up at the office demanding money for disabilities with no evidence or are you just taking the piss here?
Medical evidence is crucial part of making a claim for PIP, you have to prove that you’re actually diagnosed with a disability and need help for it, often the DWP will actually contact your doctor for you and ask them about it so you literally can’t make it up lmao.
Honestly this isn’t even about nona anymore, I’m just baffled at your ignorance of how the benefits system works. It seems like you think you can just waltz in say ‘I’m disabled’ and walk out with fistfuls of cash or something?
Are you thick? What makes you think she hasnt sat there and put on an act infront of her doctor? I'm baffled at the fact you think Karina is truly disabled and you really believe in your head that she's unable to work! 😂 I aint talking about other people, this is very much about fat slob herself and no one else, why are you trying to twist what everyones saying? You're either a Little Nona defender or you play the system just like she does and you feel victimised right now.
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Jeeze her shout outs are pathetic. To a couple on their engagement she said I hope you've settled 😂
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And now bleaching it’s going to look awful. There’s a reason the hairdressers refused to do it
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This made me laugh, a relative of mine got declined 7 times and they suffer with fibromyalgia AND MS she cant even walk! But people like Nona get accepted? You can say we are 'obsessed' but most of us are pissed of with obese, begging scum bags like Nona that lie, she aint disabled and I could easily put any money on that, she knows what she is doing and clearly you are another individual that has completely fell for it.

She previously made a video apologising for lying about being in a domestic violent relationship, being hit & lying about being pregnant. Also another video stating she knows she gets alot of money and she doesnt care if one cant afford something, il admit that set me in a rage - she is nothing but a dosser and i have 0 sympothy for her.

I have NEVER known someone with disabilities to lie about those situations, my sister has ADHD, learning difficulties and mild autism and she has NEVER acted the way Nona has, theres 0 excuse for it.
I’ve not ‘fallen’ for anything, I just find it laughable that people like you seem to think you know better than the doctors who would have assessed nona and diagnosed her with whatever disability she has. It’s just pure arrogance imo.
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Why on earth does she need a carer? She’s perfectly capable of looking after herself, she “cleans” the house, she cooks the meals (albeit they’re usually microwave). She’s just morbidly obese and lazy. She’s exactly like Lucy rose and if she sees an opportunity to get more gifts because she’s “upset” or “worried” then she will. She’s honestly something else, the amount of times she’s said about having pregnancy symptoms. I’m sorry but it’s all bullshit, every single thing she does is for attention. I know, she completely forgets what she’s said when she’s getting gifts and her mood instantly perks up. I cannot wait to see the absolute car crash that her doing her hair will be.
She’s got Mel and Dan in the guest box while she’s making an absolute mess of her hair, obviously only listens to them and not any of the comments just because Mel always changes her hair colour.. Heard of different hair types? 😂😱 but it is an interesting live, keeps mentioning that the hairdresser refused to do it as she needs to grow it out.. she’s ruined it all now doing it by herself after being told no.
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Oh fuck let me see I’m missing it

She’s disgusting, probably Faye wouldn’t think it’s repulsive but I snapped at her earlier 🤣🤣🤣 but damn do I feel better.
Nathan looks genuinely upset, I actually feel bad for him! She’s a massive c**t. She’s doing all this for more attention. Hopefully this time it’ll backfire😒😒😒

It was disgusting. Faye would probably lick it off😂😂😂 sorry I know that’s too far, but I had to say it😂😂😂
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Just listening to her in the background on @thedanielk999 live she has got him wrapped around her finger. She is so insulting i wish his family or friends would tell him. Hes a happy bloke plodding on working and his cars and she is taking the bloody piss.

Has he done one recently? I saw the one where he said she’s not 21.
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