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I can’t stand watching any more of her today, but my partners just said he was watching that James’ live (I don’t know if he was on with Karina or my partner just came across him on the fyp) and they complimented him and he was extremely rude back. So I’m not surprised he likes Karina, he clearly thinks it’s okay to be rude to people who are asking questions or simply commenting and interacting. All these creators on tiktok seem to be very entitled and stuck up. They all think they’re something special and act like the world owes them something. It’s getting so so annoying.
Sorry, I know this isn’t technically directly about Karina.
No, you're right. You've hit the nail on the head. They're all so happy to put themselves out there, but won't take criticism and they all think they're the first person to put videos on the internet. And the fans don't help! They all have such inflate senses of self- if they didn't, there wouldn't be threads about them.

Karina especially seems to think the majority of her followers are laughing with her, but they're not. They're laughing at her. She's a spectacle to them; someone with no self-awareness, acting silly online. The more gifts she gets the broader & louder she gets. The majority of her followers probably view her as the local jester.
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Where were her mods then? 😂😂😂😂
And I have no clue what account is what. If she’s banned then she needs to fuck off nobody is her friend

One of the melt’s supporters 😂😂😂 goes to show how her ‘fans’ have no idea about her.
I swear some people just attach themselves to random people on the internet and then blindly support them no matter what🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ People need to open their eyes and see what a vile person she is. She spouts all this shit about other people. She needs to take a long, hard look at herself because she’s one of the worst.
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I don't know much about her disabilities, I must have missed those comments. I do feel she's a product of a dysfunctional upbringing, perhaps with added trauma. I would hope she has a social worker but with the pandemic a lot of people have been left floundering. Shes super annoying but really the only person/people shes hurting is herself, although the baby loss is probably quite triggering for some.
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Shannon’s sister giving her grief on live for being friends with Karina.. And Karina has the audacity to give a speech on disrespectful talking, excuse me? the amount of times you have bad mouthed people you’re the last person I want as support, saying “She has a sttitude” and “needs to grow the fuck up” like look in the mirror 😂😂😂😂 I wouldn’t want my sibling to be friends with you either, you’re a whole mess!
On that note; she’s back making her famous pasta dish. FFS. 🤣
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I’ve tried keeping off her lives today as she actually makes me feel unwell 😂😂 Just seeing her sat in her bed what she does literally everything in apart from shit and wash herself wearing a tank top covered in alsorts makes me want to puke 🤦🏽‍♀️ I can’t even understand how she lives like this at all.
I was watching this show earlier and it was showing a homeless person hiding in someone’s like bin area at the side of the house and I immediately thought to how much her life and all the other less unfortunate’s lives could’ve changed if Karina was generous enough to donate the money she makes from gifts/the creator fund. She doesn’t understand how ‘lucky’ she is to be able to afford 4 takeaways day after day, even someone who works stated they can’t afford one! any day is a pamper day for her, she’s living the easiest life when she shouldn’t be. What challenge has she even come across yet? Wish I could spend all day dueling a friend getting gifts 😂

She’s only impersonating a dying cat for everybody! I think it’s a talent to be able to do that 😂😂
She’s genuinely starting to make me feel ill too but I have serious FOMO when it comes to her lives. I don’t wanna miss her shaving/dyeing her hair/eyebrows😂😂😂 she’s sat in bed in that top that she bleached her hair in and I’d put money on the fact it’s not been washed🤣
She’s honestly so selfish it’s unbelievable, she could easily donate some of her money she gets from gifts to charity even if it wasn’t much, it would at least be a gesture. Considering people are literally just giving her their (mostly) hard earned money for doing absolutely fuck all.
4 takeaways in 4 days is actually grotesque. Dans also had a takeaway breakfast one of those days too and I doubt Karina would miss out on food. So they’ve actually had 5 takeaways in 4 days🤮 then she sat on live not even an hour after she’d had her large cheesy chips and TRIPLE chicken burger with a whole chocolate gateau next to her still in the plastic, eating it with a spoon🤮
The funniest parts are when she gets angry because other people are winning and then she disappears. She doesn’t even like Dan winning when he’s duelling her when she’ll get that money anyway🤦🏻‍♀️😂
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😂😂😂 You’re all missing out if you haven’t seen the recent video where she’s playing the depressed card, and that she won’t go live again but was live 30 minutes after.

Reason for the break: people making fun of her disabilities and she’s ashamed of herself.

Don’t put yourself out there then? don’t compulsively lie? You brought this on yourself. Maybe the break should have been damn permanent not half an hour. (she’s still live now)
I shut off after the whole sherbang of the can't go live with Nathan as my boyf gets gel .. yet 30mins after she was live with James. Like wtf..
I saw the pitty post n all the ppl saying aww bless her she needs help .. well I shit you not ppl been trying to tell her that for years ..
She loves the attention it's just way off now never thought anyone would grab so low for attention ..
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You would think so. From what I’ve seen she doesn’t have anyone to guide and direct her… I think she’s surrounded by enablers.

I remember watching the live where she was shaving her head and I kept commenting ‘STOP’, but she was ignoring the comments that were being written for her own well being and she was smiling/laughing at the ones saying ‘shave more! Shave more!’… and what did she do, she carried on shaving it.
These are those “friends” who keep sticking up for her I can’t get my head around it all. Her fella should be giving her an ultimatum like he did the other night telling her to get off live with Nathan
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If ever I were to be held hostage to give up information, watching her eat would make me break.
She is such a disgusting slob of a thing. Adds nothing to society.
She realises she doesn't need to post the first take of something yeah? She could actually correct mistakes and make a bit of effort. Gosh she's just putrid.
And what's with the fucking playdoh on the shelf behind where she parks herself all the time. Is that hers? Does she play with it?
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Tom did sound abit unhinged 😅 it made me laugh
Yeah he did, but I think anyone would be if they had to deal with her😂😂😂

If she’s gunna do that though (obviously she’s deleted it now) she needs to give both sides of the story because I bet they were just as bad as him but they’re trying to make themselves look like the victims as usual.
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How does she get so many boyfriends lol I see she’s taking collage seriously sitting doing tick rocks all day
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Had to laugh on her live some one said come off social media then she said I don't need to come off social media guys.. if your that depressed you would
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Trust her to be live with her bf so they get double the gifts. Swear the people are tapped who constantly gift them 🤷🏼‍♀️
Yeah that’s exactly what it is, I wanna see Dan win because I know it annoys her but it’ll all end up being hers in the end anyway🤦🏻‍♀️

Anyone see the live earlier where she was duelling Shannon and won 5 times in a row and was laughing and joking about winning and then Shannon won twice and she went to cut the live off before the game finished😂😂 then she said to Shannon she had to go off and do something but was back on within 2 minutes, everyone asked her to go on with Shannon again but she said she just wanted to be live by herself for a bit and now she’s duelling her bf so it doesn’t matter who wins the games because all the money will be hers anyway. I honestly don’t understand people who gift these beggars on tiktok. She only interacts with people who gift her saying she’ll follow them at the end, which she doesn’t do. I swear she could leave the room and leave a voice recording of her saying “tap the screen” and “thanks for the gift” every 2 minutes and nobody would know any different. She’s actually infuriating.
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Oh beautiful😂😂😂
Nathan said something about her being a witch and I really wanted to say let’s drown her then and find out😂😂😂 I apologise in advance if that’s too mean🤣🤣🤣
Jesus Christ I remember someone saying on a video that she won’t even drown she’ll just float 😂😂😂😂 If you think that’s mean I say we sell her to like a beach hut shop where they sell floaties for the kids.. She’d be a limited edition one ffs 🤣🤣
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Yeah I know, they’re doing it on purpose because of what she said but when Nathan was making it joke of it, she took it seriously🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ She was like “Nathan said he isn’t going to stop talking about me until he gets to 10k, what does that tell you” it tells us you’re a stupid, gullible bitch tbf😂😂 yeah I keep doing the same thing, and to see if anyone else has commented😂😂😂
I was literally like you’re just making it worse by making it look like he actually means it 🤣🤣🤣 but Dan isn’t any better he spent a good few hours talking about Nathan last night

Bloody hell 😂😂😂😂😂 Great limiting movement disabilities you have nona.


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