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They were just on live with someone who sells wax melts and of course the first thing Faye the crazy cat lady asks is if they’re safe with cats (obviously that is important, I just found it so funny)🤦🏻‍♀️😂 then Karina decided to start pretending to fall asleep because she wasn’t getting any attention and any time anyone asked where she was or if she’d fallen asleep she would start laughing and showing her massive gums🤮🤮 and now she’s ended the live to go for a nap at 6pm?! Who does that? Just stay awake for a few more hours and go to bed when Dan does😒😒
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Good shout, it’s quite sad that everything needs to be documented now because of how much she lies.

I have a feeling she’ll still carry on like nothing has happened though, like she always seems to do
Shouldn’t someone at this point close to her tell her enough is enough amd to come off tik tok for her own safety. That girl would stoop to any level to get attention and if there saying about scratches and blaming Nathan that is really a step to far.
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I genuinely think her having sleep apnea is yet another lie. It’s just to explain that hippo snoring she does in the background of Dans lives and the fact she likes to sleep during the day because “she doesn’t sleep at night”. It’s funny how when dans at work all day, she can stay awake to sit on live constantly, seems as though she can’t be bothered to stay awake to spend time with him, she’s either on live or asleep. She seems happy enough when she’s on live with that Nathan and then comes off and the first thing she does is bite Dans head off😂
Also, sleep apnea doesn’t stop you sleeping at night like she claims it does, she’s said multiple times that she doesn’t sleep until the early hours of the morning and that’s why she sleeps during the day? I honestly think she’s read something somewhere and just decided she has it, but I also think she’s read about insomnia and thinks it said sleep apnea. She’s dumb as a box of rocks🤦🏻‍♀️😂
Sleep apnea does lead to poor quality sleep. It stops you from breathing at night and as a reflex response you automatically wake up gasping for air, repeatedly doing that throughout the night definitely leaves sufferers feeling exhausted during the day. That said, she is up all hours as well so that’d certainly contribute to the tiredness too.
If she does have sleep apnea then she needs to seriously get on that diet and lose weight ASAP, having it that young is very worrying tbh. Idk if anyone saw but she made a video about big.chubby who passed away recently, giving her condolences (whilst sat on the toilet of all places🙄), and it made me wonder, did what happened to him not absolutely terrify her??
He died due to covid complications but his body was a wreck before. He suffered a lot of health conditions, was extremely obese, and had sleep apnea too, does she not see herself going down the same road as him and want to change? I don’t get it
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She’s on live asking what takeaway to get 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Fat bitch, get off ur arse and cook Dan a nice meal for once
I think all I have seen her cook is spag bowl 😅 poor Dan works all day and she cant even get off her arse and make him a nice bit of dinner. I can't watch her eat makes me wanna spew 🤮
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He’s avoiding the punches let’s be honest, if he said what he actually thought Karina wouldn’t be taking none of it.. No uncooked sausages or spag bol for him later 😂😂 I do feel like he could speak up though, not like he can ever control what she does cause she never listens to anybody but Mel 🤦🏽‍♀️
Definitely, if he said what he was actually thinking I have no doubt that she’d hit him. She definitely seems the type and then she’d twist it round so her little sheep still support her. Hahaha, don’t even get me started on having spag bol 5 nights in a row😂😂 not even just that though, they have massive cooked meals for lunch too and then have big cooked dinners about 5 hours later, I don’t know how they eat so much🤦🏻‍♀️ I know, it seems Mel is the be all and end all of everything Karina does😂
That Mel can’t take a joke either, someone else called Karina boris Johnson and Karina just laughed and said she does look a bit like him and Mel was like oh that’s so mean and got her crusty knickers in a twist😂 it’s taken her about 4 hours to do that makeup as well and she still looks like fucking pennywise😳
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Oh yeah bad tummy was Jon existant then have seen Nathan's new post she's actually a vile bully
There’s many more parts to come, I’m glad he’s getting it out there. She is absolutely vile, bringing the drama into the group chat just cause she has nothing to defend herself with
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Its all kicking off on naths live and posts. Hes posted a video of her giving him abuse last night. Pass me the popcorn.
Oh fuck let me see I’m missing it

Anyone else find the Mayo she left on her face after taking a bite of that, unnecessarily massive, sandwich utterly repulsive?
Oh every single person on the planet other than Karina? Yeah thought so🤦🏻‍♀️🤮🤣
She’s disgusting, probably Faye wouldn’t think it’s repulsive but I snapped at her earlier 🤣🤣🤣 but damn do I feel better.
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She must be so exhausting to be friends with, the way she throws tantrums for attention, has to be the main focus, causes drama over nothing. I mean why do people stick around her? I don't really understand TikTok coins but surely its not that much money?
I can tell she’s frustrating them now.. She keeps leaving and requesting again. Guessing she left this time because they weren’t paying attention to her like projector light some deluded person bought her. No doubt she’ll be back.
You dont earn much from gifts TikTok takes 70%
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she says of course I’m going to be upset about you talking about my disability’s my mums dead? Huh!! She mentions every single day she has disabilities but Nathan was sticking up for her and she goes mad. She went mad also because of £100 worth of gifts and said he’s ungrateful… she does remember chucking a wig in the bin that someone gifted her right?
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I genuinely think her having sleep apnea is yet another lie. It’s just to explain that hippo snoring she does in the background of Dans lives and the fact she likes to sleep during the day because “she doesn’t sleep at night”. It’s funny how when dans at work all day, she can stay awake to sit on live constantly, seems as though she can’t be bothered to stay awake to spend time with him, she’s either on live or asleep. She seems happy enough when she’s on live with that Nathan and then comes off and the first thing she does is bite Dans head off😂
Also, sleep apnea doesn’t stop you sleeping at night like she claims it does, she’s said multiple times that she doesn’t sleep until the early hours of the morning and that’s why she sleeps during the day? I honestly think she’s read something somewhere and just decided she has it, but I also think she’s read about insomnia and thinks it said sleep apnea. She’s dumb as a box of rocks🤦🏻‍♀️😂
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I think he's extremely vulnerable, total douche obviously but there's something not quite right with him..
Oh you could definitely tell there’s something wrong. He said he had autism adhd amd something else wrong with him. Also has heart problems too. He went off live as a girl was messing and flirting with him and he literally took it to heart and thought it was genuine. When he knew she was messing around it really upset him and didn’t want to be on live
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Also this was the screenshot on Nathan’s live earlier. Karina posted this in APRIL. Quire hard to read but yeah

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Idk what you guys are talking about, all I want in life is a signature from Nona Karina. I’m gonna book days off work and travel the 5 hours to London to get one ✋
I was saying I just won’t have achieved my dream if I missed the autograph opportunity 😪 but it is a rule that if I get a greggs sausage roll while she bores everyone because she probably will ignore them like she does on live, she can’t expect me to share it OR even buy her one. I know she becomes noisy when there’s gifts or food mentioned.
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