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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Don't worry Kaff I'll post it all here so Jo can still see what you are planning although of course she will know anyway because she will tell you what she wants and then you will pretend that you came up with the idea yourself, do you honestly think people are so thick they won't realise.... Oh, yeah they actually are! 😂
What a load of twats, spent a fortune on the sex pest, now her birthday and then Xmas.
'Jo struggles to spend money for herself'..... Apart from Botox, haircuts, an eyelid lift, a car, weekends away and the clothes she mentioned getting just a couple of weeks ago!


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The tramp has gone quiet now leaving her deluded morons to defend her against the two awful followers that dare to have an opinion. Typical Jo moves. Can't cope with anything that she deems to be a negative comment so hits the panic button and all her idiots wade in to protect her🤣🤣
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
A video of the horses playing with a ball a follower bought and the space hopper she got at the car boot. Of course she takes the opportunity to plug supporters yet again.
Also a video of Lowen playing with Piotr, she says she is so lucky to have such a good friend who loves her son so much, yeah I'm sure everyone is jealous that they don't have a best mate who's a convicted criminal and a sex pest to entertain their child too 🙄 funny, still no sign of the ptsd she claims he's got, unless ptsd actually stands for Piss Taking Scrounging Dick.
Speaking of which Kaff has made Jo admin on the "Help the sex pest group" now.
Kaff apologised for her throwing her toys out the pram rant and says she won't remove anyone else from the group at the moment, she's also extended the donation date until the end of June but says they can always do another after if needed.
Here's the latest items on the list, more coffee even though two people have sent the other coffee that was on the first list. Doubt he needs all that caffeine with rent a gob screeching in his ear all night.... But of course he sleeps at her dad's! 🙄😂


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Yeah I seem to remember Natikka looking like she was about a size 12 which obviously isn't fat and she'd not long had a baby too but Jo obviously thinks anyone larger than a size 8/10 is fat. If she didn't want Nat to ride Jack she should have just kept it to herself but of course Jo prefers to slag people off on lives instead.
Jo saying about horse welfare is joke given that she planned to ride a hugely overweight and unfit Jack at a show in the scorching sun last year having only decided to start riding him less than a month before the show, she put no effort in and loaded him up that day with no thought to his welfare, all she cared about was herself, luckily she was late arriving and missed the class.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Absolutely spot on Noonoo99, we don't troll her child, we have said numerous times it's not his fault its HERS, she's dragging him up and the reason he's behind in everything is down to her. Of course she relies on her gullible minions believing all the shit she spouts so if she lies and says we are trolling him then they will believe her.
She accuses us of lying and twisting things but she is the only one doing that! 😂
According to Jo any Tattlers who are parents should have their kids taken away because by being so nasty they are setting a bad example..... Says the woman who uses her kid to gain attention, sympathy, gifts and money and who thinks it's acceptable to make content using her child as it's made to hold a cup with "F**k the haters on it" yeah such a wonderful example Mumma of the year is setting there! I suppose the good thing is he's never going to know what it says because she's too stupid and lazy to teach him how to read.
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Well-known member
The dog be dead before she breeds it.. or def dead if gets caught by Dyson the pups be too big ... irresponsible bitch
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
On the scrounge again, obviously doesn't want to pay out for a new saddle and I reckon she's getting pissed off with Piotr living with her despite all the work he's doing, she's getting desperate to kick him out so she can go back to being even lazier than normal, I expect she's exhausted from cooking and cleaning for him!
🤣🤣obviously but as he doesn’t stay there 🙄🙄🙄🙄 but has been staying at family’s house, mmmmm of course we know that’s complete bull 💩 💩 now let’s get rid, well good luck to him getting passed a credit check, as ohhh his in so much debt 🙄 well good luck to get a decent reference well apart from Joe who will sell her soul to a sex pest, will she be his Guarantor 🙄🙄 not sure she would even pass a credit check herself !!!

If local people know of his conviction then his got no bloody hope either !! And I wouldn’t let him live or rent a ditch let alone a bedsit, house or anything !!!!
So it might have to a tent in your trashy fields, but why because he doesn’t stay with you 🙄🙄

why not convert your horse box it’s not like you actually uses it, what a complete waste of your subscribers money that was !!! It’s been only good to use as a undercover for L Bday or to store all your shit In, will save you driving it illegally with no insurance or ruining it by not using it so the batteries die !!!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She won't though, she'll lie and say he's not in pain or that she's giving him pain relief but we all know she won't pay out for him to be on pain relief every day for the rest of his life, she only did it for a couple of days after he had the injections and has moaned previously about the cost as per usual.
Also JB is really popular on the page because he's the "naughty" one, the one who provides a lot of her horsey content and she won't want to lose that.
She will keep him alive for her own gain and then when she does finally decide to do the right thing she'll make sure to milk it for all the attention and sympathy she can get just like she did with Girlcat and Indy.... Who's ashes still haven't been scattered because Jo has probably dumped them in the shed somewhere and forgotten about them, loving caring owner that she is 🙄
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Hi Jo!
Aww what's up, are the nasty Tattlers being mean to you? Or are they just showing proof of all the lies you tell so that people can see you aren't the "open and honest" person you claim to be?
It's so funny how everytime we piss you off you start posting stuff about being strong, not caring about what others think etc yet we know it pisses you off and you post because you are so desperate to get validation from your minions because deep down you know that everything we say on here is true and it eats away at you. 😂
I bet you sit there ranting and raging because there's nothing you can do to stop us, does your chin do that sticky out thing Piotr says it does when you are fuming? 😂
You carry on with your pathetic little attention seeking posts sweetie cos your minions might believe you when you say you "ain't bovvered" but your actions prove otherwise and it's very entertaining! 😂
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Sorry, she said she was a swimming instructor, am I reading that right? I can categorically say that that is not true. I would know if that had happened!

Oh by the way.... Did anyone know it's Lowen's birthday soon?! 😂😂
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Was she disliked even before she started NVF?
Yes. I think that's why she started it really, one video went viral and she thought that suddenly everyone loved her and she felt accepted. She ran out of friends locally years ago.

Also.... Her hooded eyes are still hooded. That was definitely a waste of money!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Now I'm not a horse owner/rider but I have heard of Monty Roberts ....I'm pretty fucking sure he doesn't throw a flip flop at a horse's head when he's doing his thing?! Or call them dicks or tell them to fuck off?!
Live earlier on the main page, Seven strikes out at her so she goes into full on training mode trying to show off her Monty Roberts skills whilst also being really patronising saying "this probably doesn't make sense to you"
Tries to make out she's practicing natural horsemanship, chasing Seven around the field not letting him join the others "I've got my eyes locked on him, he knows I'm alpha, the others are ignoring me because they know what I'm doing and that he needs to learn, he will stop when I say he can stop and then I'll turn my shoulder away from him and he will seek me out" Seven completely ignore her, nuzzled his mum instead and she has to move up to him and stroke him to get his attention,! 😂
She's such a fucking knob 😂😂😂
Says she will explain it all more another time, she was just in the moment, concentrating because she can't have a horse kicking out but she loves Monty Roberts, learnt so much from him, plans to do lots of natural horsemanship with them all.
Can't wait Jo, far funnier and more entertaining than the TV, the only dick in that field was you love!
Potato Cam has been in action again! 😂 "Beautiful" photos.... Blurry, out of focus, badly taken photos I think you mean Julia! 😂
Seriously Jo, you say we are obsessed with you on here but can you not see just how wierd and abnormal Julia's obsession with you is? Have you not noticed that she is almost always the first to comment on your posts and comments multiple times, how she stalks you on fb, kofi, Instagram etc as well as sending you all those messages you bitched about the other day?
She named her pony after your horse, buys the same products you use, copies everything you do, bought the same coat as you on one occasion. I bet she has pictures of you and lowen all over her bedroom walls, prints copies of all the messages you've exchanged, spends hours rewatching your lives and videos (she has commented before that she rewatches the lives even when she saw them live)
Yet WE are the obsessed ones?! Ok then 😂


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She's the most selfish self centred person I've ever come across, that whole live was all about her
I'm so stressed
I'm so exhausted
I'm doing it all alone (she isn't)
She ruined MY night out (it was actually Kay's night out for her birthday)
I never go out so it was MY night too
I work so hard
I do everything for everyone else
Lowen is the amazing kid he is because of ME
I feel old
I feel shit
I'm so hurt and upset
No one wants to listen to ME
I need time to myself
I don't want to be needed by others
I've been through so much
I'm the victim
I don't want to.......
Not once did she say poor lowen not having his dad in his life or it's sad that lowens dad isn't around to play football with him or take him to the park etc it's all about HER and her feelings and how upset SHE is and how hard done by SHE is.
She huffs and puffs and sighs about arranging lowens party like she's the only single mum in the world who's ever had to do it yet she's home all day everyday, she's had months to paint, tidy, organise but as usual leaves it to the last minute and then gets in a panic.
She's pathetic, the most needy self obsessed desperate attention seeker, yet wonders why her friends drop her and men run a mile..... think this might be a clue Jo..
I'M so fucking ugly when I cry!
I need a special page set up to pay for me to sort my wrinkles, my leathery skin, my piss holes in the snow eyes, my enormous snout and my freaky man hands!
The world needs to revolve around MEEE!!!!


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annable 123

Well-known member
She's a fucking disgrace, no thought to the damage to the farmers field, the carnage if they had gotten to the road, the risk of injury or death to the horses and other humans, just shrugs it off, she's proud of the fact they got home safe even though she had no hand in it. Stupid lazy bitch who was too impatient to wait for someone to help her. I don't wish any harm to come to those horses but it would serve her right if something happened and she was prosecuted for having animals out of control.
Brat on top of the wood pile, dummy in its gob and then bare foot in the fields where she's just said they piss and shit. Nice.
And some twat has commented that Jo is the best equestrian/horse owner they follow! It's idiots like that who encourage and enable her yet if it all goes wrong they will turn on her without a seconds thought.
She's so proud of herself she's made a reel with part of it saying watch the full video on nvf.
She literally has no shame, she thinks everything she does is amazing, takes no responsibility for anything when it goes wrong. I don't understand the mentality of the people who fawn over this ugly, selfish, lazy, disgusting piece of shit that calls itself an amazing mother and animal owner.
Bet poor crippled Jonboy is feeling his knackered joints now, and Jo don’t say he was flying round moving ok, adrenaline kicks in so they keep running, I know you are now making out you are basically special needs, and you know what …. You fucking must be, because no one in their right mind would put their animals and other road users in danger you absolute fucking disgrace, all that coke you’ve snorted has not only spread ya nose, it’s addled ya brain, you stupid cow
And of course Julia has it too! 😂 Can't possibly let her precious Jo be alone with her self diagnosed condition!
Julia you have cuntitis and woolpulledoveryoureyesitis….you simpleton
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annable 123

Well-known member
Jo you are a fucking cretinous, cruel, nasty bitch, that poor dog deserves better, you are bloody vile and heartless, do you actually like your animals at all, why anyone following you thinks this is acceptable is beyond me, they are all as thick as fuck
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Trixie on that short grass full of sugar..should be indoors all laminitis v.soon
Yup :rolleyes: Its not as though she hasn't got a concrete (oh no sorry shitty carpet) yard for her to walk and stand on! If she gets laminitis it will be down to her sheer neglect .
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annable 123

Well-known member
she likes it when it rains….it’s a free wash, you look so grubby Jo, constantly grimy, except when you have all your slap on, which covers the muck
And this pic lol, you know when you are a kid and you have those build a potato men and you stick a nose on….that looks like her nose, and her man hands, and she stole granny’s lipstick by the look of it, still her foundation hides the muck 🙈


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
So when he had his accident (Oct 2021) he was on sales livery with Jade, a girl was trying Hugo when he reared, at the time Jo said he'd got a gag in and said that she suspected that was the reason for him rearing, he'd never reared before (which we know is a lie) a gag wasn't something she would use but he was on livery so not up to her.
So initially she says it was the gag bit to blame but more recently she says the bridle was too small and tight.
She bought Hugo home to rest for six weeks, he did see a vet who said Hugo had bent his tail, bruised / strained it and was in a lot of pain when the vet moved his tail, prescribed anti-inflammatory and pain relief, said it was a difficult area to x-ray so would come back in two weeks.
Jo only gave pain relief for a few days, didn't have the vet back because she claimed she knew Hugo wasn't in pain and was healing because he was holding his tail as he normally does not tucked under as he was when he was seen by the vet.
So she's always blamed the tack and even though she's been careful not to name jade we know that's where he was on livery so it's clear she thinks jade is at fault, however she's probably being careful not to name her because she's been in trouble before for naming people and she also knows she lied about Hugo rearing and she has absolutely no proof jade is to blame, jo wasn't even there when it happened.
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