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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Yep he's got dementia and parkinsons but clearly there's nothing wrong with his eyesight! 😂
How come Jo is able to just do these shifts helping out when she's not been an official care worker since she was pregnant with lowen? I know she did it properly before him but surely you need to keep on top of training especially when it's for someone with dementia and parkinsons? She said they were short staffed again and it needs two people to use the hoists.
I don't believe she is doing it for free simply because she made such a big deal about how she wouldn't put it an invoice because he was like family etc, there was no need to even mention payment but she made a big point of saying she would never expect or want to be paid. Is she saying it because the care company would be in trouble if they were paying someone who isn't registered as an official member of staff?
I'm sure she is only doing it to try and stay on side with the family because she knows they will be the ones who decide if she gets kicked off once Frank passes away.
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Yes Julia....a boot tidy for car where he can stash some gaffa tape and mask ...good idea ..u fukin ******..get a god dam life....
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Its really interesting reading all the behind the scenes posts that I wouldn't normally get to see . I am actually freaked out by the level of manipulation and deceit that goes on between the two area's of her 'page'. She seems to endorse the lies and deceit between all of her minions too to keep her image squeaky clean on her main page ...I joined tattle to comment on her shite stable management etc, but I am so shocked at what I read , I dont even want to watch her video's to even have room to comment about them anymore! The lack of transparency and deceit is truly sickening. To try and sell a horse that is a known rearer without his history being fully disclosed is despicable. He could have killed someone. If she's now got a f*cked horse, thats on her ! No "too small bridle" caused that !!!
they have gone along with all the plates and bowls etc to be replaced with a portable shower!
Anything else we can help you with? How about you take on board that Jo is a vile lying narcissistic bitch who is only friends with you so she can bleed you dry and tell her to go fuck herself and go back to spending time and your money on your own family instead of that greedy scamming cow and her rapist sex pest mate.
Shes beyond help Miss P .........Along with the shower Kath, dont forget the year supply of duck tape and zip ties.I hope to god one day none of your rellies find your wonderful kind friend on their travels and he does to them, what he did to this poor girl in his new rotten skanky van. Perhaps that is what it will take for you to see beyond the 'my friend is a facebook vlogger star' (((NOT))) how f*cked up this whole dam thing is to the rest of us normal people watching this weird sick twisted crap go down.
WTAF woman.Get a freaking grip.Go spend some time at a rape centre and then see if what he did was ok..... ...still, you skirt over it with a wish list and a shower its about both you and your mates level of mentality .
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Does anyone on here know her personally?
Not sure if anyone will go into that kind of detail as it's best to keep Jo guessing but judging from comments there's certainly some very local to Jo so I'd say it's highly likely that they do.
As the saying goes keep your friends close and your enemies closer! 😉
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annable 123

Well-known member
Hi Jo, saw you today at the show, saw you giving advice to the horse that was bunny hopping past you poor thing, I was holding my friends horse so couldn’t really see, I’m sure they appreciated your advice, think they said it was under the vet/physio anyway, Jack did look like a lovely boy, shame he has you as his owner and I saw you chatting to the judge I saw you get 5th out of 6 your face said it all …. Still it’s funny, you advising others when you have let Jonboy and Hugo suffer for so long, but you finally intend to have them checked….amazing 😡


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
What did I say?! So fucking predictable! Gearing up for saying Lowen has adhd and/or some other condition to excuse the fact she's a piss poor mother who's dragged her kid up with no rules or boundaries, no manners and no life skills.


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They are just awful the pair of them. She’s such a wonderful mother but clearly couldn’t give a shit about him here. Not only against the law it’s down right dangerous! If sex pest hit a stone or a dip at that speed that’s both of them thrown from that. Ffs jo we know you can’t speak but surely you can safeguard your child!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She was live on the main page, mostly the normal crap, repeating stories plugging supporters etc
Went to the school to speak to the head, the school have a no juice policy, water only as it's better for the kids and it's hard to police different drinks.
Jo says Lowen doesn't like water much, he's been ill and dehydrated and his wee was orange because he wasn't drinking enough. She thought she could play the school by giving him flavoured water but they said no. She gave him juice and told them he'd been ill and that's what he was having, she expected the school to back down and was shocked when they didn't. She argued and said its juice not fizzy pop, said if they provided juice then they could ensure all the kids had the same but they insist the kids drink water.
She said they had been monitoring and he was drinking water and they refill the kids bottles for them including Lowens but she says they are lying and trying to gaslight her because she tasted what was in his bottle and it was the flavoured water she gave him not plain.
Said when people try to gaslight her it brings on her ptsd and she either gets angry or upset so she ended up crying at the head teacher, she's so pissed off at the no juice policy, she offered to get a coloured bottle so the other kids wouldn't know he had juice but they refused. They asked her to give them a chance to encourage him to drink water like the others, so she says they can have this week and then they need to come up with another solution.
We said all along she would argue with the school about everything, she can't cope with being told no, she's pathetic and so immature and her kid will grow up to be a spoilt entitled brat.
She says she was worried the school will hate her and will take it out on Lowen although it's a lovely school and she knows deep down they wouldn't do that.
No Jo they wouldn't but you are absolutely right, they will hate you if you constantly complain and cry when you don't get your own way and will make excuses not to deal with you because you are a pain in the arse!
Says she apologised this morning, said she was exhausted because lowen had been ill and she has to do everything on her own blah blah blah.
She was so angry that they wouldn't let her overrule their decision, goes on about how he's so sensitive and sensory, might be on the spectrum, he's a fussy eater, she's tried so hard, she thought he might eat school dinners if the other kids were but he refused so she gives him a packed lunch but he won't eat a ham or cheese sandwich so has jam..... That will be the next thing the school pick up on I bet! Cue the next Jo breakdown! 'they want my child to starve!' 😭😭😂
Christ he's only been there since September and all she's done is moan, tell the teacher how to talk to to her child and complain about the rules, you wait, she will pull him out within a few months or they will make her take him out because of her behaviour and then he will have to start mid term in a new school, she will ruin it for him I guarantee you.
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….. that poor rabbit from her sisters didnt even last a week even her niece has her card marked and said it will die at auntie jos house dont get me started on that subject.
Did her niece actually say that? Unbelievable, out of the mouths of babes eh 🙄 The thing is you could nearly, and that’s being kind, excuse Dyson getting in but why wait until Wednesday.. take the bleeding rabbit in straight away.. don’t wait ffs. And while she was telling this story she kept replying to comments about her hair and kept forgetting to be upset and woeful. We all knew something like this would happen and is it just me or do you think she did more than shout at Dyson, she fumbled over her words and it was like she left details out like she may have hit him 🤔. I may be wrong 🤷‍♀️
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Have you noticed the completely different posts she puts on her supporters page and the main page. Some of her main posts are laughable as it completely sugar coats scenarios she’s talking about and leaves out the negative. She talks posh and very positively but when on supporters page she gets quite bitchy and is negative and quite ‘woe is me’. I put on a posh voice sometimes when I’m on the phone 🤣 but she really is two different people.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Latest video lowen screaming....can't understand a word of his speech as per usually ..but looks like he was being a spoilt brat...
That's the video where he said he didn't like the bumpy road so she said do you want to walk? He said yes and got out but then got upset because he thought she was driving off and leaving him. I wouldn't say he was being a brat, he was clearly terrified she was going to leave him. He speech was awful as it always is but given how upset he was it's hardly surprising he was mumbling and had his fingers in his mouth.
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annable 123

Well-known member
OK, I was just coming to check whether she had had him checked when the accident happened, but obviously in true Jo style she did not, and now blames that accident on his now pain, after she's tried riding him causing him pain.
Isnt lowen at full time school next month so if she really wanted to have the injections and rude Hugo she would have the time to put into him??
She’s too scared to ride Hugo
Theres also evidence of her saying he rears sooo good luck with suing.
How do you retire a horse that has never really done much lol
A quick mention on the gag, Hugo was ridden in a gag, you can see it in pics, so if the bridle he was sent with didn’t fit whose fault is that exactly, Jo you never make responsibility for anything or see anything through to its conclusion eg the vets visit twice, you obviously know more than a qualified vet, you are so clever, yet can’t talk properly or even teach your child to speak or have manners, do you look in the mirror and see what we see… no not ya dirty big nosed face…. I see someone who is a failure, as a mother and as a animal lover….
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Really? This is the ONLY way you can think of of giving back is it jo???? How about you share some of the gifts you’ve kindly been sent with someone much more deserving ??? Wouldn’t have to look far. You know someone that doesn’t have their whole life funded by strangers or drives round in a nearly new car, has Botox, saggy eye treatment and nights out etc and still pleads poverty.why not give this woman a donation from your own pocket if you are that concerned. Or take down your own Amazon list as everything on it you are more than capable of purchasing yourself with your scrounged money. Jo you take full advantage of these types of people that can’t really afford to fund your life but do it cos they are stupidly kind or just plain stupid. How do you sleep at night knowing you provide nothing for that “ precious child” of yours. It’s all funded by strangers cash! Do the right thing at least and give some to charity. But you won’t will you cos what was it? Oh yeah “ charity begins at home motherfuckers” what a wonderful person you are. Taking from the poor and putting curses on everyone else. Absolute scum! Even managed to turn a thank you video into a pity party for yourself cos you’re so “ depressed “ poor poor Jo. Gifted £100s in presents for you and the brat and that’s how you show gratitude: when will the delusional twats that fund this insincere money grabbing fraud bloody wake up!
Let's not forget.. the wrapped gifts will be given as though they are off her. That kids a brat and will have no value as everything is given to him on demand just a like his "womb doner.".
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annable 123

Well-known member
It's no wonder the child cannot speak properly if he still has a dummy in his gob at 4 !! WTF Thats gross. It's just sheer darn laziness in dealing with it. Chuck the freaking thing in the bin! Once its gone, its gone! What pisses me off is the fact its not her that suffers is it?! Its him, when he gets the rip taken out of him at school and the hours he will have to spend in speech therapy. Stupid stupid witch.

As a qualified Instructor (yes Jo QUALIFIED! I would not teach people without the relevant qualifications) , I am flummoxed by the amount of people following who think this shit show is normal and pay for it . Its no surprise to me that Trixie is not halter broken.That would mean she would have to do something! Seeing the extent of Ginny's failed education should of been a true eye opener to her minions of her failure to impose BASIC management and handling.She is a disgrace .
YES 👍👍👍👍👍👍
A run down of the suffering /death of animals in Jo's "care" bearing in mind that these are just the incidents we know about, who knows what went on before NVF and off screen.
Feel free to add anything I've missed.
In no particular order...
- Goose burned it's face on hot bonfire ash she didn't make safe, she left it to suffer several days claiming she spoke to a vet on the phone and did what they told her but says the eye was full of maggots, claims she got a friend to kill the goose on her behalf.
- Rabbit attacked by Dyson less than 24hrs after taking it in, it died two days later after suffering from shock/internal injuries because she didn't get it seen by a vet. She also said that Indy had killed "some" rabbits that she previously tried to rehome.
- All her silky chicks drowned because she failed to listen to advice about not letting them get wet. They drowned in the ducks pond.
- Several chickens & ducks died from attacks by Indy and Nera because she failed to secure the area properly. Others she claims were killed by a fox or just escaped and were never seen again.
- She bred horse Bella despite being advised not to by a vet due to her poor conformation. All she cared about was content and making money from subsequent foal footage. She was unaware Bella had gone into labour and found the foal the next morning, Bella still wearing her rug which could have caused a problem during birth.
- Horse JB loaned out and encouraged to do cross country etc despite knowing he had a history of lameness and had previously been told to pts. Insisted he had another foot abscess when he became lame again, refused to get a vet to look, took him home saying she knew exactly what it was and how to treat it and that loaner was unable to look after him like she could. When it was clear there was no abscess he was eventually seen by a vet, diagnosed with a degenerative condition and given a hock injection but she refused to go back for the next check up to see if it had been successful deciding instead to just leave him in the field and decide for herself if he was sound. He had just a few days of pain relief during this time and she didn't comply with the full amount of box rest she was told to give him, yet again she decided she knew best and wasn't prepared to pay out for more meds or vet checks.
- On several occasions her ponies/horses have had injuries or things like rain scald and each time she has self diagnosed and treated or just left alone rather than get a vet or buy suitable treatment.
- Horse Hugo reared up and fell backwards badly hurting his back, she rested him but didn't bother to get him checked again after the initial diagnosis, only a few days pain relief and left in the field until she decided herself he was sound again.
- Cockerell she self diagnosed with wry neck due to a vitamin deficiency, claims she was giving lots of supplements etc to help but that's hard to believe with her history.
- Chicken she took inside when clearly unwell and later died of "old age" according to Jo.
- Goose she also said died of old age. She has also failed to comply with DEFRA regulations regarding bird flu allowing her geese to free roam and not keeping the ducks and chickens under cover putting them and wild birds at risk as well as potentially contributing to the spread of the disease which could have destroyed someone else's livelihood.
- Dog Indy suffered for weeks as Jo refused to get her seen by a vet, instead took advice from her minions and self medicated including giving her CBD oil before eventually taking her to the vet when she could barely walk and was crying in pain. Told Indy had a tumour in her leg. Overdosed her on CBD although Jo will never admit to that despite saying on video that she was giving her large doses plus paracetamol and God knows what else.
- Both Indy and Nera forced to have multiple litters because Jo wanted money. On video saying "the things we put them through for profit" when Nera was in labour.
- Puppy Henry born with a cleft palate, again Jo decided she knew best and insisted on syringe feeding him, claims she took him to the vet a few days later to be pts but wouldn't be surprised if she actually killed him by forcing liquid into him which flooded his lungs, obviously she will never admit to that. He should have been pts much sooner, he had no chance of survival sadly but yet again Jo made him struggle on just so she could get attention and sympathy.
- Girlcat, again Jo self diagnosed an allergy and gave leftover meds when she was showing signs of hair loss, irritated skin and had lumps under her chin and armpit. Claimed she had cured her a few days later only to have to take her to the vet when the lumps returned shortly after. Vet diagnosed cancer and said nothing could be done except keeping her comfortable for the time she had left. Had Jo actually taken her to the vets earlier she may have had a chance of recovery rather than dying just a couple of weeks after diagnosis.
- Shouts abuse and calls all her horses names on a daily basis, has admitted on video to hitting Seven and also said she has previously bitten two different horses not owned by her on their lips when they bit her. Rumoured to have kicked a horse in the stomach. Her own horses regularly shy away from her when she raises her hand near them, she made no secret of the fact she hated Ginny and said she would have punched her if she hadn't run away after knocking lowen over in the field.
- Crow that she found injured in her garden, didn't take it to the vet despite obvious injuries, made a video showing herself "caring" for it then said it had died a short time after. Still went ahead and posted the first part of the video on the main page telling followers they would have to subscribe to find out what happened next. Got really pissed off when people called her out on trying to make money from the death of an animal.
- Kicked dog Dyson during a live video, not seen on camera but he's heard yelping and she says "yes I did just kick my dog" she laughed and said it was just a tap but he wouldn't have yelped if that was the case. On a previous video she went to take something off Dyson and he visibly cowered away with his tail between his legs so I don't think the kick on the live was her first.

So there we have it, the wonderful caring Jo, makes for depressing reading doesn't it? Yes a few details are hearsay or assumed but much of it is on video in Jo's own words and actions. How the hell people can say she's a fantastic owner, equestrian, animal lover is beyond me, as far as I'm concerned she's a disgusting abusive cunt.
I think you got it all, apart from the …comment … that won’t give me a deposit for a house….when she didn’t have a big litter from indy… the dog she said she loved …. She is a fucking disgrace…
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