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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She can do whatever she likes to her hair, nothing can hide the fact she has a massive nose! 😂
She looks absolutely hideous in those pics but of course her minions are telling her she looks beautiful and her hair suits her whatever colour.
She needs dunking in a bath of bleach, she looks filthy 🤢


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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
Does she have to tell everyone in all her videos even a thank you one she has thrush 🤢 dirty nasty 🤮 as open as anyone would like to be somethings should be kept private she is just a complete skank
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
So the recently released from prison convicted criminal is now on video bombing round her fields on her quad with first his own son and then hers. It's illegal to have a child on that quad or any quad that isn't specifically designed for children because it doesn't have a designated passenger seat. It doesn't matter if its on private land, it's illegal.
Fantastic bit of advertising there Jo, showing yet again your blatant disregard for the law and the safety of your child. They may be your friends but I hope they realise how stupid it is to allow you to be a brand ambassador for them and don't give you another quad when the time is up for this one.


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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
Not forgetting her and sex pest are skint but she can get her eyes lifted then scrounge for money to buy her horses stuff and her kids clothes not forgetting them buying her washing powder, teabags and daily items 🤬

but she’s skint 🙄 just a bloody scrounger !!!!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Freaking unbelievable ......
Thing is she keeps saying that we twist her words and everything we say on here is a lie but we've shown over and over that she is the liar, there are loads of screenshots and video clips particularly over the first few threads where we have proved that she's lied or contradicted herself.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Yup four in less than two weeks yet still has a dummy, still sleeping in her bed, she claims he's fully toilet trained but I doubt he is, still dribbling like a teething baby, still unable to talk clearly.
Either he's developmentally delayed because of the way she is bringing him up or he actually has some kind of condition, I hope if it's the latter that it's picked up at school and she is forced to accept there's a problem and made to get him the extra support he needs, she has said previously that other boys in the family have learning disabilities so she can't be completely oblivious to the fact Lowen could potentially be the same. If its purely down to her own shit parenting then the kid will never catch up with his peers unless teachers etc step in because she will refuse to accept that she is at fault.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Pinocchio Jo rears her ugly head yet again! 😂
But apparently WE are the liars? Clearly not, proof right there. AGAIN.
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God give her a medal..she's not killed the other rabbit give it a week jo you scab
Dust flying off hay.....dampen it u lazy twat....
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VIP Member
Yes I’ve heard about the sitting on his lap! Who knows what else she did for that cheap rent! I wonder if Frank had ginger hair when he was young: just saying 😂I reckon she does look after him for nothing cos when he goes she prob thinks it will give her some clout with not being evicted/ she’ll pull the “ I looked after him “ card I reckon. Jo does nothing without some sort of gain!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Tonight's live reading out names says hello to Dave, he's the one who bought her washing powder, she says one of the few men on the group.
Talking about I'm a Celebrity, says 'I want Jodie to win, I've Always loved her'.... it's Josie! 😂
Says the bristolian accent makes people sound thick... Having just read a comment from a supporter who says they are from Bristol! 😂
Someone comments it's the cyclone tonight and she says what's that? Yet claims to watch every year.
Sam has adhd so she likes him as she can see traits of him in herself 🙄 she did an online test and she's definitely got severe adhd but she's obviously high functioning with it as nothing affects her, she relates to everything she sees in him, she doesn't need to be diagnosed or need meds, says lowen has it too as has his best friend at school and his mum has it. She gets on best with people who have adhd.
The mum of his best friend has a cleaning company, Jo offered to help if she was ever stuck, free of charge. She was struggling on Friday so Jo helped her clean four holiday lets, she paid her and Jo took it because the horses are costing her a fortune, hay bill was £300 this month and now she's giving hard feed as well..... Really Jo because last week you said you weren't going to feed hard food unless you really had to?
She's really spotty because she's on the blob, says this is going to be really gross, don't listen Dave, she wishes periods coukd just get on with it and bleed out quickly. She started yesterday but only had tampons so tried to put on one of Lowens old nighttime nappies as a pad and wore it until she could get to the shop.
She bought incontinence pads for when she had lowen and wore them when her waters broke, says it leajs loads and smells like animals do when they give birth. She was at Adrian's parents when her waters broke but she gave her a towel and some shorts and Adrian insisted on eating his dinner before they left even though it was running down her legs. His family is toxic.
And of course she hasn't mentioned Adrian for a couple of weeks so now claims he messaged her yesterday via a new tiktoc account, no mention of Lowen, said he loves her, misses her, wishes they could talk but he doesn't have her number, she's blocked him but he sets up new accounts. He must have been stalking her account and saw her all dressed up for her night out..... So that's why you posted another picture earlier then Jo??
It will be two years at Xmas since he last saw lowen, she dreads him saying he wants to see him, she doesn't want to share him. He pays regularly now but is still in arrears. She gave him so many chances but he's toxic, he tried to say she was the one who was manipulative, she makes stuff up in her head.
She's got ptsd, had therapy for four years because of him gaslighting her, goes on about the DNA test again blah blah blah just the same shite again and again.... It's BOOOORRRRIIIINNNNGGGG JO!!!!
Still got all the roosters, they were shagging her hen so she's put the hen and duck in with the rabbit, she hacked at the roosters wings with scissors to clip them, she doesn't give a shit if they kill each other, she's too soft to wring their necks.
Daisy had her stitches out, she was going to do it herself to save going to the vet but she couldn't do it as too tight.
Someone asks about Ginnie and she says she assumes she's ok, out of sight out of mind, she knows if there's a problem they will get in touch, she's just let go, she's not hers anymore, she's happy where she is, fuck her, she's an arsehole.
Was tempted to get one or two kittens from the woman who had Seven but she can't afford more animals, Daisy cost £208 to spay but she can't really whinge as she bought a new car.
Says AGAIN about how she got Bella, how she's the only person who understands her blah blah blah 😴
She might back Seven when he's four but he's bigger than she wanted so she might not do it herself.
Lowen has his nativity next week, he wanted to be a cow, she will try and video it.... Pretty sure there are rules about that Jo... Oh yeah rules don't apply to Jo 🙄
They had Santa at the school and she was worried the older kids would ruin it and say santa wasn't real.
Hes a delight, he's the best child, she doesn't have any problems him. Says AGAIN how she told the teacher not to raise her voice with him as he gets upset because he thinks he's in trouble and he's not used to being told off as he's so good she never tells him off.....and then says how he helped himself to a chocolate off the tree and she said he could have it if he promised to eat his breakfast which he then refused to eat and she ended up taking it with them on the school run and she made him it it before school but he took so long he was late for school but she couldn't give in because he was trying it on with her.
And that was it, so more repetatative shite, more lies and more talking about periods, she's so entertaining 🙄
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Good to see the face painting post featured the "he doesn't have a dummy during the day anymore". Slapping face paint on her but still clutching the dummy in his other hand. His speech is terrible and I speak from experience working with reception aged children. The damage she has done to his teeth is awful. His teeth look black when he actually opens his mouth wide enough to see. If he doesn't get referred to a speech and language therapist I'll be amazed.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She's so rude, makes it clear that she doesn't want to go live but has to because otherwise she gets comments, or like she's doing them a favour by going live .... Jo people are paying for your lives so they have every right in expecting to get what they have paid for.
You keep bleating on how this is your job, well if you don't like it change jobs!
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VIP Member
Well I’ve known some irresponsible moronic twats in my time but this bitch takes the biscuit! In fact she takes the packet the tin and the whole bloody factory that makes biscuits! What “ responsible “ horse owner takes their horse out to an open field and just lets him go???????? This is a normal horse owners absolute nightmare their horse being loose with absolutely no control and this freak does it for sodding fun or content or whatever bloody reason ! It’s downright stupidity! She’s near a road. I don’t care if it’s a bloody “private lane” that doesn’t mean no traffic! Could have run into anything. People on foot, other horse riders. Imagine riding and coming across a horse just galloping around freely. Could have hurt himself and others. There were endless dangers and this absolute spanner doesn’t give a fuck! All because the horse that she said doesn’t care if he’s ridden or not is suddenly bored? Bored? Fed up with living with the worst horse owner imaginable more like. She’s an utter disgrace !
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Just saw bit of video ranting about people commenting about the rabbit, smug sarcastic twat, needs a smack in the gob not that I condone violence 😳
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Latest from the former Help a Sex Pest Page, now the Help the sex pest, his kid, the lying Scrounger and her kid page.
Someone commented that they were concerned if Kaff listed the gifts someone would spoil the suprise for Jo, well as I said the other day Jo is still in the group so knows full well what she's getting but just in case here it is! 😂

By the way anyone else gutted she got away with spraying wd40 into her electricity panel??! Would have served her right if she'd blown it up stupid cow.


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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
They really are making a laughing stock of the gullible, and not only that some of these people probably are struggling themselves but are gullible and too kind, as you say she said she cleared his van and out everything in storage, his staying at her dads 🙄 hers so FOC I presume is now meant to be working too, so why does he need all this, his clothes surly were available you would go and collect those items out of storage and I’m sure he can buy a bag of coffee and washing powder. But they are literally asking sorry begging for everything down to even socks, then just to really take the piss asking to clothe his child aswell, through to what’s the stationary about and the A4 files etc 🤐🤐🤐

these gullible people need a good bloody shake in the head.

They really are taking the mick out of everyone now 😳😕

I’d be 😷 to know someone like him was around my child, but yet they are all falling over themselves, who are the perverts him or her followers.
I wonder if he has re visited a sex worker people like him can’t do without it so maybe she is giving it to him instead
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
It's all bollocks anyway, if Jo truly believes it then she's as gullible as the idiots who believe all the lies she herself spouts, she's using it as a desperate attempt to try and scare us into not posting.
I'm not scared, are you scared Noonoo?? Are you quaking in your boots, trembling with fear, desperately deleting all your social media profiles??!😂
You are absolutely right though, for someone who claims she's not bovvered, doesn't care, is bored by us she goes to a lot of effort to talk about us, in fact barely a live goes by without her talking about the haters who she isn't bovvered by.
Amazing also how she claims to know exactly how we talk on here so much so that she can even work out that people who comment on her posts are obviously on here too......yet never reads here!! 😂
Dear oh dear, when they handed out brains our Jo was definitely at the back of the q......or most probably sat on her arse watching judge Judy!
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
Each time she seems to go to a new low, this is disgusting, if that was my dad or family member, I’d floor her for that, what gives her the right to post pictures like that!!!! My mum
Is in care at the moment and if I caught any of her carers posting pictures of her anywhere even on a private page let alone a page with 2000 people seeing it well !!! I will leave it there so I don’t incriminate myself !!!!!!!!
Just when you think she can’t get any lower she again pulls something even lower out the bag.
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VIP Member
Oscars all round! £1000 in the bank for the sex pest plus loads of gifts for him and his son! Suckers!
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