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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
So let’s get this straight, if she’s getting on a train for Bycester she’s in trouble and like her life, going nowhere lol, its Bicester 🙄I’m looking forward to the tears when she can’t afford the repayments on the car, AND now she’s having a laugh, won’t leave Lowen with the sex pest because of historical family sex abuse, you couldn’t make it up, the dangers you put him in with ya friends… you make me sicker than usual, what a waste of oxygen you are
Well she pronounced it as Bye-Cester so I'm assuming she meant Bicester but she says she's researched all the train stations and platforms etc so she should be ok and Lowen likes trains so she's hoping he will enjoy the long journey.
She better hope she hasn't killed the landlord off with COVID as the last thing she needs is to be kicked off the land or have her rent doubled when she's just commited to a finance agreement.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Oh fuck off thinking about Christmas, spend it on your own and if you have spare give it to a charity.
She clearly thinks Jo and the sex pest are charity cases, more important than her own family and grandchildren I expect, bet they don't get as much money spent on them all year as she spends on Jo and lowen at Xmas and now she's got Piotr and his kid as well. I'd love to know what Kaffs actual family think of her obsession with a lying scrounger and her sex pest buddy
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
I have to say, in the recent video when he was throwing his bike down the muck heap, 🙄🙄 luckily he didn’t go down the first time actually on it because she clearly didn’t know what he was doing until she videoed her picking it up the first time even she thought he had ridden down it !!! Actually his speech was so much better, but that just shows it’s to do with the fact his actually getting some proper schooling now and being taught properly,

It does frustrate me when parents with children that are behind always start to blame it on medical conditions, and not there failing as a parent in there early years of speech that they are responsible for, so now she just wants to label him with everything under the sun to cover the fact she has been crap at that part, and who labels there child especially publicly on social media!!! No one that actually respects or cares about there child you keep that in house, but then as she has already publicly humiliated him from having a Poo to changing it openly in front of everyone to sniffing it on her fingers to everyone knowing if his wet himself to slagging his dad off to well the list goes on 😡 my kids can just about manage a baby photo from when they were little now there older let alone knowing she has told everyone about any of that and videoed it. She will when his older find out how much he will dislike her for that and he absolutely will she sadly will regret it big time 🥹
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Waiting for the sex pest to get home, going to blindfold him and sit him at a table out by the stables then give him the gifts followed by the money but will let him read the cards and messages in private.
Jo says he knows something is up as her and kaff have been talking in code and she's been asking him stuff but he's no idea of the magnitude, in other words they know he won't be able to act like he knows nothing at all so are saying he's guessed something is happening.
Jo is obviously very proud of her new big word as she repeats magnitude several times! 😂
Lowen is having a danger nap as he's exhausted as us she because she was awake at 3am because he wet the bed
Was this on the helping hand group? Or main pages? Don’t think this is going on the main page then 🤷‍♀️
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Active member
Live on the main page this morning (I watched on replay, still no ads Jo!)
Usual lies and made up stories about dates she went on years ago which led on from her saying she might apply for Married at First Sight next year. She's so full of crap, keeps insisting she doesn't want a man then says that 🙄 most of them only go on that program to raise their social media profile anyway and to try and get famous but they just end up being hated even more and then sink back into oblivion once the next series starts and people lose interest in them! She says she's really fussy, has to have sexual attraction straight away or she's not interested, hates men who are short or wear horrible shoes, she's very shallow (her words)
Said she should be riding more but can't be bothered, she has horses because she loves having them not because she feels the need to ride them. It's obvious she's not interested in riding but will do it now and again because she has no other content.
Lots of plugging supporters page, tried to make out her supporter lives are fun when we all know most are just her bitching and moaning. Said she might cut Piotr's hair for him on this Sunday's live and then says she might do it tonight instead so if she messes it up he's got the weekend to get it fixed at the barbers.
Thought about loaning her lorry as she doesn't use it for horses much just dump runs but insurance expensive, all the damage that's been done to it has been by others who have refused to fix it or pay for the damage.
She said before that Jade's horses damaged the ramp but it was already faulty and she told Jade not to worry as she needed to get it fixed anyway but as usual she fails to mention that when she's retelling her story because it doesn't suit her narrative of poor hard done by Jo that everyone uses and takes advantage of!
Told the story of how the garage damaged her lorry, names them, calls them assholes, says she left a bad review and gloats that when people Google it the pictures of her lorry come up. Said she considered booking in loads of cars for MOT because it would cost them money, said she would have booked in loads until she felt they had lost the money they cost her. She's such a vindictive bitch, yet again citing hatred by ranting about them, naming them, telling people not to use them and mentioning her review knowing full well that some people may do the same as her supporters and leave fake reviews as well which could ultimately cost them business. She could probably be done for slander as she's deliberately bad mouthed them on her public page knowing full well the result that could have on them.
She's sold her old car, it failed the MOT due to the power steering (says a lot that she had to go to Newquay, probably been blacklisted by all garages in Truro!) Was quoted £500 to fix it but she'd set her heart on a new car and Adrian is paying her money again after a year so that will help. Says people will say that his money is for Lowen but she says it makes no difference because if she uses his money to pay for the car it frees up her own money for her to buy lowen things, says Adrian will probably stop paying again when he hears about the new car.
Going tomorrow to collect it, five hours on the train with two changes, taking a suitcase with his car seat in it. Hasn't booked anywhere to stay overnight yet. Sex pest will look after all the animals, she's looking forward to having quality time just mumma and lolo.
Sat lowen on Hugo but he still dipped his back so obviously not comfortable. Bet she still isn't giving him pain relief though.
Told everyone about her friend Kay being mental, says she's had lots of issues but finally got bipolar meds after threatening to burn down her doctors surgery, says Kay won't mind her talking about her. Says she's been doing everything she can to help her,offered to speak to her GP for her to make him understand what Kay is feeling, there's no shame in being on meds, she's been on them for breakdowns and depression, if people are struggling they should ask for help, speak to someone, she's helped loads of her friends by making doctors appointments for them etc....Ahh doesn't it just warm your heart hearing about the wonderful saintly Jo?!😂
Then goes on about how it's ok to not be ok and telling everyone what depression is etc so I fast forwarded as she talks absolute shit.
Crudavan is an absolute tip, she's such a lazy slob, does fuck all but can't even keep her home clean and tidy. Even says it was a choice between riding, doing housework or going live so she went live.
Thank you for the update it saves me the suffering of watching her
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
See this woe is me 😢 is primed for she wants everyone to feel sorry for her so she gets lots of presents for L birthday 🙄🙄 she seems to think when she hits that note she gets more 🙄

because she was all happy on her live on the main page Saturday, then suddenly oh dear all sad and tired for her minions and subscribers on Sunday complete load of b******ks
depression sadly is actually real for a lot of people and she uses it when ever she thinks she will get something out of it 🤬
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Somehow Jo on an obese unfit Jack galumphing over 70cm is hardly a match for Jade gliding effortlessly over 130cm!!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
God she's boring! 😂 so she uploaded the original riding Jack video to the main page, then she uploaded the same footage for supporters but with music over the top and a couple of extra minutes extra footage that she edited out of the main page version. Then she uploaded the full unedited version on to Kofi. Now she's uploaded a shorter version of the original for main page plus a reel of the same footage but with a different heading.
I mean seriously how many times does she think people want to see the same shit quality footage? Apart from Julia obviously who watches everything at least twice 😂
It's no wonder supporters keep dropping despite her constant plugging, they don't need to pay because they can see pretty much everything on the main page anyway and her lives are just her bitching, moaning and repeating the same shit over and over.
Then she has the nerve to tell Kofi members that their money pays for hay when we know she buys cheap mouldy crap because she refuses to spend out on decent quality stuff whilst simultaneously having Botox, haircuts, buying a new bed and mattress, clothes, buying a new car and paying for a weekend away!


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Well-known member
Need a medal listening to that bullshit....not feeding hard food...I give it a month..they be starving state if her grass
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annable 123

Well-known member
Might see you there Jo, on and this saddle may fit hugo… as if you’d pay a grand, thank me later… also saw the comment about taking Trixie, you can’t because she’s obese ( spelt correctly 🙄) and NOT halter broken😩😩😩 but you gonna break seven, he’s no hope with you has he… like your kid 🙈🙈🙈


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annable 123

Well-known member
Just saw bit of video ranting about people commenting about the rabbit, smug sarcastic twat, needs a smack in the gob not that I condone violence 😳
I do… in her case 🙈
Possible it caught it's ear on some of the crap fencing etc that's in the enclosure but could just as easily have been from one of the birds.
It does look like there's fur loss which would fit with being neutered as they shave the ear to administer drugs and it can take a few weeks to grow back fully. She did say at least one was neutered when she got them so that would possibly explain it as I get the feeling they were quite young when her sister got them so may not long have been neutered before she gave them up.
Less fur less protection against cuts and scrapes.
Not ideal keeping rabbits and birds together anyway as different dietary requirements and a single rabbit is more likely to be a victim of bullying.
Given that at the end of the video this morning Dyson yet again got into the enclosure I have a feeling this rabbit won't be alive for much longer anyway.
It’ll probably commit suicide living with that skank, she’s shameful
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