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annable 123

Well-known member
OMG she took him out for the day in a fucking trolley!! 😂
He's like an overgrown baby in a cot but then that's exactly how she treats him, like a baby, no doubt he's got his dummy shoved in his gob under the blanket as well.
On the train he's babbling, hard to understand him, he's got a lisp and is dribbling so badly it's dripping off his chin.
I bet he's never seen a dentist, she once said it didn't matter if his teeth rotted because they were only baby teeth so he will get more teeth 🙄
Having a dummy won't be helping his teeth or speech at all, she knows he's got a lisp as she mentioned it the other day but clearly isn't prepared to do anything about getting him seen by someone, as usual she thinks she knows best and that she's an amazing mum.
Tell me your kid is special needs without telling me he’s special needs 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
About ya eyes Jo, get me the scissors, I’ll cut the extra skin off you fucking vain, waste of oxygen, you are so shallow, everything you talk about really comes back to poor little Jo, Jo man up, you ain’t 20 ffs help ya kid, you are failing him
About ya eyes Jo, get me the scissors, I’ll cut the extra skin off you fucking vain, waste of oxygen, you are so shallow, everything you talk about really comes back to poor little Jo, Jo man up, you ain’t 20 ffs help ya kid, you are failing him
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Yep Jo gushed over how amazing Jade was when JB went to her, how gentle she was with youngsters etc
Jade is a very good equestrian who competes regularly and does really well, far more talented than Jo and yet Jo is determined to force the narrative that Jade was incompetent and either put on or allowed a too small bridle to be put on Hugo!
I think there's a lot of the green eyed monster in Jo because not only is Jade way more talented than Jo she's also extremely attractive and very popular, no need for Botox and eyelid lifts for Jade, she's naturally pretty
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annable 123

Well-known member
And on her private Facebook for family only lol, she only said that to make her poor sad deluded followers panic and subscribe, how’s the car repayments going Jo 😆😆😆
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Well-known member
Cant think of any .....but new vid same shit rugs off blaa blaa.....turned off within 30 secs ..prob like thousands of others..boring ......
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Piotr isn't on the Help a sex pest page which is where all the money and gifts is being organised on, kaff hasn't said the amount they have raised, says people have to pm her to find out. There's 219 members so only they know what's being done, it's never mentioned anywhere else, I'm assuming any live or video will be posted there unless they put it on the other pages so they can all feel extra special and show off how amazing they all are for supporting him.

She's posted a couple of pics of lowen saying how it's his birthday in three days, hint hint everyone, still time to order something!
Also moved the horses to the other grazing again for a week or two, again posted twice, one normal video and one reel which she must be posting elsewhere as it says full video can be seen on her page nvf. She's trying so hard to plug everything but it's still going down.
At least the horses will be away from the noise of the party tomorrow, she said it's do she doesn't have to feed hay but there's only enough grass for a week or two, she mentioned moving them last week but said it's a hassle having them up there, clearly her wish to save money was the driving force.
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annable 123

Well-known member
I haven't watched it again but I gather it's from when she went to Cbeebies land and left the animals alone, she talked on the live beforehand saying she couldn't get her pet sitter in and was saying how the horses would be fine if she left loads of extra water and hay so hardly surprising someone reported her when you add it to the disgusting conditions her birds live in etc
She went live for supporters earlier on the school run to collect Lowen. (by the way Jo I now know which school he goes to so if I can work it out so can others, be more careful you thick twat!)
Says she's still got covid so won't go to work tomorrow as her landlord is vulnerable.
She's bought a new car, white Nissan qashqai 2018 plate on finance. It's in Byester (think she means Bicester! 😂) in Buckinghamshire so going up by train on Saturday to collect it, taking lowen with her a her mum is working and she won't leave him with Piotr as she refuses to leave him with a male because a family member was abused. Starts crying 🙄 says its so raw but the bloke got jailed 23 years but it's why she's single as she doesn't trust men with lowen.
Yet she regularly leaves him with Piotr whilst she's live and she had that Jon bloke in the crudavan who was alone in Lowens room with him whilst she was live, clearly only cares when it suits her!
Says will meet Charlotte Trash as she lives close by, wants to take Lowen to a place like Dairyland and will find somewhere to stay overnight, will doc something else before driving home on the Sunday. She's looked it all up and checked the platforms etc, she's very nervous as has to change trains twice but excited to be spending time with just her child. Kaff said she would go with her but Jo said she would have to pay for herself but really she just wants it to be her and lowen.
Said she poo picked, fed horses and went for a ride this morning as she felt better and now she's done her bit by going live to make up for not doing it last night so she can relax and watch Married at First Sight tonight.
Bought a new mattress (£150) to go on a bed frame she bought for £20 on marketplace a couple of weeks ago, woke up with backache every day so wrote a bad review for the mattress even though it was only cheap but now thinks it's the frame not the mattress as she put it on the floor and didn't have a bad back in the morning 🙄 says now needs to buy a memory foam mattress topper today go on it as its still not perfect.
Well Jo you only bought a memory foam topper for the sex pest so maybe you should buy him a proper mattress to go under it as well, I did say you were buying the wrong thing for him! Not that I give a shit about the comfort of a sex pest!
For someone who bleats about having no money she certainly spends a lot, new mattress plus a topper, new car, train tickets, hotel room plus entry to wherever she takes lowen plus food and drink for them both. Had botox again last week as well yet says she is on the breadline!
So let’s get this straight, if she’s getting on a train for Bycester she’s in trouble and like her life, going nowhere lol, its Bicester 🙄I’m looking forward to the tears when she can’t afford the repayments on the car, AND now she’s having a laugh, won’t leave Lowen with the sex pest because of historical family sex abuse, you couldn’t make it up, the dangers you put him in with ya friends… you make me sicker than usual, what a waste of oxygen you are
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Well-known member
Don't know who she is just got sent it saying its Adrian's when I heard he started paying seem a lil bit of a coincidence as his other kid moving....
She will take money off him problem coining that in .....
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Apparently it just involves swearing and calling your horses vile names and hurling abuse at them. Don't bother using halters etc just chase after them insisting that they trust you and come when called even when they put their ears back and clearly have no intention of standing still. Make yourself a square round pen then put the horse in it once a year, wave a stick at it and screech at intervals to try and get it to do what you want whilst said horse completely ignores you because it's got no fucking clue what you are asking of it. Sorted. You are now a fully qualified twat.
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Well-known member
Piotr isn't on the Help a sex pest page which is where all the money and gifts is being organised on, kaff hasn't said the amount they have raised, says people have to pm her to find out. There's 219 members so only they know what's being done, it's never mentioned anywhere else, I'm assuming any live or video will be posted there unless they put it on the other pages so they can all feel extra special and show off how amazing they all are for supporting him.

She's posted a couple of pics of lowen saying how it's his birthday in three days, hint hint everyone, still time to order something!
Also moved the horses to the other grazing again for a week or two, again posted twice, one normal video and one reel which she must be posting elsewhere as it says full video can be seen on her page nvf. She's trying so hard to plug everything but it's still going down.
At least the horses will be away from the noise of the party tomorrow, she said it's do she doesn't have to feed hay but there's only enough grass for a week or two, she mentioned moving them last week but said it's a hassle having them up there, clearly her wish to save money was the driving force.
It rained heavy bet she was getting it all ready ha ha....piotor running round like a slave
Do this do that ...cracking the whip.....blokes off his nuts anyway make a pair don't they
Boring live be all about the screaming kids party
And how many toys he's got given for her to flog on
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Hugo has held his tail to one side for many years, certainly suggesting that his spine issue has been present for some time. Yes there would have been a reason for him to rear that particular day, but I'm so sure it wasn't due to a bridle!
Yes she's said before that he's always held his tail to one side but said it was just the way he was.
Hes got a history of rearing, the clips of her saying he's reared are on the last thread I think as are the clips of her saying he's never reared!
The previous loaner was a vet but I believe she didn't do anything too heavy with him so maybe he never showed any signs of a back issue with her as I'm sure she would have looked into it if he had
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
What an embarrassment she is, I'd be ashamed if I was her.
She never feels shame because she believes she's never wrong, that it's everyone else whose at fault not her and that the way she lives, keeps her animals and drags up her child is absolutely fine.
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