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Active member
The worst thing about her is her scavenging for money all the time, I’ve caught up on other pages I follow tonight and every single one of those is doing something for others 🙄

None of them have subscribers they just earn money from there videos and views, because they post everyday properly, they don’t slag people off, they don’t moan constantly about there life or beg for money, and what they do get they always give something back to others , and that’s why they have bigger followers and don’t have a tattle page like begger Jo.

one page who has been given money for there kid’s birthday is donating it all to someone to have IVF.

where as Jo is begging for people to pay for her kids banners and balloons, paper plates and all his presents 🎁

she is just a scammer and dirty tramp that wants everyone to pay for her to sit on her arse all day 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Jo is helping others.. the sex pest. Nothing like keeping the money rolling in. Keeping it close to home eh
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
And on her private Facebook for family only lol, she only said that to make her poor sad deluded followers panic and subscribe, how’s the car repayments going Jo 😆😆😆
She only said it would be mostly private because she got stick for posting about her landlord so she claimed trolls had reported her to the family who were fine with it. She did say that anything that she puts on there publicly will be the same as what's on NVF main page and it usually is so there's no need to subscribe to see it.
Most of the idiots who follow her personal page also follow nvf and many are supporters anyway, they are just desperate to ensure they don't miss out on anything.
If she really wanted just her family and friends to see stuff she would post privately but she's too desperate for the attention and validation to do that.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Yet more repetitive content, the same clip from when she took Hugo out, this time with the story about how the sales livery put the wrong tack on him again, plus the vet talking about the xray again, how Hugo is homebred again, how she pulled him from his mother again (interfered unnecessarily just to show off her 'vet' skills again) how nothing can be done for him but he can live out his days happy and loved with her again (except he's not happy Jo because he's in pain and you have said multiple times how the other horses bully him and bite him)
Her content is just the same stuff regurgitated again and again, she has nothing new to show because she does nothing and goes nowhere, has no man, no local friends, is lazy and boring. Her child will be less interesting to people as he gets older, she can't /won't ride and people will get bored of her whinging, bitching and moaning about money when she is much better off than the vast majority of her followers.
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sucking on his hands is not anxieties it because he wants his dummy shoved in his mouth
Totally agree.The child doesnt know how to self sooth without a lump of plastic in his mouth! ...and that lump of plastic has changed the shape of his mouth forever which has caused a wonderful example of a speech impediment and drooling. Shes a d**khead .
She tried to say last night that she probably is dyslexic or something
So far this month shes self diagnosed Dyslexia and ADHD. What else will she have by the end of the month? It is ridiculous. .Does she think these things just turn up in your late twenties/ thirties when you are on social media needing an excuse to be thick as pig shit or a lazy witch?
So she's dyslexic and has ADHD, she definitely fell from the unlucky branch. Excuses excuses.
ha we posted at the same time😂
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Latest vid..there's a ghost...hmmmm....least its speaking more clearly than lowen.....he tried to say potato I think .....couldn't make out a word ....
She posted that yesterday, reckons it's a voice saying yes, all I hear is a sound not yes, I think it's Daisy because just before it she tells Daisy to move off and appears to push her off the soil, she's off camera so can't see her but I think she grunts and that's the sound we hear.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
I wonder if he gave a different address to his probation officer or the court or whoever so would be in trouble if it's not actually the address he's staying at, I don't know tbh. It's so obvious he's living with her, she was quite happy flaunting him on her live on the main page yesterday, funny how he shows absolutely no sign of the ptsd she claims he's got, guess that was diagnosed by "doctor Jo" because it sounds good and gets more sympathy from the idiots still sending money to Kaff for his collection, some of them are saying that they are happy to keep donating every month for a while! They are all going to look so stupid when he fucks up and gets caught doing something vile and disgusting again.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
What horrid dirty disgusting conditions those poor animals survive in.
I'd say they are existing not living, she's a vile selfish bitch, she's got all day and plenty of money to look after them so much better but she's more interested in watching crap on tv and getting botox
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She was live earlier, I'm off to work so will tell all later, funniest thing is she says Kaff is being really secretive and went out earlier, she's going to be so gutted when she discovers Kaff was just collecting coal! 😂😂😂
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Interested to see what school say about Lowen, I wouldn't be surprised if he is on the spectrum or has some kind of learning disability but it's hard to know what is because of an issue like that and what is due to the way she is bringing him up.
She has previously mentioned he didn't like the music on the forklift and he hasn't liked the noise in some of the places she's taken him but I find it strange how all of a sudden she is using terminology like sensory which she's never done before, she said he wore ear defenders to school one day because he said it was too loud, again she's never mentioned that yet tells us when he has a poo!
There are other things that again could be down to her rather than autism etc or could be partly her and partly due to an actual issue. His diet is very restricted but she has never fed him a good healthy varied diet, his speech is poor, he has a lisp but she allows him to have a dummy still, his behaviour is awful sometimes but she's always spoilt him and has never set rules or boundaries. He's allowed to do, eat and act however he wants.
I do think she is trying to use the possibility of an issue as a reason to excuse his behaviour etc
Obviously she knows that sensitivity to noise can be a sign of being on the spectrum and she has other family members who must show other signs but its wierd how she's suddenly bringing it up now. I wonder if her sister or someone has broached it with her.
I do think she's realised he's not at the same place as other kids his age and is worried about school but knowing Jo she probably thinks the school will make the diagnosis and then sort everything out for him and all she has to do is fill in the form for extra benefits!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
And rspca can probably do nothing as they have some sort of shelter and food.
Yes exactly, she is providing the basics water, food and shelter so their hands are tied unfortunately. If they were being abused or were obviously suffering they would have more power to intervene but even then they wouldn't just take them away, they only do that in extreme circumstances, normally they are given the chance to make improvements and may get a formal warning but that's all.
I just hope that as she loses them she sticks to her word and doesn't get more, problem is that without the animals horses especially she has no content now that lowen is older, few more years and he may well refuse to be filmed altogether as is his right.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Do you really think he has no idea 🙄

if he genuinely doesn’t then I think any man
/ most men would be mortified that she has advertised him needing to ask for anything ( yeah she can blame kath for doing it but pretty sure she has been involved ) so he will then know that too many people now think his a charity case knows all the story, now as I say it’s either a cunning plan his involved in, but if not I don’t think he will thank everyone knowing about it !!! I think the reaction will tell the tale if he is or not 🙄🙄 and if his not then I’m pretty sure I’d hate anyone for begging for me, and I’d say thank you but No and I would genuinely hate anyone best friend or family that had told the world ( well a few thousand people I couldn’t dress myself, my child or feed myself ) So mmmm let’s just see the reaction be very interesting
I honestly don't know, I keep changing my mind as to whether he's in on it or not. I think if he doesn't then I don't think he will like being treated as a charity case if he's as proud as Jo/Kaff claim he is but I also think he won't want to come across ungrateful so he won't say anything on camera but may tell them not to do anything like it again which should put paid to phase two.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Not satisfied with the huge amount of money and gifts she received for her birthday and Xmas she's still putting items on her own wishlist, she really is the greediest most selfish bitch I've ever come across.
The idiots are all telling her how kind and caring she is for suggesting they all share their wishlists but she has only done that so that SHE doesn't have to send anything to the woman who lost her job or any of the other people who are struggling.
She could easily send some money to that woman, she's got way more than most of her supporters but she won't, she shouldn't even have a wishlist the begging skank, she can easily afford to buy what she needs but instead pleads poverty, lying bitch, noticed she dropped hints that the awful floral joules boots that Kaff bought her and she said would be for best but wears all the time have now got holes in so no doubt a new pair or two will be winging their way to her now.


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Well-known member
Well done again pp...need a medal watching that shite... ...another boring vid of Hugo bla bla same shite diff day
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And she says that he ran off and went home but she clearly doesn't give any thought to the fact he could have been hit by a car or spooked by a tractor etc, as usual Jo does what she wants and fuck everybody else
You are right n that he could get smacked by a car etc and ki*l someone .I hadnt even thought of that!!......makes it even worse .... :rolleyes: Double treble tool .
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VIP Member
Watched her rant video, she could do with more botox on her forehead.

Poor dog 😕
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