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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
So she films her whole day to include putting rugs on wet horses insisting it's fine as her horses have never had rain scald but she's a fucking liar as Trixie, Ginny, Bella and JB have all had it.
Her bird accomodation is an absolute disgrace, the geese no longer have a shed so no proper shelter just an open run with a tiny bit of filthy straw on concrete and the chickens, ducks etc are in houses with broken windows again filthy and bare inside and just a bit of mesh and some wood to prop the door shut yet she insists they are safe and secure and the dogs keep foxes away.
Cockrell still alive but she says it's such hard work having to keep him separate, give him special meds etc but she doesn't feel he's ready to have his neck wrung yet so yet another animal left to suffer.
And yet still the idiots say she's an inspiration, she works so hard, she looks after her animals so well and now she has a new perv called Michael who commented loads saying he wanted to snog her, she's gorgeous etc 🤢
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VIP Member
It fluctuates a lot and it's hard to know the exact number of followers and supporters. Judging by the number of views her posts get she certainly doesn't have 142,000 active followers so even if that number increases its clearly not accurate otherwise her views and comments would be much higher. We know her supporters number isn't accurate either as many are blocked and a lot are showing as new members when they aren't.
I'm guessing her figures aren't great given the constant videos and plugging of supporters she's doing at the moment.
Yes she's been on the beg a lot lately for more supporters, maybe she should go out and get a proper job like the rest of us.
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
Who takes there horse to someone else’s field and a open field too and just lets them go, of
Course the horse that doesn’t care if ridden all not but is now bored!!!

actually looking at him get him properly looked at by a real vet, pay for him or put the time in to give him the correct care and there is no reason for that horse to retire !!! But we all know it’s a simple solution too she is too shit scared really to ride him, far to lazy to put the time or effort in to bring him back into work correctly, so she can just keep harping on with lies about how it happened, and then won’t keep getting asked about him being ridden. Now I know you can be unlucky with horses, but how can you be so unlucky that everyone of hers are damaged, even Bella with I know her wonky confirmation, was ridden until she had her, she is rideable she just has a quirk, but nope easier to say she can’t be so she hasn’t got to get off her arse to do it, but she was ridden up to the day she homed her!!!! Poor Jon boy sadly is still suffering he looks really stiff now and looks sore. Hugo that actually just needs bringing back into to work correctly and time spent on him to do so!!!! But that takes a horse owners time and dedication to there animals of course nothing Jo has because they are all now just content and £££ and she’s too lazy even with L now at school to actually look after any of them, apart from here’s some hay and water now F off
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annable 123

Well-known member
Confirmation that 50 twats have sent money and/or gifts in support of a convicted criminal (the pic was a list of the names)
50 twats, some of whom have already said that they are up for a phase 2, some of whom have donated money more than once already and have said they are happy to pay each month.
50 twats who I bet would be bitching about him and calling for him to be publicly castrated if his victim had been their daughter/sister/niece/granddaughter.
50 twats who think it's ok and that he's innocent despite the fact he was convicted and given a jail sentence for false imprisonment by duct taping a young woman to a door so he could rob her and make his escape without her being able to follow and raise the alarm.
50 twats who believe he "just made a mistake"
50 twats who think this lying cheating piece of scum was the victim and therefore deserves to be effectively rewarded for his crime.
Crime really does pay after all it seems.
Get the tissues ready, fuck me, are they for real, agree, if it was a family member they’d be calling for his ball to be cut off, look at his photos, he looks a weirdo, he actually bears a resemblance to Lowen, are we sure he’s not Lowens dad, did we see the DNA results… questions have been asked about where his belongings are that were in storage, and why has no one asked why he has clothes for his child on a wish list, does no one in Jos world actually finance their own lives and pay and clothe there children themselves…. Piotr is working, surely if he can afford a night out on the lash he can buy a fucking kettle or sliders for his child…. 😡😡😡
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Someone is reading here, she’s posted a very defensive post about what happened in the video. I didn’t see anything negative being posted on her video so she must be talking about comments on here 🤔
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
I am another new disillusioned follower. I have never paid the scrounger a penny and never will. I haven't been banned, simply because I watched a long time ago her tactics in dealing with people and realised unless I agreed with her, I would be toast or bullied off the page by her minions! So I've sat on my hands desperately needing a place to rant and vent about the crap that goes down on her page, so I am grateful that I now have a space to do that. I've followed her S**T show for yrs and am sick of seeing her bad animal husbandry and land carry on the thread (sorry for breaking it up somewhat) if she didn't give up the quad for the reasons she gave, good on them for asking for it back. Hardly an ambassador for the brand is she letting kids rip roar around a field on it, pulling a fence panel behind it and ripping out all of the blades of grass she had left .What an absolute tool .
I suspect there's rather a lot of followers /supporters who watch her because they are desperate to see her shit show fade into oblivion but they keep quiet because they know there's no point trying to express an opinion on her pages.
That's why Tattle is so great, we can say what we like and she has no control over it. Don't believe her when she says "she never reads here, her friend tells her what we put, she's not interested, it's boring" we know she reads here all the time and we know it pisses her off and winds her up because although she will never admit it she knows that we are absolutely spot on with what we say on here.
It's good to see more people are realising she's not the open, honest, hard working, kind person she claims to be.
The fact her supporter number is slowly decling despite her desperate efforts to plug it is a sure sign that others are waking up to the real Jo Solomon as well.
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Omg doesn’t she look 👀 GROSS in those pictures just need all her snott running down her chops, she really is one sad neady bitch wonder what all the mums who takes their kids to L party will think of her sh.t hovel that her and L live in and as for all the minions saying how Piotr is so good looking I think they need to book an appointment with specksave lol 😂 he’s just so GROSS 🤢 there definitely well matched
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
She always has to bring it down to a nasty low level, what is the sitting on Jack about !!! And then just being a dirty tramp mentioning her nipples 🤢 did she think that would get more subscribers, and 🤣 always love it when she puts the stupid posh voice on ( of which she is not posh) and oh the depression has disappeared again 🙄🙄🙄 there’s a surprise 🤷‍♀️ I think she needs to think about popping onto onlyfans where they might be more interested 🙄 well maybe, doubt it but I think she would get anything out for ££££ 🤷‍♀️🤢 tramp
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What a thicko jo is she put up a post about the internet being bad but didn’t know if it was called the mass or. Mast what a fu.king idiot 😳
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There was clearly something amiss with Hugo anyway......Didn't someone say he held his tail to one side?.I would be very suss about a horse with an asymmetrical tail carriage .. .Makes you wonder if he's reared and gone over backwards before the selling yard .You are right Annable 123 she wouldn't ever tell the truth .......,,I cant help but feel there is more to this story

Anyone else excited to see what happens once she starts her rituals?
I've got the local priest and hex remover on speed dial ready....shakin' in me boots here . 😂 😂
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Stormy skies

Well-known member
Boring video of her throwing hay in fields...mine are full of grass ..hers are knackered and it's only october
Ive waaay too much grass for mine that im having to section it off so they dont get too fat. Im not surprised she has no grass she has too many horses on that land and her land management skill is non existant she hasnt got a clue, also coupled with the fact shes a lazy bitch. Obviously her idiotic minions will tell her how amazing she is and how her horse management is 2nd to non. Deluded fucks i hope one day they wake up and realise just how silly they have been to be duped by her but unfortunately its clear to see that a lot of them are either very uneducated or vulnerable/additional needs those are the types she totally rinses, julia being right up there.
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VIP Member
The dribbling and the lisp is prob due to the dummy she is still letting him have. It’s gross! Says he only has it at night but she’s proved many times that’s not true. Never mentioned taking him to the dentist either! I still cannot make out a word he says! Here’s some bedtime reading for you Jo! Aka best mumma Eva!


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Stormy skies

Well-known member
She thinks taking him to a park in the piss balling rain is being a good mum? And doesnt think any other mother puts their child first like she does? Is she actually fucking serious? Thats the main criteria of being a parent (i say parent and not mother jo because some dads are fucking amazing too) she thinks by giving into his tantrums all the time, buying him a toy every time they go out, trips to a zoo and standing at a park getting piss wet through classes as being an amazing mum? No jo your not anywhere close. A good parent will teach their child right from wrong, teach them to respect others, have empathy, care, manners, educate them as much as they can, play with them, give them a healthy balanced diet, help them interact with others and socialise. Stick her in a room full of other parents for a week and see if she comes out thinking she's better at parenting than everyone else. What about those parents that have disabled children or those that have additional needs and do literally EVERYTHING for their child, even when their kids are grown adults and they continue their daily care because their child is incapable of doing anything for themselves.... still think you are the only mother that puts their child first?? Your piss poor attempt at parenting is embarrassing compared to some parents jo. Stop thinking you are better at being a mum than everyone else, constantly looking for praise/attention and actually be a mother!!!
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Thank you Miss P for the run downs😊 Much appreciated .I did actually watch the whole hour of total bol**cks...interested to know if that live was normal and what people pay to watch on a Sunday etc??! WTAF if it was .That whole hour was very telling of her mentality.
Sorry to go a bit off thread, but I wanted to address the telling of her family members SA trauma to people on FB which I think you said about Miss P in another earlier post? I realise it was already in the local newspapers I seriously hope that they gave her permission to tell their story and I hope shes reading this .
Let me give you a different perspective of what you've just done Jo .... people who have been the subject of SA have already been subject to someone stealing what was not theirs. The only thing they have left is the right to tell their OWN story when and if they are ready .No one else EVER has the right to recount their story for their own gain and especially all over the fucking internet like its something to fucking gossip about!!!!! I can tell you that it feels like you have been abused all over again when someone does that. People stealing what is not theirs, even if its just words.... its worse in a way because you trust that the people who know , wont abuse that knowledge .
You clearly have no understanding of child SA or any SA for that matter .Its not just men that abuse and it takes seconds for someone to commit an offence .You leave your child with people for hours, even women you dont even know, picked off of the internet that stay with you, whilst you do your horses. I am not saying those that have stayed with you are that way inclined (well lets hope not , cos it wont be you suffering will it!!) but one day, you will pick the wrong person you f**ing idiot. .Best mumma in the world, not!!
I seriously wonder if everything is fair game for content with you .If thats the case, you are even more vile than I thought if thats even possible.
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Stormy skies

Well-known member
Shes a fucking disgrace posting pictures of him like that for her own gain. Id be fuming if he were my relative. As for her most recent post about retiring hugo she has again failed to mention hugo was a known rearer years before he went on sales livery to jade. She can blame jade all she wants for apparently using a bridle that was too small and now apparently a bit that was too harsh (even though she used a gag on him previously and he seems to be absolutely fine in a harsh bit. see pics attached) maybe if she'd had him checked over properly and followed it up when he had the accident BEFORE putting a rider on him he might not be permanently damaged. Another horse YOU have failed jo, not jade not the girl who was riding him YOU. Ive seen jade and she knows her stuff i find it VERY hard to believe she'd use a bridle that was too small on a horse, he was a rearer at the end of the day and you know he is because you have said on video before, more than once infact those videos are on these threads so dont blame anyone else but yourself. Once again another animal thats not had proper care and treatment, just like jon boy who is clearly suffering because you wont spend money on him or do the right thing and have him pts. You always make out your not well off and a single mother always fucking moaning about money and how much the animals cost but you can afford your botox, eye treatments, hair done, fake teeth, toys for your child on every shopping trip because you cant cope with his tantrums oh and lets not forget that new car... but yet you keep plugging supporters and squeezing every last penny from them because they fund your life and pay your hay bill. Fucking scumbag!


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Why do I feel like she’s sedated all the horses to get that video
Wish someone would permanently sedate her, wipe that smug look off her face. Trying to convince everyone she cares about them when she refuses to get them vet care/pain relief etc when they need it
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
🤣🤣 she is so clever from a farmer that didn’t even know what Silage was but yet claims to have worked on a farm 🙄 to obviously a vet who treats her animals, dogs with treatments that she had to ask her minions and literally made them suffer 🙄 to recent cockrill that now is not well , but won’t take him to the vets incase they ring it’s neck 🙄 or won’t let the vet look at it because it might cost you some ££ ( just stick it in the fire like you have done to previous ones 🙄)
To now she is or was a swimming instructor 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

you couldn’t write this shit could you,

sorry I’m also forgetting she is a riding instructor and a physio, most Importantly a scammer, a scrounger, begger, and lier, a person that takes from the most vulnerable for her own gain a narcissistic person that slags every one off that befriends her when they are no longer of financial use to her and see her for the nasty 🤢 person she is
And so much funnier she is all bright and breezy when posts on the main page like I’m so happy subscribe subscribe subscribe, then cry’s on her weekly lives a d then slags everyone off and she wonders why people don’t stay 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
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