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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
I think most of us started watching because of the horses, in the early days she came across much better, I found her natural and funny but literally within a few weeks she started to change, as soon as supporters and the wishlist was set up you could see the pound signs in her eyes, she began getting greedy and obviously it's gone downhill rapidly since then.
Now she's obsessed with money, uses anything for content no matter how tasteless it is (dead bird anyone?!) constantly slags people off but insists she's innocent, lies about everything, makes up ridiculous stories for attention and sympathy and alongside that is dragging her child up and fails to meet even the most basic needs for all her animals.
She's vile and disgusting and doesn't deserve the adoration, gifts and money that people bestow on her.
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I notice their page has now gone. What will the little cunts have to say about that. I’m sure ‘hard working’ Jojo will have something to say along the lines of they must be guilty if the page has gone. Her cunty little minions are the trolls leaving fake reveiws for something when theres no proof it ever happened and Jo is a lier so it probably didn’t happen. Trying to ruin someones buisness because of what some scrounging little no one says is not on.
Very sad they’ve had to delete their business page but I do understand why given the unnecessary and unwarranted false reviews they’ve got and will continue to get. Of course they’ll all say something like that, they’re very predictable people including jo.
i personally wouldn’t be surprised if jo did the damage at the dump and is pulling a fast one to avoid having to fix the damage herself
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annable 123

Well-known member
So Girlcat has lymphoma and nothing can be done. Jo has done a reel of her holding her and crying with music.
Obviously it's sad for Girlcat and I hope she is given as much pain relief etc as possible to keep her comfortable until its time to pass.
HOWEVER yet again Jo has let her animal down, she said weeks ago that Girlcat was losing fur and had lumps but as usual Jo refused to spend money on the vets and self diagnosed her with an allergy and "treated' with antibiotics and steroids that were left over from a previous time because she failed to give her the full course, claiming delightedly that she had cured her a couple of days later.
Had she done what any decent pet owner would do and get her seen they may have been able to give her treatment and at least prolong her life if not cure her.
Jo you are a fucking disgrace! You shouldn't be allowed ANY animal. You are a vile selfish piece of shit.
What a fucking bitch, Jo, you may have skin as thick as a rhino but listen up, you don’t deserve animals, none at all, you can’t look after your kid properly let alone a cat, mind you, she’s earnt her keep with your Girlcat scam, so winner winner eh, as for crying into the camera, let her go, why do your animals have to suffer every time 😡😡😡😡
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
I said my piece and unsubscribed now I am blocked
lol I also threw the link of his 'defence' statement on the page because I felt there would be people who only went off what jo said .Still can't believe how many are willing to look over the fact he had duct tape on him its basically a r#pe kit ....
Yep your comments have been deleted suprise suprise! Just make sure you cancel your payment as well.
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They must all have shit feet. They need attention in the winter. Well obviously they need attention all year but in the winter especially horses that live out like hers need their feet checked regularly for thrush etc. Mud fever is so common too. She just seems to get away with everything unless they have it and you can’t see it in the videos which is highly likely! Those horses are neglected. Fed and watered when she can be arsed to actually go to them to do it and that’s it! There’s so much more to owning horses even if they aren’t ridden. I have a companion pony who’s brushed regularly. Feet picked out. Thoroughly checked and most importantly she is given love and attention every single day!
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She's certainly stooping very low with this just when you think she couldn't get anymore low. Like above said she should just say I'm disappointed and move on, why are people so blind to what sort of person she is, I've never known anyone seek attention the way she does it's disgusting. I do not like being nasty about anyone it's not in my nature but my goodness she's certainly testing the waters with this.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Usual boring live.
Sounds like she's made up with Abbie, she fell asleep with her son who was ill which is why she didn't do jo's hair, they have made up, shame Jo didn't bother to get her facts right before slagging her off to everyone on fb.
Having laser surgery on her eyelids tomorrow, costs about £300 but it's tge girl who does her botox so she's going to knock off £75.
So that's £160 on botox £400 plus petrol, food etc on cbeebies land and now over £200 on this laser stuff.... But puts washing powder and clothes for her kid on the wishlist!
Getting hair cut and highlighted on Tues.
She will go live when she is having her eyes done if the signal is good but will turn microphone off so there will be no sound as not fair to record the girl and she won't be able to read comments, so what's the point??! 😂
Her new farrier is 23, newly qualified and didn't want to be recorded, says she understands but it's a bit annoying for her with her line of work.
Lowen had three friends from preschool and their mums over on Thursday, she says he's
much better at playing with others and will share everything except his bike but he is bossy and wants them to do what he says.
The farmer Roger is a multi millionaire, says he can help her get a house and land etc but she has to get rid of the animals and concentrate on lowen but she won't do that as they are nvf and her job.
Her horses are so happy and she loves the way she keeps them. If Lynn wanted one she would let her but no one else but she does want Ginny to have a new home.
She thought about renting some extra land but it's too exhausting and too much hassle having to transport them there and then drive each day to see them, she'd rather keep them home and feed them haylage.
She doesn't show the two geese, one chicken, one duck and one Cockerell she has left because they are supposed to be under cover and last time her trolls reported her to DEFRA.
17th April she finds out if lowen gets the school she wants for him, she refuses to take him to the local preschool and school because the locals are bitchy especially Adrian's ex who is mum to Lowens half brother, Jo says she is a cunt and a bitch, vile and toxic to Jo for no reason and she has quite a lot to do with the school. Jo just wants lowen to be happy, she doesnt need to make friends and she doesn't want to get involved with parents stuff. She hopes he gets the school she chose but it's 7 miles away and not in her catchment area and just because he goes to the preschool it doesn't mean he will go to the big school.
She's bought two pairs of massive glasses from Primark to cover her eyes after the laser surgery, they are huge and look stupid but she's hoping they are so big they make her nose look smaller..... They don't! 😂
She's started cutting friends out of her life if they make her feel shit about herself or take her energy off her, she blocked one this week because she doesn't need people like that. People befriend her, they ring her, turn up, put themselves in her life otherwise she wouldn't bother as she's too busy and would be quite happy just her and lowen. She's naive, sees the best in everyone and then they let her down, she would rather see her longstanding friends she's known for years, she doesn't need lots of friends.... So basically saying that she would rather her old friends than the new ones she has gained from nvf then!
She rang Kath and cried at her for three hours but Kaff is one of her closest friends and she just listens, she's a lady of few words..... and personality.... OK she didn't say that bit but its true! 😂
In the last six months she has had so many people recognise her and speak to her, her reach must be working and it's so nice that it's local people, there was one in Tesco and one in Aldi and one who saw her at Exeter services and one in St Ives! 😂
And now whenever she goes out in public someone recognises her! So in six months four people out of 137,000 have recognised her.... Fuck me, better get the personal body guards on standby, she's practically an A list celeb! 😂
She goes back to talking about blocking friends, starts to say something but changes her mind but says there was someone who Kath met who used to make her feel bad about herself everytime she saw her. It's obvious it's Tiff she's talking about as she said the same stuff when they fell out and people kept asking where Tiff was. Jo was always jealous of how well Tiff and Piotr got on and they fell out for several years before, I'm absolutely certain that Tiff did nothing wrong but Jo broke the friendship off because she is so jealous and needy and can't stand not being the centre of attention all the time.
And that was pretty much it, says she will go live every day this week for supporters.
She's already posted on the main page twice tonight telling them she will be going live, giving the link to join and saying please share videos to make someone smile... In other words please share because I'm desperate for more followers and supporters.
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Stormy skies

Well-known member
It really is like a competition with them isnt it. Who can impress jo the most. Kath is taking it to a whole new level defending her violent rapist friend who she doesnt even know! Stupid cow thinks it will score her brownie points with jo so keeps telling everyone how amazing he is and how his life has been ruined. She really doesnt give a shit about any of them. Its sad really that grown women are so blinded by a younger con woman who is just out for herself. In one sense i feel sorry for them but then i think well its their own stupid faults she uses them like she does, we know they read tattle so its not like they are totally blind to it. She'll bleed them dry before long but shes sly in the way she does it because 'i never ask for anything' - no just keeps dropping massive fuck off hints until someone buys whatever it is she wants or sends her some money. Fucking muppets any of them that continue to fund her lifestyle. Work shy bitch ought to go out and get a real job and graft like the rest of us. Freeloading skank.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
I honestly don't think I have ever seen her pick out any of their feet, I remember her saying that she had done it once because the farrier was coming but I've certainly not seen it on video. I bet their feet were awful after she put that stuff down in the yard before she added the carpet on top as it would have been wet and loose until it compacted down.
As for Lowens speech clearly all that "teaching" she's been doing has worked wonders if he's gone from babbling to full sentences asking to ride Jack, no wonder she's so exhausted! 😂 She's so determined to make out he is talking really well by insisting they have proper conversations but all her videos are proof that she is lying as usual.
I suspect Lowen had absolutely no choice but to be dumped on poor Jack as he's dragged out of the field purely for Jo's own selfish need for likes and attention.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She's still insisting she got advice from farriers and studs (plural) before putting Bella in foal ....really Jo because it came across as the vet telling you not to do it, you saying "fuck you, I know best" and within a couple of days of you posting asking about stallions for "if" you decided to breed her you then announced you had found a stallion and it was going ahead.
She's also insisting Bella and Seven have a home for life with her.
And as for you Julia if Jo asked you to strip naked and run down your local high street would you do it?? Yep probably, you absolute wetwipe. Jo knows fuck all...unless it's about how to lie, manipulate, gaslight and scam people, she's VERY good at that.
You keep following Jo's way of doing things and you will lose another pony as no one with any intelligence would let you anywhere near theirs. Did Jo "advise" you what to say in your court case? Cos you lost didn't you? Yeah exactly Julia.


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
I honestly cannot believe how deluded those supporters are, I expected a few to stick up for him but the amount of comments saying how they had missed him, they loved him, they felt so sorry for what he's been through etc etc is just unbelievable!
And now they are treating him like a charity case despite Jo saying he doesn't like accepting help or asking for help.
She said she has his stuff from the caravan.
She said he's been offered a flat, a job and a van.
Presumably he still has a bank account with wages or savings from before he was arrested.
He doesn't need a bunch of deluded idiots making wishlist and gift pages for him.
Bunch of fucking idiots.

And Jo hasn't got the balls to tell main page all about her best mate Piotr has she, because she knows she will get shit for it, no one likes a rapist Jo ...except you clearly, wait until word gets around locally that you are letting him stay with you and be around your child and a young schoolgirl.


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Brilliant as always Mrs P or should I say our famous Mrs Pepperpot, it was funny how she presented not to know your name even though her & Kath the cash not so long ago where mentioning you in some live, I would say you are a well talked about person in the crude a van. 😉😆
Haha yes I did laugh at the fake "I'm trying to remember her name" look accompanied by the fake slightly confused way she said " pepp...pepperpot?...can't remember ...think it's pepperpot or something like that" 😂😂😂
She knows exactly what we are called, has probably got a list of our names and her guesses as to who we might be!
Can't believe she still tries to make out she doesn't read here when it's so obvious she does, if it wasn't for us she'd have even less content to talk about .
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Fuck me I should get a bloody medal for sitting through her shite! Two fucking hours of her mostly repeating the same shit she has talked about multiple times before! No wonder it rapidly dropped from 122 to 85 people watching within half an hour, she's just soooo boring.
She's moving her furniture again because she's sold the chair and dresser and bought a TV unit and new sofa, started painting things again but will probably get bored half way through as she always does.
Moaned it cost £112 at the vets for the cat, vet says it's a flea allergy but Jo doesn't believe it because obviously she knows more than a vet. Trolls will say she's a dirty bitch with a filthy house..... Well yes Jo because you are and it is!
She then goes on an almighty rant about Tattle that she never reads and isn't bovvered by.... Her friend Abby came to see if we had been nasty about her child because he's disabled, well obviously we weren't because unlike Jo and Abby we aren't cunts, it was those two who stuck their tongues behind their lips and had a conversation as if they were suffering with a disability and thought it was hysterical.
She says she never reads it but could tell Abby what we say because we are so predictable, then goes on about how we say she was lying about the thing with the train loo, that it never happened because there's no loo on that train, she's so obsessed with insisting that there is a loo she forgets that actually our main point was she was lying about the actual situation, it didn't happen, she made it up because she had seen it on fb a few days previously. She is so incensed that she is actually going to make a video proving that the train has a toilet! 😂
Says we post about her every single day.... But she doesn't come on here so how would she know??! 😂 Says one of them.... then tries to pretend she can't remember my name but thinks it's possibly Pepperpot 🤔 is obsessed but she isn't sure because she actually gets bored reading it..... But she doesn't read here!! 😂
Says we go on about her having botox but
She's never claimed to be on the breadline, if she wants to treat herself to botox she will... But she moans about money constantly, tells everybody how much everything is costing her, said she couldn't afford to heat every room etc!
Yes she sometimes shares her links for supporters etc but that's because it's her job and how she earns her income but anyway she's not bovvered what we say on here, she rents a space in our heads for free, we are so obsessed wiv her... To be fair Jo you get everything else for free so why change the habit of a lifetime eh?
She's got a fick skin and she likes herself and likes who she is as a person so she's not bovvered and she never reads here anyway! 😂 Apparently she is too busy to read Tattle, even too busy to look at fb... And then goes on to talk about love island, married at first sight, Katie Price and being obsessed with fb marketplace! 😂
Somehow ends up talking about shaving etc and she says she gets thrush all the time since having lowen 🤢🤢🤢 and gets hairy nipples 🤢🤢🤢
Then says she hasn't got time for a man and can't be arsed to make an effort she just wants to be fed, massaged and left the fuck alone.... Don't worry Jo, with thrush and hairy nipples I'd say that's a given! 😂
She's awful in a relationship, really insecure and jealous, checks their phones etc.
Lowen slept late again the other day and she refuses to wake him up for preschool, rang and said she would bring him in a bit later and they told her she would have to wait for the afternoon session because it disrupts the other kids, she said fair enough but then moans that she still has to pay even if she is late taking him in or he doesn't go at all.
Then repeats all the stuff she'd already said about Girlcat and the vet earlier almost word for word, it's fucking deja vu 🙄
She won't let preschool take the credit for him, everything he knows is because of her not them, she's so proud of herself, she's responsible for it all, he amazes her, it's not just leg, head and arms he knows but fingers, toes, knees, EVERYFINK, it's incredible!!! 😂
Even her mum said he's a credit to her which she thought was lovely even though she knew it anyway.
Then she talks about Adrian, goes on and on about him gaslighting her, cheating etc and about other blokes who had cheated.
I was then on the phone for 20 minutes so not listening but when I came off the phone she was still going and carried on for another half hour about all the things men said and did, how Adrian left her and she had a breakdown, how the issue with mishearing the woman about her driving awareness course bought back her ptsd because it reminded her of how Adrian made her doubt herself, she literally repeats EVERYTHING she has already told us multiple times before, goes on about the CSA again and how she had to let them get the money he owed etc etc
She says he begs her to take him back every weekend and even threatened to turn up at 9pm tonight.
Finally changes the subject and says how lowen loves her mum so much and when she is with them she feels left out because he wants nanny to everything instead of her. It's really obvious that she is actually very jealous, she even says she thought that he shouldn't see nanny again because when she dies he will be so upset. Seriously she is sick in the head.
Claims she stopped taking her antidepressants June last year, then tries to be Dr Jo and explain how depression works etc, says she is absolutely fine now but is very aware of how she feels and would go back on them if she felt she needed to...... Or she is desperate for sympathy and attention eh Jo?
Starts telling yet another story which basically ends up with her moaning that she lost £10 because she had it between her legs and then she couldn't find it.... I'll let you come up with your own thrush based jokes! 😂
And thank fuck for that it was over! And obviously obsessed Pepperpot had to rush over here to fill you all in because I'm sooo obsessed.
Jo says she will watch the live back later although she usually falls asleep just like when she is reading Tattle because it's so boring...... Not that she ever reads here.... Hi Jo! 😘
Brilliant as always Mrs P or should I say our famous Mrs Pepperpot, it was funny how she presented not to know your name even though her & Kath the cash not so long ago where mentioning you in some live, I would say you are a well talked about person in the crude a van. 😉😆
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Yep use it as content is exactly what she’s doing. Put up her nice teaser post. Tune in on Sunday when I will reveal all. If she had any ounce of decorum she would say it’s a private matter and I’m not going to discuss it! But no absolutely everything is a money making situation to that low life!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
And this is the person who very recently insisted she loves herself exactly as she is and doesn't care what she looks like or what others think of her....clearly not!
I hope some of her minions finally start to click that jo is taking the piss by putting basic items she should be buying herself on her wishlist and moaning about the cost of feeding her animals etc whilst simultaneously blowing huge amount of cash on luxury things for herself.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Awe "precious Girlcat" really Jo?
The same precious cat who despite being obviously injured and your followers saying it looked like a puncture wound you left to suffer for at least two days before eventually taking her to the vet.
The same precious cat you refused to spend your own money on, preferring to set up a GofundMe and scam people out of money for an operation you knew damn well she wouldn't need.
The same precious cat you let outside after one night, ignoring the vet who told you to keep her indoors for two weeks because as usual you know best, and of course you were too lazy to actually make the effort to keep her in.
The same precious cat who probably didn't even get a packet of treats from the money you scammed people out of and no doubt you stopped her pain relief as soon as it ran out because you didn't want to spend money on more as well.
The same precious cat you laughed at when you hit her with the pressure washer recently.
The same precious cat who had bald patches recently but again you just ignored rather than take her to the vet for a check.
You don't give a shit about Girlcat unless she's bringing in money for you Jo, just like all your animals, they are just a commodity you, another thing to exploit just like your son.


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