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Well I was asked by one of the men who work at the garage to phone monday morning and to speak to the manager as he wasn’t there at the time when I called, I’m gonna do all I can to persuade him to take the matter further have people got screenshots of what Jo and her muppets have posted in cases they do take it further then there is proof of what she has said and done, fingers crossed 🤞🏻
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She's at it again!
They didn't stop her income, she still earnt from her existing supporters they just wouldn't allow her to get new members and it was for three months not six lying bitch.
And of course it's a ploy for extra subscribers, she's obsessed with money and trying to get more of it.


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Video up of her taking the rugs off the horses. 1pm so first time they had been checked that day no doubt. Well I say take the rugs off. Trixie bella and seven all fucked off from her. Wonderful bond she has with them 😂😂 so ones she did manage to get rugs off will now roll get covered in mud and as she never brushes any of them they will have rugs back on over mud left to dry underneath. Comfy for them. Lazy skank she is
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
It was a miracle she went from Bella is looking under weight, then realised she had mentioned going away literally a day or two later and if by Magic Bella was absolutely fine and didn’t need hard feed. ( considering she is such a pauper and was not long ago telling everyone how she couldn’t afford to heat or light the crudavan etc etc )

Even if I manage to take a few days away, I arrange for all my horses to still get there meals and feed like most animals owners do, but nope all Jos can just care for themselves but I don’t believe she bothers to feed them everyday anyway, and BS she does it twice a day anyway so probably no different to her being there!!!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
And suprise suprise the post about Tattle where they were bitching to another member was deleted at some point during the night!😂
Replaced with four minutes of lowen on his quad, yawn 😴 and a picture of a pig she made out of play dough, rivetting stuff.
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I'd like to think that he wouldn't of done that when I first started reading but the evidence is there I'm in total shock :(
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Stormy skies

Well-known member
One moron has been following her since 2017 and has never known Jo to lie so when she says she never wanted her morons to post fake reviews it must be true🤣🤣
Yeah amy is a nutjob like most of them..she needs directing to the tattle threads if shes so convinced jo never lies 😂😂😂 what a bell end
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
So she doesn't even buy shoes for her own kid, absolute joke, what is wrong with these idiots who keep funding her?!
Always insists they only wear sketchers as well unless she has to buy them herself and then it's Matalan or Tesco
She is just such a bad example of a mum in every way and such a scrounger, off course he is testing you now that’s because you have raised him with no manners, you talk to him like shit so he will treat you the same even at his age, he still can’t put full sentences together and you still can’t understand his words clearly, as a 2 yr old that would be expected sometimes only mums then can understand them but not at a nearby 4 year old his words should be clear and I might have different ear phones but his vocabulary and words are so very poor, if he can’t even work out to use a toilet yet even with you being the useless parent you have been, he should still be able to work that out now 🤔😕
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She literally has done nothing with that foal .
I watch Katie van slyke in USA she sissy in with her foals from day one and halter trains them from day one it really isn’t difficult.
I don’t see the point of her breeding Bella when she has no intention of raising the poor thing .
I feel like because she missed the monetised opportunity from his birth he’s now a wasted field ornament
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She changed her mind and did go live, and guess what the main topic of conversation was? Yup Adrian 🙄 but she's so strong, so independent, him leaving was the best thing that ever happened to her, she's so much happier without him..... Yet is so obsessed she can't stop talking about him, lying about him, she even claimed he was emailing her as she was live.
Im not going to repeat everything she said about him because its boring and it's all lies.
She has got approval from Amazon to be an associate which means she will recommend products she uses and likes, add a link to it and if people buy it she will earn money.
She has been speaking to her neighbours brother who is an accountant and he says she did her books all wrong, she hasn't declared everything properly, she can claim tax back from everything as it's all her business so the lorry, everything she buys for the horses etc her Internet because she only got it for nvf etc
So basically she's going to resubmit her paperwork and he reckons she will get all the tax back she paid £3500 and lots more but its a minefield.
She's still livid about not getting a mothers day card so ranted for ages about it, the school said they did have stuff for the kids to make cards if they wanted to but Jo told them that they should have made all the kids do it.
She shows a calendar with handprints and a poem that they made at Xmas and says that they charged £2 for it, says "well they were happy to do it when they were going to earn from it" says she was sobbing on Friday night, she was so upset she emailed them, says she spoke to four other parents and two got cards but two didn't so she told the school that other parents were upset too.
Says she might get a BB gun or air rifle or possibly a gun licence for her own protection, she keeps knives everywhere so she can grab one if someone tries to grab her. Shows her fancy torch thst Kath bought her and says she will put the link up so if anyone buys it she will earn money.
If someone gifts her money she has to declare it as income, FB add together subs, ads, and stars, take 30%then give her what's left but by the time it's converted from dollars to pounds and she's paid 20%tax it means she only gets half what she actually earns.
Goes on about Adrian and the money etc and again, she used to record conversations of him as proof, he told people she tried to stab him but she didn't, they were just joking around in the kitchen. Says how the mess up with the timing of the driving course triggered her ptsd because it was like him gaslighting her.
Someone asks what gaslighting is and she says she did loads of research about it but then struggles for several minutes to give examples of it! 😂
She's still fighting to get her £25 back from the driving course, she will fight it for her own sanity. Sometimes she wonders if she is a narcissist, she's learnt so much about it, we all have traits but the fact she's aware and questioning it means that she isn't one! 😂
Still rambles on about Adrian, how the wedding was all planned when he walked out on her, she had to ring and cancel everything and lost deposits...... But the wedding was a competition prize so how did she lose deposits??!
Claims he's still emailing her as she's talking, accusing her of sleeping with her ex.
Says she worries sometimes she overshares stuff and wonders if she should delete her lives but she's so honest and raw on her lives, she can't help but open up 😂
Goes on about how everything was perfect to start but then he started to come out as the real him, she fell in love with the person he was pretending to be, it was all an act that he couldn't keep up, she would threaten to leave and he'd be lovely again so she would stay because there was hope.
At this point someone comments she should be a therapist and she says yes lots of people have said she should be a counsellor. 😂. She's an empath, always looks for reasons for people's behaviour, always gives people the benefit of the doubt! 😂 When she gets trolls she's so strong as a person now she knows it's not true, she knows she's a good person.
There was a loads of rambling about how supportive the supporters group is and how they can all help each other etc
She's away next weekend so might not go live as she needs a break and to relax but may go live on the Saturday but no promises.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
And don't you worry Gemma, I'm currently keeping myself busy coming up with the next thread title, I'm writing them down as I think of them and believe me there's some real crackers! They are mostly along the same theme and fit in with my profile pic, *in best Rolf Harris voice* can you guess what it is yet? Do you know who Rolf is? He's a pervy convicted criminal just like Jos closest mate, he kept insisting he was innocent too but unlike Piotr's his victims got justice.
Such fantastic people Jo associates herself with eh? She's just amazing isn't she?
*The last bit is to be read in a really sarcastic tone just in case you didn't realise, I mean you are a Jo supporter so clearly lacking in the brains department* 😘
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
This afternoon's borefest, a video on the main page about trolls and how she deals with them and looks after her mental health🙄 she repeats the pink hair analogy that she obviously saw elsewhere but pretends it was her own councillor who told her it , she mentioned it several times on supporter lives because obviously she's boring and can't come up with any new content.
Anyway she says that she only talks about trolls to humour them, not because she's bovvered cos she ain't!😂
People have formed ACTUAL hate groups about her and say stuff that isn't even factual, they are so obsessed they talk about her every day.
She rents a space in their heads for free (she also repeats this regularly, she obviously thinks it's clever, clearly another phrase she's got from someone else as she certainly couldn't have thought of it herself)
Trolls are negative people who find fault in everything, she doesn't even look at the sites, can count on her hands how many times she's looked (yeah I wouldn't bank on that Jo, you are barely literate so I doubt your counting is much better)
She says when they report her to social services or the RSPCA she asks her friends to check and her friends confirm that the trolls are bragging about it....hmm I suggest Jo gets herself some friends that don't lie then because noone on here has bragged about reporting her! Or maybe Jo herself should stop lying and making shit up to get more attention.
Since her breakdown in 2018 she's been working on herself and her self love, how to control the way she reacts to trolls and it's not because she's bovvered that she talks about them but they do give her content....which funnily enough is what we say on here quite often but obviously Jo wouldn't know that cos she never reads here!😂


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
So Jo making out she didn't know what Kaff was planning, she says Kaff is doing it behind Piotr's back yet Kaff herself stated that she didn't want to do anything without him knowing what was going on so which is it???
Both as bad as each other for lying, you really need to get your stories straight ladies!


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Frozen Face has posted a completely pointless video for supporters of them waiting in the dark for the hay to arrive, it's only short and you can barely see anything but I guess she needed to post something.
And a video on the main page of her "walking" her overweight unfit dogs using the quad and of course she shows how she "locks in" Lowens legs with hers to try and justify her illegal activity of having him on the quad and only using one hand to drive it because she's recording with the other.
Amazon might be interested to hear about her having lowen on the quad as well because it clearly states in the rules of being an Amazon Associate that they won't allow people who show illegal activity on their page to be part of the program.
Those dogs are ridiculously overweight.
You know why? She doesn't feed them like normal people do, she just leaves an open bag of food for them to help themselves because she's too lazy to portion out feeds properly each day.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
So Spotty McGrotty is going to go live on the main page every day next week if she can, depending on signal, says lowen is testing her patience and seeing how much of a prick he can be but it's the holidays so they will do lots around home and maybe go to the beach, have an Easter egg hunt etc and then the second week she will go live for supporters so please subscribe because she's poor and has to earn a living 🙄
Yard and stables are shit high especially the stables because she didn't bother to clean them yesterday, says she cleaned the geese "the other day" was that after the RSPCA told you too Jo??
Her desperation is showing yet again with plugging supporters yet yesterday she was saying she's car hunting so clearly not that poor!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She's so desperate now that she's started tagging everyone in all her posts to get her reach up.
She said she had seen others doing it and asked if it worked and if people got a notification and they confirmed that they did.
Even last night she was going back over older videos and adding a comment tagging everyone. Sad twat, can't stop thinking about money even on her holiday.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Why didn't she feed the horses when she woke up at ten though? She posted saying that she had just woken up hence missing going live so it's not like she slept all night.
Also rather clever to be woken up at 2.44am but then claim to have been out fixing the trampoline at 2am! 😂
She's lucky that it didn't do any major damage or freak out the horses making them hurt themselves.
Clearly her mum warned her about the wind but as usual Jo knows best 🙄
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Expert knowledge on horses???? Love it! I’m surprised she even knows one end from the other the little she sees them. Says they are all inTop condition. She’s fucking blind now aswell is she!

If you watch her last video you will see some never ever seen footage of Jo with a brush in her hand but don’t subscribe just yet none of them get more than a couple of seconds of half arsed brushing through their matted manes
Ah but it's ok because according to jo the mane and tail spray means you just spray it in, leave for five minutes and then you can run your fingers through their silky soft hair, sure you aren't getting confused with a Pantene advert jo? I mean the last time you used mane and tail spray that kid of yours wasn't even a sperm
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