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annable 123

Well-known member
I knew she'd backtrack saying she didnt want people leaving them reviews what a load of bollocks she knew they'd run to her defense like they do every single time she has a problem. Bit like the trolls video she made, she knew they'd all share it and get her attention she desperately craves. If she was simply warning people to take pictures of their vehicles before leaving them somewhere and collecting afterwards she could have simply put that but she didnt, she PUBLICLY named the garage and provided a link to their page knowing her trolls would do her dirty work then she could play the innocent later on saying she never asked them to post reviews it was blatantly fucking obvious jo you thick cow, if you think people believe that you are even more stupid than you look. As for divvy amy on supporters still digging the hole deeper yes she did publicly name them on the main page, it wasnt a rant or a post on supporters she went with the biggest audience she could. Atleast out of all this a few more people can see what a 'wonderfully friendly group' of people supporters group is!! Brainwashed sheep is all the majority are, i say majority because a few have talked sense and said she shouldnt have named them or supporters shouldnt have left reviews on her behalf
Too little too late, I believe that garage will not tolerate her bad mouthing them when they’ve done nothing wrong tbh, hope they see you in court Jo, shame you can’t go to jail, bigger shame you can’t share a cell with Piotr, save us hard working taxpayers some money, you know, taxes we pay to keep free loading lazy bitches like you so you can live off McDonalds and chocolate and scam innocent obviously in some cases vulnerable, mentally unstable followers….
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Ah but it's ok because the part Piotr WAS guilty of and given a jail term for (false imprisonment) was only "a little bit bad" according to Jo.
So gaffer taping a woman to a door, throwing her phone away from her, leaving her no doubt upset and terrified not knowing if he was going to return and carry on with his vile attack on her is only "a little bit bad" ??? You're a fucking disgrace Jo and all your minions who keep harping on about how happy they are he was found innocent are almost as bad as you.
And you might want to brush it all under the carpet and not have anyone comment about it on your page but believe me I'm not going to shut up about it, I'm going to remind you every day and hopefully any followers who read here will see exactly the type of person you are.

ps can't wait for the next thread title! 😉
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
I hope Bella is ok but without being a sceptic, I’d this to enhance any go fund me page going 🙄🙄 she won’t like ££ being diverted to sex pest, even though I’m sure she will take most of it, so is this just a new lie to get £££ now sent to her 🧐🧐🧐 as people are offering it 🙄🙄
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So she moans about having seven horses yet she does nothing to care for them. A load of haylidge and token couple of barrow load of shit each day (according to her but we all know she's a liar) does not equal horse care. When did any of them actually get brushed or their hooves picked? She'll soon have the patter of more tiny hooves to deal with as I'm sure Seven is reaching the age where he could do the deed. Trixie and Ginny are perfect size surely? Maybe she's hoping Ginny will get caught and die during foaling. That would save her job of re homing her. Good to see those poor geese out of their shit pit getting some clean dirt beneath their feet. Didn't realise the bird lockdown had finnished. Someone should let Mrs Hinch know her hens can go out again.
As for the brat good to see he's talking so much more clearly now and managing to take himself off to the toilet like other nearly 4 year olds........ oh wait, got that wrong. Mixing him up with another child🫣
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Kath the cash is very desperate, close that purse and then see how welcome you are. Why have a visitor and then ask them to do all the house work, that's a bloody cheek . More the point, she couldn't take her dog??

Why are people paying 99p to watch that shite. I paid for a few months, soon wised up. Wouldn't give her another penny now.
Why set up a printing business again? She failed last time I haven't seen one person wearing her products. She couldn't spell vinyl so not sure I would trust her to print for me.
No big orders, just the minions thinking they are the elite ones wearing her shite.
How can she have more time to print, thought that was her time to ride her horses??
Many people are struggling financially with the increase in living, priority is not to buy a tacky hoodie off Jo. Didn't Amy learn the first time around.. Jo isn't famous who would want her and her brat on a hoodie?? Not me !
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annable 123

Well-known member
She clearly didn't bother to check the fencing when she decided to put them back in that grazing. The horses escaped last time she had them up there as well. But it's clearly hysterically funny and definitely worth plugging supporters for 🙄
Won't be laughing when one is dead on the road or someone is badly hurt trying to avoid hitting them with their car. Stupid bitch doesn't deserve any animals.
Nothing funny about horses escaping and getting hurt, if you think there is you want ya head read, horses get killed escaping and can hurt people, how much shall we bet she has no insurance either 😡
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Totally agree with all you have said “She’s Nasty ” I love watching “ pony palls family, ettie,” to name a couple and others they post up loads daily especially pony palls family which is most enjoyable, there children who some are about 2 or 3 you can understand unlike L at nearly 4 not got a clue what he’s saying most of the time what a disgrace Jo best mumma is L should be much more advanced than he is considering Jo does bugger all, those poor horses and dogs and any other animals unfortunately have the misfortune to be owned by such a nasty evil woman, still karma will sort her out may take days, weeks, months or years but she will get her comupence sooner rather than later
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
My offer to the next thread “I am NVF, and my horses are looked after like Sh*t but don’t worry because I love my sex pest mate who i call daddy to my kid 🤣
Trying........and failing Kaff! 😂
These pesky trolls get everywhere don't they?! 😘
So Piotr's Prostitute Payment Plan has got £225 so far
Joe is half way to taking that money back to pay for his car then 🙄🙄
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Stormy skies

Well-known member
Come on then minions where are all the 'your horses love you jo, you have such a good bond with them' comments?? Yeah of cause they do that's why she couldnt catch trixie or get a head collar on her without bribing her with food into the stable, just like when she loaded ginny on the lorry she needed a bucket of feed. Great bond my arse those horses stay as far away from her as possible. You might think all these 'escapes' make good content but it actually shows just how incompetent you are
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VIP Member
That yard in the last video was absolutely disgusting she even says it herself!! It’s no way to keep horses. I just don’t know how she gets away with it. Poor things 😢
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So instead of going outside and taking Jon boys rug off she thinks it makes for a better video to just film from inside her shit pit him gradually destroying his current one he's wearing. Oh look seven is getting a piggyback off ginny. No love he's trying to do the deed with her. That's what happens when you don't get your horse gelded. No wonder poor girl is stroppy with constant unwanted advances from a horny gelding. Also love your child would be able to talk much better without a bloody dummy in his gob. Can't watch anymore🤮
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
There’s one thing being a supporter and enjoying watching (although why you would want to enjoy someone that literally is just after your ££ and doesn’t look after her animals at all, and is a lier and just a nasty person through and through but each to our own ) but to actually being that sad you have to latch onto someone else’s like Kath the cash and Julia to name a few 😵💫😵💫 because you obviously haven’t got one of your own 🥹 just a shame they didn’t pick a better person or role model they are like sheep that have been hypnotised by some begging spell and believe every word that comes out of that horrible mouth of hers wake up because she don’t really give a shit about you, if you stopped sending her the ££ or stuff or visiting to clean her home you would be absolutely useless too her and she would drop you like a stone 🤷‍♀️

just sit back and think when has she ever actually got you anything or visited you 🙄 🙄 or Julia even said a nice word about you ??? See kath the cash is favourite because she wasted money buying her puppy, visits and cleans her crudavan for her!!!!and continues to spend more then you it’s like who can spend more 🤷‍♀️

and Kath even got you to do her begging gofundme page for her sex pest so it looks better and you do what your told 🙄🙄

watch this space because I bet she will take all that cash herself.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Her gums definitely don't look normal, she has mentioned using a special whitening mould from the dentist where she had her teeth fixed up so maybe she's got that on.
Fake teeth to go with the botox and constantly bleached/coloured hair..... But she loves and accepts herself for who she is both inside and out! 😂


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Stormy skies

Well-known member
just shows she knows nothing about horses really, and there response was spot on, I wouldn’t need to call a food company and ask for help especially as Jo is so experienced 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Just like when she put bella on that supplement that said not suitable for pregnant mares!! Fucking idiot she is. She knows fuck all but they all follow her shit and dangerous advice! There's no hope for them sadly.
Is she choosing to naturally wean because it would be too difficult for her to separate them?
Thats exactly the reason. She knows bella will kick off when separated from her baby and shes shit scared of her. Seven is also turning out like her feral child so i expect she'll be weary of him too as he's getting bigger now. She knows it will be difficult so has thought fuck it 'self wean' makes me look like a devoted owner, truth is shes a pussy whose scared of her own horses and its too much work because we all know she works so bloody hard bless her
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Ohhhhh shit guys, I've just discovered what Piotr is in prison for ..... Rape and robbery!!! I won't share links or anything as not sure it's allowed but it's on Cornwall live.
Knew it had to be something serious but wasn't expecting that .
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The sooner she realises the phrase " you can't polish a turd " could of been written especially for her the better. Once a trampy skank always a trampy skank love. She literally makes my skin crawl. Wish she'd put this much effort into toilet training and teaching Chucky to speak before school starts! Nobody cares what you look like love. Your vile lazy money grabbing personality puts people off. Try improving shit life your poor animals have to live in every day and change your horrible attitude and maybe people might just start to tolerate you. Just hope and pray karma gets you soon in the shape of the RSPCA and social services. If your kid was at my school I would of lost count how many cause for concern forms I would of filled in by now
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VIP Member
Poor girlcat. But another one escapes the disgusting neglectful bitch. That’s indie, ginnie and soon to be girlcat finally away from the cruel bitch. Don’t worry though she’s made at least 4K out of her so has plenty for the vets bills as I’m sure she saved that money for girlcat and didn’t spend it on other things!

God hope she doesn’t get any more animals or kids for that matter as she can’t look after them!

Save your fake tears! No one believes them


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Unsubscribing was the first thing I did ! God I feel stupid for sending her gifts now.i sent her a quite expensive hose ( one of the ones you fix to a wall and it auto reels ) le mieux headcollars that I have never seen her use ....I would have liked to see them on her horses but now realise she most probably sold them ...why am I so gullible ☹
She always makes out she’s so humbled by the gifts doesn’t she and so grateful then you never see her using them or use once and never again. She breaks them or sells them on! That £160 equi dry coat she moaned is too warm. I’ve seen it on twice. She’s an ungrateful bitch!
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
Or maybe he just didn’t want to do it when the other children did, but most likely the day they made them, she never bothered to take him they normally make them in the week, because they stick and paste or even paint they leave them to dry before the Friday when they take them home, lesson learnt Jo if you get of your lazy arse and take him every day your get a Mother’s Day card 🤣🤣🤣

saying that my mum or sister would also help mine when they were little make me a card, but as you won’t let anyone else near him and your jealous of your own mum being around him then suck it up 😅😅

my children have the most amazing bond with there nans and aunties, They ❤ Them as much as anyone probably more then me sometimes 🤣🤣 wouldn’t have it any other way, but you Jo deprive L of that because it has to be just you no one else, such a shame because you are really taking away such a special part of his life
Just to add yes I’m a poor single mum of two 🤣 ( well I’m not poor and I’m fine bringing my children up I don’t care if I’m single or not I don’t need to self woe is me on it) who’s dad is a complete arse, doesn’t pay maintenance and calls them twice a year if there lucky, but I’d never tell my children that, they can find that out in there own judgement and time which they have, but never once put him down to them. Because they need to establish that for themselves. Sadly by you doing that as a parent you will be the one that loses out, because one day L will be old enough to have his own mind and make his own decisions, and choices and no book of how bad your dad has been will help you when he chooses himself to want to meet or spend time with him so watch out now because you Jo will become the bad person in the end if you continue the way your going
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