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VIP Member
We are still awaiting the official jo mention. Be very interesting cos she’s already said it’s doesn’t affect her or lowen. I think if someone I’d been friends with did something so horrific like this I’d be affected!!! She will no doubt drag out the false emotions when they are required though in an effort to get the twats to feel sorry for her
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annable 123

Well-known member
All her cronies commenting on the rescue/ rehoming page saying such a shame she’s no good with kids she had the best home… define best home, left feral and ignored with the basic of care and food or in a home and looked after properly and treated well not pushed about, as for hating children comments…. That will help get her a home you muppets, kids should be supervised all the time around horses, all she does is talk to her phone….glad the pony is out of that shit pit… six to go lol
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Let's put her to the test and see if she mentions this then! Is your brat toilet trained yet? Can he go a day without his dummy so he can learn to talk? All vital skills for starting school in September. Being able to twist a handle to make a quad bike move forwards is not a still he will need in school. Being clean toilet wise and being able to talk is. Good luck love. Oh and any time you feel like cleaning up after your horses without moaning or being too knackered to give them any kind of basic care let us trolls know and we might have less to moan about
Being able to do sounds such “n” “m” etc is essential too, aswell as being able to hold a pen correctly and be learning to write letters, being able to blend sounds etc too. Considering she’s at home all day, she has no excuses as to why he can’t do any of those things.
The fact he’s still attached to a dummy, can’t speak properly and is still is nappies is utterly appalling. There’s also only healthy options for school dinners, packed lunches you aren’t junk food either. Can’t do as he pleases or do what he wants, when he wants.School are going to absolutely love having him. Jo, lowen and the school are in for a huge shock!!
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WTF...... Surely they can't give her CCTV footage from 31st-2nd? Wouldn't gdpr protect other car owners regs?
Almost every area in the UK has policies clearly stating any damage done on premises private or public is nothing to do with the company and left at owners risks.
Yes it sucks, it really sucks when someone damages your car but unless there is damage that requires repairs and insurances swapped to claim for it there's not much else can be done.
Demanding CCTV footage just to prove a point is OTT imo.
They didn't have to help her and I'm sure they'd not welcome random ppl leaving reviews because they want to support her as seems to be the in thing RN on tiktok so naming and shaming is a no no imo.
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Active member
Unsubscribing was the first thing I did ! God I feel stupid for sending her gifts now.i sent her a quite expensive hose ( one of the ones you fix to a wall and it auto reels ) le mieux headcollars that I have never seen her use ....I would have liked to see them on her horses but now realise she most probably sold them ...why am I so gullible ☹
Don't worry I was gullible too but the best thing about this is we don't have to watch her shit show anymore, and the suffering she cause people and animals and not to mention poor lowen xxxxx
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So Girlcat has lymphoma and nothing can be done. Jo has done a reel of her holding her and crying with music.
Obviously it's sad for Girlcat and I hope she is given as much pain relief etc as possible to keep her comfortable until its time to pass.
HOWEVER yet again Jo has let her animal down, she said weeks ago that Girlcat was losing fur and had lumps but as usual Jo refused to spend money on the vets and self diagnosed her with an allergy and "treated' with antibiotics and steroids that were left over from a previous time because she failed to give her the full course, claiming delightedly that she had cured her a couple of days later.
Had she done what any decent pet owner would do and get her seen they may have been able to give her treatment and at least prolong her life if not cure her.
Jo you are a fucking disgrace! You shouldn't be allowed ANY animal. You are a vile selfish piece of shit.
Tears of guilt. No animal should suffer in the hands of this beast.
Get Kath to pay the vet bills, or all the other idiots that sit back and watch you neglect your animals.
Another go fund pay due to be set up?? Ohh no that's right ,the other minions will set it up for you, just like the funding for pervy rapist pioter!!
Behind every fake tear is a smiling Jo waiting for the money to pour in.

Jo we all have better memories than you. We know every single scam you have pulled.
The cats old, do the done thing instead of using her for your next cash scam

You are a disgrace!!!
How can one person be so unlucky?? Escaping horses , feet caught in sheep fencing ( not suitable for horses) , the list is endless. You shouldn't be let lose with a clothes horse never mind a really animal.

That cats suffered long enough. She will be another that escapes your evil hands.
Blood money, that's all you use. ( Don't tell pervy pioter though cause any blood, he asks ( sorry takes ) his money back !!
Second hand embarrassment
Tears of guilt.. hope those tears don't make her eyes any shaggier.. Botox not working Jo !
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When my last old dog passed away it took me about two months to tell people, the thought of doing all that publicly now I just can't fathom.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Am I going insane?? No Jo you aren't going insane you ARE insane!! 😂 You are batshit fucking crazy!! First the speed awareness time you insist on hearing the call from and now this.
And to say its dangerous to question her sanity because she was in an abusive relationship for 3 years and she's got ptsd!!! What an absolute fucking joke.
Oh and from having no money and moaning about it constantly to asking for recommendations for destinations with sun but cheap flights but transfers from airport to resort and child friendly because you need a holiday!
I don't need to tell you that the comments on her posts are comedy gold! 😂 Apparently it's because she's a blonde female that they are taking the piss and according to Julia Jo is the sanest person she knows.... Yeah that really isn't saying much Julia! 😂


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VIP Member
Filthy skanky beggar! Poor bloody horse dragged out for a content video again. Not seen a brush. Doubt very much she even bothered to pick his feet out. Certainly couldn’t be bothered with any tack well she couldn’t even be arsed to dress herself or her brat, who now seems to have a wonderful vocabulary and asked to ride today? Yeah course he did. Funny how you never hear him even string two coherent words together in a video but according to jo he’s been reading the bible out loud since he popped out of her rancid crotch!
Why did she breed Hugo? I thought Jack was her ❤ horse so 12 years ago he was in his prime so why did she need another horse? Another money making scheme? That back fired too didn’t it.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
So how's 2023 going so far Jo??!😂😂😂
They didn't fall for your shit so now you are having a tantrum!😂 But you have no proof that they did the damage and an old video showing it looking fine means nothing as you could have damaged it on the way to the garage or as you parked it.
Comments from the minions are entertaining as always though, "report to the police" "report to trading standards" "Get your insurance people on it"
And my favourite..."name and shame them, they obviously don't know what independent woman they are dealing with either, bastards!" 😂😂😂😂


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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
I’m almost tempted to give her my 99p of my hard earned money to watch that Live to get blocked after so I can tell her a few home truths if she does go into detail or even defend him or anything else, but then I think why waste 99p on her but would be worth it to tell her what most are thinking, but to up her arse to say it
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
So I thought I'd better say thanks for the very small pile of gifts I received because its annoying having all this shit piled up on the table, yes some of it was for Xmas but I'm a lazy ungrateful cunt who couldn't be arsed to do a video before now.
So here's a torch Kath the Cash sent to replace the one I was gifted before but broke because I have no respect for you lot or the presents you send me, here's a load of washing powder and liquid my latest male wierdo sent, yes I'm such a tight cow I won't even buy essentials like that myself.
Here's some jodhpurs to not wear because I never ride, here's yet more pyjamas for my child because why the hell should I pay to dress him.
I've just had a shower that's why my hairs wet.... What's that Lowen? Mummy's hair is clean? Yes I know and it's not even my birthday!
Talking of Birthdays I want to take Lowen to CBeebies Land but it's soooo expensive and much as I love him there's no way I'm spending MY money on him, I did mention it last year but none of you pathetic supporters took the hint so I thought I'd start dropping hints early to give you all time to start saving your hard earned money ready to pay for us to go, oh and that includes my mum as well because I can't possibly cope away from home with my feral child, don't forget I also want a holiday in the sun and so far none of you gullible idiots have offered me a freebie yet, I've removed the post about that because the trolls will be on to it like flies on shit, speaking of shit I've moved the hay feeder back into the field so the horses will eat and shit out there because I'm sick of mucking out when there's Judge Judy and Vera to be watched.
Anyway I'm going now, sorry if I seem flat, there's actually fuck all wrong with me or my mental health but I haven't done a whoa is me, I'm depressed video for a few days so thought I'd get one in now.
I'm off to go take some daffodils from the farmers field cos I'm too fucking tight to even spend a quid and support a local business, see ya losers, don't forget, start saving those pounds for me!


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Does she not know anything about basic horse care it's the seeds and the seedlings basically don't have those bloody trees in your field, and what does she think that when the grass starts the saplings will die no they keep growing she really is a thick twat sorry but she is
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
So they have been arguing with each other all evening, the majority saying poor piotr, one even said he only gaffer taped her in self defence! 🙄 but a couple did speak out and said he wasn't completely innocent and they didn't agree with those who were saying everyone on NVF loves him and wants him back etc
And Jo has just sat there saying nothing but blocking people and deleting the posts so the only one that's left is her own live from yesterday saying he'd been found not guilty.
I just hope those who were blocked got the chance to cancel their payments or realise that they need to.
No doubt the Tattle trolls will get the blame because of course we are so obsessed with her!
She can't delete all the negative comments on the Cornwall live fb page though!
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Great Noonoo99, Miss Pepperpot did you also send over your footage to the garage as well Hopefully 🙏 karma will be heading her way, i definitely got the impression that he was taking it further serves her right skaney cow that she is.
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Well-known member
Couldn't of said it better myslf stormy.....trixie being bribed horses escaping and cant be caught.....Bella ill trixie cut her leg....list goes on
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Oh yes Jo the CCTV you always tell everyone you have when they get concerned about Adrian or some wierdo stalker turning up at your door, because you do have CCTV don't you Jo? You wouldn't be *gasp* lying about having CCTV would you Jo?? And we've all seen how you park your lorry right in front of the crudavan facing the gates so of course it will show a perfect view of your lorry as you drive out. Perfect, wow how fortunate you are to have CCTV Jo, I'm just surprised you seem to have forgotten all about it, I'm sure your supporters will be really pleased to hear that you can prove you aren't going insane and the lorry wasn't damaged to the garage after all!
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Between the quad with L on and her busy filming backwards whilst zooming around fields and Seven getting bigger, Bella not liking handling and dogs that bark and chase the horses, esp with Ginny stressed and understandably grumpy it's only time til a nasty incident happens, I won't call it an accident as it could have been totally avoided.
The near misses she's had that she's admitted to have been sheer luck to not have had serious consequences.
Imagine what she doesn't show.

As for knowing if she put it on main page that ppl would be horrified shows that she knows it's bad, yet she filmed edited and posted it.
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
Wow well let’s see what type of person she is now, because sorry but I’d still not let that type of person anywhere near me or my child, if they pay for sex workers, how he got away with that I don’t know, but I bet she will have him back in her house as soon as she can to show off
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