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Chatty Member
I think we can gauge her financial literacy from just the fact that she paid like 6 months rent in Kensington while living in Bahhhli lol

Her financial decisions really blow my mind, especially the shed
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I think the next few weeks will be very telling. I think it’s highly likely she moves back in with her mum for a while while she figures out new apt/etc. if she’s in Dublin then her and donkey are probably still giving it a go?
I see him most mornings (unfortunately), in Dublin and I've not seen her with him once, if she's any cop on at all, she will dump him before he dumps her again, might reignite that death her ego is having
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I need to stop talking sht about Jamie White because my Instagram thinks I’m interested and keeps feeding me this sponsored add
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It's even more cringe when you think that they had to set up their phone/camera and tripod prior to this, and probably a poor barista behind the counter having to endure the whole thing.
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It’s pretty clear that whatever the situation- they probably have not seen each other recently. She was at her mothers’s birthday party yesterday and he has been in Dublin the whole time.
Also, maybe my expectations are too high, but if my fiancé was going through a mental health crisis, I would drop everything to be be with them and provide support. I feel like the fact that they are still apart while she is going through this period is even more evidence that things are rocky between them, if not over again.
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Oh guys, off topic but saw this and thought it was absolutely spot on

Yes Tattle is very important to me 🤗
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Anyone else want to discuss her hair color being brown again? 🙈 I feel like her hair says a lot about what personality she’s trying to emulate
As much as it pains me to say this - I think her hair looks really nice 🫣
I feel like she’s leading a double life right now. There’s the wannabe posh London socialite Niomi and then there’s Lordon’s barefoot, dressed down, pseudo-science loving, woo-woo Niomi. Is this really sustainable long term though? Can she really maintain these two separate sides of her once they are married. (I still can’t see them getting married tbh)
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I know this is small fish compared to the rest of the complete nightmare but it is still so incredibly creepy to me that avocado chef told her brother to go check out Niomi when they were in Bali. She was post breakup then and at least part of her wanted to stay single. Creepy predator vibes run in the family.
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What the actual f… Few things make me as angry as people who spread pseudoscience and misinformation. I remember Lordon saying something like ”one session with Gary is worth 100 hours of therapy”. Saying things like that is actually dangerous and Niomi should be ashamed of herself for promoting this. Being punched in the stomach is not going to cure anything.
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In the stories she said she got a full adjustment from Gary. 🤢 Attaching the clip in case she does delete it.

Well I guess that’s the confirmation we need that she’s getting anal probing too
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I’d wager Lordon caught her when she was having a bad week, feeling particularly low and he convinced her to fly to SA where he love-bombed her. We know he was showing off his “work”, rebranding his IG and seemingly living it up in a swanky beach front apartment in Capetown… He basically catfished her. And she was vulnerable enough to fall for it. But then as soon as he got that ring back on her finger he dropped the act and went back to his lazy, culty ways, leading to a very short lived re-engagement. Just a theory.

Edit: I’d like to believe Nims Googled Garbage Gary, and when learning of his criminal past, challenged Lordon on his affiliation with him.
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I usually read without contributing but out of sheer horror at what is going on with Niomi I also checked into the live for a short period, felt like a car crash I couldn’t look away from.
Cbracelet’s summary is spot on and we must have caught the same section of the live. What really stood out to me was how Garbage Gary could not stop himself from smirking whenever she endorsed him and his program, he was trying so hard to maintain a straight face but his pure glee at the cash she was going to bring in for him shone through.
a couple of other minor points I observed, Niomi kept repeating people should come along and they ‘really have nothing to lose’ … yeah right, just a few hundred £££!!
During the drugs conversation, which was brought about by a question in the comments, niomi really tiptoed around, getting lost in a jumble of phrases, first saying she prefers not to do drugs and look inwards rather than rely on external forces, and then stumbles over correcting herself to call them plant medicine and not drugs, which is met by a handful of commenters saying how ‘plant medicines’ changed their lives. It really came across like she had tried the drugs but didn’t want to, I sincerely hope she is strong at setting her boundaries, particularly with Jamie as she comes across as so lost and vulnerable.
I also had a bit of a scroll through the other attendees thinking I’d be able to spot who had probably come from here vs Niomi’s vegan yogi followers, vs garbage Gary’s followers and frankly it was unanimously middle aged and above American women, trump vibes, oh and one overly enthusiastic lady who repeatedly commented she had attended in Ireland. Certainly not Niomi’s Chelsea socialite set that’s for sure.
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Their relationship is NOT a fairytale. It’s like the nightmare that just won’t end. And when we thought it had ended… it started again!!!
Dress it up all you want Nims but everything is documented here.
1. You randomly bumped into each other in a cafe as though it was fate..? Lie. It was orchestrated by your Irish fan girl and her creep of a brother.
2. You instantly knew you’d met your person…? Lie. You tried to run, he held you close so you couldn’t escape.
3. After 6 ✨magical✨ months in Barley, you finally found a home together that “fits”. Lie. You were there for 6 weeks but had to fork out ££££ for the whole lease.
4. You’re at your HaPpIeSt EvEr because you’re engaged and wearing THE STAR 🌟. Lie. You couldn’t agree where to live, were fucking MISERABLE in Ireland, and all the photos of the first 18 months of your paaarfect relationship mysteriously disappeared from your phone.
5. Planning a Barley wedding in May 2024. Lie. 7 months in, your engagement ended. You sold the story to Hello! Mag for money…
6. Now you’re back together because you’re meant to be and love wins 🖤. Lie. You’re in a cult.

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Best when she said "Im not a psychic but..." then she said "you have family stuff going on" like girl, you have Instagram, that's what you have.
Also, surely everyone has some sort of family stuff going on. Its a pretty safe bet.
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Jeez I’m gaining from this that she’s depressed. Niomi you have depression. You’re trying to deal with it in a spiritual way. Which is fine but counselling will give u the boost you need alongside. You’re really looking so so deep in to then… but it’s depression. Stop looking for answers in India and Bali and with fiancées etc… you have depression that you’ve not dealt with.
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Chatty Member
I think Verity is trying to remind Niomi of the “good old days”, when she was an influencer, eating vegan and actually doing something with her time (not floating about looking at butterflies and the moon). It’s patently obvious that Verity dislikes JW2; and who can blame her.
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