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If I’m not mistaken, I believe it is his brother who is married to Andrea. He’s been identified as Holly’s brother in various newspaper articles that qualify the family as a “well-known family”. Andrea was Miss Ireland and took part in Miss Universe moons ago.
Oh my apologies, you're right! I assumed his uncle because he looked so much older than Jamie and Holly in a picture of them all, but after checking his LinkedIn I think you're correct! He attended Blackrock College (one of the most infamously posh, and expensive, fee-paying secondary schools in Ireland), safe to assume Jamie also did?

That's his brother. Slightly less odd looking than Lordon - although there's a definite resemblance.

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He's aged massively in recent years, he looks 20 years older than in this picture! Still better looking than Jamie.
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This is just odd. And trashy. What next? "My new boyfriend inspires me to let go and try new things. Last night, we were in an off license and he encouraged me to shove a bottle of vodka and 20 fags under my beaudiful MaxMara coat. As we ran, I just thought, woo, I feel so wild! So free!"
It really seems like she is reliving her teenage years. It suits them as they have no responsibilities.
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(I know this video was posted 6 days ago, but I just saw it in my feed, so sorry if I'm repeating what others have said!)

Oh hell no. She did it. She posted a video demonizing contraception.

And it's no coincidence her proven-to-be-a-misogynist of a boyfriend, who has no place in this conversation about womens' health, is asking her all of the leading questions.

Honestly, as a DARE she. Especially during this nightmare of a political climate and the upheaval of Roe v. Wade (in the US), etc. Read the room Niomi.

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Wow. This screenshot. What a botoxed lipless wonder.
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also, what's up with N's dramatic travelling to the soup bowl, and then it doesn't even end in a close up?? Has she learned nothing in all these years filming??
With one deep fried semi-brain cell, it’s pretty difficult for her to get the concept, and she will probably never get it, as every story/post is an excuse to brag about something else.
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Lochness Monster

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Her family are NOT POSH. I grew up in Surrey and my Irish mother lived there from 1953 to 2014. She outclassed the local population in every way- not that I'm biased 😊
She is not well bred or posh. A snob most certainly. Thinks she is above many yes!
That bloke has an Irish accent , that will be the thing they don’t like. The face he was privately educated, so what.
Money does not buy class….

No photos of the food, wonder why. But the plates and cutlery and the style all looks sad. She made it sound like she had hosted the brunch of the year
Paper napkins 😂and on the wrong side of the plate!
She would have a better chance of climbing the social ladder is she invested in a month at finishing school.
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Jackie Daytona

Chatty Member
Sorry slight OT -

I feel so stupid you guys. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I am now in the same boat as Niomi. Last week my partner of 6 years came home one night and broke up with me out of the blue. He packed up his bag and left that same night. We had been living together for 5 years and 4 years ago I moved across the world to a foreign country to follow him for his work. He completely blindsided me, he’d never mentioned he had any problems with our relationship until that night. We had also just renewed our lease literally just a few weeks ago, so there was no way I expected this. He said he caught feelings for his colleague. Why do men keep doing this?! The pain is excruciating. Please pray for me that I don’t end up in the same place as Niomi. I don’t know how the hell i’m going to heal from this. This is the biggest shock of my life and it’s pure agony. Will this leave me as fucked up as she still is all these years later?
You have a great sense of humor and I think that goes a long way in healing. Niomi, as we know, doesn’t have an ounce of it, so she bought a ton of notebooks and crystals to help.
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Seriously they act like teenagers on shrooms...constant effing brain farts. Really annoying individuals that should just disappear from the webs.
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I honestly don't know if she's being genuine when she says she's happy with Lordon. Because she said the same stuff when she was with Forky, didn't she? Now she says she was in a bad place this time last year!?

This is Niomi one year ago with the caption "Happiness" in a post with Forky and his dog.

She's full of shit.

Maybe she really is happy with Lordon? But she doesn't look it to me. She looks the worst she's ever looked, and she said she's not sleeping... it just doesn't add up.

It seems like she was in a bad place before she went to Bali, and was desperate to meet someone because a fortune teller told her she would. Lordon swooped in and love bombed her and she's fallen for it. I think she wants the fairytale so badly, she'll settle for anyone.
Interesting comments under that video lol


I agree, I think Verity is probably trying to balance not pissing Niomi off by not taking this relationship seriously, with also, you know, not wanting yet another strange man around her young daughter at Christmas. I have a sister who is much younger than me (talking 10+ year age gap) and my Mum had sensible (IMO) rules about when our boyfriends would be allowed to meet her, be involved in family occasions because it's not fair for little kids to get attached to adults who aren't staying around. I appreciate that might be an unpopular thing and when I was younger I thought it was unfair but as an adult I am completely on board with protecting children from transient relationships. Niomi is probably too selfish to appreciate the impact of losing Joe on Daisy Mae - they did seem close - and if Verity doesn't want that happening every year then good on her in my opinion.

Last year, Niomi had Forky over right after Christmas, now this year she's LIVING with another man. It's way too much and to be honest it's extremely fucked up. I expect last year, the first time, Niomi sold her family this tale of Forky being the one, she'd known him a long time and they were friends first so the speed of the relationship just made sense, and I can imagine one time, her family might go for that spiel. But not twice, and she can't even do that with this guy she barely knows. Why should her family have to put up with another weird man around at Christmas, or on their family holidays, when at this point nobody knows how long Niomi's creepy rebound relationships are going to last. She has no regard for the effect of this on the rest of her family and it's unbelievably selfish. I also find it gross that she is obviously trying to give legitimacy to these relationships by trying to speedily embed these men into her family and family occasions - it's not organic, she really pushes for it.

Also it would be one thing if she met Lordon and they started dating casually, but she flew him back home from her vacay and he's been attached to her like a barnacle, I wonder whose decision it was for them to move in together into a new place, especially since she already had a house, I mean a shed...



Also looks like the comment that Nims replied to was deleted?

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What friends? There are no friends in sight. only a freaking teethy psychopath and your miserable existence of something that barely resembles an influencer (which is NOT an actual work) Your life is boring without purpose. Wake up girl.
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I second this. Dull as dishwater as always…
I’m intrigued to know how they’re going to spin their relationship back in Bali under the new laws though.
I they they adjusted that law to exclude foreigners (probably realized what that would do to the tourism industry; still terrible for Indonesians though of course).
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I’m just catching up on her latest vlog, she’s selling a course?! Hahaha it’s just too transparent that she’s gone to Bali, met these life coaches and they’ve told her how much money you can make with an online course. She’s using her reach and following to make a quick buck. I hope people aren’t stupid enough to waste their money on it.
especially atm with everyone having to economise, I don't know if anyone here follows the Unjaded Jade thread but I hope this goes the way of the app she attempted to launch
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Imagine floating through your day TRULY BELIEVING that a bunch of complete strangers is interested in your every move🤪
Ooh 'nearly show a bowl of soup'- keep them happy- job done. DELUSIONAL 🤯
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These shitshow vlogs demonstrate how much help she used to have with them. The sound and editing are both dreadful. I think her new agency must be far more hands-off.
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Well Lordon and Nimbot can go back to Bali it seems

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