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My female network makes me stronger.. until I find a boyfriend and they don’t serve me anymore.

Maybe I misunderstand the word network, but seems like she’s not even talking about her circles/friends, it’s about a network, so how she can take advantage of people and make money out of them.
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Wow. Lordon is already being sent PR gifts...or maybe they think she's still with Joe...


Can anyone fill me in on what Jamie's sordid past is? What are people referring to when they say he's into degrading women?

There's so many Niomi threads I don't even know where to begin looking!!
Check the Wiki (Top of page). @Ciri just updated with the Lordon info!
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Wow she's brought it entirely on herself but she's sooo vulnerable right now I almost feel sorry for her...being with someone her friends and family clearly don't like is going to isolate her so much, and this guy is real bad vibes. She's going to get trapped.
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Man, I hate having so much work due right now, but I do LOVE being able to catch up on all the crap I’ve missed out on.

Remember how Nimbobs was talking about toxic friendships? I’m thinking it was probably Charlotte. May I present Exhibits A and B.


Tattlers always on point. Nimbobs, you really are ridiculous.
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Yeah i dont think chosing to spend xmas with her bf is particularly odd. Hopefully her mother lets her be her and isnt clingy etc. I also didnt think it was so bad her not going to her grandads funeral. Families are complex.
the bad thing was : she lost her grandad then a few post later :"i am the happiest ever"
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@palmer so sorry to hear :( he doesn't deserve you. Please take care of yourself as you would do it to your best friend. Give yourself Time to heal . If you can go to therapy please do. Heartbreaks are not easy....thinking of you ! ❤❤ you are strong my friend and you will be stronger!
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(I know this video was posted 6 days ago, but I just saw it in my feed, so sorry if I'm repeating what others have said!)

Oh hell no. She did it. She posted a video demonizing contraception.

And it's no coincidence her proven-to-be-a-misogynist of a boyfriend, who has no place in this conversation about womens' health, is asking her all of the leading questions.

Honestly, as a DARE she. Especially during this nightmare of a political climate and the upheaval of Roe v. Wade (in the US), etc. Read the room Niomi.

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I haven't watched the video but I think it's so easy to turn your back on the pill when you are in your thirties, financially secure, and in a relationship and when becoming pregnant unexpectedly is not a catastrophe, probably even welcome. I'm sure Niomi wouldn't have spewed this shit in her teens and twenties and was happy enough to have access to modern contraception when it benefited her.
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Where to start?!

The last scrap of empathy I had for Nims just disappeared. The way she responded to that comment was so passive-aggressive, spiteful and downright ugly. There’s nothing wrong with the amount of boyfriends she’s had. What is questionable is how she’s parading them all on SM as ‘the one’. Please Niomi, for the love of God, just exercise some caution and discretion.

When I started catching up on this thread I was concearned for her. At the start of her latest vlog, at first I thought she was coming home from a night out having had a couple of drinks and in a state of merriment. But on realising it was early morning and she was on the way to Berlin I thought, holy shit it’s as though she’s on drugs. I wonder if she is partaking in recreational drug use? No, I can’t see that. What could be a possibility is that she’s on a high dose of diazepam or something similar. It’s awful to see. She looks so rough. As someone has already said, going make-up free and embracing a natural look is one thing, but she’s completely stopped putting any effort at all into her appearance lately. I genuinely do not understand. Does she think she looks liberated, youthful and on trend? To me she looks like an addict.
It made me think of Meghan Markle, when she said the first time she met William and Kate she was in ripped jeans and barefoot. Seriously, do better. Royalty or not, meeting your partner’s family for the first time you put in some effort!

The whole vlog is off. Even the end where she’s in the new flat with the Christmas tree. Lordon assisted with the lights but she’s decorating it by herself. Like she’s ticking off another box. She’s says how happy she is with it, but the whole atmosphere is cold and depressing. The flat is dark and sterile, not homely. The decorations might be up, but there’s no feeling of festiveness or joy.

I’m torn between signing off and unfollowing, or seeing what 2023 brings. Right now, a Christmas engagement, a surprise pregnancy or a breakup all seem equally plausible in the year ahead. It’s impossible to tell which way it’s going to go. One minute I think they’re perfect for each other, the next I think what the hell has she become there is no way she can continue like this!!
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That's a valid reason though! She made it out like her GP just put her on it just because she's 16, which was nonsense
This vlog is absolutely unhinged. She was on the pill for two months when she was 16, and somehow this is a lesson for all of us not to take BC because of vague feelings of Niomi over synthetic hormones? Mmk. She probably gained four pounds and then stopped taking it is the reality. No idea why she was basically implying this is some kind of conspiracy against women, as though access to birth control hasn’t been incredibly significant in allowing women to manage their reproductive futures.
There wasn’t even the most basic “I’m not a doctor caveat” nor did she explain the issues with the copper IUD. Not to mention possibility of STIs, availability of condoms etc. God forbid Jamie take some role in this.
He is disgustingly creepy, with his mention of Niomi being “rebellious and curious”. What is he even talking about she is the most basic bitch on the planet and conventional as can be. The focus of her life has been youtube, material things, Joey, and her underlying eating issues/compulsive exercising. Obviously this is some type of narrative he’s hoping to perpetuate to push her in the direction of his interests (open relationship, sex parties, mushrooms, bondage, these guys are all the same).
Can’t with this new persona Niomi has adopted to please him. It’s like a pseudo intellectual but actually airheaded wannabe sexual cool girl.. My favourite when she stated this was before she was interested in spirituality. Pardon me? 🤣 Sooo deep. She’s been through so much guys, really a hero when it comes to resilience.
PS does she mention at the beginning she did pull-ups at the gym? with her string bean arms? have we seen her do this?

I think this is something that GPs in the US do? Correct me of I am wrong? But I have seen this in TV shows, but NO GP in the UK will offer any kind of medicine/treatment more than they have to as it is all just another cost . I really think she has invented this having seena us sitcom
The reality is doctors give out the pill at that age for three main reasons 1) you’re sexually active or thinking of it 2) issues with acne 3) bad period cramps or other menstrual issues. So I’m guessing she was under the first category, probably already aiming to please some boyfriend.
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She really needs to stop with the sarky retorts that she thinks are super witty and hilarious but actually seem bitter and jaded. She can't pull it off and it seems unprofessional, rude and embarrassing!
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How can things be okay?! This year she’s had another breakup, lost her grandfather, cut ties with her close friend & Dior sent her a non-luxury item 💔 🤕 Her inner narc is showing.
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Someone BRIEFLY catch me up on her?? Last time I even heard of her, she was still with Marcus Butler 😅
Wow! You have a LOT to catch up on!

I'll give it a shot.

She was engaged to a guy called Dreamy Joe (Woodward) who broke up with her two days after she'd been trying on wedding dresses. She moved onto a guy we call Forky, they got lost in the jungle, and soon after that they were all over. She now pretends he doesn't exist and their relationship never happened. She then ran away to Bali and took up with a dodgy type and possible cult member we call Lordon. Six months in and she's already living with him. We predict a Christmas engagement.

If you want to catch up further, I recommend reading the recaps and most popular posts on every thread. Or check the Wiki.
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I would like to propose the 2022 highlight for nimbecile. The main result if you research news about her .
Screenshot_20221217_170030_Samsung Internet.jpg

And the beginning of the beige coat era
We will never let you forget the douche forky era even if you want to erase it 😈
Screenshot_20221217_170418_Samsung Internet.jpg
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I think it’s so funny that she’s gone silent probably thinking she’s mysterious and everyone will think she’s having a tech free pahhhfect time and maybe getting engaged, but then she sees someone speculates they split up and she has to hurry herself to post a photo correcting it. God forbid the internet thinks she has a third break up 😂
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I dont know why people think she is unhappy..shes not alone at 30!!! Jeez i cant believe there are young women still out there that worry about all that shite. Shes with a guy who validates all her nonsense. Im sure shes happy??!!!!
I think she’s happy too. She was miserable being single. It doesn’t matter how fugly he is, she got what she wanted.

I doubt she will ever break up with him. She will cling onto him for dear life to avoid being single in her 30s. She will even get rid of her life long best friend to keep him.
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However I don't get the comments of people being concerned for Niomi, I think they are the perfect match, both have non-existent, barely doing anything careers..
I'm not concerned for her. I think they're a great match too and I'm excited for engagement number 2 :)
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