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Chatty Member
I always find this sort of comment hilariously presumptuous, like people have to follow some arbitrary timeline and stop their own life for the feelings of someone they just intentionally disconnected from. when you dump someone, you are FREE. they don't get a say in your life anymore. you get to do what you want, and what is right for you. it's not Niomi's business what he does now, nor how fast he is doing it. it doesnt change that he wanted to dump Niomi. he clearly was over her for a while and it seems this Anna girl runs in the same circle, and it doesn't take long to jump from friend to dating if you've known someone a long time. if he had a friendship with Anna that he could feel was starting to slip into actual feelings and dumped Niomi immediately bc he felt it was edging into emotionally cheating, then he is in the clear. he did the right thing. why should he be penalized for his feelings? if this was a romcom with Anna and Joe as the main characters and Niomi as the controlling loveless relationship in the way, the audience would be cheering away for Anna+Joe. life is short, the pandemic has taught us as much. too short to stay in a shitty relationship and way too short to not be with someone you want to be with bc you dont want to hurt your ex's feelings. plus, the whole lockdown situation very likely messed with his timeline. if he was thinking of dumping her, it is likely he had to wait a while to not be callous. but that doesn't mean his feelings weren't already moving along. plus - it was OBVIOUS there was issues there and Niomi was like purposely ignoring them. if she wasn't so self centered and only thinking of herself, she would have noticed his shift. I have very little sympathy for girls like Niomi who live in their own world and then when they get "blindsided" bc they insisted on living in fantasy land, expect to be victimized. if we can see it in small clips of videos, it was certainly present enough for HER to notice. if Joe didn't leave her for Anna, he would've left her eventually anyway. getting mad at Anna is just redirecting feelings instead of dealing with the feelings. it doesn't change the reality.
YES!!!! People who keep saying Joe is slimy makes me roll my bloody eyes. As far as we're aware, during the relationship, he was absolutely pahfect (sure, she made a few comments about him working late/lots - a concept her dim head can't understand unfortunately) and arranged gifts for her and was Dreamy and lovely, etc. etc. etc., she shoved it down our throats in every video/Instagram post -- so, then he left her, he's welcome to do that. Nobody owes anybody their life.

you get that you've also just presumed a lot about Joe, Niomi and Anna right? Everyone has their own opinions on time lines - agreed. Unless you know the situation entirely, I dont think it's fair to put all the blame on Niomi. IF that photo from October time with Anna &co is with Joe then it all seems a bit fishy.
I think people on here are putting themselves in Joe's shoes, and not thinking about what it's like to be Niomi, or even any girl who gets engaged and then dumped! Some people on here seem to think if their partner turned around tomorrow and out of the blue dumped them, for what they then found out down the line to be for someone else, they'd be fine with it. I just dont believe that. If he was over Niomi for a while HE SHOULD HAVE DUMPED HER THEN! Dont think anyone is mad at anna btw- people just have a habit of blaming girls in situations when actually the man's been a bit shady.
Of course she won't be fine with it and she has a right to be hurt, but she'll have no choice but to get over it with time (4 weeks according to her). On the flip-side, is it OK for Joe to hurt via staying with her instead? If it's not mutual, one of the 2 in a couple will have to be hurt and that's unfortunately life.

There is so much love here for Joe and Anna when they both share the same careless covid ideas as Niomi. They are just smarter with not posting that much evidence lately.
They are all rich and think they can get away with anything they want, so honestly no good for Joe or Anna from me, just like with Niomi.
From a COVID perspective, all 3 of them are absolute pests. I think the love/support for Joe/Anna is more around the relationship dynamics only.
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Been following Dr Alex for a while, he just genuinely loves to stomp in puddles, he does it all the time in his stories haha.

They would be an awful couple. Alex lost his brother to mental heatlh and fights for mental health awareness for the young, and is now the (unpaid) government ambassador. Niomi thinks she was made to help people because a clairvoyant said so, whilst doing nothing but being a walking billboard and selling us fake tan in January Lockdown. She can't volunteer because of the restrictions guys! But she can have a flat party. They are different animals.
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Hannah Banana

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So, here’s my little speculation. I’m ashamed for having been thinking about this so long, LOL.

I find Niomi intolerable and unforgivable with respect to her behaviour around the pandemic, her essentially glamourising disordered eating, and her shady advertising and ridiculously superior attitude about not being an influencer, but, IDK, I STILL feel sympathy for her with the Joe situation. It seems clear to me (from how she was when they were together to her behaviour now), however deluded she may have been and whatever her faults may have been in the relationship, that she was absolutely crazy about him, whereas he seemed, to me, to never have been into her much, or at least not after the first year of them being together. My opinion on this isn’t just based on whether he may or may not have moved on very quickly after dumping her (which does seem more and more likely), it’s how he seemed in the relationship too. Not his general shyness either, I’m referring to instances where he genuinely seemed not to give much of an F about her. For example, WTF kind of guy does not really care whether or not his girlfriend of 3+ years moves across the world with him? I mean, it’s difficult when a career opportunity like that comes up and I’m not saying he shouldn’t have gone to India if she didn’t want to go, but his ‘meh’ attitude about her going was a massive red flag to me. Granted, it should’ve been one for her too, but just because she didn’t see it doesn’t mean it wasn’t shitty of him. He should’ve manned the F up and dumped her then already, if he cared that little what she did.

Heck, he should’ve dumped her well before that already. Obviously, none of us know them and could really know what happened, but I got the sense since long before India and the proposal that he wasn’t into it anymore and had started to realise it. I don’t think he ‘only realised’ in lockdown, I think lockdown was just the push he needed, but IMO he was never going to marry her, he was always going to find a way to break the engagement, with or without lockdown. To me, it seemed like he was just ‘going along with it’ for ages, doing what was ‘expected’, including the proposal. I guess one could think that’s noble and good breeding, but for me it’s cowardice and cruelty.

TL;DR: Niomi, for all her faults and delusions, clearly loved Joe (or at least a part of him) a great deal, whereas he, IMO, never really felt that way about her and should’ve manned the F up A LOT sooner than he did.
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That Instagram story Anna posted 9 hours ago, it's definitely at Brompton Cemetery -- right by Fulham which is where Joe/Freddie's flat is! And it's the same place in Freddie's story.
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She really seems to spend her whole days sitting in that bathroom staring at herself in the mirror between selfies.
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I've been told by leadership consultants that if you are giving feedback, you should avoid the word "but" because it negates whatever comes before it. Like, "you're great, BUT you screwed up in this and that". It's like... then I'm not so great, right? I think that "I'm lucky" is used by influencers as a cover-all to negate whatever comes AFTER it's said. Like, oh it doesn't matter that I was tone deaf and whiny because I said "I'm lucky". I "admitted" my privilege. And... No, Niomi. Especially not when she says things with so much disdain. She was basically curling her upper lip when she said the thing about living at home with her Mom. Even the I'm lucky is said like, "I deserve to be this lucky."

I've previously defended Niomi's right to feel depressed or anxious despite of her privilege, and I continue to do so. Mental health does not care if you're in a mansion. But in this particular scenario, she really needs to think of how her words will land among her viewers. Not to mention, she should truly have a think as to how actually lucky she is.

She's clearly continuing to think of happiness as something you achieve or somewhere you arrive at. She thinks if she's back in London, going out every night, dating whichever handsome rich guy falls for her pretty facade, she'll be happy. She won't. And she, someone who is a "qualified yoga teacher" should know this. But she doesn't, because she's a total fraud.

Rant over!

Sending much love to @Coldfeet @Chattyman321 @Pixi and anyone else who needs it this Monday morning :)
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When she's offered a choice from a brand she always picks the most expensive item. I could never. It's like ordering the most expensive thing on the menu when someone else is paying.
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WET WIPE 😂 you made me spit out my coffee

From her comments it seems like her only goal now is to go back to London = find a bf, as if it will make her life better
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yeah I agree, this is what I find worrying. Like I said in the last thread, that bikini post is like something pro- ana.... I don't think she really is that clueless she has no idea
The cynic in me thinks she is doing it to generate more hate against Joe now she’s seen he might be with Anna to be honest. The timing seems very convenient. ‘My ex dumped me and got with someone else and now I have an ED because of him poor me.’ I thought we were meant to be thinking she’s the happiest she’s ever been and on the right path? If so why the rapid weight loss, it’s hardly the behaviour of someone happy in their life. She needs to get her story straight sharpish.
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Jackie Daytona

Chatty Member
What rubs me the wrong way about the complaining about living with her mom is that she truly thinks it’s some sort of self deprecating humor when she doesn’t have an ounce of humility in her. It all reeks of, “teehee but I also have a flat in London because I’m an independent good looking girl, I just happen to be single.”

Also, she should drop the act that she loves her little sister so much because it’s clear she wanted to escape to London the minute she got bored of jumping in puddles and giggling.
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The way this boring imbecile preaches on about 'sustainability' whilst shilling more gifted greenwashed clothes that she doesn't need makes me sick. No 'ad' in the title yet again, just because it's been dressed up as a 'my lockdown routine' video. Can she not just own up to the fact that money, status and adoration from strangers are the things that she truly desires in life, and stop pretending to be some holier than thou conscious living princess.

Also wtf at the full moon stuff, she's completely lost it.
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" It’s hardly surprising to find such a collection given that Niomi is a lifestyle vlogger with a penchant for beauty. She may be one of the best in the business but you would never know this from how humble and hardworking she is. "

GAG.. what a joke that turned out to be, I still cringe reading that article.
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Jackie Daytona

Chatty Member
I do find it very weird she keeps saying stuff like this and yet she herself is still exercising every single day...multiple times a I just don’t really see the point telling us not to do something she is doing?
Cause she wants us all to be fat so she can land an eligible man 😂
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Do you think Joe met Anna before he split with Niomi ?
He could've said "I've met someone else" to Niomi when he ended it, which is why she said it was traumatic
I was thinking this earlier when someone said it looked like he was at a family event or something with Anna in October. If there was overlap he is a colossal prick, given that he must’ve dumped Niomi either for someone he hadn’t even met yet (because of lockdown where he was with Niomi) or he was locked down with Niomi and lining up this relationship with someone else? Like, neither of those are even a normal case of cheating or just meeting someone else which would be bad enough...that’s next level arseholery 🧐
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