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so interesting reading everyone’s opinions! Bit off the niomi topic but curious to know what you guys see as a heated fight because arguments me and my ex had is the reason I broke up with him, there were underlying issues causing his frustrations and he would pick arguments over the smallest thing but the bigger reason was never spoken about. But when I say arguments it was him swearing, calling me names like fat (knowing I had a previous ED) and then not speaking to me for 2 days. For so long I made excuses that he didn’t mean any of it and it was just words in the heat of the moment and i’m sure loads of couples argue, but it made me resent him and what sort of person he was either way. I’m now single and feel like I have a warped sense of what’s normal and what’s not in a relationship! 😂🙈
It sounds like your partner was a toxic piece of shit so good for you for breaking up with him, I went through something similar myself in my early 20's before meeting my hubby. Even during the worst argument I had with my hubby, he never called me names and he never picked at my insecurities which is a massive difference. We had arguments about some life situations where we would disagree and maybe lose our temper a bit like by raising our voice plus me going through some eating disorder problems and making me grumpier than usual but as I said we would never insult each other. I think arguments are a normal part of a relationship every once in a while, but if your partner doesn't respect you, then they have deeply rooted problems and you can work through them or they just aren't the one for you. You can argue and still be respectful - for example when I argue with my hubby, he gives me space or I give him space but after like half an hour he pops his head in the room I am in and comes and gives me a hug which reassures me of his love and that he is not mad at me!
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Definitely Maybe

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But from what Niomi showed, they've spent some time together. Running, walks, dancing around the living room, eating acai bowls and stuff. It's much more compared to if Joe was actually a workaholic. The vlogmas thing was just a busy time I guess but he planned gifts for her as a countdown to christmas as I remember.
They spent all their time together in the first lockdown, and I think that Is when Joe first realised that he couldn't live with someone so controlling and so F***d up about food.
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I feel like she's more obsessed with looking thin and "toned" now than before because that Anna girl is super thin and toned and seemingly healthy so she thinks she can do it too.
Anna does not look healthy either imo, I'm not going to deny she's pretty and slim but, she looks very weathered, probably from a combo of too much sunbathing, smoking and drinking. She doesn't glow, she looks kinda dull and grey even with the suntan and big smile. I wouldn't be shocked if she skipped a lot of meals in favour of vaping and neat vodka only eating big decant meals when in company (regarding her teeth - composite bonding? Between her, nims and joey it's making me want it myself!!)
Her name is Anna Hernaman.

I have been going through her insta a bit deeper and she’s 31. Looks like her birthday is October 24th ♏ I thought she looked younger than that to be honest! I think her mom is fillapina or something?

edited to change it to 31. She posted her 30th birthday post in 2019. She’s older and I think this may be who joe marrys now then. Da da da damn! I thought if she was younger it wouldn’t last
Why would her age make any difference to him? He's a bit if a tool, but he's tall, has an athletic build and still has good hair and that combined with him appearing to be quiet (probably misread by people as thoughtful) means he generally goes through life unchallenged by his tooly behaviour. He might bang anna all through lockdown, then take up with a 20 year old intern. He may have several annas on the go. Who knows, but i sincerely doubt he's a man who puts anyones needs before his own, anna being 32 and wanting to settle (maybe) will mean sweet fa to him.
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She always seems to do all this planning and brainstorming and then never carries anything out. The Mumbai apartment situation was just like that one time she stayed at the Limewood Hotel to “take a break” and she kept going on and on about how great it was for her creativity, and she came back and did nothing differently. The videos were all the same after that, there were no new business ventures, a whole lot of nothing.
She does fuck all doesn’t she. Apart from taking photos for Instagram (ads) and half hearted once a month YouTube videos (ads) what does she even do? That’s not a full time job. No wonder she looks so miserable, she must be bored out of her teeny tiny mind
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Has anyone seen Niomi eat a potato. A white potato, instead of a sweet potato. Even her mash tends to be sweet potato. She's probably scared of them too.
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the way she keeps sexy poses and showing off her body and the way how Joe has been following very intimate/cringe/sexy accounts, anyone think their breakup has connection with that aspect of their life? why is she is so desperate and on a mission to prove that she is sexy, especially when she is overly thin and looking miserable wearing a bikini on a cold winter day?!
it is so unbelievably cringe to watch and all her friends are HORRIBLE friends for not stopping her. the desperation is real and it's not coming across as just like being single and wanting to post a sexy thirst trap here and there. it's the awkward desperate poses and the now incessant barrage of LOOKATMEIMSEXYISWEAR that scream insecurity. it's also very apparent that she is trying to appear like the Anna girl and in no galaxy is she even remotely similar to that girl, not in appearance, vibe, personality, behavior, fashion, sensuality, body type, NOTHING. and the thing is, any dude she draws in with these sad thirst trap pics is going to have an entirely false image of who they think she is, and then when she gets boring and uptight and sexless eventually they will leave her too. she needs to just be honest about who she is, good or bad, and find someone who likes that. there is a partner for EVERYONE on this earth. but you're not going to find it pretending to be someone you're not. Niomi has learned nothing and will likely continue to lead the same life that leads to the same heartaches until she does.
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I finally cracked and looked at Anna’s Instagram. She’s very pretty, but WHO still tightlines their lower waterline with black eyeliner? In 2021? 😂
I think she is gorgeous but so loud, she would get annoying really quickly I feel! Given that Joe seems a bit introverted surely she will become draining, I'm really introverted and went out with an extrovert once and I swear I've never been so relieved to break up with someone. SO tiring. I do find it odd he's gone from quiet Niomi to someone that loud...
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Is taking a bikini selfie one of the 100 things on her to do list? For me a busy day at work means skipping lunch break, not taking a bubble bath in the middle of the day.
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Chatty Member
In general, I notice lots of people (myself included, actually) will critique things/people that they dislike in themselves. For example, I used to be quite judgemental. During that time, I found myself preaching how annoying judgemental people are and how everyone should be free to make their own decisions, etc. It's taken some self-reflection and time to realise that the reason why I detested judgemental people so much is because I was judgemental and I couldn't help it. Rather than being hard on myself, which would've been painful, I'd project it onto others similar to me.

Now, referencing Bimbobs the Dimbo and her latest video, I notice she does the same. In several videos, she says "don't feel pressure to work out" and "eat what you want to eat/be kind to yourself". I don't know about all of you, but I personally think that it's actually been very easy to not work out or not eat well compared to pre-pandemic because we're all at home and there's no one to be seen in front of compared to before when going to school, work, etc. and, let's just say, personally, whether I do 2 work outs a day or none is really not on my mind at the minute -- I have other things to worry about!!! So I find it interesting that she keeps bringing up these particular points -- always food and working out. And it's probably because she is hard on herself about these things only (plus getting a boyfriend, of course) and is projecting it to her audience instead.

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I cannot cringe any harder at her latest story. It's been 5 months of this behaviour, when will she get bored of eye fucking herself?
Oh, yes, this story was brutal. Always a hair flip, a head tilt smile while she lets her hair cover 50% of her face. (Anyone who comes in this thread saying there's nothing wrong with women being confident, I'm going to lose it. There is nothing wrong with women being confident, but she is NOT confident.)

yeh exactly, obviously no one thinks money can buy happiness as such, but not having it, having to stress about how to pay rent and bills has a huge negative effect, not having these concerns automatically does make life easier, just one less worry
I'm with you! I've never been a fan of the quote "money can buy happiness" but rather "money brings comfort/security which is important to be more stress-free and therefore makes being happier easier" -- just doesn't roll off the tongue as well 🤣

IMO, anyone who says "money doesn't matter" has lots of it.

exactly, all she means by "back to normal" is her being able to go to pilates classes and get comped holidays/meals. She would never be able to cope with what you and millions of others are facing because of this crisis
100%! Others just want their bloody jobs back and she's talking non-essentials like Bodyism smoothie fucking bowls.
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Chatty Member
Slightly off topic, but does anyone feel slightly stressed at the moment with lockdown and no dating?
I’m 32 and worried that another year of my life is going to be wasted, I don’t think I would feel stressed about it if I was early 20s 😞
Same, I spent my 20 studying and working (sadly working to survive so I have nothing saved up, having been unemployed between my degrees). I finally got a decent job so I don't need to rely on anyone financially and suddenly the pandemic is getting worse and there is no chance for me to meet anyone (I don't want to risk catching and spreading covid so I am just lonely) :eek::cry:
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nah. there is not a chance in hell Niomi was the sexually frustrated one. not in any universe. everything we know about her speaks to this. and recall, she is the one who was dumped. man or woman, it is glaringly obvious Niomi was never a sex forward type before or during Joe. the sudden turn to this is essentially an admission that her LACK of this was an issue & she is now super insecure about it. she SHOULD just be searching for someone with a similar set of priorities but instead is now desperately attempting to falsely appear sexual, which will lure in men that she will eventually disappoint or that will dump her when they realize it's all a facade. I find it incredibly deceitful and unfair when women OR men portray things as critical as their sexual appetite incorrectly and wait til you're a year or so in to reveal their actual feelings. Niomi seems to be maturing backwards in every sense and a huge part of that is her raging lack of self awareness. if she actually thinks Joe was "the wrong path" then she shouldnt feel the need to change a damn thing, and should proceed as she always does. Niomi has never seemed more insecure, desperate, and lost than she does now.
I'm going to argue against this, actually. If Joe was as much of a workaholic as he seemed...workaholics don't just deny you emotional attention, but physical, too. They don't come home, bang you and then go to work again; they come home, sleep, are emotionally distant, and then go back to work. Which is pretty much what she described in some of those vlogmas episodes, if I recall correctly. Over time, it becomes a form of manipulation. Even if they do want sex, it is never going to be the kind of fulfilling sex the other partner wants because they just don't have the energy. Couple that with Niomi's perfectionism, and perhaps she wanted to paaahfectly swing from the rooftops while he just wanted to sleep. Sounds miserable and frustrating.

I know we've seen Joe follow a few kinky accounts but that doesn't really tell us much, tbh--the porn you consume is often far more adventurous than you IRL sex life. It's a safe space. Perhaps Niomi wasn't into the things he was into, but perhaps he also wasn't into being emotionally and physically present...those things aren't mutually exclusive.
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Sorry if you’ve already seen this ”I have been running a lot recently, and the weight falls off me when I run consistently, but this has not been my goal or intention. Running is like a meditation for me, which has been vital during lockdown 🙏. But again I must stress, I don’t do it to lose weight.” I think the normal response to losing weight to the point where you look like a skeleton is to eat more. it’s not healthy to lose weight when you’re in the normal weight range anyway. She’s not promoting wellness. This is disgusting.
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wow i feel good about myself now, thanks Niomi. ‘Who’d have thought i’d be 28 and living with my mum...’ Well i’m 30 in a month, moved back in with my parents after my relationship ended in June, don’t have enough money to buy a flat on my own and won’t for years. I know everyone’s at different stages and honestly even though it’s not ideal I don’t mind and know i’m fortunate to have parents I can live with. But when someone says something like that it makes you think you’re life isn’t going how it should be!
But this is your life NOW. It isn't your future. Stay steady, day at a time, think of the positives and do NOT think Dimbobs has any truth or wisdom that relates to you. She's completely shallow and has no real empathy. Hugs to you 🤗🤗
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Dimbob’s “it’s okay to hAvE lAzY dAyS” reads like Marie Antoinette’s “let them eat cake”
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This is exactly an observation I had too. People who are comfortable in their bodies are open, and actually enjoy and WANT fatty food etc. I was sort of friends with a vegan girl and she was constantly talking about vegan junk food she can have etc etc. since she doesn’t have food hang ups in a distorted way. She has a healthy relationship with food, she ate enough calories for what a vegan needed and enjoyed herself. It’s not the case here. It’s very ridged and she has ALOT of anxiety tied with food. I don’t think she uses oil to cook much either if I remover correctly? That’s a big “ED” thing is to cook with water not oil. I know it’s common for diets too, but when I see regular woman do it, I look a little closer at their behaviors.
Honestly her cooking looks so sad to me. Cooking tempeh with no seasoning, in no oil on non-stick and calling it stir fry. Sad mushy bean burgers with no bun. She adds a lot of spices to her curries yet they all somehome look bland, there never seems to be much thought to the flavour profile and they all look the same. And half of them are served with no rice or naan. Watery souless soup. There is no joy to her food, no crunch, and no carbs...

When you watch other vegan cooks/nutritionists like Pick Up Limes there is so much vibrance in the food. Cornstarch on the tofu to make it nice and crispy. Vegan spicy mayo. Breadcrumbs. BREAD. She uses oil, flour, salt, and you wouldn't call her food anything but wholesome and nutritious.
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If you're meeting someone when you're currently in a relationship then you're obviously emotionally available- and to some that's cheating
I disagree. Meeting someone new doesn't mean you're a cheater. My brother wasn't. You just can't choose when it's happening.
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I'm really sorry to hear you are going through this. Here you are doing so incredibly much for your mother and in stead of praising you for your kindness, dedication and love for your family they just shame you! That's absolutely awful and you don't deserve this kind of treatment.
People don't understand that to some people giving up on their family members is MUCH worse than giving up a job or a life outside of their family. I wish people would just accept that and show compassion and kindness.
I think you are doing a wonderful job and I hope those kind of nasty comments didn't get to you too much 💕
Thank you! No, the comments slid off my back. I just got stuck in, learning about neuro plasticity. Found a great neurophysio and set about getting as much mobility back for my 87 year old mum as possible. Bought an adapted Fiat Doblo for her wheelchair which she HATED!!She had always been fiercly independent. BUT I kept my original car so her aim was to learn, with me, how to transfer to the 'normal' car safely. 4 months later da dahhhhh. She was back in the car and we sold the Doblo back.

Other people's perceptions were the interesting part for me. The stroke consultant just literally wrote her off as did their physio team. His sole advice, on leaving hospital was, 'Dial 999 if she relapses' 😳

6 months later, back for her only check up, he passed us 3 times in the reception area because he didn't recognise her-dumbstruck best describes his reaction.

I really now don't think I gave anything up. I have had the chance to get to know my mum- tricky before the stroke. She was brought up not to hug.If anyone went to kiss her cheek at any time, she'd shove them away.After the stroke, the 1st time she said, OK love', I stopped dead in my tracks!Now I can kiss her any time I like.

She's now 94 and dementia is part of the picture- up and down but still a lovely mum.😁
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Jackie Daytona

Chatty Member
She always seems to do all this planning and brainstorming and then never carries anything out. The Mumbai apartment situation was just like that one time she stayed at the Limewood Hotel to “take a break” and she kept going on and on about how great it was for her creativity, and she came back and did nothing differently. The videos were all the same after that, there were no new business ventures, a whole lot of nothing.
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