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Hannah Banana

Well-known member
I'm no fashion expert by no means but to me this looks really baggy and unflattering on her and so not her style. Don't think she's ever gonna wear it out but who cares as long as she cashed some £££ 🤑
Those heinous jeans with the fugly sandals (TF?) are giving me strong culty vibes.
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he doesn't live with freddie.....
hes moved to another place and has a male roommate(s)...
please don't ask how i know this I already feel like i expose too much here
If you know Joe in real life — please marry him and plaster it all over social media to annoy Nimbobs 😂😂
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Thank god I don't have to sit through her videos and just read the summary here :p thank you guys
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Niomi’s diet (She’s said she’s plant-based, right? Not vegan?) is one thing, but for her to preach to us ALL THE TIME about vegan ingredients AND to have a WHOLE VEGAN SKINCARE LINE purporting a certain ethos and then buying (well, being gifted, but she was only gifted a voucher—she still chose that bag herself) a fugly CALFSKIN BAG still makes my blood boil.
Very well said. It doesn't necessarily annoy me if someone eats plant based but uses leather products. But she's so preachy about her meals and snacks and skincare being vegan that I'd expect her to stick to her faux-ethics. Not that she gives a shit about any of that obviously. It's another buzzword, just like yoga flow, self care and #growth.
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Threat title 17: Sad in mummy’s mansion, mop money running dry, wet wipe is boning Anna, Dimbob’s about to cry

Sorry if this is cringe🥴🥴
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the way she keeps sexy poses and showing off her body and the way how Joe has been following very intimate/cringe/sexy accounts, anyone think their breakup has connection with that aspect of their life? why is she is so desperate and on a mission to prove that she is sexy, especially when she is overly thin and looking miserable wearing a bikini on a cold winter day?!
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He comes from money & likely has passive income coming in every month. My guess is that when they first met he was very drawn to how well she was doing for herself. Yes he worked, but a junior/mid-level marketing job couldn't possibly have sustained his lifestyle.
Ugh, pains me to see mediocre people rake it in and have the easy road in life. He’s so bland and lacklustre. He wouldn’t have half the things he does I suspect, unless his parents had money.

By contrast I know people who are super intelligent, hardworking, are high up in their career and still struggle to get a basic first time flat in London.

The system is so broken.
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I am loving all the perspectives here. If only I’d been here when I was getting broken up with before Lockdown 1.0. It would have really helped I think ❤

It’s conventional to demonise the dumper and be like “he doesn’t know what he’s missing”, “what a PoS”, “his loss”, “he’s crazy” etc. I know this is what my lovely friends told me at the time, in a very well meaning way. This is what society tells us to do but I actually believe (and I think this is what @cosmicodone is saying, but correct me if I’m wrong) that does us a disservice because it prevents us from building up the muscle to be able to accept that someone just doesn’t want to be with us. One great, well adjusted person can look at another great, well adjusted person and still be like ‘nope’. At any time. Neither party is at fault. It just is.
YES this is exactly what I've been trying to relay. it really says a lot that so many view my logical approach to loss as me somehow attacking Niomi/the symbolic dumpee for not coddling them. people always want to victimize themselves, and that just extends the pain. sure, sometimes people need to have a pity party, but that should be only 1% of the healing process. people often prefer to drown in their own pain bc it's familiar vs venturing into greener pastures bc that is new and the change scares them. and too often friends/family actually encourage people to remain in their pain by allowing them to continue talking about it or by doing the whole "his loss, he sucks, ew look at his new gf, look he gained weight" etc, vs tough loving them & not allowing them to talk about it/wallow in it. the more the dumpee finds anything to have a feeling about, the less they are coming to acceptance. the healing polarity of a breakup is apathy and serenity about that apathy, not anger/hate/resentment/bitterness, but people don't want to let go of their feelings for their ex so they convert the love to hate/anger, when really, they need to let it go entirely. the best thing we can do for our friends who have been dumped is show them new experiences/people to give them a new focus.

I'm not a fan of the explanation of "we just respect each other" to conclude never arguing which you mention -- you can respect someone and, at the same time, have a non-calm way of communicating and expressing yourself. It's not as simple as "we know what ticks each other off so we don't do those things".

I'm not sure how old you are or if you share assets or if you have gone through proper hardships together like family deaths and financial crises. I'd say my fiancé and I never had a cross word for the first few years of our relationship either (and I'd tell my friends that with pride in a similar way that you share it on this thread) -- eventually, we went through shit, hard times, and we properly let each other in. It's really liberating, actually, being able to not restrict yourself from "[doing] those things" just because it "ticks [them off]". The level of comfort you can have with someone, knowing you can be a little crazy and they'll still love you, compared to mostly everyone else in the world, that's the good stuff and can contribute to making them your special person.
THIS!! I've been with my man for 5+ years and we get along so well, have so much in common, have all the same hobbies, and do everything together, but we still have had some heated fights over the years. they're very rare, but they also progressed our relationship SO MUCH. honestly, the bigger the fight, the bigger the progression. I dont know any super long lasting relationships that have withstood true hardships in life without a single fight. honestly, every couple I've known through the years that proclaimed they never fought had a very similar sudden end to their relationship much like Niomi and Joe.. where 1 was suddenly dumped "out of the blue". I mean, who can be surprised in that case? communication, and standing up for your opinions/feelings is important.
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She's leaning back in the second photo, and in the stories where she's talking to the camera she has pulled all her hair from the back to in front of her shoulders so it looks like she has loads.
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You are not alone. I don't even want to date at the moment, but I stress about not meeting anyone interesting in the interim.
Agreed. I'm 29 and broke up with my long term boyfriend about 6 months ago. Not that 29 is old/or that there is a certain age to "settle down", but my biological clock is real haha and I do want children eventually. And don't want to marry someone right after meeting them lol. I just downloaded a couple of dating apps for the first time in my life after thinking about it for a while. Never thought I would because it feels somewhat like "shopping" for a partner lol but there are better apps now that focus on personal preferences/info about a person over photos. Long story short, it's been going well! I already am talking to a few guys and have a zoom date set up. It's a low pressure/low key wait to get to know people and no big obligation to meet up right away given covid. You can get to know people from the comfort of your own home haha and then if something sticks, plan an in-person meet up. I think more people are using them know given covid since there's not really a safe way to meet people in person, so everyone is sort of in the same boat. Would recommend them to my fellow single Tattlers, even if you are a skeptic like me :)
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whatsever you

VIP Member
Guys I think we finnally have proof...that at least Joe and Anna are hanging out.

Same table and same plates! The first was from Dims bridesmaid video the second was from Anna's story a today. Dectective I hear to say :cool:
Good detective work!! Look at all the meat too lol, even in the mac and cheese!
Didnt someone on here say they know Joe has moved out though? Probs could have taken his table with him I guess.
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Can she not stand like a normal person? Even when she's applying the tan, she's got to have one leg flexed. Just fucking relax Dimbobs.

Also at this point I think she's just trolling with all the 'self love self care' crap. 'I'm doing this for ME' ffs it's just fake tan :ROFLMAO:
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My friend became a vegan shortly after she had 'recovered' from her eating disorder. She's nowhere near as ill as she was then but I do unfortunately think the veganism was just a legitimate way for her to cut out foods without accusations of controlling her calories.
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this just sums up her total lack of personality imo, just goes whatever works at the time
She seems like one of those intensely irritating people who have multiple personalities and are totally different depending on who they're with so you never feel like you really 'know' them at all
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I guess she's one of those people who just can't be single.
She was great at being single when she first moved to london. I think that this time around she is heartbroken, and humiliated from being publicly dumped. Compounded by knowing she's been left for another woman is hurting her, and she has to carry on and be normal on the outside. She has pride and doesn't want everyone to see her lying under a weighted blanket wailing that she can't understand when the pain will end and has no appetite. That being said, she has swung too far the other way I to denial.

Flashing her trim bod, she's just trying to feel attractive again. Maybe wanting to grab dr Alex George's eye for bit of sexting??

Overall she is just so ungrateful at the moment and it's leaving a sour taste. She will never get family time like this again, her parents house is spacious and ina beautiful location. They and she are wealthy. She's better off without Joe now, he was wasting her time and she can afford some private talking therapy to help her moving on.
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Chatty Member
I know that the necklace is supposed to be a "T" shaped body and not Jesus on the cross, but why would she have chosen that letter anyway? An N or even S would be a much more logical choice. The T doesn't even look artistic to me, due to the fact that it immediately mentally registers as Jesus being crucified.

Also @ the creators of the alphabet necklaces, why would you not make "T" a person in Warrior 3 pose. Still T-shaped, not Jesus-shaped.
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this comment kind of reminded me of my BFF, andhow she is with men. She acts like a total promiscuous woman who loves sex etc.. she gets a man who “checks” her box’s (she’s quite vain so he has to be good looking and educated). Then 6 months in I’m getting texts from her saying they haven’t had sex in a month since she isn’t into it. I’m like GIRL you are marketing yourself so wrong, since it’s the only way you think you can get male attention. Then her partner feels short since his super slutty girlfriend doesn’t want to touch him! Honestly if these women weren’t so focused on the “hottest guy and most successful” they may find someone who loves THEM and wants to be with them, for them.
The most sexist comment I’ve ever read on here and that’s saying something. Disgusted.
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