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I agree, Abbey disqualified herself when she said that people suffering from EDs should not restrict themselves by going vegan.
I don’t know if I’m missing something but that seems like a sensible statement to me? Anorexics might use going PB as a mechanism of control and restriction over food, and limiting the types of food you eat can cause binges (I had bulimia and was advised not to cut things out of my diet for this reason). I saw someone said this person is anti vegan in general which is different, but I feel like there’s not anything wrong with this particular statement? (Asking in good faith as I’d like to understand)
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Just watched her latest video, she’s a spoilt little madam. She has such a luxurious lifestyle. She’s really out of touch with how the average person lives.
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Very well said. It doesn't necessarily annoy me if someone eats plant based but uses leather products. But she's so preachy about her meals and snacks and skincare being vegan that I'd expect her to stick to her faux-ethics. Not that she gives a shit about any of that obviously. It's another buzzword, just like yoga flow, self care and #growth.
Also, most vegans, who still use leather, are using their old leather items, not buying / being gifted new ones all the time. Niomi is inconsistent with all her philosophies. Her own product line needs to be vegan, but she accepts brand deals for non-vegan products. She makes a big fuss about a used-clothes event every two years, yet amasses piles of new clothes in the meantime. She's just not someone you want to trust or take seriously.
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Dr Alex has been going through the grief of losing his younger brother to mental health. He's very passionate about his work and has done a huge amount to help in the pandemic. It's a good thing he's famous as he's putting it to good use and it's meant his campaign work has reached a wider audience. I don't think he'd find Niomi's behaviour of late all that attractive, if he was really aware of it - he probably doesn't follow her as closely as we do! Sure, he may think she's pretty in a picture, but I doubt it's anything more than that. I really hope not anyway.
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What rubs me the wrong way about the complaining about living with her mom is that she truly thinks it’s some sort of self deprecating humor when she doesn’t have an ounce of humility in her. It all reeks of, “teehee but I also have a flat in London because I’m an independent good looking girl, I just happen to be single.”
Yes 100% this. I watched the whole video and I honestly don't see any genuine acknowledgement of privilege? She's literally laughing/smirking as she says 'I'm so lucky...oh who would've thought I'd be 28 living at home with my Mum' can we please stop praising influencers for paying lip service to acknowledging their privilege? If they say one bland sentence like 'I'm so lucky' yet the rest of the video is just whinging, that clearly outweighs the pretence of recognising the fortunate positions they're in. I'm so tired of it, like is the bar seriously that freaking low.
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Chatty Member
Dr Alex has been going through the grief of losing his younger brother to mental health. He's very passionate about his work and has done a huge amount to help in the pandemic. It's a good thing he's famous as he's putting it to good use and it's meant his campaign work has reached a wider audience. I don't think he'd find Niomi's behaviour of late all that attractive, if he was really aware of it - he probably doesn't follow her as closely as we do! Sure, he may think she's pretty in a picture, but I doubt it's anything more than that. I really hope not anyway.
Oh, my sweet summer child. He is totally going to follow his cock 😭
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The complaining about having to stay with her family for a few weeks has really annoyed me! So many people are staying away from their family terrified they will pass the virus on to them. I wonder how many of her viewers family members or people they know have died? Literally just go back to your flat if it's that tough no-one cares. And the comment about "scaremongering" on the news... Is she delusional? Over 1000 people a day are dying from the virus. And sorry moaning that she misses talking to people her own age?! Wasn't she on zoom in the same video chatting to someone? Volunteer at a food bank and shut-up.
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It's crazy how these influencer girls who seem so blessed and have easy, fun lives full of riches and gifts often end up so completely miserable in the end. Zoella is desperate for a family but is stuck with manchild Alfie who will not propose. Niomi's pahfect engagement to her dreamy prince shattered as she is suddenly dumped. Tanya divorced, dog I think is presumed to be dead, and don't follow her closely but she looks miserable too. At the end of the day the fame, instagram likes, and free beauty products don't leave you with much.
Well said, you hit the nail on the head.
I think the internet ""fame"" made them stuck-up, too. everybody has a good and a bad side, but some things are hard to ignore.
Not saying Joe was right or wrong here, but I couldn't live with Niomi either. Her controlling and boasting personality, constant vlogging, lying about how things really are etc. must really get to you at some point.
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Chatty Member
I get all situations are different. But imagine you're in a happy relationship, then your partner turns round and ends it- and you find out he ended it because he met someone new. I understand when it's someone like your brother you'll be understanding to him- but it must've been shitty for his other partner? Don't be in a relationship when you're unhappy. It's selfish to wait until you have someone else lined up 🤷‍♀️
I think that sometimes, you don't realise you're unhappy until someone else is lined up.
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Has anyone seen Niomi eat a potato. A white potato, instead of a sweet potato. Even her mash tends to be sweet potato. She's probably scared of them too.
never, and it's actually sad because white potatoes are actually a hidden gem. they are super nutritional and very cheap! one of the most filling foods in the world, too.

i am an ethical vegan and i wish niomi wouldn't market herself as a vegan because it's very clear she doesn't give much about animals but just does it for dietary reasons, can she please call herself plant-based? she's giving us a bad rap by showing such awful food. with people like her it's no wonder people think a plant-based lifestyle is very limited when it's absolutely so far from. i eat the same foods as before i went vegan years ago just without the animals suffering? there are many great options these days and a lot of products or alternatives are already vegan anyway. these days so many "junk" foods are vegan or maybe from a different brand. i also don't spend much money on it either.
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You have to laugh at her posing with a bloody macaron. Couldn’t even take a bite for the photo. Did posing with the macaron brighten up her Tuesday? Because I doubt eating it she wouldn’t eat it.

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I don't get why she has to pose alongside that shitty wee macaron!? Literally not selling it to me. And she genuinely looks scared of it.
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but surely this is on him, he is the one who (we have assumed) dumped Niomi then, quite quickly, moved on. If anything I feel sorry for Anna as she may well be a rebound and he is just "love bombing" her. the more I see of him I don't think Joe is the nice guy he appears to be
Yeah I have to say I feel quite sorry for Anna being discussed so much. Obviously there's going to be some discussion about her, but she's not actually an influencer, her Insta account is open (as probably most of ours are) and she has a couple of old Youtube videos up. She doesn't put her whole life on display to be talked about like influencers do. She wouldn't get her own thread on here because she doesn't have the following, yet she's taking up pages and pages of someone's thread. Imagine if she's not even actually dating Joe, and she's just a friend getting absolutely slated on here because of it!
I also agree if she is a 'rebound' that's on Joe and not really a criticism of her, it's easy to be taken in by men who leave relationships and make all the big promises to you. Personally I agree more with people like @cosmicodone that long enough has gone past for the dumper to be in a legit new relationship, but if it is a rebound that's not going to be nice for Anna. People just love to blame the 'other woman'.
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Thanks to @bolimepipi for the thread title!

I can't say Nims has done anything of note to warrant a recap, but here goes:
Lockdown has been spent prancing around the tacky mansion in various states of undress.
Nims is still heartbroken and madly manifesting, while Joey is shacked up with 'cool girl' Anna in London.
Freddie followed Anna, which means he's been added to Niomi's shit list, along with Dettol Daddy, who liked Anna's picture.
Nims seems to have given up on YouTube at the moment, but every day there's a new ad on Instagram:
Bras, knickers, MOPS, you name it, Niomi the non-influencer will flog it!
ETA: Niomi is a fully qualified yoga teacher now, you guys! Thanks @emm I totally forgot about all that yoga!
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If Anna is trying to "mark her territory" with Joe, that strikes me as soo immature and a high school thing. Like girl, he was ENGAGED to Niomi/lived with her for like four years. I mean obviously Joe dumped her (...) but I'm sorry, Anna is clearly a rebound?
if Anna is dating him now, posting her life that happens to include him is hardly "marking her territory". she can post whatever she wants. Joe is not Niomi's anymore. it doesn't matter if they were engaged and lived together if he's dating Anna now. there is no respect or rules Anna has to follow simply bc of what WAS Niomi's. I dont understand why folks keep insisting with such assurance that Anna is a rebound and Joe moved on "SO fast" (months, not weeks, later is not "so fast" esp for the initiator). he clearly knew her before, and friends I know that were the dumper and started dating an old flame or someone they already knew months after they ended their previous relationship ended up either married or together for many years. that is not a rebound. the term rebound is typically meant for someone who is just there to fill a sudden unwanted void, it could be literally anyone with a pulse, as long as it's SOMEONE. it is moreso a term meant for the new target of the dumpEE, because as the dumpee, they didnt WANT the relationship to end, and are just looking for literally anyone to avoid being alone. that lack of discernment is what truly makes a rebound. the dumpER getting into a relationship with a specific someone new that they found & have feelings for is not the same, particularly bc usually the dumper doesnt have the same sudden need to fill the void created by leaving their former partner.

it just seems like people who have been dumped suddenly will do anything to undermine and invalidate the subsequent happiness of whoever dumped them. and circling back around to my earlier dissertation on this whole issue, that attitude is only harmful to the person dumped and will only prolong the healing process. if Joe is in fact dating Anna, I think that is a much better match for him and I could see that lasting a long time, in which case - not a rebound. she is so outgoing and social, a good balance for someone like him. often social butterflies that like attention don't want to date another attention seeking type bc they almost view it as competition. having a quiet support in the background is a better match. perhaps Anna was who he was meant to be with the whole time (if theyre indeed together) and Niomi was just a bump in the road. calling her a rebound at every turn is needlessly disrespectful in my opinion- like Anna is just some random disposable ho vs respectable wifey holier-than-thou Niomi simply because she came afterwards. that is bullshit.

I do find it very weird she keeps saying stuff like this and yet she herself is still exercising every single day...multiple times a I just don’t really see the point telling us not to do something she is doing?
if Niomi didnt have such a horrific relationship with food, I'd say she is just working out this much desperately trying to get endorphins bc she is so depressed. I'm sure that is part of it at least a bit. years ago during a rough patch, I was working out sometimes 3 times a day just to get that exercise high bc it was the only thing that made me feel really good and it had nothing to do with my weight. but alas our prideful idiot queen will never admit this even though it'd be so relatable for her to say "frankly the only thing that makes me feel not depressed these days is a bit of exercise so i've been going a bit much!" or something. it's almost like telling people to not exercise is a weird backwards way of admitting her excessive exercise is not to be followed for health/weight and the unspoken sentiment is "you guys prob arent as miserable as me so this absurd incessant exercise is not necessary" but she is too proud to simply fucking say that she is sad. JUST ADMIT IT NIOMI. YOU'D FEEL SO MUCH BETTER.

I also can. not. deal. with the desperate thirst traps. the level of cringe I feel is exponentially higher every time she does it. I would say she is going to look back on this time and feel mortified at this out of character phase, but who are we kidding she has no self awareness at all so she will not LOL.
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Oh, FFS. My motto has always been ‘suffering is relative’, but damn, twats like Niomi have REALLY tested me on that throughout this pandemic.
I think the thing is, that motto makes sense most of the time when we aren’t all in the same horrible situation. People all deal with things in different ways and some people are more affected by things than others. But when we are sitting almost a year into lockdown measures - that Niomi has consistently shown little to no respect for, which is lengthening the whole thing for us all - and she’s in essence whining that she’s missing out on dating, can’t go drinking with her friends and living in Mummy’s mansion boo hoo, it’s hard to feel any sympathy for her. To keep going on about it when people everywhere have dead family members, lost their jobs, on the brink of losing their homes, people have had covid and have long term health issues as a seems in very poor taste. She’s trying to be relatable like ‘lockdown is bad for me too!’ And it’s just totally off the mark. I’m not saying she’s wrong to feel sad about missing out on those things, just that at the moment, it’s hard not to compare people’s situations and it makes the contrast very stark. I’m actually getting tired of hearing influencers moan about covid full stop tbh, most of them have gone on holiday or ignored other rules which is making it all go on longer, and they can all carry on doing their stupid overpaid job from home.
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Hannah Banana

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Ooooh, are we doing thread title suggestions? 😬

Is ‘Manifesting mop money, still giggling about things that aren’t funny’ too outdated?

I’m bummed I pitched it too early in the last thread. Or maybe (probably) it just wasn’t that funny.
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Classic Niomi. Other influencers fake their flaw realness by hunching over to get belly rolls in their bedroom, she does it by posting a picture where she looks like a flawless model at New York fashion week.

What was the point of posting this?
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