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Jackie Daytona

Chatty Member
She used to say she was plant based because she ate honey. Like she would legit say that. Not the fact that she wears leather or supports companies that test on animals. She’s always been sneaky like that.

Also, I bet she’s the type of girl to pose in sexy lingerie and then flop over like a dead fish when it comes time to do anything.
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Maybe Joe is just having a good time! There seems a general feeling on here that she was incredible controlling and rather uptight and that perhaps they never really properly were themselves with one another. The pandemic opened his eyes to it all and yes maybe he should have done it sooner (probably not easy if they were in lockdown together) but he checked out of that relationship a while ago I would say. So maybe now he is just having a relax and a good time, he is entitled to and should enjoy it. Maybe he unfollowed Niomi to protect her but also to break free. They aren’t going to get back together, he is free to go and live his life, she is not his responsibility any more.

On the same vein so is she - she can get over her heartbreak however she feels fit. If it means sitting in a dark room and crying for days fine or if it means starting a fling with someone else - fine. As the famous quote from Greys Anatomy says - he broke them (yes argue the ins and outs of it are debatable but he ended it) and how she chooses to put herself back together is completely up to her. She owes him nothing. The best thing she can do now is cut him out of her life forever - there is no friendships that can come from the ashes of that relationship, she will have to accept that she will loose some friends because they are Joes family and friends, just as Joe will loose his relationship with her family and DM - it’s hard but it’s life.

They are both idiots for breaking lockdown and tier rules - there is no excusing that and they both should do better.

sorry for the essay fellow tattlers
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Oh look, the new girl does the same cringey poses...

These girls really all seem the same. All about the gram, showing off their starved bodies and faking smiles. Pahhfect lives I'm sure s/


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I see she's flaunting her baby animal skin-bound bag again in her stories. She's disgusting. People have had to go through hell and back this year finance and health-wise, while this idiot is showing off her luxury goods, taking countless hours off "work" to "heal", and potentially infecting people. All my sympathy for her has diminished.

Buying ugly bags won't distract you (or us) from your failed engagement anniversary, Niomi.
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Not sure how to quote properly but she is probably starving but can't justify eating food/breakfast until she works out. That's why she wants people to get up, to work out with her too. Saves people seeing her eating without knowing she has worked out, if that makes sense? When my eating disorder was its worst I wanted people to see that I had completely exhausted myself with exercise before I had even touched a cup of coffee in the morning.
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She's probably also stressed because

a) she's alone (and she hates being alone)

and b) she has the poorest time management skills I've ever seen.
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Jackie Daytona

Chatty Member
Why does she think it makes it funny to joke about having a “wild” night in? She always uses the same emoji to describe her quiet nights by herself. Is it really so hilarious to be a normal human being and stay the fuck inside during a pandemic?
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I love the fact that bag is called 'sustainable icon', is she trolling us as that's probably the name she likes to be called?

£850! But then going on about donating £1 to a homeless charity when you eat out.
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How can you do a shoot with so many people in one small room, I understand why so many British people have COVID19 infection.
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Sorry but Joe has to be one of the most boring men in England. I have been rewatching old videos, he barely says anything and when he does its just random words (gibberish) strung together as if he is 15 years old. I have seen influencer partners who are super shy and reserved but when they talk its something funny or sarcastic.
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Joe being gay and finally coming out would just perfectly explain what happened and how it happened. Although of course it is just my wild theory :D Niomi saying she was blindsided, seeing some signs but didn't realize there was really a problem, Joe desperately trying to keep up the pretense, engaging her etc. and commenting "hottie' just the day before the breakup, waiting until after the last minute to tell her it was over, her calling the breakup a real trauma ...
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Im not sure I believe she actually got tested for covid. I don't know about the UK but where I am you're asked to quarantine until you get your test results, usually a couple of days. Hasn't she been out everyday since she's been back in London?
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OT but can anyone recommend any good youtubers in their mid 20s+ who make good fitness health content? I liked Niomi's content from years ago when she was marathon training but obviously dislike her videos now. I used to like HealthyChefSteph but her content these days is mainly vlogs of her "feeling overwhelmed" (not trying to bash, I think she's genuinely a nice person and busy behind the scenes) and hanging out with her boyfriend/family. Can't stand GraceFitUK plus I spent a fortune on her workout gear only for it to be awful quality and impossible to work out in. Shit's made of scuba diving material, DO NOT buy. But yes.. basically are there any good fitness influencers left who aren't fake or actual elite athletes who I can't relate to? lol

Sidenote - why did Niomi bring out a skincare line instead of yoga / exercise clothing? Or like yoga mats/blocks/bands/other equipment? She could have even sold it as a yoga starter pack along with a guide or something.
Natacha Océane is great!
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poor nims tho, it is such a diff space if youre not a native/edgy/cool ldner like anna seems to be....
Yeah, I agree - the timing of this is brutal. (Not saying it’s been intentional on Joe’s part.) She’s finally opened up about her emotional pain and now she must feel utterly humiliated - especially because this new girl seems extreeeeemely confident and, I’ll be honest, even a bit intimidating. I wouldn’t wish that feeling on my worst enemy.

Joe just seems so, so hopeless. Useless. I don’t care if / that he’s quiet, being outgoing isn’t the only way to be interesting, but he just seems like such a hand wringer who lets life happen to him and always takes the path of least resistance to avoid hurting people but in the end hurts people more.

Although, someone wisely said above, the anger phase comes next after the initial shock and sadness - maybe this will propel her into that phase!
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bit embarrassed to admit but i am currently off work sick bored shitless and i spent a good chunk of yesterday down a niomi rabbithole.

i did not waste a few hours of my life to not bring you all a little analysis and if you are as bored and sad as me buckle up :)

i watched some of her vlogmas from 2017 and there are so many clues and foreshadowing to them breaking up, even though it was 3 years ago and they were a fairly new couple at this point, and seemed "puhfect"

She acts slightly unhinged and tries to make out that she has a sense of humour in a lot of the vlogs, but it backfires and just becomes cringe.
first example is at 2:54 she wakes joe up because he HAS to make a shepherds pie with her, then he spends to the next few minutes of the video barely awake while she starts acting like an idiot at 3:33 and at 4:07 and joes not really responding to it. feel like she painted a false picture to him that she was carefree and oh so bubbly but we all can see shes not really like that. rest of the vlog is her being smug

Also showing her controlling ways a bit with joe and exercise. please see 0:28.

although he kisses her after she says it, it just struck a chord with me, that this kind of behaviour would get frustrating fast. at 2:59 he is absolutely knackered so he obviously isn't really a runner.
also at 6:08 she talks about joe's mom gifting her a little gingerbread house which is a lovely gift but she HAS to mention it's not vegan and that she can't eat it. just an unnecessary comment

i truly think they were doomed from the start because of her controlling ideas about food and exercise. joe just went with the flow and probably woke up one day and thought oh shit i cant do this for the rest of my life. all their other sickly sweet vlogs have cringey moments where she kind of makes subtle digs at him i.e. feel new tea debacle. just thought these moments ive highlighted are very telling now
100%. What I found weird was they still had first date awkwardness between them 3 years in a relationship.

The gingerbread comment is a no no so cringe. Reminded me of her snarky comment how she has no place for her bike from Joe in her flat. She can be so 'fake nice' mean.
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Joe being gay and finally coming out would just perfectly explain what happened and how it happened. Although of course it is just my wild theory :D Niomi saying she was blindsided, seeing some signs but didn't realize there was really a problem, Joe desperately trying to keep up the pretense, engaging her etc. and commenting "hottie' just the day before the breakup, waiting until after the last minute to tell her it was over, her calling the breakup a real trauma ...
I am not a big follower of Niomi or Joe or their relationship, I know they broke up and that’s about it so not sure what Niomi’s been saying. I just stumbled across this thread and can’t help but comment on this as a few years ago I was at the same pub as Niomi and Joe was with her. This must have been really early on their relationship because I then checked her instagram and they still didn’t have any photos up of them together. Anyway nothing happened but I remember Joe staring at me and I looked at him and he wasn’t looking away, he had like this smirk on his face and wouldn’t stop smiling at me ( in a kinda creepy/ full of himself way may I add). Even my friend was like wtf, he’s a bit creepy. Obviously this doesn’t prove anything but I remember thinking... if that’s her boyfriend he is a bit dodgy. I got the fuckboy vibes right away and I swear I got a fuckboy radar 😂
So yeah, my opinion is he is definitely not gay. If anything I am guessing he flirted a bit too much with other girls cause I was not surprised at all when I found out they broke up 🤷🏻‍♀️
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