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This last video seriously pissed me off, I had to stop watching after a couple of minutes because her whining made me want to punch my phone :)
Niomi, you spoilt, privileged, lazy-ass narcissist, please fuck off!!!

And if I have to hear about her yoooogaaa again .... aargh!!!

For me, any day I have an hour to do an exercise class is a total luxury.

Oh, and then some bozo in the comments section even suggests she gets an assistant. Bloody ridiculous!
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This is totally random but this WIEIAD popped up for me... the way she talks to Joe starting at like 2:00 is like she's talking to a child. Hard to hear but he was putting poached eggs on peanut butter toast so Niomi asks him if he thinks peanut butter is more sweet or savory. He doesn't really know the difference. "Would you have some broccoli and pasta and then put a dollop of peanut butter on top? No." "But would you have some porridge with berries and peanut butter?" Let the man eat what he wants without turning him into a fool :rolleyes:
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please don't forget guys... she is simply too special to wear masks when she isn't being paid to do so!!!!!
did you know that getting broken up with by a handsome man completely exempts you from all social responsibility??
all you have to do is brandish the term "self care" at every possible opportunity, and you are completely immune both to criticism... and to coronovirus itself!! <3 <3 just one of many top tips from niomi smart <3 <3 <3
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Anyone wondering if she's quiet because her "chest cough" actually became COVID? One negative test means nothing, after all.

I wouldn't put it past her to skip Vlogmas, she did "warn" us she didn't want to do it. But to not post some thirst traps?! That's alarming for her.
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WHEW I've been slammed at work but just caught up with almost everything I missed so forgive me for this post being a bit late, but in response to her vid about the breakup...

there were moments in this video that were the first time EVER I had seen TRUE RAW vulnerability from Niomi, but even then it's like I could literally see it flickering in and out because the pride wall kept going up to block it. in true British fashion, she does NOT like to show herself as weak or in pain, but it was nice to see even teeny moments of it here and there in that video, as I finally felt a bit of compassion for her. but I agree with all the sentiments from folks that she is not looking inward about this at fucking all (the whole focus on the wrong path vs asking herself what part she played here).

I also saw some Niomi stans on here saying things like was Niomi supposed to focus her whole quarantine on Joe losing his job/the world doesn't revolve around Joe/etc, and that sounds like the chirping of someone who has never been in a successful long term relationship. because yes. Joe was the one in that situation who just went through something devastating - all her needs should go to the backburner temporarily. he lost his dream job, he lost his dream of living in India, his world was flipped on its head & Niomi was just prancing around vlogging day in and day out while the man was mourning the loss of his entire career & forseeable future. she got to be back in England where she wanted, and got to plan a wedding - things were peachy keen for her, and I seriously doubt she paid a lick of attention to any comments he may have made about not wanting to go on runs, not wanting to get out of bed at 7 god damn AM, not wanting to be on camera, etc. in fact, I bet she guilted him if he tried to say no. now, really think about that. he was mourning a devastating career loss but HE IS BEING GUILTED TO DO SHIT FOR HER?!?!? my god, if I was her, I would've let him sleep all day every day if he wanted, brought him breakfast in bed, made him baked treats & yummy junk food comfort food, not make him go on a single run, never make him go on camera, ASK if he wanted to participate in wedding planning stuff & give him the opportunity to turn it down if he was feeling too shit. Niomi doesnt have a career, she merely gets paid to exist. for people who are career oriented (like myself), I fully and deeply understand how depressed he surely was from this.

I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned how nonchalant she was the entirety of lockdown about him losing his job. she wasn't treating him literally any differently than she always had - still giving him shit for things that NO ONE SHOULD GET SHIT FOR anyway, but especially in a time of loss (eat whatever you want, sleep however late you want, skip the runs for fucks sake). can anyone here imagine if you lost your dream job and a week later, your fiancé was passive aggressively berating you for not getting up at 7am or telling your depressed ass you can't have a piece of fucking toast!?!??!?

they definitely had problems we spotted as far back as early 2019, but if I was him, how she navigated his loss and essentially had barely a shred of real compassion and empathy for his situation and wanted him to immediately accommodate HER, my opinion would be deeply changed about my significant other. loss is one of those things that tests a relationship and shows how someone is in the hardest times, and she proved her selfishness would not waiver even in a deeply depressing time for him. she navigated his loss as selfish as ever, head in the clouds, and that surely would've been an eye opening moment for him.

As for the many theories on pizza night, I could see him trying to bring up feeling that she had been selfish and her just throwing India in his face and listening to absolutely nothing he was trying to say about her selfish nonchalance during lockdown (and the selfish demands in general of him doing shit for HER vids like going on runs & cooking & whatnot) and her seeming apathy for his situation, then him trying to point out that she CHOSE to go to India & she can't use that as a defense for other selfish behavior, and her throwing a general fit. and perhaps Freddie quietly witnessed that fit & they had a chat & he realized she is never going to change and worse, she will try to use the fact that she went to India for 2 whole months against him the rest of their lives to get her way. the thing I'm most curious about is how it actually went down in terms of if he dumped her straight or if it was a fight that led to dump or if she tried to bluff and he took that as an opportunity to actually leave, etc.. & I shall add my cap to the table of theories lol. Perhaps after this fight, she made some sort of "aFtEr i WeNt tO InDiA fOr YoU fOr TWO WHOLE MONTHS, hOw DaRe yOu SaY iM SeLfiSH you need to think about all I've done for you & I'm going to my parents house til you apologize!!!"rant and bluffed like she was leaving him, and specifically left the ball in his court so she could essentially MAKE him apologize, but instead she goes there and he calls her & ends it for good. then again maybe the whole thing happened in 1 convo and she went to her parents house after.

was the timing super unfortunate for Niomi? yes. but was it completely tone deaf & selfish to giddily plan a wedding while your loved one is depressed and dealing with a lost future? also yes. in those circumstances, I'd want to slow everything down, but she sped it all up. it was just so focused on her that she created her own delusional perfect kingdom ripe for a crashing down when she should've been focused on helping Joe rebuild his crumbling kingdom. unfortunately, I'd be willing to bet her next relationship has the same exact problems bc I dont see a shred of self awareness from her yet.

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I'll never forget the kale soup with a side of ricecakes and... kale.

Or when she "popped to the local pub" for a meal and ordered salad with a side of broccoli.
god both of those sound like the most depressing meals i could imagine
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Her whole life is a treat, even beyond the material things. I'm seething jealous of her just being able to spend lockdown with her family in a beautiful house going on country walks and doing no work when I haven't seen mine all year. Forget about the beauty treatments every week, easiest job in the world that she doesn't even have to do if she doesn't feel like it, endless gifted products and trips. She doesn't even have the human decency to follow the covid rules for the benefit of others. She is sickening.
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So now Smartskin is hiring, looking for a social media manager. I wonder who got fired for managing that sorry excuse of an instagram account. Although to be honest can she not just do it herself seeing she's a social media influencer? I mean what else does she do?
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I’m crying :ROFLMAO: It was the worst plating job ever too, all separately formed and piled in a bowl. She could have at least tossed them together and placed them over some rice, gosh she is so lazy.
Not trying to be an ass and point out her physique but I don’t think she’s getting proper nutrition, specifically enough protein. Despite the overkill in exercise she looks a bit flabby? The veg surely does not provide enough protein. If you’re working out that intensely, for someone of her stature, you should be aiming for at the low end 75g of protein per day.
Rice, good one.
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VIP Member
And now the teeth advert. What next, toilet paper ads??? 🙄🦷🦷🦷
Yeah, you know that's how they hike up their prices for the ordinary customers. We pay for the influencers freebie treatments. No thanks mate - I'll pay the full wack elsewhere, you can absorb niomis free invasaline costs yourself!
And it's made of calf leather, of all things. Vile.
exactly - even those who aren't vegetarian / vegan usually balk at fashion items made out of the skin of a BABY animal. Oooh it's so soft! Urm yes, baby's skin often is...
It might be hard for many to change diets for a myriad of reasons, it's not hard to buy a handbag made from cheaper pineapple 'leather'

This just makes me so sad.
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Omg she is SO busy that she has time to walk to a yoga class, its too full so she has time to have breakfast outside and then wait for the next yoga class?! She has time to get dressed up and put make up on and then talk to the camera?! That's as far as I got as could not tolerate it any longer. This snowflake needs a reality check. Seriously.
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Wait so her stressful amount of work that she talked on and on about was done under an hour. Well it's not her fault she's so talented and fast, bet it's the yoga that helps her concentrate. Didn't she mention the craziest week of work is ahead of her? My bet is on 2 hours a day, what do you guys reckon?

edit: My I add my best friend is working with covid tests in a lab and because the amount of tests she was there all day till 2:30 am and guess what? Her next shift starts in a few hours again. That's a hard stressful work sweetie.
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Chatty Member
Some of the pics on her hashtag on Instagram are gross. Let me pose with some random brown children in India and Peru to show I’m ‘cultural’ She even has a bindi on her forehead in a pic and calls it a ‘diddle doddle’

Whether that was acceptable or not back in the day it is absolutely gross! It reminds me of Stacey Dooley’s pathetic and gross comic relief pic which I was sickened by. Using poor children as a fashion accessory and perpetuating the white saviour complex narrative ... I’m sorry but Niomi would never do can’t buy class
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And deodorant??? As a gift - seriously??
Happy Christmas smelly!

This made me laugh way more than it should have, imagining unpacking some deodorant on Christmas morning, the niomi type in your life beaming away across the table from you while sweetly saying "i just thought of you when i saw this!

Erm, thanks!
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Just watched her latest video. It was seriously offensive. She doesn’t have a clue what being busy actually means. If you read between the lines, it was really that she couldn’t handle having to do a single hour’s worth of work when she just wanted to chill out like she always does. Does she not think of frontline workers and other hardworking essential people when she posts something so self-absorbed and clueless like this? And imagine if she had to take care of kids or a pet amidst all this and then rush to make her family a meal etc. She is in such a privileged bubble. She better marry rich because she will never survive in the real world.
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GUYS. It’s just a baby cow. Eating it would be bad but chucked over your shoulder to tote your belongings around town is TOTALLY okay in Nimbobs world.
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