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I love how people assume Niomi is the kind of person you can have that kind of conversation with. Like genuinely I admire the optimism. Can see how it would play out..
J: I don’t want to be filmed when I get home babe, let’s just have a nice quiet evening
N: but JOEYYYYYY it’s VLOGMAS and I’ve been waiting for you! I need to show you coming home! (In exactly that same voice and tone she put on trying to bully him out of having his toast)

The fact that he’s had to resort to staying elsewhere also shows he’s tried to have this convo before I think. And he’s had enough and so has just gone elsewhere. It’s not a very nice thing to do. But nor is it nice to prioritise your filming over your partner’s tiredness.
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She is just so fake all. the. time. now. It really irks me how she tries to slow down her speech to sound/act all posh like Kate Middleton and then she will do that slow blink and hitch her shoulders back and forth like she's super alluring. There are probably better examples of this but I can't be arsed to watch the rest of her stories:

I genuinely remember her being less infuriating post-Marcus. I recall watching a couple videos and she just seemed like a harmless normal girl living her life in London and she would explain things really naturally as well. Now, it's like every single day, she adds a less-than-desirable personality trait to her arsenal: disingenuous✔ arrogance✔ passive aggressiveness✔ what's next?

It's incredibly telling that I registered on Tattle for Zoe and Tanya and ended up in this thread 99% of the time.

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Joe still follows her because he is the „can’t marry you and all that stuff, but let’s be friends“ - type of guy.
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I think the video is both quite telling of how egocentric Niomi is and also is a show of honesty from her. I don't think she did it to try to get people to shill out money, as such, or that she thought she had to do it for views. I think she genuinely believes everything she says. That's not to say she's right by any means, just that she's that sort of person, incapable of looking inwards, evaluating herself. She's definitely extra-punitive, aka she blames everyone else for things that "happen" to her, she never blames herself.

She truly didn't see it coming, we did. She didn't. This says a lot about the sort of person she is, completely self-involved, unable to see beyond the tip of her nose. (Not at all surprising considering how selfish she's acted throughout COVID).

But we also hear real bits of how rough it's been, like at the beginning when she admits she's still going through a rough time. Of course she then has to go and reframe it as something positive by saying she's out of the worst part already, which may or may not be true. No way of knowing. Grief can hit you hard months later. But she admits at the end too that she doesn't lead a perfect life. Who'd have ever guessed?

We also hear a tiiiiny bit of reflection, when she says she's a "perfectionist" (obsessive is more like it, but okay) and that she truly believed she was living a fairytale. That's basically admitting she has little to no capacity to see reality, which we've discussed previously on here.

So yeah, there were glimpses of honesty and real emotion (she's not a good enough actress to get teary on demand), but her need to appear controlled and perfect wins over and kills all those little rays of honesty with "but I'm fine, this created space for the next chapter of my life. I have no idea where I'll be next year but I'm SO EXCITED to find out." Um. Okay. Sure, whatever you say, Nims.

Also, I had to laugh when she said "isn't it wild? I have no idea what I'll be doing next year" because really, she could have said "who I'll be doing next year." We know that's her goal now. Find Joe 2.0, pronto.

So, overall. A very Niomi video. But at least she seemed a teensy bit less bot-ish for about 10 minutes.
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it really isnt that unusual to have to get off a long flight and head directly to the office, especially if youre in a manager position in the corporate world. and before theres an influx of people saying *they* would never do that and theyd just say no, thats great for you but reality is sometimes its what youve got to do, especially if youre ambitious and wanting to move upwards in the company. i think the key difference is most people have partners who also have their own jobs and hobbies so arent just sitting at home waiting for them with activities planned. she wouldnt be so gutted if she was busy herself.
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She suffered a huge loss, no living in the countryside with her 'bestie' now. Must find a replacement for Joey ASAP 🤭
This convo is like between two 12-year olds
View attachment 320334
THIS is why I've never ever believed she actually wanted to move to Australia/follow Joe to India. She's been raised to think that success looks a certain way: a big manor house in the English countryside, 2-3 kids going to posh schools, a husband with a fancy job, her looking slimmer every year. Living abroad with all the change that brings has never been part of that equation.
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It sounds like she misses the trying on wedding dresses, champagne, dreamy all worked out easy life, instead of the actual person.
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I don't get how anyone who has watched the way she's behaved during COVID doesn't think she's a fundamentally selfish person to be honest. Everyone has been sad about break ups. How many of us would have such scant regard for other people's lives that we would meet with as many people as she did, knowing she could be passing on the virus? It KILLS people. Sorry, cannot see it any other way.

A part of her might want to help others, but that's a secondary goal not the primary so it feels disingenuous her going on that she's helping others.
I think she likes the idea of helping people and that's as far as it goes. She does nothing we ever see that helps anyone. Yet she seems to talk an awful lot about all the people she helps. Who?
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Unpopular opinion, but I think joe is a huge asshole for knowing damn well he wanted to break up with her (presumably when they moved in with Freddie or even earlier), and letting her go through with dress shopping and all the rest. Seems a cowardly thing to wait that long, knowing you’re planning to dump your fiancé (which I’m SURE he knew for a while).
A relative owns a wedding dress business and people shop and order/reserve their dresses a year ahead. So, Niomi was long term planning- venue deposits also have to be paid for wayyyyyyy ahead.

We know NOTHING about his side of the story.They might have made plans and after the India meltdown Niomi might have gone into fast forward mode. We DON'T KNOW so I can't see him as an arsehole based on nothing. She's directing the narrative and im my opinion, she's untrustworthy.

He was kind and very thoughtful many times. People don't turn into evil bastards for changing their minds.
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whatsever you

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I’ll have to disagree with you there plus you quoted that without the rest which is misleading. People seem to use Niomi as some kind of emotional punching bag accusing her of making them feel bad about themselves. Fleur lives in an absolute mansion with her fab husband & gorgeous kid, Anna has just bought a fab house but they dont get the same accusations levelled at them. Niomi then posts a video being fairly honest & people still aren’t happy & even nitpck at her mentioning champagne.
I've got to agree with @Callan on this. Multiple people on here have said Niomi made them feel shit about their own life. Because she admittedly wants to show people she lives a perfect life, which to most is unattainable. I get that the likes of Fleur also live a 'charmed' life, but Fleur is also very honest about the shit things she deals with on a day to day basis (she takes the piss out of Mike a lot and was open about her miscarriage without making it a huge deal). Niomi used to come across in a way that she WANTED people to be jealous of her. She's a typical mean girl at school, bragging about everything.
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Sorry to reroute but I just rewatched her birthday vlog. Joe made her a video from all her favourite people wishing her a happy birthday then within 2 months they were done. I don't blame her being blindsided and finding it traumatic, it must have been hard to see any issues if he was doing stuff like that still.
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She sounds like someone at the zoo talking about “observing” the street- all the peasants hard at work in the market. And it’s sooo exciting seeing the staff rushing to open again after another lockdown, not like it’s been an extremely difficult time or anything. Glad she can get some excitement from it ... just sounds so tone-deaf to me
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Jackie Daytona

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This 100%. I've said that I haven't necessarily enjoyed her recent content however it seems like the girl can't win no matter what she does.
Can’t win? She’s got 1.2 million subscribers, raking in the ad revenue, and she’s turned a lot of skeptics here into believers again. Add on top of that she’s fully healed. So I say she wins all the time.
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Tbh I believe they are all tired. Not from working hard, obviously. Niomi and Tanya barely eat so probably have no energy. Gabby and Zoe eat diets full of junk and crap and also just laze around all day which..makes you lethargic and tired. The issue for me is the lies about the reason they are exhausted, not that they are exhausted or not. I mean look at Niomi and Tanya's faces. You can't fake eyebags that colour, depth, or size.
Yep, agree judgejohndeed. They can't be faking how dull their faces look, the massive eyebags. Are they whiny babies who have it easier than most money wise at least? Yes. But that doesn't mean they can't feel bad.

I just don't love the idea that someone "deserves" or has "earned" the right to be exhausted/sad/whatever. It gets a bit too "if you're not in X horrible situation, you can't ever feel bad" which is super harmful for those of us who suffer from mental health issues. Like, oh, I can't be having a panic attack, because I have a job and a house and a loving family and friends while there are people out there who have none of those things and they aren't having panic attacks. It's an icky road to go down on, tbh.

Can Niomi be exaggerating? Sure. But is it possible, maybe even certain, that she genuinely believes and feels herself to be exhausted even if we know people who work harder and don't complain? Yep. It's all a relative scale.

Is it annoying to hear her say it constantly? Yes. Not disagreeing with anyone on that.
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I've never seen Niomi demonstrate any breathing techniques. Isn't that the foundation of yoga?

I had a medical exam to get my residency for France, and the doctor was shocked and asked me if I do yoga because I have really good lung capacity.

I don't do these crazy-ass poses. I swear most of the time I'm just meditating and breathing. Have I been doing yoga wrong my whole life!? :oops:
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It annoys me how much she is featuring daisy may on her SM, using young children like this is so exploitative imo
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"Missed you sooo much" in the last, what, 2 weeks you haven't seen each other? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Genuinely don't understand why these people even plaster this shit online for everyone to see. Seems like provocation to me at this point.

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