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Oh, to have the self-confidence of this mediocre woman... She just went through an engagement breakup and she things that in a couple years she'll be married and moving to the "country." Because we all know she won't move away from London on her own, she'll only move to become Mrs. Whatever Pompous Thing. Meanwhile, I went through a bad breakup a couple years ago and I'm still in the stage of "I'LL NEVER FIND ANYONE AGAIN", let alone think that I'll be married in two years...

Also, really, with her "job" and all... what is stopping her from moving to Surrey if she so wishes? She's truly all about the "shoulds" and how things look from the outside.
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I think even if she had noticed things weren’t perfect she thought she was in the clear because she had a ring and the wedding was being planned and she’d gone to India with him. There’s a sense of security in that and she probably never envisioned that he’d dump her for any reason. Also because she’d projected this fairytale dreamy Joe thing on him. It sounds like she was very naive and now she’s had a big wake up call. She’s admitted that was wrong of her to do.

Even with all her faults I can’t really bring an eye of cynicism to this video. Yes she had ads on it- this is her job and that’s the nature of being a Youtuber. Exploiting your life for profit. I don’t think she can fake what she said about collapsing into her step-Dad’s arms or sobbing next to Daisy May in a tent at night. That stuff was personal regardless of intent and it would be hard for many to share details like that.
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Chatty Member
She’s got to be trolling? “Overdone it”? “As always pushing myself to do more?” Every post of hers somehow manages to sound even less self-aware than the last!! I’ve never quite seen anything like it before. The grossly inflated sense of self this girl has!!! I actually can’t believe it! Someone seriously needs to knock her down a peg or four!!

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It's maddening that a basic, painfully mediocre person can earn so much for contributing absolutely nothing to the world. I can't believe she's making so much, this world rewards the wrong people.

I have a friend who is a medical doctor with an extra PhD in science, that is 2 PhDs from a top university before she turned 28. She's working god knows how many hours a week and she doesn't even make 10% of what Niomi made last year. The thing is, she is also absolutely stunning. She could have easily worked as a model, but she chose to do something meaningful. It makes me sick that a nobody like Niomi, that does effing nothing all day, gets paid so much just to breath. And it's even more annoying that she is not the only one.

Rant over.
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To each their own I guess but I personally haven't seen any Joe "glorification" around here. No one said he was perfect or dreamy or a Prince Charming. Oh wait... Yeah, actually one person did... Niomi herself!!!!! She literally said in her breakup announcement video that, "There's no hard feelings towards Joe. He's a good person, he's not a bad person." and proceeded to tell us she had the most magical 4 years and wouldn't change a thing. I'm not sure why some people here are so adamant about painting him as a bad person who did something shitty, when we literally have no evidence to support this at all? Including from the primary party herself, i.e. Niomi? Even her mother and her childhood best friend both still follow him. It's pretty clear to me that he did nothing fundamentally wrong to her -- he was not abusive, he did not cheat on her, he did not lead her on, there was no drama. All he did was end it once he had finally realized it was not meant to be. It's not like he was deliberately plotting to humiliate her. My friend just broke up with her boyfriend--she said she had felt unhappy for about a year but for the longest time she thought it was her being unhappy within herself, as opposed to being unhappy in her relationship. She didn't attribute her feelings of unhappiness to the relationship until very recently. I think something similar might have happened to Joe. Sometimes it takes a while to really figure out what your feelings mean and where they come from. He might have been unhappy for a while but wasn't entirely sure why until July. Plus, they are not the only couple to have succumbed to the COVID situation. The pandemic opened a LOT of people's eyes very abruptly.

This is just my theory but the ring thing (it supposedly being in "servicing" for so long) actually makes me think they did have a conversation prior to the final breakup--but evidently she ignored it. The last video in which she wore the ring was posted on July 5th, then she didn't upload to Youtube for a whole two weeks. Her next video was posted on July 19th (the bridesmaid video), at which point she was no longer wearing the ring. Oddly enough, she opened the video by saying "it has been a weird few weeks" and looking visibly upset and unusually concerned. Even on Instagram, she didn't post anything between July 3rd and July 12th, which is EXTREMELY unusual for her as she normally posts almost every day. I really think they had a conversation at some point during that time (between the two videos), with Joe voicing some doubts and/or concerns, which led her to stop wearing the ring. Clearly, she did not take the situation as seriously as she should have, and chose to continue planning her wedding (in fact, perhaps even rushing things even more by asking her friend to be her bridesmaid and taking her family to dress trial, maybe in a desperate attempt to lock him down further?). She's now admitted that she was blindsided (which we have been saying for months), but I don't get why some of you are interpreting that as "he blindsided her" rather than "she allowed herself to be blindsided"? I don't know how many times I need to say this, but she said herself that she convinced herself that her life was a fairytale, meaning that she refused to see the negatives, she refused to see any of the issues. Seems to me like it's 100% her fault that she was blindsided, because she actively tried to convince herself that her life was perfect when it clearly was not, and refused to listen to any of the concerns Joe might have voiced or shown.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the first time I noticed something was off in their relationship was the "We're moving to India" video, which was all the way back in November 2019. If even I could see that they had issues (I wasn't even watching her regularly at the time), and she couldn't, then that is on her. The signs were all over the place (we've literally dissected them over and over on this forum, from the Vlogmas awkwardness, to the lockdown control issues, etc.), she just refused to look at them. You can't blame Joe for her refusing to admit to herself that her life could be any less than paahhhfect. And I really don't think it's fair to assume he didn't at least try to talk things through with her prior to ultimately breaking up. To me, all the evidence in fact points towards his trying, but her consistently refusing to face it.

At the end of the day, she claims she's glad that this has happened and she's so happy now and everything's back to perfect. So I'm not sure why some of you are feeling so sorry for her. She's "back on the right path" now so it seems like Joe actually did her favor. Again, I don't care for the guy and I really don't think he's perfect (I don't even find him attractive like some folks here do, not to mention how boring he comes across), but I sure as hell don't think he's done anything shitty either, from what we've been told/shown.
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I know it’s been covered multiple times before but these kinky Instagram pages that Joe has followed is bizarre. I know that you can’t read into these follows reflecting anything about their relationship but if lack of passion / intimacy had anything to do with their breakup, I’d feel mortified if I was Niomi. I feel like a twat for even looking but I wondered if Joe was still following Niomi (he is) and his most recent Insta follow was this cracker of a page:
Also sorry if this is too explicit for here! Just thought it was too funny not to share.
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Putting my bets on now she posts a smug smiley smirky video with ‘last Christmas I gave you my heart...’ playing in the background as a big Christmas #fuckyouimfinewithoutyou to Joe 😂
And Joeeeey retaliates with 'What a wonderful world', while holding a copy of ' The Long Walk to Freedom' and for an encore Freddie dancing to 'Respect'.
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You guys are being way too harsh.

It takes a lot of effort and manual labor to lug around a stack of books, pretend to read, condescendingly and hypocritically lecture people on learning, randomly lift a leg up while taking photos and move from one corner of the room to the next. That's F I V E whole things in one day. :cry: No one could possibly put up with that much.

Just imagining all that hard work is making me dizzy. I need to decompress. I'm going to go take a 3 hour bubble bath now.
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Chatty Member
This is so hilarious to me 🤣🤣🤣 “Never stop learning. Stay curious.” 🤣 She must walk around the house with that stack of notebooks feeling SO self-important. We all know she doesn’t read books and does absolutely no learning, apart from this tiny yoga course right now.
She's as fake as the library in her mom's office (a.k.a. the wallpaper).
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I'm not trying to come after anyone but I see often this idea that Joe's from such a posh family and that's why he wants a posh girlfriend or a trophy wife.

Obviously Joe's family is well off and his father has been knighted for his contribution to sport (rugby player and then coach for the English team). And as I understand it it's through sport that they are somewhat connected to the royal family.

It's just that sometimes people here make them out to be this Downton Abbey version of a family and I think that's a bit weird. That's not at all how it works. Again his family is surely well off and well connected but they are not this grand aristocratic family.

Again, I'm not going after anyone but this notion of him as being like "high born" or something is a bit strange (even though he's privileged).
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Just coming in on the yoga stuff, I've continued a dedicated practise for a few years now. I wouldn't say I'm an expert or really a yogi but i've spent quite a chunk of time doing it and reading about it and attending classes/workshops.

I would agree with what was said before about it being about progression and to be honest I think the handstand looks pretty good. But yoga isn't about achieving each asana perfectly. Some asanas are not able to be performed by many people, some take time to build up the strength for and some you just have to get wrong about a thousand times before you get it right. And even then! you can't necessarily bank on that asana being a regular part of your practise. Each time you step onto the mat is a new day. Somedays I step onto my mat and I can already tell that despite touching my toes no trouble every other day, that day my hamstrings are stiffer and I must work within the limits that my physical body has given me with each practise. And I think that word practise is really key here. It's a yoga practise not a yoga perfection.

A note on the sucked in stomach. Obviously it may well just be posturing for the 'gram trying to look thin and highlight her body.. but it could also be that she is trying to utilise Bandhas or "locks" in her practise. There's the Mula Bandha which is the pelvic floor, the Uddiyana Bandha which is at the navel area and then there's the throat lock I forget the name of that one though.

She could be trying to engage the Uddiyana Bandha hence the sucked in stomach but I should say that you're not meant to completely suck in your stomach or you'll affect the breathing which is the key for helping the prana circulate.

Anyway probably not too interesting but thought I'd chip in.
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I don’t understand her most recent post at all. Having her world turned upside down insinuates Joe did the dumping, so why does she keep saying she is now being true to herself and knowing what she deserves etc.
If things were so awful before, why was she wedding planning and asking her friend to be her chief bridesmaid?!
She’s just been hugely embarrassed and told she isn’t the one for someone who she probably thought worshipped her (she seems to think this of a lot of people) and is now trying to redeem herself by making out she KNEW it was wrong and now it’s all pahhhfect and a million times BETTER than it was before.
In reality, you were dumped hun. It hurts. Admit it and then talk about something else. Not self love and self discovery and healing. Talk about restricting food and having a fake persona ‘cause that’s what you’re good at.
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This is so hilarious to me 🤣🤣🤣 “Never stop learning. Stay curious.” 🤣 She must walk around the house with that stack of notebooks feeling SO self-important. We all know she doesn’t read books and does absolutely no learning, apart from this tiny yoga course right now.


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I just want to point out that Niomi's last video ("Winter Makeup Tutorial") was sponsored by BareMinerals yet she did not disclose this in the title nor in the thumbnail. Similarly, her vlog from October ("How Did the Clairvoyant Know This?!") was sponsored by Origins yet no mention of this in the title or thumbnail. Another vlog from September ("My New Home! Moving vlog") was sponsored by NoteCube yet--you guessed it--nothing in the title or thumbnail. You could argue that the Smart Skin video should have also said "AD" since it's her own brand. These are literally just a few of the most examples that I happened to come across by having a quick look (there are probably way more!). Basically when you look at her last 10 videos, more than half of them are in fact advertisements, yet she only disclosed 2 (in the titles only, never on the thumbnails). She's very clearly a serial rule breaker at this point. It's NOT just a one time mistake or oversight--it's deliberate!!! I've just submitted a complaint to ASA (the British Advertising Standards Authority) and I really encourage you guys to do the same to make sure that they really take it seriously (only takes 5 minutes, I promise). It's sickening that she gets away with all of this. She's so sanctimonious, acting like she's such an ethical/honest/pure person, yet she can't even do the bare minimum which is to comply with the law and disclose when she's being paid to push consumerist goods down our throats. Her lying ass needs to be called out and face consequences for her actions, for once.
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There was some real emotional honesty in that video.My heart went out to her actually.
I can’t fault her for this video at all. If she flicked her hair or whatever I didn’t notice & I don’t care.
The bit where she talked about crying in her parents arms & crying beside DM!!!
I also think she did genuinely do it to help people like those who have messaged her.
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I "love" how she couldn't help but tell us that her hot chocolate was only half hazelnut milk and half water. Yes, Niomi. We get it. Cutting calories is your real hobby.
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Chatty Member
Title suggestion: Patient Zero's back in the city. Nims is 'healed' but her attitude's shitty
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