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The police have handled this poorly.

If they had not done so many press conferences when they had no new information then I believe interest would have died down eventually, the TikTokkers would have found something new to obsess over and the Police could have got on with the job.

Instead they’ve drip fed little bits of information - information that was obviously was going to grab people’s attention in wanting to know more. The press conference yesterday was a mistake.

I feel so sorry for Nicola if she has indeed taken herself off that this very personal information is out there for everyone to see.
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I'm in tears reading that. You were definitely let down by the police. My god.

I hope things are better now and thank you very much for sharing x God that sounds so American but I mean it x
Bless you, yes I’m in a much better place thank you 💕 Happily single 😊
It had been going around in my mind a lot since NB’s disappearance, I’ve never spoken out about it, not even to friends, although at times I’ve wanted to shout about it from the roof tops as it shouldn’t have happened and if happened to me, how many others have been in a similar position, it’s incredibly scary and when the incident in January was mentioned with NB it set off alarm bells in my head.
It does break my heart at the thought NB’s girls might have to grow up without their beautiful mummy for something that could be sorted and if we can prevent others from feeling so alone with their thoughts and struggles by knowing others have been through similar and come out the other side, then that’s a positive. xx
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I absolutely hate the way that this poor woman has been diminished in the media. They may as well come out and say “no wonder she fell in the river, she was hormonal/pissed” instead of the faux concern. Probably one of the worst cases of victim blaming I’ve seen.

I don’t want to turn this into a menopause thread but all I can say, from personal, bitter experience, is any woman battling their way through this period of their lives is a fucking warrior x
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I think this is a bit of a stretch, it’s not as if Barrymore is posting daily tips on how to get away with drowning someone. It’s just a coincidence.
The mental gymnastics about the husband on here are quite something when it’s most likely (realistically) the poor woman is no longer with us at this point
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If it amazes you how Nicola can just disappear “into thin air” check this lady who has been missing 6 months last seen in a public park. It’s a shame this lady hasn’t had the coverage that Nicola has had.

Until Nicola’s body is found in water, I am of the opinion that someone else was involved.
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Chatty Member
Lots of thoughts this morning, I'm having a duvet morning watching morning TV in bed.. I'm about to merail.

This time last year I couldn't get out of bed and got hit by a menopausal, mental health fucking doom quake. I literally knew it was coming as I'm an old hand at this, but this one was like a fucking shit tsunami. I reached out to my support because I scared myself, I've never had to do it before in that way, other times it's 'I'm miserable'.. 'yeah, I know'.. And then husband or best mate do their patient support and distract thing, this time it was difficult and much more serious. It was like when I was at peak MH illness in my 20s/30s

Menopause is a bitch...

I'm not sure, in itself, this revelation has been helpful. Let's be honest we're treading close to stigmatising menopause with the sad eyed presentation on morning TV, and GPs appearing to say how women must see their GP (ahem.... When? How?) and not stop treatment etc They've suggested she was early for menopause, but she's 45 so that doesn't make sense and the police and family hid it like it was some mark of shame.

I'm waffling....
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You could be me. My life changed when I became peri menopausal. It coincided with my Mum being diagnosed with dementia and my GP had to convince me I wasn’t going the same way. Some nights I had 2 hours sleep, I was in total meltdown. HRT helped but I was only allowed to be on it for two years due to risks. Some days I could quite easily have run away from home.
I’m still forgetful and have days of terrible brain fog, who knows if I’ll develop dementia in the future.

If Nicola felt this way, then she has my absolute sympathy. I hope she’s in hiding somewhere, but the longer she’s away, the less likely it seems.

Your post could have been written by me, except that I’m not on HRT.
Insomnia is so debilitating. I just want to sleep but I’m wide awake.
The fear of dementia is awful. The brain fog is so real.
I’ve lost count of the times I’ve been mid sentence and forgotten what I was saying. It’s embarrassing.
Even posting on here, I can sometimes lose track of what I was posting about and have to delete it unfinished.

That said compared to many, my peri menopause isn’t too bad. I’m not having mood swings and hot flushes are few and far between. Flooding isn’t much fun and my headaches/migraines have notched up a gear and take me out for a couple of days at a time.

Sorry to hear about your mum. I think someone said earlier that as women hit peri, many are dealing with caring for ageing parents too. It’s a double whammy.

We also need a menopause insomnia thread because at 3am there’s not many Tattlers about! 😁
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Does anybody know for definite if she went to a woman's refuge of some sort, if they'd have to alert the police? Even if she said she was in danger? (No not necesseraily because of Paul) This was something my mum said on the phone tonight.

Frankly I was amazed shed been following the story so closely. It feels like women are really coming together to talk. I wish Nicola knew how cared for she is.
Yes a refuge such as women's aid would alert the police that she's safe. This is a safeguarding concern.
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The women Paul allegedly follows on TikTok prompted my curiosity about my boyfriend's FB, the only social media he uses (at least that I know of). A quick skim through and I was relieved to find his current friend list is a healthy smattering of both sexes and the women don't seem to have their tits out . I hadn't bothered to look at his friend list in years but cases like this make you think!
I did the same, but I looked on Instagram - so many Instagram “models” in bikinis. My eyes rolled so hard. Men are really such basic bitches. If I wasn't such a ray of sunshine I’d make him unfollow every last one of the fuckers 😂
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Wee Nora

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I’m shook. I mean I don’t think any of us are that naive, we know men look at attractive women etc etc but to be mid 40s and looking at very young women in a sexual way is creepy and sleazy AF 🤢 he has daughters ffs.
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I was going to say the same thing but you explained it much better. Extremely hard to get sectioned these days and I think it's important people realise that as a lot of people blame family and friends (not on here) once something terrible has happened to a person, asking "why didn't they get them any help" it's very possible they tried, many many times and just weren't given that help. Family are often not listened to about how serious a person's mental health is (not saying this is the case with Nicola at all just in general) it's just a very very high bar to get someone the help they need sadly.
I have been involved with a few people being sectioned. It’s a legal and very distressing process. I have them imprinted in my memory- the poor souls.
It really annoys me when people say I/they need sectioned because people don’t agree with their decisions/behaviours. And don’t get me started on the ‘I am so OCD’ because they have a tidy house or ‘I am bipolar’ because you impulsively buy a load of stuff then shit yourself when the bills come in -invalidating the suffering of many.
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I have been reading the last few threads but not commenting - since this last update re her personal issues I just feel so so sad. That poor woman and now reduced to “just a drunk hormonal woman” in (some) media and people’s eyes.

It has brought up an issue close to home that I don’t want to derail the thread and bang on about but I do just feel awfully sad. 💔

Wishing for a peaceful resolution for her and her family whatever that may mean.
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Long story, I have thought many times about posting this and haven’t but here goes, I will try and make it as short as possible.

After my divorce (we still remain great friends to this day) I was vulnerable when an ex from my teenage years contacted me, we started dating and basically he was very controlling, not from the offset, but by the end of the relationship I was unrecognisable mentally and physically. My ex-husband bless him was so worried he took me to my GP who gave AD’s and sent me for counselling, I was an absolute mess, also going through peri.
The ex partner who was controlling then started stalking me, texting me, also seen near my home which is down a dead end so it wasn’t by accident. My friends said I should report him so I did, the police came out and said he wasn’t breaking any laws (this was a while back now but I still think it was illegal to stalk) so I left it. Then I lost the plot one day and signed him up for stupid things online, including sending info on penis enlargement to his address, 🥴 incredibly daft and childish I know but I’d had enough.
Next thing I have the Police at my door asking me if I was signing him up for things as he’d reported it to the police, I was so scared of being in trouble I denied it. Anyway they went to the bother of tracing it to my home and I explained I’d had enough of his behaviour and lost the plot. I was asked to sign a form stating I‘d stay away from him which I was happy to do and he had to do one too, which was all I wanted to be left alone by him. Next thing I have a woman texting me saying she’d dated him, he was an arsehole but he hadn’t stopped talking about me and she wanted to know how he treated me, all very odd. Anyway a week or so later the police ring me saying I need to stop contacting him or I’d be in serious trouble. I was still having counselling and burst into tears telling them it wasn’t me and they needed to find out who it was as I couldn’t stop something I hadn’t done. About a month later the police turn up at my home and arrest me. I’ve never been in trouble with the law in my life, not even a parking ticket. So off I go and have a police interview and they accuse me of sending all these texts to him which I hadn’t done and told them so, over and over again. My family were livid and ringing them up saying I was having counselling and they were very concerned for my MH etc. eventually that same day I’m released on bail. 😱 But as much as I felt traumatised/humiliated/embarrassed I thought at least now they will look into it thoroughly and find out who’s doing it and then know it wasn’t me.
A few weeks later a letter came through saying case was dropped but basically saying if I did it again I’d be in serious trouble. I was mortified, I hadn’t been cleared and I didn’t see it ever stopping, as well as still struggling with depression. So in the early hours with my girls in bed I thought I‘d take myself to a nearby railway line, as I couldn’t see any other way out of it, after all this is the police were talking about who have such power. As I was getting ready to leave I burst into tears, thinking how my heart broke and never recovered when my brother died when I was a child and I couldn’t do it to my girls, they are my absolute world, so I called a MH service who came out and sat with me. After they‘d gone I couldn‘t trust myself, so I booked somewhere to stay with our dog and my girls and we disappeared. I’m not sure who contacted the police but next thing they were trying to find me out of concern that I could harm myself. They rang my mobile asking me to just show myself at a nearby police station, I refused as I was terrified and didn’t trust them. Eventually a police woman higher up in the rank contacted me and I said I want this looked into to find out who is doing this otherwise I’m never going home and it was then that she told me they couldn’t, because my ex had gone into to different police stations each time only ever with screenshots of the messages, so they only had them to go on. She apologised and was shocked I’d been arrested on no hard evidence. After that he was then visited by them and told if he ever went to them again without handing over his phone to get proof he would be in serious trouble.
I could have taken my life over that and what is so upsetting the police officers who came out to my home never contacted my counsellor, or GP, even though they’d asked for that info to verify all he had done to me. To this day I don’t know if the woman who dated him and contacted me tried to set me up, or if he did it still trying to have control over my life.
So this case with NB and the previous police visit, although for a different reasons has really struck a cord with me and it breaks my heart to think she could also have been so stressed about the police incident and it tipped her over the edge.
As much as I still feel ashamed of myself for being arrested, I thought it important to share in case anyone else found themselves in a situation where they felt embarrassed/humiliated/ashamed and couldn’t face life, to let them know you’re not alone and things do get better. 💕
I was also referred to the woman’s refuge for advice and they were wonderful, they weren’t surprised by my story and said they had many similar in regards to policeman not believing women and look what’s come out about how female police are treated in the force by some of the men.
So sorry for the long winded post.❤
You have *no* reason to feel ashamed. You should be proud of yourself. xx
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