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And there was little, innocent me thinking Pintrest was for outfits and decor inspo. 👀

While I agree with some posters that it’s normal for men (and women) to look at images of people they find desirable, his accounts come across as obsessed. It’s not a normal “I like big boobs”, it’s an “I must collect all the pics of big boobs, follow women with big boobs, share the pics of big boobs” etc.
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Boring Monday

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Couldn't quote this as thread closed.

I appreciate her face has been blasted over every web page and newspaper BUT she is just a normal looking 40+ year old. She looks like me and my friends. If she dyed/styled her hair would you really notice her and notice it was NB?

I'm not so sure.
I think her community seem very supportive - they circled the wagons and didn’t breathe a word to the press. I think if she came back they would continue to protect her. The media soon get bored.
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I’ve seen the Pinterest 🫣. Oh Paul, you little Jezabel. I’m sorry but I’ve never known anyone before to treat Pinterest like a Page Three magazine 😂.
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It just shows the powerful impact releasing the statement about her personal struggles has been. Even on this thread the timeline, the dry dog, the harness and Mr/Mrs String etc has stopped being discussed.
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The fucking sun did that to loads of youngens, Charlotte Church was another one.
Young girls/women don't realise the attention fades and they lose their sparkle sooner or later.
Men are the problem.
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Chatty Member
This just makes me wonder more about the person in threads previously who said he had chatted up younger girls on linked in.
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the dog did indeed have a shit and he left it there. Hopefully they step in it 💩
Off topic sorry but I have to tell someone and this reminded me.

I went to a garden centre today and a lady had her dog (a pug, which in my mind is not a dog, sorry) with her on lead.
My littlest noticed the dog and said hello.
The lady and I exchanged pleasantries.
While this was happening, the dog stopped and weed on the floor.
Inside the garden centre shop.
The lady laughed, and carried on walking.
Leaving the wee.
Which she knew we had seen. And we knew she had seen.

What is wrong with people?!
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Grrrr Kay Burly is presenting her programme from the Lake, how crass, I really dislike her, but this really is too far
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To be honest I’m surprised someone who works in mental health even has one of these accounts?
I was a bit surprised that he/she was actually so aggressive with it. I can't say being called a dick off a stranger on the Internet upset me, but it might of done. Yes I'd posted jokey shit but I had also posted sensitive stuff. I do feel very sad by this case and I know many others do. He/she could even absolutely said it to the wrong person and triggered something not very nice.

You'd think someone in MH would know better??? I smell a rat haha 🙂🤣

But this is Tattle and although we've built up a lovely (in the main) thread, you're still going to get the odd troll.

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Hi, been reading along. Feel so bad for Nicola. I don’t have a theory (you will be pleased to know) I just wanted to tell you that I saw the C5 programme and I have a gut feeling (know you love those!) that Mark WT is a wrongun.

Also to say, the tabloids will have been relentless in harassing friends, family and locals to sell a story. It’s hard to describe the manipulation and constant pressure. The whole point is to break you, to give them “the story” and it will have been half the village they did it to. It’s not even for the money half the time, it’s to stop them bothering you. They will say they know X bad thing (false) and if you are shocked by that, then do the right thing for Nicola, and tell us “your” story.
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Chatty Member
I have to say… doesn’t sound like someone you’d want to be with while struggling with your mental health does it 🤔 (taken from Paul’s website)

It all starts on the inside, you simply have to start to get in tune with your higher self and learn to control yourself in all situations, think about it, you can’t control anything apart from yourself, yet how many people do we know who cause bad feeling by losing their tempers, people do things they don’t want to do and they don’t know why, it’s nothing other than pure ignorance, anybody can learn to control themselves, it takes effort of course, but there’s no such thing as, that’s just the way I am, all that’s saying is, I’m like this and I’m too damn lazy to be bothered to put any effort in to changing it.
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Hearing or even thinking other parents were talking about her or the police visit when she dropped the girls off would bring all the guilt and humiliation from the pit of her stomach.
Yeah, I posted this morning about how she must be feeling about this and all the unkind rumours that inevitably circulate. Sadly, in my opinion, I think there may be an element of similarity here with Caroline Flack with regards to feelings of shame and guilt due to police involvement. God bless her 😞 I do hope and pray that she’s okay and may have just taken off for some time away from it all, but with no evidence pointing to that, this is the conclusion I’ve reached
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Brah Day Izit?

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Can we all agree Paul is a creep?
No, I don't.

That's why life was so much simpler before SM.

I remember, aged about 13, finding a paperback book of my father's, tucked away in a cupboard in his bedroom. I was intrigued as some of the pages had their corners folder over. I investigated, and it was a beautifully descriptive prose of a single male Royal Navy officer having illicit liaisons with women from the ports he was visiting. It was graphic but with a 1950s naivety and matching narrative. In retrospect, it was quite lovely. Passion bourne from being celibate for many months at sea.

My father was the kindest, gentlest man I had the privilege of knowing. If he had Tiktok, he might have been tempted to follow some ladies if he wanted to disappear into some fantasy land. My Mum would have been about 50-52 at the time. She had probably had menopause issues and might have gone off sex, and he just wanted a little release and never dreamt it was cheating. Today men have so many ways of escaping from their lives, and we should accept we are in a different era.

Fantasising about others isn't cheating in my book; in fact, it might be a way of coping with a difficult spell and is preferable to flirting with women/men in real life and possibly having a full-blown affair. I bet there aren't many of us who sometimes, in our relationships, haven't let our minds wander a little.

Based on my experience, imagine if we were in the 1970s and the tabloids published that Paul was reading novels with a sexual twist. What would be the narrative, then?

That TikTok account doesn't define him.
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I prefer Pervy Paul myself 🤣

Ahhh who am I'll all be beer making, scootering, running and paramedic shite.

He will have deleted the good stuff 🤣🤣
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