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Chatty Member
No stick, no wheelchair, walking down the aisle, dancing, playing with light sabers. Basically doing all the normal wedding stuff despite the drama she’s drummed up in the last few weeks. Surely it’s time for a mahoooosive Bean Down story now.
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She's now reminding us all that her cancer 'admin' is akin to a full-time job. I get that there's a lot of stuff to be done, but many people have to do it in addition to holding down a real full-time job.
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she looks like a 6 year old with that nurse in the bed. It’s very odd for a 35 year old to act that way! I should imagine if she had her own children she would be more mature but as she only has herself to focus on she is acting like a child but it’s not endearing it just looks weird
I agree. I also think that as a parent I just can’t tolerate this kind of manipulation. My little girl is cute and her child mannerisms are endearing. No 35 year old woman behaving like a 6 year old is endearing, it’s plain irritating.
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And, and I might be talking through my arse here, but is there a chance the radiation therapy could have done some extra bowel / bladder damage? Just a thought, but I’m not medical and I haven’t dr googled so I’ve no idea really.
It’s just the meds making her blocked up. You have to take Laxido or similar which she is fully aware of and that’s what she was given when she had rads before but she made a big fuss about the taste of it. When your on shit loads (excuse the pun) of opioids etc they talk you through the constipation problems you may get. She needs to take better care of herself and stop with the mini breaks. She’s an adult she’s not stupid she has a beautiful home and should appreciate what she has got and stop and smell the roses. If she doesn’t slow down and listen to her body she will just cut short what little time she has left. Shame her sister’s wedding isn’t a priority for her 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Nicky, domperidone is a fairly standard anti emetic used for chemo induced nausea .....tbh I'd count yourself fortunate you've not needed to use it before in your 5+ years of treatment!
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Chatty Member
Why would you film yourself crying while doing yoga? Urgh the attention seeking is cringey.
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Chatty Member
Not to be the poo in the punch bowl but … as alcohol is a risk factor for breast cancer, posing in front of a table full of Whispering Angel wine isn’t a good public facing look for a breast cancerfluencer.
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and ofc she demanded that nurses from the teen cancer ward waste their time bringing a heat mat to whatever ward she's on! if she has the exact same one at home, surely Mr G could have brought it to the hospital with him when he popped in wearing his matching shirt and slipper combo! yet again, Princess Nicky is demanding special treatment, and then subtly bragging about it - as though the nurses from her usual ward were so upset to hear she was in hospital that they immediately dropped everything the were doing, and all the patients they are supposed to be caring for, to ensure Nicky was as comfortable as possible. 🙄🙄

as for her chemo being delayed, i wonder if, deep down, she has any regrets about her regular beach trip and all her "jaunts" - as she likely would've have quite so many other issues to address if she hadn't insisted on pushing her body to such extreme, exacerbating her pain and "overdoing it" - thus chemo would likely not be delayed, or certainly not quite so much. it must be terrifying to know that the increasing pain is a sign that the cancer is growing, yet being unable to undergo the chemo she needs because her body is struggling in so many other ways that need to be priority so she is strong enough to endure it - i hope she doesn't end up in a situation where she is too unwell to attend her sister's wedding, looking back and wondering if it would have been possible had she resisted the urge to bounce out on "adventures" every other day. 🤷🏻‍♂️
She will not have one single regret about her sisters wedding because she doesn’t appear to give a damn about it. Has she once mentioned how exciting she is or wanting to keep as well as possible for it or any positive discussion about her being maid of honour?! She’s a selfish little madam.
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Chatty Member
i don't doubt for one moment that the day before the wedding, she will announce that she has "overdone it" thus needs to be pushed around in her wheelchair all day, and will have it all decorated with fairylights and glitter, with her cane all sparked up, ensuring it's captured in every photo. wouldn't surprise me if she begs herself another #gifted freebie cape, all sequined like the other one, and emblazoned with "maid of honour", wearing her #gifted wig - yet another one - which she will undoubtedly find a reason to whip off at some point during the day. and ofc, she'll take every opportunity throughout the day to create reels focused on HER. does the maid of honour usually do a speech? because it wouldn't surprise me if Nicky takes the opportunity to do so - wigless by that point - to take advantage of telling stories all about her own childhood, with her sister as an afterthought. 🤷🏻‍♂️

i'm also pretty sure that her refusal to put any effort into gaining weight, despite knowing her body needs energy and to be as strong as possible, is because she is desperate to upstage the bride, and is relishing the idea that she will be the slim sister in all the photos. 😔
Sadly Alice, I think everything you’ve said will happen. She’s a twat.
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Chatty Member
I’m sure her sister is just mostly concerned about her sister, no matter how close they may or may not be she would probably swap her day for her sisters health. She seems like a nice person from what little we have seen. She probably just wants her sister to enjoy the day and has assigned duties to other bridesmaids etc. As much as Nicky annoys me I doubt very much that she wants to ruin her sisters day or take centre stage. If that’s her intention then I feel sorry for her
Yes, it is a very painful circumstance for all. I honestly don't know how I'd deal with it if I'd planned my approaching nuptials, yet my sister was doing so poorly, yet in a non-linear and unpredictable pattern as the big day approached. Depending upon how NNL is really doing, I may be inclined to hold a private ceremony ASAP, with my sister in attendance, then carry on with the planned wedding which would take any pressure off if she could or could not attend, but perhaps have a livestream available for her to view it, if she was unable. That could allay any demands or responsibilities or stress about it and yet still include her and have her be a part of such an important life event no matter how the next few weeks unfold.

For me, the dichotomy between NNL making funeral prep at the same time as her sister's momentous imminent life event remains very stark. I don't know how to reconcile or compartmentalise those two opposing trajectories that are occurring at the same time within one family. Very sad.
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Well-known member
The lobster suit
Fake laughing
Fake pretending she didn’t know
Him waddling around like a 4 year old
Oh dear
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So Lizzie England is offering free deliveries on her gift site , just put in three lightening bolts, and she’s donating 20%of all sales .It never ends .By the way my daughters biopsy results are back.Surgery and radiotherapy needed.In attempting to stay strong.Love you lot x
So very sorry to hear it’s cancer absolutely devastating news for you all. Just take one day at a time and talk on here if you need too ?! Xxx
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Just 4 weeks ago Nicky needed her 'nurse' to arrange a device to help her get in and out of the bath? The inflatable bath lift? Now she is fully capable of using the hotel bath?


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Chatty Member
Caption this: ‘Where’s my stick you ask? Oh I don’t really need a stick, or a wheelchair or an inflatable bath lift, silly! I just use those to get more likes, more sympathy, more cash in the GFM. Those 🐑 fall for it every time ✌🏻
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How low are the expectations/standard that we feel the need to praise Nicky for not making her sisters wedding day the Nicky show 😵💫 this is the bare minimum. I agree she did let her sister take the limelight more than any of us expected but it just shows how far Nicky takes the attention seeking behaviour that we think this is celebratory!
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Why has she been discharged? Seriously? When apparently her heamoglobin levels were so low only this morning?!
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Why are people worried because an Instagrammer hasn't been online for a couple of days?
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She was fucking wearing this bastard dress a few days ago- sorry but im not buying this crap that its too tight. How? She is absolutely fucking wafer thin, there’s nothing on her, she has no bloating nor any kind of belly - her stomach is actually concave! And its easy to add in an extra panel of fabric to make it a bit more roomy. Something isnt adding up im afraid. I think shes got her eye on a different dress, wants to wear it and is carrying on like this now, a few days before the wedding so she can wear the dress SHE wants. Wait for it. She will be at that wedding in some barely there spaghetti strap low cut tiny tits out entire back on show dress leaving nothing to the imagination and ensuring all eyes are on her.
okay, so i'm just speculating here, but it genuinely wouldn't surprise me if she pushed the dressmaker to keep altering her dress as she lost weight, insisting it be made smaller and smaller to emphasise her weight loss - only to now be unable to wear it, which was her secret intention all along, as it means that she is able to chose a dress that SHE wants and will stand out from all the other bridesmaids by dressing differently, all blamed on "chemo bloat" and needing feel comfortable, with emphasis on how sick she is. i thought exactly the same earlier when she announced she would be taking two wigs, so she could decide on the day which best suited her dress - no, she just wants the option of being able to hav eher second wig stored in her bag so she has an excuse to whip off her wig halfway thru the day, remind everyone she is sick, and then replace it with the other wig. all entirely unnecessary, but again it ensures that all attention will be on Nicky as everyone is reminded how sick she is. as for the shoes - again, totally inappropriate for a wedding. but she will justify it on her lack of mobility and pain etc, purposefully so she can look different to the other bridesmaids and stand out. ultimately, Nicky is going to do exactly what SHE wants. she will wear exactly what SHE wants, and if that involves slyly planning to ensure she ends up wearing a different dress and shoes that she prefers, then fuck what her sister wanted at HER wedding. Nicky will simply guilt trip her into being grateful that she is even there, especially after "overdoing it" and exhausting herself in the process of selflessly organising her hen party etc.

and also, whatever dress she wears, when she shares photos from the day, her stomach will be flat with absolutely no sign of the "severe bloating" she claims to be experiencing. those bikini photos from her beach trip, she kept referring to her supposed "bloat", only to share photos where she was posing purposefully to ensure her stomach was jutted forward, and even then, there was no visible bloating! it's all so obviously faked. 🙄
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I'm sorry but I really laughed at her latest dismal spelling error. 'Vegas nerve.' I wonder if it kicks in when you have to cancel a holiday to the States?
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