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It was advertised for sale on idealista, but have no idea how to find sold places there. Not to dox them, but just to have a proper look at the land and property. You could not pay me to take that on or live there. She talked about chickens and keeping a tortoise, so who will deal with them if they are in Positano for months at a time?
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Rosie Tatler

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Why does all the food she makes look awful and she has a cook book out !

She hasn't made her famous salad with oranges in that she subjects all her guests to yet , we await that treat !
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Yes, the new voiceover sounds less exasperated. Note that she's now saying "we" bought a house. Says she'll be furnishing it with flea market finds in Tuscany, next shot they're off to a big shopping centre to look at new stuff. Furtively filming in the furntiure store when clearly they're not allowed to, more of her usual entitlement. She thinks an Eu400 arm chair is not too expensive, a hint to get the Patreon cash rolling in. In the shopping centre she goes to the MAC store, how long until the new item gets manky in her scuzzy kit.

Says she didn't want to use the donkeys to deliver the heating pellets down the steps. This approach is a double flex; Nicki shows her kindness saying she feels sorry for them (despite using the animals in the past) and they can emphasise their hard working simple life, lugging and staking the sacks.
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Oh wow, interesting that they went back quite some time ago then. As I said, it’s unclear from when her stories are. I wouldn’t even be able to say when they went to Positano, but this makes it seem like they were there for only a short time before going back to Tuscany.
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So the kids and Carlo‘s parents (obviously) are staying in Positano, and Nick and Carlo move six hours away. Which, whatever she says, is still a bit of a drive. And they move right when the tourists that Nicki hates so much, have left Positano 😁
Will be interesting to see how all of this will go.
I think that the timing of this trip to the Tuscany property was dictated by the fact that this is the month that they got possession of the house. She said that although they bought the place last year, they could not actually get the keys until Jan 2024. So, regardless of what was happening in Positano I think they understandably wanted to visit Tuscany as soon as they could start moving in. I know that after all they have gone through to get the place, if I was in their position, I would do the same.

In view of the difficulties attached to buying this property, I also think that the first thing Carlo should do is to change the locks.:ROFLMAO:
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I thought about Nicki trying the sob story of 'I've been abandoned in a foreign town and I have nobody', which I'm sure would generate plenty of money sympathy, but I'm sure she'd get offers of visits from mega fans - which she certainly doesn't want.

But I wouldn't be surprised if they already are, Carlo just seems way too relaxed about not having any stake in this property at all. I think he knows this is working out in his favour.
Oh yes she could really squeeze the sympathy lemon, poor me out here all alone. Maybe she could use her alone time to knock out another Amazon self-published book, or save five years and get a superior result using AI. Hey CHAT GPT: Write a 60,000 word novel set in Tuscany, in the style of Nicki Storey's A Boatful of Lemons, with a story line based on Mama Mia and the Blair Witch Project. Spelling and grammatical errors should remain.

I hope Carlo is aware and chilled about the whole thing. It might be all good, he gets a change of scenery and he seems to enjoy all the hands-on work so it's like an activity holiday. Maybe he doesn't care his work is all towards improving an assest he has no ownership of.
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Latest vlog. The real reason they are going to Tuscany. During their property hunt in April they found the ideal house there and have been trying to buy it but are being thwarted by multiple contractual issues. Brief glimpse of it shown, she will do a one or two part vlog about it.
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I haven't noticed the Amalfi coast or its people being ripped apart on this forum so far - other than Nikki's own comments about tourists, so rather than 'NP Rave' what about NP Rants?
Confusingly there used to be two threads simply named "Nicki Positano", so we asked the admins a while ago if they could edit this one to add a strapline (it was going to be something about their air-punching boast about having two houses). Admins said they couldn't do that but they did add "Rave" to the title of the other thread that @Sabbie linked to above.

The latest vlog was a real barrel scrape, some half-arsed filler before they head off to MY HOUSE IN TUSCANY. I'll be interested to see the property but I imagine the vlogs will become tedious quickly, she said she's keen to flex her creative side with the interiors so I imagine we'll have lots of dreary crafty vlogs, interspersed with Kylie Flavell-type B-roll drone footage of Tuscan landscapes.

Presumably the ever-capable Carlo will work on the property structure and the land, project-managing works carried out by contractors. Nicki made clear on several occasions that she was the signatory to the purchase of the new property so not only is she ring-fencing her assests, she'll benefit from Carlo donating his skills and labour, which will result in capital appreciation of a property he has no claim to.
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No way I thought she was already into her 50’s !
I began following her in 2020, during lockdown, and even then I was convinced she was already in her 50s. It’s not that she looks bad or anything, but there is something about her that makes her seem much older, imho.
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Her sour face when she realises Capri is just as busy as Positano and her speech about how many tourists come every day to Positano , give the moaning a rest , nobody feels sorry for you .

Your friends don’t moan about the Tourists they are their income or have you forgotten what happened to them during the pandemic ?
Exactly! She seems to basically hate where she lives, I used o love her videos as her life seemed so nice, while I would hate those stairs I'd love to live by the sea and hVe my own fresh vegetables. But who wants to watch someone moaning like this?
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Maybe she'll offer to name it after whoever is the biggest supporter on patreon 🤣
Haven't watched yet but no way can she not have known about what was being taken and what was left. She is such a grifter
I would think even in countries where it might be the norm to take such things it would be spelled out in purchase agreement. Also it should have been required that they dismantle and take down that piece of trash shed etc. Now they will have to do that too. Those people are never coming back. What is the ultimate petty is not leaving a few light bulbs. Come on.
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The next few months are going to be make-or-break for them. Carlo has experienced one of the worst moments that happen to most people, with the loss of his father. I really think Nicki's attitude is going to be what decides the future.

If Nicki keeps putting the pressure on him with the return to Tuscany, the constant work there - he's going to spring in the opposite direction and want to be in Positano. If she's constantly moaning whenever they are in Positano, but at the same time moaning constantly about work to be done in Tuscany, he's going to start seeing their new home as a burden and nothing more. Compared to the relative peace and quiet - and family - in Positano, I think it will push him back home.

If Nicki instead frames Tuscany as more of a peaceful sanctuary away from the troubles of living in Positano (such as the stairs, that they have more space, etc) - Carlo will be much more friendly about the idea of being there. If she doesn't fuss or whine about him going to Positano, being in Tuscany will be less of an issue for him mentally. He might even enjoy it more than being in Positano.

I think like most men, the more Carlo feels pushed towards one option, he'll run to the other. Right now he needs support and kindness and a bit of stability after losing the head of his family. Nicki is going to either bury her own grave here or actually patch things up.
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I think it will work. She'll get into the swing of it. If you look back at Nicki's very early vlogs, they were much worse than these first ones by Elizabeth. I had to laugh at the voiceover, though, wondering if Nicki had scripted it.

Positano? Check.
Beautiful scenery? Check.
Cute family? Check.
Rural lifestyle? Check.

I'm sure there will be lots of boating footage in a couple of months.
the boating could be good content however filming tricky as customers don't sign on to be in videos.
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OK, so this week they were supposed to upload the vlog that didn't go up last week due to them (supposedly) "forgetting to add the subtitles", although it was suspected she actually wanted to re-edit the whole thing after realising (thanks to Tattle) that it came off as entitled whining about the stress of buying a house in Tuscany.

Well, well. That vlog ended up not appearing at all today, presumably she couldn't edit hard enough to get rid of the "poor me" vibes.

So back to the fail safe "we're just simple folk" performance: a local bean sagra, Nicki making dog food, picking squash, showing their messy house and cleaning the mezzanine for her friend Dave visiting.

She also inserted the weird cellulite clip from Insta, all to make herself relatable to her middle aged followers.

Plus a Patreon plug, old photos of her and the family being the lure.
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So far she hasn't.
I have not checked but assume she will leave up many as it drives engagement. For every negative three come on to defend her. Great for ratings. I do assume that the comments from the poster talking about her getting pregnant with SKYE and breaking up Carlo's marriage etc. are gone. They were over the top and might be TL appropriate but not for her site.
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Just watched the latest vlog. Why are the kitchen and pantry already so cluttered? I know it’s all temporary but there was so much, it’s already a mess.
No talk of a bedroom for Carlo‘s son, but there is an extra room upstairs that Nicki doesn’t know what to do with. I’m guessing he will have to stay in the guest bedroom downstairs though, if he’s allowed to visit.
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Today's video reveals some home purchasers that did not have a very tight not clear what stayed and what went and new expenses piling up. That is a heck of a lot of stairs inside for a "retirement home". One thing I wonder as I live in US is a newer house...she said only 12 years old and do they normally have wood burning fireplaces for heating? That really looks like a lot of work and I don't care for that smell in a home. Don't homes have the option of more modern heating in Tuscany?
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She has an IG out today and mentions two recent trips to UK...on this video she is shopping again. Carlo seems to be on his own most of the time now.
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T Rex

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I feel like ever since her followers convinced her to publish that awful novel of hers, her entitlement level had gone up even more. Every time she quotes her book, I’m just shocked at how utterly bad it sounds. This was one work that definitely didn’t need to see the light of day.

And lol, imagine this whole Tuscany business is just her laying the groundwork for when they separate one day. I don’t think she’d ever go back to the UK.
I just finished the book today ($5.99 Kindle-version). While the storyline itself wasn't terrible, it was difficult initially to get into as the book was a series of grammatical errors, misspellings and run-on sentences (I don't understand WHY she did not run it through Grammarly before publishing it... SMH...) I will give her credit, though- she did a spot-on job of describing Positano. However, the ending felt a little rushed and anticlimatic- I guess she was ready to be done with writing it by this point. I do wonder which parts are true...

Nicki constantly touting her book was incredibly annoying, as most of her viewers had already purchased it. If you go to Amazon's main page and type in "Nicki Storey" or "A Boatful of Lemons", other random stuff comes up. You literally have to select the Kindle page and then type the book title in to find it. She should have figured it out and contacted Amazon to correct it.

The irony is not lost that while Positano is beautiful, the locals hate tourists and outsiders, but rely on them for revenue. I don't think Nicki is as accepted by the locals as she portrays to be- tolerated, maybe, because she brings in extra tourism to their venues with her vlogs, but will never be embraced as a true local. The only thing that is keeping Carlo and her in Positano is Carlo's elderly parents, so suspect as soon as they pass, she's out of there- hence, the house in Tuscany.
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