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I wonder how long her devoted followers will stick around - and continue to pay up. She's relying on the loyalty of her Postiano followers who are already invested in her story, it's hard to imagine anyone new getting excited about this Tuscany project alone. Let's face it, it's a bog-standard house with a bog-standard Tuscan view, not even a renovation project, just a series of ad hoc home improvements carried out by long-suffering Carlo at Lady Nicky's whim.
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I was very relieved today to see Nicki's insta saying that the previous owners have been to collect their tortoises. I wonder if they also collected any of the other stuff they left behind.

I am holding back from commenting too much on the mess that they have made of their entrance hall/kitchen/sitting room/dining room. I am going to wait until the new kitchen has been installed, and then sit back and watch as she rearranges the furniture over and over again until it clicks that maybe a little more patience and thought should have gone into the whole project.
That's good to know. I'm sure there'd been many questions about the tortoises, I mean how were they cared for while N&C went back to Positano?

Note that she doesn't actually say that the previous owners collected them, only that they "were collected and moved to their new home". I find it hard to believe the previous owners would turn up for the tortoises knowing they'd be challenged about all the junk they left when they buggered off after handing over the keys. If the creatures were rehomed I hope this was done responsibly.
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Nicky was so snarky about it- it was during COVID as well, and no, after seeing her manky make-up and brushes, tended to agree with the customer, as although she claimed to sanitize between clients, it was really ick (her palettes had really seen better days- how old were they?) Just spraying alcohol in the brushes and wiping them off on a paper towel is NOT the same as a good cleaning. I was a model, and my make-up artists ALWAYS had clean brushes and fresh cosmetics. No one ever put a used brush back into an eyeshadow pot- they would just get another brush to do the other eye. (Mascara wands were only used once as well, and never "double dipped"- so gross!) I suspect, based on the look of her palettes, that she uses the same kits on her customers as she does on herself- disgusting!
Yes, I never seen a disgusting set of makeup like that! And she's offended. Does she know that most of them has shell life? The eye shadows, foundation, eyeliners can only last 6 months to 1 year...🙄🙄
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Latest vlog contains an update about the Tuscany house purchase. It's still dragging on due to other parties involved in the sale but they're hoping for a positive outcome this week.

They are no longer thinking of doing an Airbnb there so chose a smaller place with land where they can escape Positano in the winter and high summer, and for the future if they are less mobile. N wants a place of her own because she considers the Positano gaff Carlo's - a not-so-subtle way of saying "I'm paying".

They compare their property purchase experience to that of their friends - and fellow Patreon grifters - Sara and Luca, who found a property in Sicily in spring and are already in with works taking place. I tried to watch their vlogs on the topic but I can't stand their creepy excessive grinning and over-exposure of their child, I'm sure even the child's grandparents would be bored.

We all know Nicki brings back tea and chocolates from the UK in the boot of her car, seems as if this time she also brought home a mega dose of Botox in the top half of her face.
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She really is Queen Bee in her world isn't she. I wonder what she was like as an employee? I can't imagine her taking instruction very well. Or constructive criticism. Wonder how she would take it if one of her brides had dared to say she didn't like the make up? I feel she's actually unemployable. YouTube is the only way for her.
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🙈 Lady N might found out about this and she will do another "Today, I have to discuss about our Airbnb listing because someone can't mind their own business " - her passive aggressive tone and smiling at the end 😜🤣🤣🤣
£200 to £300 per night seems entitled pricing. I think they put it back to this price versus the one we saw between July 2021 that minimum was 7 days which totalled 7000 EUR. - maybe the package includes Lady N's entertainment fees.

If you check the surrounding hotels, you'll get a good price with accommodation looking over the sea plus no 800 steps.
No frumpy bitter N included.

To answer the "why didn't you take a bus", well Lady N, you kept advising your viewers not to take a bus especially it is tourists season. I will also do the same by walking. It's the most sensible thing to do than sit on the bus that is not moving because of the traffic. (Roads are too small and overcrowding of tourists)
Putting 400 steps on the description is totally misleading. While you tell it yourself a dozen times that the total steps are about 700 whenever you run errands downtown.
I don't think they rent out that space only when Nicki is away! July and August is prime tourist season on the Amalfi Coast, so there's no way they'd want to give up that income! In reading the comments, it sounds to me like the responsibility of the day to day is on Skye while they are away. There were a number of comments saying how responsive and helpful Skye is in the comments section of the AirBnB listing (and Carlo, too). There was also a comment under the AirBnB listing from someone who gave them a 4 out of 5 stars (I think that's what it was - I was surprised by the 4 stars when this person seemed to have legitimate concerns) but who complained about both the lack of working WiFi and some issue with the electric. They said that they knew Skye was at work and there was no one to contact to get assistance - and they needed WiFi to be able to make the call to Skye, so they were sort of stuck. They made some other positive comments, but whoever responded (it sounded like Carlo to me) complained right back, saying all they had to do was go walk outside the property to get WiFi reception. Who would know that unless they were specifically told?? Then they said this person probably overloaded the electrical system because there'd been no problems since they left - again, who would know that unless they were given warnings about it? They also said something about spending money on an electrician because of their issue, only to find nothing was wrong.
The electrical lines along coastal areas are very bad or I can say poorly constructed. It's the same where I lived in Abruzzo.

It's one small thing that irks Lady N, hoping if they move to Tuscany the stress about electricity and the steps will go away.

Then here comes summer and power's out.
Mamma Mia! 🤣🤣🤣
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It made me laugh when she talked about wanting a place of her own. She already owns a flat in London and a cottage in the south (although think she said she was selling or had sold one to buy the Tuscany house). It seemed a lot of waffle in that vlog justifying why they're doing it - basically they just want a second home.
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Honestly, I think hating tourists is probably one of the main reasons she wants to move away from Positano. Though she sure did whine when they stayed away during Covid.
I think she has a deeply ingrained need to be 'unique' - and utterly resents tourists turning up and enjoying the same place she does. She's real snob at heart and doesn't want to be seen enjoying anything popular.
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Another let me put you straight vlog.This woman is starting to grind my gears.
She really can’t take criticism and move on can she.
I actually think she’s nasty.
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Has that lean-to been inspected for asbestos?

That peach tone is straight outta the 80s retirement home colour chart.
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Yes, her harrumphing was off the scale posting out those cookbook orders. It was like, "You pay me money and I have to DO stuff???"" She comes from a place of entitlement, she really feels it shouldn't be so hard for her.

Almost every working person I know, private, public sector or business owner constantly goes the extra mile to get the job done, they work outside of normal hours, give up days off, work through personal issues. The big difference is that NO ONE would go and let their clients know, Imagine, "Hi clients! Well, what a butt ache it was to get to this meeting this morning. The dog was sick on my shoes and I missed my train. You know I had to put this presentation together all by myself right? It's not my job but I work with lazy idiots. I was my wife's birthday and I pissed her off working all hours to get it done, can you actually see what I do for you?"
I think she was also annoyed because she appeared to miscalculate postage costs and it wasn't as lucrative as she imagined.
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Have LEAW mentioned if the au pair position will be paid? Reminds me of Kylie Flavell looking for an "associate" for her never-happened Bottega Flavell 😂 project, the task list was very long and included lugging her filming kit and checking every stitch of the garments. Something in the description revealed it was an unwaged 'opportunity'.

I wonder if Nicki will take on stans as helpers, Carlo needs help clearing the paths, give them a bed in the uninsulated annexe and a portion of pasta al forno.
No they haven't but they did say they would live with them. Where?? I mean in thr room next to theirs with no window? Or in the dundgeon? Oh and they better be a wizz at cooking on Calor gas cos they haven't yet got a kitchen. I can't imagine even thr most desperate of people would accept a job like that.
Maybe Skye could apply for the job lol.
I was very relieved today to see Nicki's insta saying that the previous owners have been to collect their tortoises. I wonder if they also collected any of the other stuff they left behind.

I am holding back from commenting too much on the mess that they have made of their entrance hall/kitchen/sitting room/dining room. I am going to wait until the new kitchen has been installed, and then sit back and watch as she rearranges the furniture over and over again until it clicks that maybe a little more patience and thought should have gone into the whole project.
Hmmmmm have they or has Nikki disappeared them? I expect they've had a lot of questions about the tortoises.
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I wouldn't wish it on anyone and truly not on Carlo, who I genuinely think appears to be lovely.

I do wonder if this is going to make him rethink Tuscany; at least as the main residence - I know from experience losing one parent makes you hold the other a little tighter. I really do wish him all the best.
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There's also a new cheerleader - stan or stooge? - who's busy replying to youtube comments.
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Seems like she went back to England for the kitchen tap.
I've long suspected she always travelled to the UK very often but chose not to show most trips to keep the headline Positano brand. Then when lockdown came and she was really there most of the time she soon tired of it.

I understand vloggers being a bit vague with their timelines for the usual reasons but hers are all over the place. When too many inconsistencies are noticed the very important "authenticity" is lost. Their currency is themselves, their projects and their activities so if the stans get a whiff of being treated to random output they won't be happy = not paying.
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I think she wouldn't unless she could make loads of content out of it, which would be difficult as they'd effectively be filming the same thing. Ultimately (imo) the whole thing just proves why most people cannot just "leave everything and wander" as soon as you have any kind of health issues such a nomadic lifestyle drasrically loses its appeal
Nicki and Carlo are more reasonable and less dreamers. Carlo has put his serious years in working and they (Nicki) chose a spot that is not that far from the things they need and a long but reasonable drive to family. They now will focus on their renovation and can't be expected to travel that far to help their friends that made this mistake. Sicily is beautiful but on that Cefalu coast they are near to nothing. Just getting home and they all got sick. That is not a journey you want to make often let alone to get medical care. Frankly same with that Luckyland house on the ledge. None of this is great with a child. The first time I saw their daughter really walk on flat ground was in a recent video and she was having a blast. She is cooped up in a box non stop with no other an only child their priority should be her best interest and it is not walking on half broken down streets in some ancient town with no children in sight. At first she was going to live in a van!!! What did Sara plan to do if Luca had more strokes in that remote area? Apparently he has had warnings since Nov. and an MRI that was not good but docs in Sicily could not deal with it ...but they waited weeks to get more help...and then from a clinic that did not even have a functioning MRI.?? Yet their adoring fans cheer them on...send gifts and support...I just don't get the YT culture at all. Fine for some light entertainment but do really feel these people are personal friends??? Luca and Sara need family and to expect them to come to Sicily is crazy....and not just sicily but some remote area, Nicki and Carlo introduced many to LEAW but I have to think they are more reasonable and are now too questioning what their "friends" are really doing.
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I like the Nicki grifter/Carlo grafter angle for new thread title.
And while I remember, latest vlog, does she have any self-awareness? Moaning that it's so hard keeping track of all her possessions between her three homes. She should make it easy and a keep a frumpsuit each in Positano, Tuscany and Surrey.
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Unless you are making positive comments on a platform, it’s the Tattle rule to keep it on Tattle. If people are participating here and then adding similar comments on her YT, that is NOT okay. I wouldn’t expect any Tattler in this thread to be doing that. You’re all a smart bunch who got fed up with Nicki and ended end up here…I assume.

And yes, I agree it is GOOD for Carlo to see that the behavior is not healthy and that her fans are speaking up. If she chooses to show it in public, what is she like behind doors? If the sides were flipped everyone would be in support of Nicki. Carlo looks so run down and exhausted. He is obviously still in the grieving process and it looks like it has really done a number on him. He belongs back home close to his family because it’s also left a lot of burden on his family who have to look out for his mum. This is a normal stage of life where both partners are dealing with aging/dying parents. I am going through it myself. Tuscany isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
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Carlo's father's illness must be quite serious if he needs to be there in addition to his brother Luca who lives in Positano. I think there are other siblings, I seem to remember a brother living in Belgium being mentioned. In any case it seems very off for her and Skye to be off galivanting. Without Carlo there to keep the work going there's nothing to film so she's gotta get content now that they are full time YouTubers.

What went down with the people she bought the house from? Every vlog throwing at shade at them, and rolling her eyes. If they have taken vital stuff then that's bad. But if there's bad feeling it's dumb airing it public. Wonder if they watch her.
Then there's the moan about the toy shop. So stroppy.
Please stop her painting the chairs. Everything is such a mish mash. I would not have invited guest's there. It needs some real work doing on it. Proper builder's. Carlo is just a handyman.
Nice to see you on this thread @Miss LDN

The continual moaning about the old owners is typical of her If they took stuff not in the contract she should take legal action - but this proves she moans for engagement, lots of replies with sympathy or idiotic advice all good for the algorithym.

Everything that we mentioned here being dirty or ugly is now being washed, painted or covered 🤣
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Just found this thread, directed here after after talk of Nicki on another thread.

I used to really enjoy her videos but since Carlo has retired their content has taken on a different feel. I also think she was influenced to ramp up the Patreon grift by that American Viscountess woman whose stately home she visited in the UK, who has no shame in asking for money. I will re-post my comment (edited for spelling)about Nicki from the other thread here:

I like Nicki but I'm not wild about the recent house-hunting in Tuscany vlogs. To me it seems as if she and Carlo are rudely wasting people's time; they keep saying they're looking around for somewhere to run a B&B for the time in life when they can't manage the steps in Positano any more, so not any time soon unless Carlo's knees are crumbling as we speak. They've shown a lot of scabby places at a wide variety of price points, all of which they dismiss as needing too much work. Any purchase is to be funded by the sale of a flat in London that Nicki inherited, she has previously said the rental income on this paid for her daughter's private education at a boarding school in the UK. Meanwhile she seeks Patreon support, not sure what she offers as a bonus to patrons, maybe a meet-greet-and-gelato on the pier when the stans inevitably show up.

The trips to Tuscany and talk of a move could be just for content, plus a way to write off a trip to see her friend Celine - presumably as a monetised venture she treats the vlogging as another aspect of her self-employment.

Thanks for the like @Sabbie

Now that I've found you guys I wonder if anyone can shed light on some things I've been wondering about. I recall that Nicki and Carlo aren't married and I got the impression she's very annoyed about that.

Was Carlo actually married to the mother of his son (the pastry chef whose name I forget)? I think his son's mother lived at the house with Carlo so it seems as it was she who moved out of his family's property when they split. Maybe Carlo was required to finance alternative accommodation for his ex and son, so perhaps if they divorced (if they were ever married) he might have to pay her off. Perhaps I got it wrong and Nicki is happy not to be married to him, in order to ringfence her assets, the least of which we know to be the London flat that she is now looking to sell.

One thing I will say about Nicki, she's not stupid, she's very good at playing the amateur, the grift is very subtle.

I think she'd go back to the UK - sorry "England" as she always specifies - in a flash if she and Carlo broke up. She'd be out of the Postiano house and I can't see her running a remote Tuscan property as a B&B without Carlo's many handy skills. I can't see him ever moving to the UK with her, I think he'd hate it, a fish out of water, he seems very unimpressed with the beaches and I can't imagine him getting into village life or being a pub goer for example.
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