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Who actually decides to spend money to go to something like this? Paying money to spend the day with Catfish, Mooney and McVeigh?
"So many ppl messaged saying they wanted me to do this event" about 40 or 50 ppl out of all the followers? 🥴
She definitely lost money doing this event 🙈
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Anyone else have an opinion on THESYNGLEGIRL?

Non stop moaning, complaining, yapping??

Is this boyfriend just her whole existence now? Is she scared to show him on stories for fear someone will take him from her, since she cried looking one for so long?!
Her boyfriend also seems to not make absolutely any effort for her whatsoever, if you have listened to her stories today she just sounds so desperate
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She has a post up on Facebook about how her Granda would be disgusted at her wearing an Armagh top and a pic of her and the bf underneath. He has long hair and tattoos and just from looking at him I get the impression he wouldn’t be a fan of her online antics. She was a big Tyrone fanatic before now having a boyfriend from Armagh is her whole identity 🙄 the next time Tyrone play Armagh will she still go in her Armagh jersey?
She really shouldn’t be settling for having to traipse around the country after his hobbies every weekend. Go get yourself a better man gal!
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The Syngle Gal
She never mentioned the GAA ceasefire rally at the weekend.. for someone who spouts so much about GAA and wanting to attend a rally, i guess she forgot (shes got a boyfriend now in case you dont know).
Obvs making moves to moving page off private so she can become a full bperfect/wild/any other shitty brand gal (shes not single any more in case you dont know).
What an absolute dose she is!
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I feel for roisin as much as the next cancer suffer out there. Cruel disease and hopefully caught early and her treatment worked for her. She had young family and I personally don't like her but wouldn't wish it upon her or anybody else for that matter.

HOWEVER, She lost me a bit recently when she outright said on a story that when she videos with a flash on it makes her skin look worse (she had the flash off during the story). Then all other stories after that and since then she has had the flash on which she said makes her skin look worse than it is. I know her treatment has been hard for her but it's giving feel sorry for me. She is the one stated it makes it look far worse than it is, so is she intentionally trying to make it look worse? I found it all very confusing. A thread back I also stated I wasn't aware of this sort of treatment so her talking about it is def raising awareness. Hope she recovers for her own and young families sake.
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SyngleGal - She made the UTV live news 😜

Know that weird one - where you aren’t watching and something catches your eye. I was knee deep on the Jay Slater threads

Noticed herself striding to the match 😜
Had to rewind to check and grab the receipt!


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Can Shona Kelly just park up and forget it even happened

At least she’s now started sayingTOURING CARAVAN not campervan - you were confusing yourself Mrs Bucket 💐
She’s had the thing a hot minute and already making it her whole new personality.

Never seen anyone need as much add ons before even spending a night in it and then who goes away for such a short trip and needs a washing machine 😝
I really don’t get her appeal I thought at start she was okay but Iv swiftly unfollowed again
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Well spotted! She will secretly be delighted that the world now has proof that she has a bf and that shes Armaghs biggest fan🤣🤣🤣
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Drama queen

Chatty Member
I've been told he's just a normal lad, and taking his time getting into the whole 'relationship' thing. He gets the piss taken out of him constantly by his mates and he's warned her to keep him off her insta. But if she was going out with one of my mates I'd have to tell her to calm the fuck down?? She's near manic when she goes out anywhere with him.
Does he see her insta the way she goes on about him and talking about moving in? Surely any normal fella would run for the hills she's clingy needy obsessive nearly. If she was too tired to go out Saturday why did she not just leave him to it with no job on the cards surely ud be watching the penny's.
If she wasn't such a dose I'd near feel sorry for her
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I wonder if her post was a temporary cover for last three years (sick or extended maternity leave) because it’s strange that she isnt working this week. Heaps of teachers take extended leave or sick leave then go back for their last week of school to ensure their summer pay 🤑

Also have to laugh at her busy week consisting of nail, hair & massage appointment 🫠
I’m kicking myself I didn’t record her story. It was the way she tried to played the narrative. As if to say after working there 3 years they no longer had that position.

When in fact the narrative is the much more plausible, it went out as a permanent post and she didn’t get it!
Which in itself speaks volumes as nepotism still exists in many places and normally the internal candidate is home on a boat!

Multiple other job interviews also unsuccessful, maybe she needs to rethink her career options.

But she will worry about it in August - not the real world most of us live in.
She will no doubt be looking for a bit of ‘no accountability’ short term subbing gigs as close to home as possible.

Unless she proves us all wrong, moves in with the man and looks for work in Armagh 😝
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