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What do you mean? 🤷‍♀️ they look fine?…
They both look like 80’s prom dresses to me 🤣
I usually criticise Elleherself but I saw someone asked why she wasn’t selling some of her clothes she was donating and she mentioned that some of them were from her partnership with Lorna Jane and so wasn’t really appropriate. I know this is basically normal person behaviour and we aren’t about praising influencers for doing the bare minimum but just wanted to mention it. Maybe because I’ve been deep in the Simone thread the last few days so my perception is warped 😂
Who asked her ? A question box? I’m skeptical. 🤣
I've always liked Meagan Kerr, a positive soul who works hard and is very active. She's way more active than my lazy ass. Does anyone remember a few years back when she was bullied relentlessly by Sera Lily? What a piece of work she is.

Oh I found the link. Even though it doesn't name the bully I can remember it was discussed on the TradeMe message board and people saying is was Sera Lily. She even had her own thread on TM about how horrible she is.

Sera lily really is an absolute cunt isn’t she. Why did she target Megan? (We know jealousy and feeling threatened) but what lame excuse and lies did she come up with. Areeghhh gives me even more disgust towards here than I already had.
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Agree with the above poster, people love to talk trash about how horrible us tattlers are and how we are haters, quite the opposite. We seem
To see things that a lot of their followers can’t and we see through their BS. We have been right about so much in regards to Sophie and we will continue to do so.
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Listen I’ve been holding back because I feel like a bad person saying this.

But Finau, is her sons name actually METHyus? Cause if so, I mean, 🧊🤣
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Danni’s latest post- I get where she’s coming from but I’m having a long weekend with and without kids. It’s only camping Danni. Now if you had gone overseas somewhere- wait! I’ve got three sets of friends all travelling around Europe with their kids. They must be pretty annoyed about that!
I just laugh that she apparently thinks that no one with kids has a good time ever lol.

yeah it’s full on, and sometimes sucks let’s be honest, but my kids are the best Thing that ever happened to me and they bring me incredible joy. And I had a full life pre kids. I just don’t get why she makes her ENTIRE personality someone obsessed with not having kids and posting all this crap about people who do judging her. Like, ironic, that it’s your entire personality but you hate on people having kids and that being theirs? She’s insane.
I didn’t realise she was carbie to barbie 🙃 I used to follow her … she looks different now for some reason
Do you think Gerard gets on his knees and thanks God every day he’s away from the train wreck 🤣
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So season was with olive for 10 years and they started vegan snacks together. They sent some stuff to finau to share on her inst when she moved to Auckland. Thru that they started hanging out. Then season and finau got together and season was cheating on olive with finau and then their relationship broke down. Now season is with finau and they have started their own biz together lol.

But I was dying of laughter at holly mays stories with her overdrawn brows, the neck tattoo and the falsies hahahaha
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See Talz son is having issues with his teeth.....he needs a cap on one as he has a hole already! Possibly the amount of crap you let them eat? They ended up in A&E bcoz he was in so much pain from it. She was quick enough to jump up and down when my post about how much crap they eat managed to find its way to her attention....perhaps now you might think twice after your son has just gone through agony!
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So Kelly from the LFYD family has a new job as an ECE teacher. She’ll be flat out settling to this position / getting to know children, families and the other teachers. Learning the NZ ECE curriculum, Te Whāriki, getting to know her key children - and all others in the centre, learning how to write learning stories in the Nz style, familiarising herself with programme planning, assessment and evaluation, learning all about the standards for the teaching profession and how to use in practice, undertaking teacher inquiry and goals—- the list could go on and on.
AND on top of that F and L are settling to this centre ( so will probably default to her as their key caregiver). And she drives them to the centre and had to settle them to their day.
wondering is she has to undertake au pair duties when home at the end of the day??? She’ll be shattered! Meanwhile, it’s all cocktails and Funtimes for Christian

Soooo selfish of them to not even let her settle in first. Yuck.
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But did uou see her post yesterday that she ended up deleting? She was talking to a school mum about not having any wood and the mum goes oh are you one of those people not organized. Morley goes no we can't afford it! STOP BUYING SHIT YOU DONT NEED! Privilege right there.
And now today she got a “bargain”! $280 down to $70 is still $70!! That is not cheap for trackies. I’m pretty sure that would be better spent out towards the wood. She used to talk about how they were good at budgeting but the way she spends I’d question that!!
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Sera Lynne is so yuck. She tries to be such a vibe with her Range Rover and lab grown diamonds (LOL). Which I can look past, after all there are plenty of wankstain influenzas out there. But what I cant stand is her posting her kids screaming in their cots. Like gurl you’re kids are in daycare full time (nothing wrong with that) then you’re out at drinks raiding grandmas closet for the finest quilted tea cosy jacket money can bye. Grifting so hard tagging all businesses. Then you have what 30 mins with you’re kids and you post your son screaming in their cot saying “fab end to a Friday”. What an absolute cuntwaffle. Honestly though that tea cosy jacket had me howling 🤣💀🫠 grandmas quilt but make is fashun 🤣


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As a long term renter. No pets is a box they tick on listings and most are open to cats at least. I know lots of people who have dogs at rentals some the landlords know about some they dont.
Yes I know a few who do this too. I just personally couldn’t risk it when the housing market is already so so so flooded with people looking for rentals. It’s not so easy to be evicted these days but it’s still possible.
To each their own and call me crazy, but to me a roof over my kids head is way more important than having a pet when your tenancy agreement says you’re not allowed one 😂
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I am all for influencers keeping it real especially regarding being a parent, but Sera is constantly plastering her poor crying son over her page. I mean, can you imagine being a fly on that wall and seeing this mum standing over her son, randomly filming him hysterically crying on the floor???? Stuff like this doesn't need to be posted all the time (if at all). Please just have some dignity for you children 😬
This is rough. Imagine feeling like this as an adult and someone who you would expect to care for you takes their phone out, records you and posts it online for randoms to watch.
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More junk food 😞 teach your kids about nutrition and the importance of balance instead of feeding them shit and promoting obesity ffs.
It's sad because that kid will be suffering. He won't be able to run around with mates, etc because of his size. I feel for him. You would think after finaus struggles with her own weight, that she would do whatever possible to ensure her son doesn't fit her same narrative. But in saying that, I'm not surprised she doesn't care. She had her surgery funded and she's wasted it. Then she tried a give a little for getting surgery done for her lipodema yet prob spent that money on herself as that's never happened.
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