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I get it, but I just know her too well and what her message was truly about.

Ive got people at my work place that have ADHD and it's almost like they use it to explain everything they do. Then suggest others should get tested because of one or two certain things they do. It's the new IT thing to have.
As for Rebecca, her kids are at a partially emmerced te reo school and wasn't she doing some sort of course through there so I'm sure that's something that he could look at as well. I just get the feeling it's just another one of those things they jumped into without thinking like the time she decided she wanted to be a midwife. But I think this time they've really got themselves in a bind. There is so much left to do to finish off that house, not sure where they're going to get the money to do that in a hurry. The door is left open regularly at night, so I'm sure it's even watertight.

Yeah no, this is incorrect. It’s not the new “it” thing to have. People have actually always had it. But people are only now realising that woman can have it too and it’s not just hyper little boys that’s have it. Loads of women especially are getting tested now because their symptoms were missed because they only started studying woman and adhd in 1999. Kinda like when people discovered there were different types of cancer, people started saying oh you should get checked and then all of a sudden more people were getting tested and more people had cancer… that wasn’t an “it” thing to have - it is a thing. I’m not trying to argue to start shit but it really grinds my gears when people have such a negative view on this topic.
JFC? Been racking my tired brain to figure it out lol
Jesus fucking Christ I think lol
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Remind me never to go on one of her “Style” trips 🤡🤡🤡
Bahaha! Bloody ghastly!!
I'm so over Rebecca Keil's race based blame game. She uses it as an excuse for everything. When in fact she just wants attention. God help Jared if he wants to explore his Chinese or Samoan heritage and culture. She would shut him down so hard. You wouldn't believe the lengths this lady has gone to push the race card here in Christchurch. And she's definitely done the "do you know who I am? Do you know how big a following I have?" She's f**king needs therapy, not more McDonald's. Oh and while she's at it; piss off to Rotorua. You seemed much happier there!
No wonder they’re having trouble selling tickets to their “Style & Savour” Tours! Yikes 😬😬
They've had to cancel the last two because of low numbers. Who would want to go along for a weekend with those two soured faced women? You'd walk away with the most hideous clothes that cost a small fortune. The only good part would be the foodie side, providing Loulou isn't 3 gins deep 10mins into it and doing her ******* dance moves where she believes she's morphed into Beyonce.
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OK maybe they do. Just saying as I have personally been in the simular predicament of child needing new togs for lessons in winter and was really hard to find affordable ones. This was awhile ago though and places like Rebel weren't as convenient and available if u didn't live in a main centre and my only option was the warehouse and I wanted something nice for a trip pacific holiday and could only find black and like $40.

But like at least money doesn't seem to be an issue for Maria so she's just moaning about being inconvenienced I guess. I don't always see her stories but they do seem kinda random lately.

Oh yes of course.much easier in Auckland winter less north than here in the south island lol. But as for rushing I ain't rushing I'm hardly on here cos unlike influenzers and wannabes I have to work and parent so usually just an end of day wind down. Lol
“I’m hardly on here” insists the VIP member. 😂 Pull the other one, mate!

Maria lives in Mangere, there’s a Rebel Sport right across the bridge in Mt Roskill, a 15 minute drive max. Maria is just a whinger. She’d be thrilled if her pie shop was that close.
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Chatty Member
What i dont get is.. MFM defo reads here but why cant she takes our advice and feed the kids some protein? 🫠

Also DCCD defo read here too she said her anxiety is really high atm and everything is triggering for her🥺
That’s probably part of the contract with woman’s day.

I think she’s being so sneaky with how she’s wording things. I think she’s trying to say she didn’t get “freebies” where freebies = a free product with absolutely nothing in return. She probably thinks because she gave these small independent brands such AMAZING exposure, it’s not a freebie.

babes, it’s a freebie. Just own it.

also how does that help people feel better about the current economic climate??
Sorry do people still buy womans day these days?
In the current economic climate if i have spare money Id choose to buy a packet of chips than a Womans day.
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Chatty Member
i don't get celebrating my child's genitals. Each of their own I guess.
Saaame! I find gender reveals such a bizarre concept!

I also don't think anyone ever cares as much as the parents, so the concept of a party to gather everyone together to hear "WOOHOO WE'RE HAVING THIS ONE OF TWO OPTIONS!" has always felt funny to me. And expensive 😳
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Jesus Christ Skete has gone for Edna big time!
I’m no fan of flaps but her routine bullshit is nothing more than new parent naivety.
I laughed as much as the next person but this feels a little nasty.
Wait, am I losing the plot or is everything she’s written there exactly what has been said in here?
I’m sure someone mentioned the feeding routine comment … let me go look for it.
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I don’t think lfyads realise that if the kids can escape to go to their grandparents they can escape to go anywhere…
What's scary is he's telling his huge audience a video of the whole thing happening complete with time stamp. You don't know what freaks could be watching and you've just shown his exact routine! Those houses are far enough apart for Frankie to be snatched in a heartbeat. He's a fucking idiot and seems proud which is pathetic.
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Chatty Member
Mfm going on about sign language has me going ! When has she actually ever used it in public ? I’ve never seen her order a pie in sign language! A part from this week when has she ever talked about the importance of it ?
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RK & J just want what they want immediately. I said it before but most working parents with mortgages and kids can’t do full immersion unless the other partner earns big enough bucks to cover everything. but like others have said there are other - slower - ways to learn, and sometimes that’s just what you have to do when you have children and responsibilities. or you could be less impulsive and plan/save before doing this to make it feasible. idk where he was living in AKL but it is expensive AF there and it is not the only city that offers a full immersion course. i am in my third year of learning my reo, the first two years were free (and completed while working full time & raising kids), is it way slower than full immersion and less of a cool experience? yes. is the outcome (being able to speak my reo) the same? eventually yes.
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Why doesn’t MFM do a sign language word of the day on her grid? Something that’s actually useful and would help her find a niche instead of those stupid coffee memes.

Also loving Ellie’s Bellie has been very quiet lately.
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More Talya bullshit. What a slimy bitch! And it looks like she’s sold over $2000 worth of product since she first posted! 🤢
Just went down a rabbit hole looking at all her recent posts and so many sales ones. I can't believe how much she guilts everyone into feeling sorry for her, when she's been on more holidays than anyone I know recently! 🙄
She's so shiny and full of Botox

And of course she's an Israel supporter 😬

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