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Chatty Member
Quick question for people, especially ones that had PGP when pregnant (I I think? 🤔 It's from that still I don't know)
That feeling when everything down there feels awfully bruised and like someone's kicked you constantly that you get badly with PGP...
I seem to be getting it worse now almost 4 weeks after birth at night when I sleep on my side...
The whole area down there feels almost numb 🤔
It verges on being painful but only happens when I sleep.
I really don't know how to explain it 😂 but hoping someone else knows and has experienced the same 😂
I know exactly what you mean. My baby was huge and for about a month afterwards, I felt like I had been punched in the vagina 😂 a midwife had a look and said I was very bruised 😳 so maybe that’s the same for you.

I don’t know if anyone else knows anything about this - with your periods following birth, did anyone experience painful labia? (Sorry if TMI). I’m 9 month postpartum and each period I get, my bits ache like hell and I almost need to sit down. I googled it and apparently it’s a ‘thing’ that women get.


VIP Member
Ive read it can be normal after having a baby to have a few days heavy flow, I’m just not used to it because I’ve always had what I’d say ‘normal’ periods came bang on time every month would have 2/3 days of medium flow I’d say, a normal sized pad would hold it but I’m getting leaks constantly when it’s heavy now and always paranoid about what to wear if I’ve to go out in case I leak 😅😅 I can’t use tampons atm cause I’d a 4th degree tear that I’m still having problems with healing around the perinium/vagina and Ive been told not to use them until it’s fully healed so have to use pads 😭😭 I feel rotten like when it’s heavy cause I feel like I need to shower 3 times a day 😅😅 I’m gonna mention it to my health visitor and see what she says before I go to a gp
my periods were normal after my first birth so hence my worry this time but I suppose every pregnancy is different.

yeh i felt the same about needing to shower constantly, just felt gross.

fingers crossed we go back to our normal soon 🤣


Active member
A little off topic but I feel like this is the place to ask this question 🙂 Are any of you taking government maternity pay? I’m self employed and we’ve been talking about knuckling down and trying for a kid for a little while but I don’t know anyone who’s used state mat pay. Does anyone have any experience with it?


VIP Member
Question for bottle fed mama’s - I can’t seem to think of another phrase other than “dicking around” maybe it’s cause I’m tired lol but any idea why my 13 wk old is dicking around on the bottle all of a sudden 🤣 he’s not latching onto it and just wants to chew the teat then take about an hour to feed. Literally started doing it within the last 48 hours. Surely this isn’t the start of teething? It’s taken him 30 mins to sink an oz just now and I give up, Ive put him in his crib and he’s just babbling away to himself so he’s fine but just weird he’s suddenly doing this?


VIP Member
I didn’t notice any change in my hair in pregnancy so hoping I don’t lose any hair, I will end up bald!! When did you find it started coming out? Currently 8w pp
I’m 12 weeks PP, (how long can I say I’m post partum for? 🤣) it started falling out at 10 weeks.


VIP Member
Shopping with a pram - what is the etiquette? Can I put stuff in basket then pay? Can’t struggle round with a hand basket too


VIP Member
I would definitely be annoyed if my in laws did this! Surely they'd want to buy the baby something! Maybe when you next talk to them and they ask what you've been up to, you could say you've been writing thank-you cards to everyone that bought baby something ;)
Love it!!! I may well do!

No I don’t think your being silly I’d be miffed too. I just had my first baby in March and usually everyone that has their first baby in our family everyone would buy a present or at least give a card, everyone gave us a card/present besides one of my cousins, barely even got a congratulations which I think is rude, not as bad as grandparents though, but I always buy a present for the 1st baby any babies after that I usually don’t but always will for the first one
Oh that’s so strange of your cousin, I wonder why sometimes people just decide they aren’t gonna bother? What makes the difference that one time?


VIP Member
Kicked partner out of bed last night to the sofa, it was so hot. Baby and me shared the bed and had the best night sleep since he was born!

How do I convince him to permanently stay on the sofa? 😂
Just casually drop in to conversation x100 how great a sleep you had in the bed 🤣


VIP Member
How old is she? When was the last time she pooed, and how often would she normally go? Hopefully if you’ve reduced the carobel again it should resolve pretty quickly.
Shes 3 months, she pooed yesterday but wasn’t very much and it was just one small lump and harder than her normal poo, similar happened the day before but she did a bit more. She usually fills her nappy normally when she does go and it’s usually 1/2 times a day she will go. Yes I’m hoping reducing it will help. My health visitor is calling out Monday morning so if things haven’t improved I will speak to her about it


VIP Member
Interesting talk about formulas! We only ever used c&g with our first, so just went straight with that this time but I’m tempted to try others now!
Same here but it has got me thinking.... they are changing the ingredients too soon so I wonder how it'll effect them.

Can you just change formula straight away or have to wean somehow?


VIP Member
Hi everyone 👋 I was on the pregnancy thread then been MIA since my little boy arrived on 2nd April. Now nearly 4 weeks in and dipping my toe back in the Tattle pond now I’m not quite in so much pain, the crying has stopped (mine not his) and my nips no longer bleeding 😩
Hope you're doing good! ❤


Chatty Member
good morning mamas, i cannot tell you how HAPPY i am to be able to say weve booked a trip away! its only a couple of nights in the cotswolds but still!
can anyone recommend any decent travel cots pls? dont really want to spend over £100 if i can help it, thanks :whistle:
Other Mums on a pregnancy group I'm on really recommend the Joie Kubbie one, think it's under 100. it has a bassinet section too which looks good for younger babies!


VIP Member
Anyone have advice on how to handle/treat Silent reflux?

my 2 week old seems to be suffering from it badly, constantly hiccups after feeds, cannot put her down on her back for majority of the day otherwise its just constant grunting and frustration, we’re barely getting any sleep at night as we have to hold her up right for ages post feed.

i have a toddler so can’t be having baby attached to me constantly to keep her up right, i (as much as I would like that) i know its not recommended and probably early but we have resorted to using a bouncer otherwise we can’t do anything


Active member
Hi 😊 just wondering if anyone can give advice on dummies/pacifiers.
I had my third baby on Thursday and haven't used dummy. I'm still nursing my 20 month old and now my newborn in tandem so thinking of getting one for my newborn to sooth her when I'm feeding my other child. I have managed to feed them at the same time (one on each side) a couple of times but it's not always going to be practical and also I like to have the one on one time with them.
I never felt the need to use them before because I would just use breast to sooth but I'm thinking it might be a good option now. However, I had heard that the downsides are they can cause dental problems and also then breaking the attachment when the child is older can be difficult. What's your experience? Any brands that you would recommend?


VIP Member
If you reread my post again I've said that I'm not advocating everyone should be a SAHM but to enjoy the maternity period and make the most of it while you are off knowing that it is a short phase in your life which will pass 💛
Yes i understood what you was saying. I was explaining my reasoning for going back to work.


Well-known member
Shopping with a pram - what is the etiquette? Can I put stuff in basket then pay? Can’t struggle round with a hand basket too
I put stuff in the pram basket. I find scan & go good & use one of those clips to hang the shopping bags on the pram too of it's a big shop.


VIP Member
Thank you for your reply!

Yeah I think I will contact the HV this week, although he has a GP appointment Thursday for his flat head (it never ends 😭) so will ask them too.

It’s weird cause I also get panic attacks now and again thinking about it , but when I’m having a really positive day I’m thinking about another baby to be able to do it all again..then again I have zero control over how it’s going to be and do I really want to go through all of that again at the risk of my life and my babies life?

I know what you mean about the bonding thing, I don’t feel the same as some mums on my social media, getting upset about leaving them for a few hours or over protective over who holds him etc.. don’t get me wrong I love being a mum, Christ I’ve been to hell and back to get here but I do find some days difficult and I do appreciate an hour or two to just nip out and do something for myself while he’s with his dad. A friend of mine has a 15 month old and she only just this week let his dad take him to the park on their own, she was crying cause she missed him , I can’t relate as I make sure my husband has lots of time with his son especially at the weekend, I will join them of course but if I go off and do the food shop they like to go out for a walk or to visit friends/family. It just works for us..
Hopefully you can get the support you need!

It is very nice to see someone who feels the same about the bonding thing though. Nice to know I'm not weird haha 😂 I am exactly the same as you though!