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VIP Member
It stopped properly about 4.5 weeks in then my period arrived bang on when she was 6 weeks old.

I was sent home with that after a vaginal delivery but it made me feel so sick and spaced out I had to stop taking it.
Some people can’t metabolise codeine which might be why you had a bad time with it. But it still stands that people should be getting adequate pain relief in hospital whether that’s liquid morphine, codeine, diclofenac suppositories etc and should be given it to go home with.


Well-known member
Sending love to everyone ❤ New babies are hard hard work whatever other situations you’re trying to fit them in around. Hope everyone is getting the help they need, and if you’re not ASK FOR IT!!! ❤

What’s everyone’s most hated postpartum symptom then? Mine was night sweats with my first but this time it’s the swelling my legs are like balloons and also the hunger I’m so hungry and I’m not even breast feeding!! I actually nearly vomited this morning I was so hungry at 5am 😧
The night sweats are the absolute pits. This morning I thought I was running a temperature as still sweating at 8am but no just the joys of pp life!


VIP Member
I’m 7 weeks pp I had a 4th degree tear and it doesn’t hurt anymore down there but still in lots of pain when I go for a poo (sorry tmi) I’ve not managed to go yet without ending up crying. I stopped bleeding last week finally and now my husbands pestering me for sex. I just don’t feel ready I don’t know what to do, he was stroking me through my knickers the other night while I slept. Which really pissed me off, the baby has me up between 2-5am every night without fail and wake ups before the last thing I need when I’m asleep is him waking me. Any advice to tell him to back off without pissing him off?
I had a 3rd degree with my second and didn't have sex until 15 weeks after and even then it was still painful!

I don't have any advice really but I would say don't worry about pissing him off! It isn't fair to put that pressure on you! ❤


VIP Member
Is anyone finding their bottle fed baby is feeding less in this heat?! She just seems to be so hot when lying on us to have a bottle and gets really stressed then won’t feed.
Yes mine was doing this a few weeks back when we had really warm weather. We started giving her an oz of cool boiled water in between feeds to try and keep her hydrated, check with your health visitor though but I asked mine and she said here and there was fine if she wasn’t taking much of her milk, she is 3 months


VIP Member
Quick question for people, especially ones that had PGP when pregnant (I I think? 🤔 It's from that still I don't know)
That feeling when everything down there feels awfully bruised and like someone's kicked you constantly that you get badly with PGP...
I seem to be getting it worse now almost 4 weeks after birth at night when I sleep on my side...
The whole area down there feels almost numb 🤔
It verges on being painful but only happens when I sleep.
I really don't know how to explain it 😂 but hoping someone else knows and has experienced the same 😂


VIP Member
Guys I’m at my wits end with my 6 week all. We’re bottle feeding, she will only take about 3oz per feed and really fusses over it. She’ll take the first half of the bottle fine, although within seconds of getting the teat in her mouth I can hear the wind bubbling in her. So I’ll wind her, she does a burp then seems like she’s still hungry but really fusses over the 2nd half of the bottle, like she’ll have a mouthful, pull away and carry on doing this until she’s had about 3oz in total. I’ll wind her again, then she’ll just fuss for the next 2 hours or so and gradually bring up her milk in little/big sicks until I feed her again.

We’re not getting any sleep or any time we’re I’m not feeding her or mopping up sick/comforting her.

I do/have tried all of the following:

Always hold her upright while feeding and for at least half an hour after feeds.

Winding regularly during feeds.

I’ve tried changing teats, used Tommee Tippee closer to nature and NUK anti colic. Also tried a faster flow closer to nature teat.

Infacol doesn’t seem to help at all.

Is this reflux or colic?

She also has hiccups like all of the time.

I’m sure my toddler was smashing 5oz bottles by this point, and she’d been diagnosed with reflux at 2 weeks. It never seemed to cause her any pain though like it does with baby, she would just do a big sick and be fine.

I’ve just got no idea what to do, it’s just gotten worse over the past week.
I’m no expert and with a toddler you’re certainly more experienced than me, reflux and colic seem to explain 90% or baby problems but have you looked at paced feeding and symptoms of allergies such as CMPA? I honestly don’t even think doctors know but terrible wind seeming to drive the milk back out with my little one was diagnosed as cmpa 🤷🏼‍♀️


VIP Member
We have aldi Mamia ones for the day and then use pampers at night - we just get them whereever they're on a deal for a box and they last us ages as we only use 2 a day!
Same. I’m very much a ‘own brand is the same, you’re just paying for the name’ person but I got samples of pampers and they beat Aldi hands down. Also when you go to size 2 they cover a bigger size range so you don’t get stuck with loads they’ve grown out of if you’re not careful. Tesco size 3 are a close 2nd but Aldi’s have been relegated to day time only when she’s unlikely to poo 😂
Does anyone have any experience increasing their milk supply? Baby is 3 weeks and not yet back at birth weight, stayed the same for the last week. Health visitor has suggested taking fenugreek but keen to hear others pearls of wisdom!


VIP Member
Ok so what do you do about nappies at night time? The only time my baby’s nappy really leaks is when it’s too small but he’s stRted sleeping longer at night now (7-8 hrs ish) and everytime he wakes up he’s soaked bless him. Do I get night time nappies or?
I would say for night time, get a bigger size or most of them do a '+' size which are supposed to be extra absorbent


VIP Member
My little one has been asleep for soooooo long, why do I panic? Asleep since half 12, woke up for a quick feed and half 2 and he’s straight back to sleep again - I’m telling myself it’s either growth spurt of the heat. Nothing else is concerning me I’m just used to him being more awake than this!


VIP Member
I can relate to everything you're saying. Silent reflux really ruined the first 2-3 months of the newborn stage for me - he screamed, I cried tonnes. It's so so rough!!

We've had terrible sleep from the get go and I had almost become used to it but can't function when up 12 times a night.
It really does suck, i think lack of sleep is making it seem worse for me as well.

12 nights is rough! You’re basically awake the whole night. I hope you get through it quickly ❤


VIP Member
What's the best way to steralize new bottle teats? I use MAM and do them in the microwave. Is cold water and sterilising fluid enough? 😬


VIP Member
Ok so what do you do about nappies at night time? The only time my baby’s nappy really leaks is when it’s too small but he’s stRted sleeping longer at night now (7-8 hrs ish) and everytime he wakes up he’s soaked bless him. Do I get night time nappies or?
which nappies do you use? I know aldi does an extra absorbing one which is ideal for nights. I’m sure other brands have a similar thing


VIP Member
Definitely! I chug like a demon in hospital, not sure if everywhere is the same but mine requires 3 pees of 200ml+ (I think!) before they will discharge you, so I drink like someone caught in the desert 🤣 definitely helps keep everything moving too 👍🏻
Is that after section? We ask for one void of 150ml for normal birth, two for trial after catheter


VIP Member
Have you tried taking biotin and collagen supplements? I took them before I was pregnant and started again as soon as I gave birth and my hair has kept that fullness it had during my pregnancy, also mixing a few drops of clary sage oil into a thickening shampoo/conditioner and giving your head a massage for 5 minutes is supposed to help thinning hair, I do it to mine and my husbands hair 😅
Where can I get those from? I loved my hair during pregnancy it felt so lush, even when it hadn’t been cut for months cause of lockdown😩🤣


VIP Member
I swear Drs have used covid as an excuse to do absolutely buggar all (GPs, obvs not hospital drs!). Ours now do your 6 week check at 8 weeks with baby’s check, which is fine but I was like “erm well what do I do about driving?” I couldn't drive until my GP signed me off as per my insurance, so I had to push for an appointment to get that sorted. Useless.
100%! I had a csection as well, how are they supposed to check that over the phone?!

My HV is a joke too, last week I mentioned my section and she was like ‘oh you had a section? How’s that healing?’ I get she sees a lot of people but surely that should be on her notes from… the previous week!


Chatty Member
Sending love to everyone ❤ New babies are hard hard work whatever other situations you’re trying to fit them in around. Hope everyone is getting the help they need, and if you’re not ASK FOR IT!!! ❤

What’s everyone’s most hated postpartum symptom then? Mine was night sweats with my first but this time it’s the swelling my legs are like balloons and also the hunger I’m so hungry and I’m not even breast feeding!! I actually nearly vomited this morning I was so hungry at 5am 😧
I hate the night sweats too! Was not prepared for that at all, and I feel like I’m only just getting over them six months in. Nightmare!


VIP Member
I didn’t notice any change in my hair in pregnancy so hoping I don’t lose any hair, I will end up bald!! When did you find it started coming out? Currently 8w pp
I've never had a change during pregnancy and never lost any afterwards 😊


VIP Member
Being a FTM is so hard, you definitely do struggle with that shift from just being you to being mum 24:7. The newborn days are so intense, and you don’t get much time to switch off from it, and that can be really difficult to manage when you are used to just having yourself to sort out. But as they get older it does ease, I promise you.

Ahhh the baby hair growth 🙈 definitely not fun! The front of my hair is always totally wild looking because of my post partum new growth hairs. And just when they get to a decent length I have another baby 🤣 if you are struggling with them at the front, or if they are sticking up all over the place, you can get a thing which is like a mascara tube and wand, with hair gel inside. I use it every day to tame the insanity!

For periods, have you ever tried a menstrual cup? I have heavy periods in general, and find a cup holds so much more than a tampon (and I hate pads so never use them). They can be a bit icky to start, but once you get used to it I swear they are an absolute godsend. I wish I’d discovered them 20 years ago.
I think il have to invest in some of that, thank you. I think now the worlds opening up abit I need to look half decent and not like I’ve been dragged through a bush backwards 🤣
I haven’t tried a cup, they look fiddly and I’m super clumsy so can see myself dropping it everywhere and it looking like a bloodbath 🤣 please say that periods start to get lighter as the months go on…