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You get used to the injections quickly. Day 1 I was all “aaahhhh 😱😱😱😱” stabbing myself while my husband hid 🤣 by day 10 it was no problem.
My friend had them for 6 weeks. 10 days was enough for me.

My partner seemed to enjoy injecting me 🤣
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We’ve got to give our baby antibiotics at the mo as he is having a procedure at the hospital at the moment and it’s to reduce any risk of infection (catheter and dye injected 😭) and we tried to do it with a calpol syringe but it’s massive in his mouth! Needed 3ml so I used my leftover colostrum syringes, it worked a treat!
TOTALLY dreading tomorrow, has anyone’s babas been through the same?
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He’s good thanks! We had our first definite social smile yesterday which was lovely. He hasn’t done it since 😂 I’m alright, feeling tons better than I did. Had a pretty gruelling birth experience that I don’t really feel all that positive about (at least everything up until the spinal went in for my c section was negative! The spinal was blissful). But feeling loads more like myself and after some initial problems with feeding I feel like we are finding our way.

the last 4 weeks have given me a new respect for my body and for women in general!
I’m sorry to hear you feel negatively about what came before the section. Have you been able to read through your notes? It may help give you an insight as to what was happening from an “outsider” perspective, which may help you process what happened. I know with my first (she got stuck, failed ventouse, PPH leading to blood transfusion) I found it really helpful just to see what the midwives perspective had been, as it wasn’t always the same as mine (because of the drugs 😳)

It can take a long time to process birth trauma, definitely don’t feel like you need to get over it just because baby is here safely.

Glad feeding is going well. Those first weeks are tough 😬 we are still at the “did you just BITE MY NIPPLE OFF YOU LITTLE SOD?!” Stage 🤣
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Hello ladies!
so happy to come across this thread, my wonderful baby girl is just shy of 12 weeks old now ( time flies! )
Starting back at the gym tomorrow which I’m dreading lol but it’s so needed. Does anyone else just feel lost sometimes ? I am a first time mum and struggle to remind myself that I’m not just mum that I’m a person too I feel like I’ve lost myself and hate my body but at the same time absolutely love it for what it’s done in growing my amazing daughter
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I'm still on the pregnancy thread cos I've still got 5 weeks to go 😱 but thought I would get answers from people who have recently been through it!

Did any of you do the hypnobirthing? Did you find it useful if so?

I can't decide whether to go in blind or actually do the digital pack so I have some idea 😂
I did, to a small extent. I bought the Your Baby, Your Birth book which I found was an easy read and I enjoyed it. My other half read some too. The whole calling contractions surges, having the tea lights etc and things like that didn't really appeal to me, but the breathing side of it and the mindfulness elements were really helpful to me. I had a very long labour of about 2.5 days of contractions and I used these throughout. I'm naturally a very anxious person but was able to remember to do this, until the last night and it all went out the window :ROFLMAO: even my partner said he was surprised at how much I put these into practice!

It was also helpful to know some of the science behind the birth stages and there's a paritcular part of labour when you're progressing that I was able to recognise during it. I had an induction and then emergency c-section and I think it did make me more confident to ask certain questions about interventions, examinations etc. On the final day of the labour after weighing up the info from the doctors based on what we had asked, we decided to give the baby another 5 hours to come before going for a c-section, I don't think I'd have had the confidence to do this otherwise. We went with the medical team all the way but was good to have some knowledge behind me!

So in short, I took bits of it on, other bits weren't for us. Are you thinking of doing the positive birth company pack?

Hope the rest od your pregnancy goes well, look forward to seeing you here after following the birth of your little one!
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Hi lovelies, I’m 2 weeks PP after having my 1st baby via emergency c section and I can’t stop thinking about having another baby! I want another! Buuut is this a hormonal thing? Does everyone get this?
Due to c section I certainly won’t be trying again for a good few years but very surprised at this new found broodiness (child 1 was unplanned)
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Our house has been really hot for the last couple of weeks so baby b has been sleeping in a vest. Tonight the temp has dropped so I tried to put him in a sleepsuit, he doesn’t fit into any and I haven’t got the next size up 😂 vest and leggings tonight then whoops
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I have the opposite problem. I couldn’t eat much in pregnancy from sickness then feeling constantly full. Now I want to eat everything, especially chocolate and sweets & especially when feeding. I didn’t gain too much In pregnancy but have gained since I think 😫
It’s hard to know what to expect in terms of getting back to weight/shape - anything online isn’t real life, I can’t seem to find any pics from just average women rather than fitness bods or people who’s job is to look good. People seem to only post if they‘ve got something to show off I think....unless everyone snaps back and I’m in the minority 🤷🏼‍♀️
I'm with you on the chocolate 🤗 Early days breastfeeding definitely gives me more cravings than pregnancy and I'm all about the bread and chocolate! My sister was the same, she didn't put any extra weight other than bump on during pregnancy because she was sick every day, then had major post natal cravings and put on weight in the first few months after birth.
Everyone's bodies will react differently 🤷‍♀️ It took me at least a year after my first to really start getting back to where I was before baby. I didn't loose much after my second before getting pregnant with third so I'm now the biggest I've been but not going to be hard on myself. Most importantly I'm going to focus on recovering, physically, getting enough rest. My osteopath is going to help with diastatis recti as I had this after second but really taking it easy and enjoying as much as I can babies first year because it really does go too quickly 😢💔
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Thank you, she’s at nursery all week but I think I’m going to take her to the park and a cafe at the weekend just the two of us. I’ll probably not like leaving the baby at home but mabye it would be good for my husband too. Hopefully doing something like that with her will make me feel a bit better. I was lying awake last night thinking I need to try and not always talk about the baby to her as I felt I was doing it a lot (which adds to my guilt). I’m so annoyed I feel like this as the main reason for us having another child was to give her a sibling. Hopefully the feeling goes away when my hormones settle down 😕
Don’t be too hard on yourself, you’ve just had a baby and the whole family will be adjusting to the new normal. It’s totally understandable that you feel the way you do - your eldest has always gotten 100% of you, now she can’t, and that just sounds so awful to hear. But I can hand on heart say that my kids having siblings is one of the best things I’ve ever done for them. Yes hard at times, especially the early days, but what they get from one another more than makes up for anything they lose out on by having to share me
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I’ve been feeling this, baby is now 7 weeks and I’m starting to feel physically ok after my section and want to go back to the gym (obvs still taking it slow) as I used to go almost everyday even in my last week of pregnancy and I’m starting to feel a bit down about myself and want to shift some fluff.

My partner says it’s totally fine and he has the baby covered but I feel really bad for some reason about doing something for myself even though it will make me feel 100x better!
I have a hobby I attend and it started up again when my daughter was 4 weeks old.
It's only once a week, sometimes only once every couple of weeks.
And I got questioned by so many people being there like.. Don't you have a baby?
Where's your baby? And kids?
Um? At home.. With their Dad?
It's literally 2 maybe 3 hours a week.
I always make sure the other 2 are in bed before I leave, even though he'd be fine otherwise.
But I get questioned about it by everyone as if I shouldn't have a few hours on my own every week or 2!
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@LilyRose1234 sorry you’re in so much pain, the early days are really hard with breastfeeding, and new motherhood in general. @littlepup has given superb advice (as always). I would say that if you are very full, baby may be finding it really hard to latch and you could express off a little to soften your boobs and make it easier. And if you want to bf, keep latching and unlatching until it works. Some feeds I would have unlatched a baby up to 10 times to get it right. Remember you’re both learning ❤

If you want to switch to formula make sure you take care of your boobs so you don’t end up with mastitis ❤
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I’m having an elective C section in 5 weeks time. I’m more concerned about the after op, will I be able to look after my baby if I’m still recovering? It worries me il be in too much pain to do a lot for him 😥😥
My recovery from my elective was great. I kept on top of the medication they gave me and I kept myself moving but didn’t overdo it. If you can, have help around you so they can do everything else while you focus on the baby. If you need something off the floor, or you just want a cup of tea, an extra pair of hands to do those things is best! But I felt pretty much back to myself after a couple of weeks. There’s no normal timeframe though. Don’t push yourself because you think you should be fully recovered by X time. Listen to your body and take things one day at a time.
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We have a sleepyhead and its been great for us! Settled both babies instantly when we used them, one con my eldest wouldn’t settle without it so we had to upgrade to the bigger size 🥴

The reason its a SIDS risk is because it hasn’t been around long enough for conclusive studies but as far as I know and have researched no Sids related deaths have been linked to a sleepyhead (maybe other one’s similar 🤷🏽‍♀️)

Everyone has to make their own informed choices, for example I would rather use sleepyhead than co-sleep but i’m sure others have done that safely.
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Tw death / fear of dying

Hi all I’m 11 weeks PP and really happy but for the past few weeks been getting a bit emotional almost every day, usually teary, as I’ve been thinking a lot more about my own mortality. Mainly about my daughter being without me, dying whilst she’s so young and her not remembering me etc.

I am just wondering if this is a normal part of becoming a mother or whether a red flag for PND. I definitely feel like a more emotional person since having her (can’t watch certain things on tv etc).

a friend of mine with 4 kids told me having children made her an emotional wreck so I wasn’t sure whether this was just part of the transition of having someone else to care for. I’ve not had any warning signs for PND and feel happy in myself otherwise.

have any other new parens experienced this? X
Yes I’ve felt like this. I’m much more aware of my own mortality and also the fear that if anything happened to my daughter I’d not want to live.
I’m always taking pictures and videos of every little detail because I’m convinced I’ll need them to look back on if/when something terrible happens. I’m scared she won’t hit her milestones and we’ll discover something terrible is wrong. I wonder how children are diagnosed with childhood cancer and things like that, what were the signs that lead to seeking help and so on. I’m not constantly obsessing but it pops into my head all the time and I don’t think I have PND.

My mum said she felt the same regarding her own mortality. She went with friends to go horse riding not long pp and was literally frozen with fear she’d fall off and die, she couldn’t do it. She didn’t have PND x
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Currently 3 weeks PP with the advice to anyone going in is take your own pillow! My lower back was in bits after the birth, couldn’t get comfortable and it took the load off whilst feeding. I got my husband to bring one for me!
Spritz for bits was a lifesaver with the stitches too I would 100% recommend it.
In regards to the first poo.... don’t rush it 😅
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Lots of maternity pads! I was getting through a pack a day. I also swear by the expert midwife spray and the bottoms up spray. I had an episiotomy and was cut in 3 places so had tons of stitches. The sprays were my saviour, I kept them in the fridge and they helped with the swelling, bruising and tenderness.

I just slept whenever I could and while I was tired, it was easier during the night to be awake if I’d had sleep during the day. I really miss the nights tbh 🤣
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Thanks everyone and sorry to read yous have been feeling the mum guilt too, it’s not nice! :( I was the same before I got pregnant I felt so guilty as she never had a sibling to play with and my best friend had 2 in under 2yrs and another close friend has twins.My husband said he’s also been feeling guilt for her which made me question whether it was the hormones or just a normal part of having more children.
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Definitely agree with leaving the car seat in the car. I brought a car seat from my friend (trusted) and it didn't fit my pram so we just left it in and took her out and put her in the sling when out. Also now she is too heavy to carry in the car seat 😂
I also read that newborns shouldn't be in the car seat for very long so I didn't like to keep her in it anyway.
Honestly, baby wearing is the way forward!
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Ladies what prams/travel systems do you have for your little ones and how much did you pay? I'm due in July and just started looking for a pram and there's just too much choice! 🤯
I have an icandy peach I bought it 4 years ago for my first and using it again for this baby, I love it! We got it as a bundle with the maxicosi cabriofix carseat and car seat adapters for the chassis
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Tw death / fear of dying

Hi all I’m 11 weeks PP and really happy but for the past few weeks been getting a bit emotional almost every day, usually teary, as I’ve been thinking a lot more about my own mortality. Mainly about my daughter being without me, dying whilst she’s so young and her not remembering me etc.

I am just wondering if this is a normal part of becoming a mother or whether a red flag for PND. I definitely feel like a more emotional person since having her (can’t watch certain things on tv etc).

a friend of mine with 4 kids told me having children made her an emotional wreck so I wasn’t sure whether this was just part of the transition of having someone else to care for. I’ve not had any warning signs for PND and feel happy in myself otherwise.

have any other new parens experienced this? X
I feel like this is quite a common thing for parents because you have a whole new person to look after and care for. My eldest is 2 and I still worry about this.
I had PND the first time around and although i thought about this daily, I did experience a lot more signs. If you're genuinely concerned at all don't be scared to mention to your HV x
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