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I heard about the night sweats but thankfully didn't have them. The worst for me was when my milk came in and the first days of agony. Never felt a sensation like it. Also, the constant leaking was such a pain. Wet clothes, leaking in the shower, bending over and milk dripping 😂
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Ladies, I think this is one of those “am I being unreasonable?” questions. So obviously we’ve not long had a baby, he is our fourth, and it’s definitely true that the more babies you have the fewer cards & gifts you get on their arrival. That doesn’t bother me in general, I don’t expect other people to really bother or be overly interested. However, I have realised that my MIL & FIL didn’t give us a card or a present this time. They are lovely people, great grandparents, and are generous people. They usually just send a card and a little cuddly toy- nothing major (they live 500 miles away) but just a little token. I thought they hadn’t this time and they’d bring it when they came to visit, but they never did. Not even a card. Now my SIL (their daughter) is about to have a baby and she lives elsewhere, and there has already been talk of what they are sending her. So we get nothing at all, and she will. I feel like it’s really unfair and I’m (irrationally?) annoyed that our baby wasn’t really acknowledged by them. Am I being silly?

Dry skin I would maybe pop some moisturiser on, baby acne just leave. Usually starts at 6 weeks and is gone in 2-3 weeks 😊 all mine had them, some pretty badly, but they totally disappear
I would definitely be annoyed if my in laws did this! Surely they'd want to buy the baby something! Maybe when you next talk to them and they ask what you've been up to, you could say you've been writing thank-you cards to everyone that bought baby something ;)
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I’m not much help with prams for newbies as I use a sling, but I actually found the opposite of above with the car seat. Because we don’t use a pram our newborn car seat being portable is really a bit redundant for us, and I remember last time it wasn’t long until we left it in the car and just popped baby in and out as needed. If you don’t think you’d be using the car seat attached to a pram a lot (especially with the new time limit guidance) then I’d think about going straight for a fixed car seat, which spins (we have the joie 360 for our toddler and it’s fab).
I second this! We bought the 360 with my second and it's so worth the money!

I’m definitely getting to the stage now where it’s too heavy to carry car seat with baby in and have been looking at the 360 too but what do you do about the seat being cold to put them into? Just warm the car up a bit or? And what about if you need to pop into a shop really briefly say pay for petrol or post something, do you leave them in the car or take them in in arms or always have sling on or...?

I’m also going to try a sling again but she doesn’t like it so I worry I’ve got her legs wrong and we both stress out - lockdown has been so shite for peer support with things like this 😢 any top tips?
Maybe I'm mean, but I've always just put them straight in the car seat 😂 I've never warmed it up or anything haha.
Paying for petrol I always make sure I go to a pay at pump.
And going into shops ect I'll either wait until my partner is available or I'll get the pram out as its quick enough to do
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Random post pregnancy symptom:

Achey joints.

This is baby 4 and the first time I’ve ever had it, but a friend said she had it with all 3, and another friend also has it currently after birth. I felt like a properly old lady, every joint was so sore and creaky! Never knew that was a thing.
Oh my god, thank you! I am SO ACHEY, my legs and back in particular! I’ve not seen anyone else say this. I genuinely feel like I’ve aged about 30 years 😂
I’m hoping a couple of sports massages may help. Did your friend say how long it lasted for?!
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Fast forward 18months/2years and they refuse it like it’s poison 😂
Mine are the opposite, can’t get it in them until about age 2, then they are like crack addicts for it (to be fair it’s bloody delicious. I always have a wee taste myself 🤣)
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Thanks so much ladies, you’ve made me feel a lot better re: dummy. There’s so much unnecessary pressure on mother’s to do things the ‘right’ way, breastfeeding, no dummies, etc

Now the question is, is there a brand of dummy you favour? He’s been on a MAM 0-2 months dummy and has been taking to that, I’ve got a few Tommee Tippee ones but I was looking into those BIBS dummies that are a bit overpriced? Does anyone recommend them? Does it even matter what brand?
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When I changed his nappy at 5am, I felt liquid run all down my leg. I thought he pissed on me but it was my boob leaking. 😅

I’m starting to think he’s a really lazy eater and/or I don’t have a huge supply. He’s very skinny, finally hit his birth weight after 4 weeks. On Weds I’m getting him weighed just to make sure he’s gaining ok but today I tried to express again, managed a whopping 40 mls in an hour on and off… 🙄 My partner has been giving him it and he’s fell asleep 3 times during it and there’s still about 5 mls left… I’m kind of hoping someone says to top up with formula just so I know he’s getting a good feed. I feel bad making that decision myself, I know I shouldn’t!
I can see why it would be concerning that it took a little longer for him to get back to birth weight. Where I am, 4 weeks is seen as pretty standard, and midwives happily keep you in their care for 28 days for that reason (but discharge you sooner if birth weight reached). Have any of your hcp been worried? How are his wet and dirty nappies?

The main thing is he IS gaining weight. Please, please don’t think your supply is low because you can’t pump much. I’ve breastfed all 4 kids, 3 have been little chubby babies, and I’ve never been able to pump at all. I would be lucky to get an oz. Remember that your baby is so much more efficient at removing milk than a pump. When he’s feeding can you hear him actively swallowing for a few minutes? The fact that you were leaking after a few hours of him not feeding would say to me that you’ve got plenty in there 😊

I understand that you want to know how much he is getting, and giving a bottle definitely allows you that peace of mind so you shouldn’t feel bad about that! If you want to continue breastfeeding you should decide which feeds you want as formula and stick to it so you are breastfeeding at the same sort of times every day and protecting your supply. The problem with supplementing can be that your body then doesn’t make as much milk as there is less milk removal, so then you supplement more and it’s a vicious cycle.

Thank you ladies. You’re all right- I should remember that lockdown and slowing down did my toddler no harm and me slowing down won’t do my baby any harm.

She slept through the night last night for the first time and now I feel a little more human and normal so maybe it’s all the tiredness catching up with me.

I did a work meeting yesterday afternoon which went terribly. I’m back to work in September and winding myself up in circles about it as my anxiety is suddenly sky high since my dads death. I think I know in my heart I need a little more support jusy don’t know where to get it. My family are all struggling with my dads death in their own way- 2 sisters haven’t even met my baby yet as they’re so angry that we may have given dad covid and so I’ve really only got my mum who is coming to terms with losing her husband of 50 years.

I’m so sorry to hear about things with your family. That must be incredibly tough with a new baby x
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Does anyone have any experience increasing their milk supply? Baby is 3 weeks and not yet back at birth weight, stayed the same for the last week. Health visitor has suggested taking fenugreek but keen to hear others pearls of wisdom!
The best way to up supply is to increase removal of milk. So lots of feeding, lots of skin to skin with baby, and then pumping at set times as well. Power pumping is supposed to be good for increasing supply.

You’ll read online about various things to consume (oats etc) which will up supply, but they aren’t necessarily going to do much at all. You are best just cosying up with baby for a few days, giving as many chores as possible to your oh or any family/friends who can help, and simply feeding, feeding, feeding. At 3 weeks your supply is still regulating so it shouldn’t take a huge amount of time to increase supply.
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I’ve been feeling this, baby is now 7 weeks and I’m starting to feel physically ok after my section and want to go back to the gym (obvs still taking it slow) as I used to go almost everyday even in my last week of pregnancy and I’m starting to feel a bit down about myself and want to shift some fluff.

My partner says it’s totally fine and he has the baby covered but I feel really bad for some reason about doing something for myself even though it will make me feel 100x better!
Its defiantly hard not to feel guilty I understand, at the beginning the guilt ate me alive anytime I did something for myself, I still do feel guilty tbh but you need to look after your own mental health too, even if it’s only half an hr or an hr a day. I just started thinking/looking at it as I want to be in the best place mentally for my child happy mum happy baby ❤
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Hi ladies, just popping over from the pregnancy thread to see if you can help with a question.

My midwife told me that if I plan to breastfeed, I should be prepared for the baby to be pretty much attached to my nipple constantly for the first three days until my milk properly comes in. It’s worried me in terms of having visitors over. I’m not sure how practical it will be but would like our families to meet the baby in the first few days.

What are your experiences of this?
when i tried to breastfeed my first, she was constantly attached to me until my milk came in, i literally spent the 3rd day at home with her on my boob for 6/7 hours also when my milk did come in, she cluster fed and was literally on my boobs for 3/4 hours straight at times, but they need to do that to establish your milk.

I had a tough time with breastfeeding though and milk took a few days to come in so Maybe others have had different experiences and can advise better 😁

good luck with the rest of your pregnancy ❤
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I just wanted to say reading these posts is making it much less scary and more normal.

not that I don’t think a c section is a normal birth just wasn’t what I had planned
Honestly, having a c-section was the one thing I dreaded happening above all else when I became pregnant for the first time. I had never had surgery before, let alone a major operation. It turned out to be fine. We are stronger than we think and having a beautiful new baby to fawn over takes your mind off everything else. ❤
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I’m having an elective C section in 5 weeks time. I’m more concerned about the after op, will I be able to look after my baby if I’m still recovering? It worries me il be in too much pain to do a lot for him 😥😥
As long as you keep on top of pain relief you should be fine. I’ve had two cesareans (one emergency and one elective). I didn’t manage my pain well the first time (overestimated myself) and it was very sore. The second time I kept on top of it having learnt from the first time and it was a lot easier. It also helps if you have another pair of hands around to help out and to give you a break. Do you have a good support system at home?
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thats the same type of sling I use for newborns, it is great to have. once you get the hang of putting it on it is no hassle, I can do it without thinking these days! YouTube some videos of how to use a stretchy wrap and practice with a teddy! The main trick is to get it nice and tight When you tie before putting baby in.

personally I’d kick your partner out of the bed! You’re recovering from surgery, he should be on the sofa! And then you’ll have a safe space for baby too. It is nerve wracking to begin with, but once you have a few nights past you you don’t worry so much about baby.

Definitely cut yourself some slack. These days are hard, and so hard with your first. Your whole life has just been upended, you’ve had surgery! You should be on the sofa, chocolate in hand, baby in arms, box set on tv ❤
You’ve sold me. My homework this weekend will be to actually give the sling a go! Thanks for your tips! ❤

Last night was a nightmare, not sure if it was the hot weather or if he’s going through his first leap (does anyone else use the Wonder Weeks app? Is it legit? People in a fb group I’m in swear by it) but he was up every hour whinging or wanting a feed. Probably had a grand total of 30 mins sleep all night. Managed to get an extra 45 mins just now sharing the bed with him though. 🥴
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Has anyone decided a few days after birth they want to try breastfeeding? My baby is 4 days old and I've now decided I want to try BF but didn't ask for help in hospital as I didn't think I wanted to. I've been expressing but would like to give it a go. Can community midwives help with it? I'm struggling to get her to latch properly and find positions comfy (I had a csection so quite uncomfy with babies weight on my stomach)
You can definitely try breastfeeding, people do it weeks after birth. Lots of skin to skin for baby so they can root to feed and getting the latch right is really important. Call for a community midwife. Although I successfully fed multiple times in hospital (had to stay in for observations) once home baby wouldn’t latch at all. Luckily I rang and had a midwife come quickly. She taught us how to latch baby and then when it was wrong or didn’t feel right, we’d unlatch and try again until baby learnt how to latch themselves. If you want help now, there’s are tons of Facebook pages and videos on YouTube for latching. As you are expressing, I’ve seen people saying it helps to squeeze a little milk out before trying to latch. The most important thing I learnt with breastfeeding and bottles was that the flow from a bottle was much faster and that’s why babies can get bottle preference. With breastfeeding baby has to suck and work harder to get the milk so they may get frustrated initially and that’s why a lot of people think baby is happier on a bottle. Just thought I’d mention it incase you find baby acts like that, you can do breast compressions to help which the community midwife can demonstrate if you need guidance (or online as above). Position wise, I held baby in my arms or laid down to feed. When baby was really tiny I sometimes used a cushion to help support her weight if I was tired. They might work for you after your c section. Sending lots of love 🤍
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Okay so mum tums, how do I dress it? Really struggling to find clothes that suit. It was winter last time I had my son I could wear big jumpers but it’s too hot now, also struggling to find dresses with buttons for breastfeeding
I wish I knew 😩😩😩😩 I’m wearing lighter trousers and t shirts, you know like patterned summery trousers? With the elastic waist 🙌🏻
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Hi all had my baby 3 months ago now by c section does anyone else have pain after weeing? Like a kind of odd pressure from above the scar so weird 😫 another thing is the pp hair loss seeing my hair fall out in big chunks is so depressing I knew it was common but my hair is everywhere on every bit of clothing even on the baby 😭 and that lady who’s friend done a bunch of nice things for her I’d kill to have someone like that! Can already count on one hand the amount of people who said they’d come and visit and keep in touch who I haven’t heard from since baby was born.
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Already buying a new car seat, we’ve been using the one that came with the mamas and papas ocarro pram (cybex atom 5 I believe) and Jesus it’s a nightmare getting baba into it now 😳
I’m going to get a swivel chair - currently looking at the maxi cosi 360 but happy for any recommendations.
Also; anyone just find themselves shoving EVERYTHING in the loft lol? We won’t start trying for another baby for a couple of years but Im like hmm this will surely save a lot of money not having to buy all this again 😆
I had the Joie 360. Definitely recommend!
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Yeah I'm quite scared to Google it 🙈 I'm really hoping she will come before then but it will be just my luck I need induced 🤣 can only hope its a quick one like yours!

Glad to hear another positive, makes me less nervous about that being a possibility!
I ended up on a drip with my first as the pessary wasn’t shifting her, and again it was fine. I mean, labour hurts 😂, but I managed it and my pain threshold is very low!! Don’t worry about induction at all, you hear awful things about how bad it is, and while I have no "natural" labour to compare it to, it really wasn’t so horrific. (Both actual births were a bit dodgy, but I think that was more due to the position of the babies - my son was back to back- rather than the induction)
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I follow an account on Instagram where the new mum posted about there being a terrible smell in her house, her and her husband spent ages going through the bin, cupboards etc to figure out what it was when they realised it was the mum!! She admitted to 50k followers she was absolutely buzzing as she hadn’t had time to shower in days! I’ve never understood it. My baby is 8 weeks old and I shower daily sometimes twice and do my make up every day. Spending 10 mins on myself everyday makes me feel really put together and more productive. Yes it’s hard and busy with a newborn but come on seriously.
I don’t understand it at all either, it takes 10 minutes if even to get a quick shower. I usually shower in the evening when my baby is asleep but if I decide I want a shower in the morning and my baby isn’t sleeping I put her in her bouncer and bring her into the bathroom with me and literally jump in and out it’s not hard 🤷‍♀️ I will say I don’t wear makeup everyday as I can’t be bothered doing it every single day tbh, I maybe wear makeup 2/3 days out of the week but my baby is usually either napping or I put her in the sling on me and she falls asleep usually so I just do my makeup, but I do get what you mean it does make you feel put together
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