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Gimme this weather over that oven fest any day. Can always pile the layers on, but can’t take my own skin off…
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xoxo GG

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3 year old just cried cos she didn’t wanna watch a Christmas film, then mid tantrum screamed that she wanted to watch Elf 🤯 sometimes the days are long raising little people, today is one of those days 🤣
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The twins are so happy and smiley this morning. I’m about to get them ready to take them for their jabs. I feel so bad 🥺
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You know you’re a mum when…

You read 3 pages of people discussing their after birth poos and happily eat pizza at the same time 😂

My first poo after teen was 5 days after my episiotomy, and I was so scared. My mum gave me a laxative when I got home from the hospital. I was fine after I had the other 3, as their births weren’t as bad. Although she also gave me piles, and I haven’t had an easy poo since 🫠
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Baby elf has been asleep for two hours and I've eaten all the chocs in my advent calendar plus a tin of spagetti and sausages with some bread and butter 🙃

Now I'm sat here wondering what else I could have 🤣 he needs to wake up before I eat the entire contents of the kitchen
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@WhatABore @LilyRose1234

The ladies who run it see him do it but don’t really say much other then ‘oo you can’t hit’. His mum puts him on time out for 6.5 seconds and off he goes again.

I really like going because theres another 2 girls there who I get along with and it is a really suitable time with in walking distance. I’m sure he is supposed to be in school but she always says he is off because he has a cold etc. the age difference seems huge but theres never really anyonr older than 2 with them being in school. SHe has a 6 month old that she sits on her knee in the baby area whilst the older just runs wild😩
Surely if he has a cold and is too ill to be at school, he’s also too ill to be at baby group?! I’d personally speak to the group leaders rather than trying to go through the mum
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We had ice today, lots of ice but no snow at -3🥶
The back pain last night resulted in tears and a pissed off OH because I'm a stubborn independent bitch that can do everything herself and played the martyr.....he told me I can be a right dick sometimes after I put ibuprofen gel on my own back in tears and he was sitting right beside me 🙈 I don't know why I do these things, I have to actually agree with him, I am a right dick at times .Did I learn from it?? No I did not, I couldn't even sit in bed this morning so I didn't go to work and made 2 physio appointments (1 NHS, 1 private) and after those and feeling a little better I asked my dad for his spade to bury the kids rabbit (emotional morning) Did I ask him to help dig the hole or wait for OH to get home from work??? Of course I didn't sat in the bath easimg my back again before picking up the 3 little divas from childcare

I one asked🤦🏻‍♀️
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wakametango 2.0

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I’ve never shared this with you ladies but my first poo experience was so fucking traumatic. I was home alone with baby Waka who was days old so i had to bring her to the toilet with me. It was summer but whatever my body was doing made me start shivering so laid her down on the floor on a changing mat just so I could grip onto the sink. Nothing even came, I felt like my colon had been punched. Next thing I remember is being woken up by mr Waka who told me off for sleeping with baby Waka unsafely in the bed. I had no underwear on so I’m sure you can imagine the state of me and the bed by the time he got in 😫😫😫 had to eat dates in the end to help
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xoxo GG

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My first post babyGG poo was about 45 minutes after he was born when I told MrGG to take him or I was gonna shit myself, so the adrenaline masked the pain 😎

MrGG did nearly have a heart attack thinking I was about to deliver a secret twin though 🫢
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Wow this thread moves fast :oops: It's taken me a full day at work to catch up from Saturday and I have to say I've been thoroughly entertained between soup fetishes and lack there of and afterbirth pee's, poo's and again lack there of..............almost gave away the fact I rarely do work on a Thursday😂😂

I second the standing to feed at this does pass....for the most part. My girl is 10 months and unless we're alone in bed she likes to see whats happening around nipples remind me of stretch armstrong 🙈
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I appreciate how not important Tupperware (or plastic storage if we’re being accurate, no brand name Tupperware here) is in the scheme of things, especially with all that’s going on with some of our mums.

But I have actually been in tears about it tonight. Actual tears over Tupperware. Wtf? Kind of straw that broke the camel’s back. So I pack the school lunches, and KW is responsible for cleaning the lunchboxes out. He never, ever, ever properly puts the Tupperware away. So many pots and lids have gone missing, and I am always scrambling about trying to find things to pack their lunch in because he is so careless with it. I’ve spoken to him a million times, and it is always the same. Tonight I’ve gone to do it and the lid from 7Me’s lunchbox is totally missing. It should be permanently attached, but KW broke it off a while ago. And now it’s just gone. And I know that really it isn’t the end of the world, but I am so sick of constantly having to try and find something to pack lunches in, and constantly be buying new containers, simply because he is so careless.

Like, honestly, what is my life that I’m crying about food storage?!
See. I feel this is justified. It's an unnecessary inconvenience especially when it's something you do daily, and you've a million and one other things to do. It should be something that is always there.
I absolutely hate missing and mismatched Tupperware
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Baby girl went to her dads this evening, the usual 4 hours. She came back with a massive bump on her head. He made out like it was no big deal. Brought her to A&E for peace of mind because I wasn’t there when it happened.. the doctors told me there was no way my 4 month old could of gotten the bump the way he told me. I’m actually heart broken for her, even the thought of her being in pain kills me.

really thinking of all the sick mums and babies. Mums you’re doing amazing and the babies are so resilient they are stronger than we think..!!
Definitely don't send her again now, you've got a dr to confirm pretty much it's a safe guarding issue!
The dr should of also involved social services as he has a duty to report any none mobile babies who have injuries. Log absolutely everything and keep your baby girl with you! X
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Baby was breathing super heavily this morning and couldn’t get settled although he was really sleepy, got him up and his temp was 39 and he started vomiting everywhere and he is never ever sick so spent the morning in A&E to be told it’s a viral fever and could even be caused by his top tooth coming through!

He made it to a year having never been ill and I just want to cry everytime I look at his sad poorly little face. Those of you who have had babies with more serious illnesses/hospital admissions I don’t know how you do it. Being a mum is emotionally harddd 🤣🙈

Like asking my mum if I could go down the park like I’m 13 🙄
Anyway, it’s not permission as such. It’s making sure he’s going to be home with the kids. I had to reschedule my smear last week because he wasn’t sure if he was going to be home in time
If you need an alibi, I was with you 😘
I had to take baby to my smear which was…interesting 🤣
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So after suffering the world’s most horrific hangover this weekend I’ve just come to bed (where Mr Rita has been for an hour because he couldn’t be arsed to help me clean the kitchen) and he’s said “have I got any clean work shirts for tomorrow???”

I don’t fucking know, have you? 🤷‍♀️ I’m not your mother
I purposefully stopped washing my husbands gym gear I was sick of it piling up and I hate touching it 🤢 he had to hand wash some before his work trip this week 😂 petty AF right here

Also wtf is salad cream
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Baby learnt to shake his head ‘no’ over the weekend and he first used it in context when MIL asked if he wanted her to come back again. I DIED. 🤣🤣🤣

Also when we went to A&E yesterday every time someone said they were going to check his temperature or heart rate he shook his head 🥺🤣 it’s too cute.
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Mayo is the devils work but salad cream? Even satan himself would run in fear, I don’t trust people who like salad cream, what the fuck even IS IT?!
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Attempting to make a nice healthy sauce for the twins pasta, as I'm blending the veg up, you'd think I was killing them because they're screaming at the blender 🙄
Last time I try and keep these turds on a nutritionally balanced diet😂
Mocking me for soup and here you are whipping up fucking gourmet pasta sauce, I see u Gordon

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