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Chatty Member
So update on my weekend away- I did all the driving, mr author worked several hours each day whilst I looked after/tried to entertain baby author and we missed going to the Christmas market due to work and nap times 😑 But he did pay for a babysitter at the hotel so we could have a meal out on sat evening despite the football being on so maybe that redeems the rest of the KW behaviour?
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Sorry but I don’t trust anyone who enjoys soup. I need to chew my food otherwise my body doesn’t recognise that I’ve eaten and stays hungry 😂

Also re: pancake chat - I bought a load of scotch pancakes on yellow stickers, froze them and just whack them in the toaster in the morning. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Baby o’s room is around 16 degrees this time of year without the heating on, but she still sleeps in long pyjamas and a 1.5tog sleeping bag. She’s like her dad when she sleeps and radiates heat from her body, she always super toasty when she gets up in the morning. I however slept in a hoodie and fluffy socks last night 🙈

I don’t want to jinx myself but baby o seems to be back to herself! Her ear has cleared up after she was fucking miserable all day Friday but the last 2 days she’s been so smiley and happy again and nap times are less of a battle. If we can just make it to Christmas without any more nursery plague that’d be fab thank youuuuuuuu
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3yo is on day 4 of temp and being unwell. Baby is on day 3. I’m on day 2 and honestly I feel awful. And the worst thing is clearly I’m not going to be better any time soon as the kids aren’t getting better 😭
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I’m flapping about this strep a situation. I do have mild health anxiety and I have been thinking about it all day. Baby girl has had like little white head spots on her cheeks for a couple of days which I didn’t think much of, but in a Facebook group someone said a face rash/spots is a symptom. She has been a bit snotty today too. 😩😩
I know its easy to say, but please try not to worry. In all my years working in hospitals, I have never seen/treated a case of invasive strep A. I know it seems shitty, especially with children dying (and I feel evil saying this as even just one child is too many) but the percentage of children getting invasive strep A/dying is just a very small amount compared to the amount of people who will have strep A. Unfortunately the media has put everyone on red alert, and while it is good to be cautious, unless baby has an underline condition/on medications I wouldn't be any more concerned about it that other years.

Just on what you said about your little girl having spots on her cheeks - it's very unusual for the strep a/scarlet fever rash to be on the face, if anything they would usually only have red cheeks.
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Selfish moan-fest, I feel so unwell it hurts to even pick the baby up. I miss the wonderful immune system I used to have! Sitting here shivering whilst feeding is not the one.
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These thread titles apparently influence me more than anyone on Instagram. Not only have I purchased an air fryer in the past few weeks, I also recently bought ready brek for the first time since I was a child and forgot how much I liked it. 🤣 Golden syrup in it ftw though.

@jackolantern did we ever establish what flavour soup it was you were trying to make? 👀
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Oh I’m so jealous, I love minestrone, but MrMe hates “floaty” soups, so we can only have ones which are blitzed up 👎🏻 Why is it as mothers we so often give up what we like just because it doesn’t suit everyone else? So many things I like to eat I never buy/make as nobody else likes them and it feels selfish to just sit myself.
Mr SI starts a new job in Jan, at the mo he teaches two evening classes a week and I live for those nights where I can eat what *I* like if I’ve got the baby covered*, but his new schedule will have him home at normal tea time every night - yay but boo!
This week Baby SodIt had leftover roast chicken, homemade wedges and peas one night. I don’t eat meat so I did myself a lentil ragu pasta + garlic bread cos I was in a double carb mood and he just lobbed it all including individual pea by pea precision until his tray was clear and then cried for mine. And then put a red hand on my brand new Black Friday treat - a long sleeved nursing but not maternity (holy grail) cream and black striped top. And I can’t get the stain out 🙃 - so there’s always a way to ruin it tbh 🤣

Oh and KW would normally turn his nose up at it, but he came in ‘starving’ (he’d taken a packed lunch and a packed tea 🧐) and asked to eat the leftover portion, so no second shot at 10/10 enjoyment either.

I go into such mundane detail on here all the time, soz 🫣
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no they never checked anything for me but I did have a 2hr text book labour no meds so maybe it wasn’t needed. I also needed discharged quick so i could get transferred to the big childrens hospital so maybe I was rushed away🤣thank god tho because I am too socially awkward for that I would have made my husband hand over the bowls 🤣🤣🤣
Usually they get you to leave it in the bathroom.
I took a pen in with me and wrote on the bowl 😂😂
Wasn't having nobody claim my wee for their own! Worked hard for that bitch.

But mainly because last time I left it in there and there was like 10 others in there too and I'm like "walk in, turn left, count up 3, take a right and its the 4th one along"
Not that dramatic obviously but 😂
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I would have liked bunking with another NICU mum! It was so lonely.
I remember the first night, I just cried all night because I didn’t know whether my baby was okay, they made Mr Rita leave at 10pm, I was all on my own and could just hear other babies crying.
Every time I heard the ward phone ring my heart stopped thinking it was them ringing up with bad news. Absolutely horrendous would not wish it on anyone 😢
Rita, it was AWFUL. Worse than hearing a baby cry. The woman next to me was on the phone alllllll night explaining to her friends in great detail how her baby was born and how it was traumatic. I honestly could've throat punched her. On my way out of surgery we passed so many empty rooms all I did was beg for one I wanted to just be away from them all & discharged to the twins hospital ASAP. But 100% I don't think any scenario is the best 😔

Yes. This woman tried to say she had awful mental health, and was adamant he was allowed to stay. Thankfully the midwife told him, in no uncertain terms, to fuck off. He was fuming. But I was running my hands with glee, because they were both total pricks, who thought they deserved it. I was happy to send Mr B home. You don’t need 2 tired parents!
Did she get her epidural? Bloody 1cm 😂 that’s just very light period pain, if anything 😂😂
By the time I'd woken up she'd fucked off I think she was moved to a side room she sounded like a chuffing cow 😂
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Tired of this crap

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The anxiety is crazy… hating having a baby at this time of year going into winter and an older one at school exposed to germs…

Wondering if I’ve got some Postnatal anxiety. Baby is 8 weeks. Straight after I had him I was super anxious and midwife told me to refer myself to our well-being service which I did. Then i changed my mind cos it’s basically CBT over the phone which I didn’t think I’d find very useful plus felt like another stress to fit it in!

Anyone have any advice? I just keep jumping to the worst case scenario in my head for everything 🤪
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Baby elf is asleep and I've sent KW and 5yo to walk though the snow to the shop for some hot choccy and mini marshmallows 🙃 so I'm sitting here alone in silence and it is just what I needed even if it will only last a few minutes 🤣
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Attempting to make a nice healthy sauce for the twins pasta, as I'm blending the veg up, you'd think I was killing them because they're screaming at the blender 🙄
Last time I try and keep these turds on a nutritionally balanced diet😂
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Cheese, tomato and salad cream sandwiches are my childhood, please don’t make me choose between you or them 🥺

Also told myself I’d have an early night, get up early and tidy up before the nursery run. I don’t know why I forget who I am sometimes.
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My baby leveled up from being a useless potato to being a useless potato who tries to grab things 😭 I just need to tell everyone and I know no one cares 🤓
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I was fully convinced I was going to implode on the first poo post C-section. To the point I thought we might finally be able to take Kim Jong-Un out but with nuclear Lantern as opposed to warfare.
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Drove to meet my friend for dinner. So pissed as I was looking forward to a drink, but apparently couldn’t get an Uber… Mr B text on the way, telling me to leave the car and he’ll get it tomorrow. I replied ‘you’re a selfish prick’, and I think HE now has the bump with ME. I feel so done at the moment. I’m so sick of being on my own all the time. In a marriage, but feeling like a single mum. If it wasn’t so close to Christmas, I’d be leaving the kids with him all day tomorrow, until half an hour before he has to go to work. Bastard.
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