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VIP Member
Does anyones kids actually like vegetables or is it myth you see on insta and tv? If it’s not blended into something or hidden the twins won’t eat them 🤷‍♀️
thought I’d try some sweet corn and broccoli this evening and it’s all launched on the floor 🙃
Defo a myth. Mines terrible. She eats loads of fruit though


VIP Member
Yeh I keep offering it, mainly so their fish fingers and wedges had some colour on the plate 😂.
That's literally all I do. I don't offer them with every meal either. Probably should 😂
But by 3/4, they eat their veg and even request it 😂

Belle Amie

VIP Member
Yeh delays everywhere! Madness how snow stops everything here. PJ day and Xmas movies I think for us
It’s crazy I’ve seen loads of TikTok’s saying our snow/cold is genuinely worse than like Canada so I feel vindicated 😂
I’d love to stay in now and watch movies but I have to go back out to Inpost lockers to send stuff back, they were full before 😩

xoxo GG

VIP Member
Our NHSP aren't offering any incentives 😭
Do you do private agency? I need these kinda incentives in my life
No just on NHSP! It’s a really good rate for band 2 so even if I absolutely hate every second I’m pretty sure when Friday comes around all will be forgiven 🫣😂
You wouldn't think I'd already had a child asking this question but here goes - what do you do with your moving babies when you have jobs to do?

Baby Power cannot be left for even a second as he's such a danger to himself (and others!) and he gets so upset if I put him in something like the travel cot or the high chair.
It's just so hard and stressful trying to cook etc!


Well-known member
So the past few days baby is having quite explosive diarrhea 🤢 I'm sick of doing laundry after all the nappy leaks!! We have a Christmas special baby sensory class this afternoon and I'm wondering if it's still ok to take him? He seems totally fine in himself otherwise.

wakametango 2.0

VIP Member
What the hell don’t even know why I never checked the bread but I wondered why his allergies weren’t getting better 🤣🤣
Same! I told her dietician that her bottom had been red all week and she asked me did her bread have soya in it. i never even knew! Felt so stupid


VIP Member
Don't worry.
Every baby is different so please don't compare what others are having!
Everleigh has refused most milk from 6 months. Also eats next to nothing.
But my 4yo was like baby orbit.
NHS say a minimum of 12oz for a 1 year old. But say between 16 and 24oz. So she's definitley not having too much!

I do find cows milk doesn't seem to fill them up as much though. But the point is more getting their calcium, not to fill them up anymore
Perhaps I need to offer a bedtime snack to see if that helps.

She was up at 5.30am screaming for another bottle this morning. She normally has her first one at 7.30 so it’s definitely going to be an adjustment.


VIP Member
Does anyones kids actually like vegetables or is it myth you see on insta and tv? If it’s not blended into something or hidden the twins won’t eat them 🤷‍♀️
thought I’d try some sweet corn and broccoli this evening and it’s all launched on the floor 🙃
Full on myth. Baby elf goes to town on fruit but veg...he just throws it on the floor in disgust.

5yo occasionally will eat peas and carrots but she will try to avoid it if she can 🤷🏼‍♀️ and honestly I don't really eat them either unless covered in gravy

Belle Amie

VIP Member
Just catching up on the thread so not sure if anyones offered some wisdom BUT did you by any chance have antibiotics or lots of antibiotics while pregnant? My neighbours little boy has yellow teeth at the bottom and our other dentist neighbour (v handy) said it can be to do with the mother having antibiotics while pregnant. I dread to think what baby sailors teeth are going to be like, I was on antibiotics monthly when I was preggo with him! X
Thank you, no I didn’t take anything not even paracetamol until I’d give birth then I had every antibiotic going, breastfeeding while on antibiotics couldn’t affect them could it? He’s in so much pain with them as well 😩 x


VIP Member
No not yet anyway, my mums got me flapping about it being an issue with his blood cells. Bloody google!
Could it be the enamel hasn't fully covered it yet? Twin 1 had a tooth that looked similar and it also looked see through when I shone a light onto it🙈 once it had cut through though it looked exactly the same as its neighbour


VIP Member
Full fat. She guzzled it down and seemed satisfied after.

I do worry a bit because I feel like she’s still on a lot of formula for her age (3x 7oz) and she won’t sleep at night until she’s had exactly 21oz and she’s been like that since about 7 months.

At nursery she also eats 3 meals and 2 snacks every day but she only has one nap, whereas at home she naps twice so there’s not even time for snacks but she eats 3 decent sized meals. But I just feel like other babies her age are eating loads more solids and are much bigger than her but on less milk.
Don't worry.
Every baby is different so please don't compare what others are having!
Everleigh has refused most milk from 6 months. Also eats next to nothing.
But my 4yo was like baby orbit.
NHS say a minimum of 12oz for a 1 year old. But say between 16 and 24oz. So she's definitley not having too much!

I do find cows milk doesn't seem to fill them up as much though. But the point is more getting their calcium, not to fill them up anymore

Ah so sorry you’re going through this, can I ask how they diagnose it? Xx
Not sure if anyone answered but they have a strep test they do that comes back positive or negative 😊

I feel I’ve asked a similar question millions of times, but I’m on night 5 of sleeping on the floor of the baby’s room because she can’t sleep in our bed anymore (no curtains with street lighter, bloody loves the dogs and thinks it’s playtime at 1am) but she’s ill so wants me close by. Am buying a small double for her room but what is the actual difference between a toddler bed and a normal bed? Is it just the height? Or just a money making ploy so you have to continually buy new stuff?
We've never bothered. Always gone straight to a single bed 😊
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VIP Member
No he cannot walk on his own. He can walk holding onto furniture and has only started to pull him self up the past 2 weeks. Think he isn’t far off walking tho


VIP Member
Channelled my inner nigella and made a tuna pasta bake for lunch, with enough to freeze some. The good news is we now have 10 freezer portions, the bad news is that she didn’t eat a bit of it and we have 10 freezer portions 🤣
Story of my life, keep trying her with it