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Well-known member
I mentioned about baby having diarrhea earlier but when should I worry about it? It started Friday afternoon. He's had 6 dirty nappies today, 3 in the last hour but the last couple were only small amounts. He seems totally fine in himself, drinking milk like usual, playing and napping fine. His nappies are less wet so we are trying to give him water as well as his milk. Is it worth ringing the GP tomorrow if it continues? I've got no clue what has caused it and it's the first time he's been like this. He's 7 months old.

Belle Amie

VIP Member
In my head you’re a British version of the girl with black hair in two broke girls. Working I’m retail, hating every minute you have to interact with the public, yet never quite being rude enough you get sacked 😂
Kat Dennings!! I LOVE her she has the bad attitude I wish I could get away with and the lips I wish filler would give me 😂


VIP Member
We’ve all started to feel a lot better! 🙌🏻 Baby Runner is probably left as the worst off (I’m still not entirely sure the doctors decision that she didn’t need abx was the right one…) but she’s only spiked a temp once in the last 24 hours, and she’s sleeping a fair bit so I guess that’s her body’s way of resting and recovering
Hopefully the fact you’ve had it and you’re breastfeeding means she’s getting some sort of antibodies to help her fight ❤ Glad you’re all feeling a lot better!


VIP Member
Thank you all for responding, I try the sling which he loves if he's sleepy but doesn't tolerate if he's not, he hates being penned in, he just cries in the travel cot even with loads of toys, he is dangerous just existing at the moment because we have hard wooden floors and he's just pulling up and cruising but constantly falling and any falls usually mean a nasty head bump on the floor/chair/table etc, and we're not onto snacks yet so he can't be bribed with those!

Maybe I just have to survive the next couple of months and then he'll be happily toddling around 🤞
Usually she would follow me around. Usually screaming at me 😂
But jobs that take more than a couple of minutes, I leave until they're in bed.
So ill do the washing up ect with the clinging to my leg 😂

We have hard wooden floors and they'd be pulling themselves up but kind of let them get on with it tbh 😂 many a banged head 😂 the floor is mostly clear though so there wasn't much to bang their heads on.
I used to panic with my first.
Felt like the more I let them get on with it, the quicker they stopped.
Or maybe it was because I was so panicked with my first that it felt like it lasted longer haha

Belle Amie

VIP Member
The thickness of it makes me gag 😂
And then I make myself gag every time I go to take a sip 😂
It reminds me of medicine as a kid but I don’t know what the midwife looked at me like I was crazy when I said it was nice 😂

WHAT I literally pooed the day after birth after 2 doses of that shit. I mean it’s my own fault for then taking more, I was trying to overdose on the painkillers rather than shit myself but we move…
Hahahah I was only allowed one shot of it a day in hospital with my antibiotics when I got home I upped it to 2 shots then the magic happened

My first wee was 100% worse than my first poo and I don’t think my catheter was in properly they gave me a little bucket to wee in the midwife said if I could wee out 150ml they’re happy my bladders fine I filled a litre thought i was going to overflow 😳😂


VIP Member
No online portal that they have made me aware of. Good point about the text, I usually get those and haven’t. I wonder if the secretary just hasn’t done her job🤔surgeon sounded less than impressed on the phone, but we have never missed an appointment before so not trying to take the piss 🙈
Without giving our location away too much Tameside, Glossop & Stockport NHS services love a portal text appointment. We've missed a fair few because of either portal failures and the secretary not making sure its sent or my phone blocking them.
Take the appointment for after New year & ring the appointments line a couple of times a week you might be able to pinch a cancellation


VIP Member
I’d recommend the Dr Beckman armpit stain spray
Ooh I'll keep my eye out for this, only used their carpet and whitening stuff before.

Hope the bambinos and yourself are fighting fit soon! Naievely hopeful pointless platitude - hopefully you're getting it all out of the way now so you can enjoy Christmas 🤞


VIP Member
Yeah if I’m honest I’m just desperate to save a bit of money from buying formula every week so I was hoping just swapping entire bottles at a time would mean I could phase it out faster - I’m getting to the bottom of my current tin so wanted to avoid opening another. I’ll keep going for a couple more days and see how it goes.
It may just take her tummy a few days to adjust to the cows milk. It's hydrolysed in formula but obviously is full fat it isn't so her tummy just needs time to adjust to it.
There's always cows milk alternatives if she continues to struggle we have twin 1 on almond milk & twin 2 on soya milk as they struggled with the switch over x
Baby B’s top teeth have cut (praying this is why he slept awful last night) but one has come through with a yellow patch. Has anyone else seen this before? My mums googled it and it says it could be to do with jaundice, he had a little when he was born but not enough I’d expect it to effect his teeth
I’m going to call the dentist for an appointment on Monday & I’m at the doctors so I’ll mention it but just wondered if it’s normal
Just catching up on the thread so not sure if anyones offered some wisdom BUT did you by any chance have antibiotics or lots of antibiotics while pregnant? My neighbours little boy has yellow teeth at the bottom and our other dentist neighbour (v handy) said it can be to do with the mother having antibiotics while pregnant. I dread to think what baby sailors teeth are going to be like, I was on antibiotics monthly when I was preggo with him! X


VIP Member
I’m not spending my snow day at home cooking so I’ve mini Waka a picky lunch which I’ve never thought of before. so chuffed with myself might start a weaning page 🤣
Pretty much every lunch my kids have is a picky lunch - lots of bits always goes down well!

Yes he is a non walker, do they just go over socks? X
Yes. Not totally waterproof if they put weight on them, but do the job for crawling outdoors etc


VIP Member
Does anyones kids actually like vegetables or is it myth you see on insta and tv? If it’s not blended into something or hidden the twins won’t eat them 🤷‍♀️
thought I’d try some sweet corn and broccoli this evening and it’s all launched on the floor 🙃
Nope. Little crazy cat will eat aprox one single pea and that’s it 😂


VIP Member
We’re going to sing to the corn shortly too! 🌽 fave part of my week at this point

I remember thinking on the first session wtf is this how do people know this song and now I’m bopping along to it and know all the actions 🫢🫢🫢
We’re starting toddler sensory soon hope they have the same song 😂😂 I miss it!


VIP Member
Yeah that’s exactly where I was 🙄 haven’t managed to get to Tesco to get some soya free. Don’t get me started on making sure i have something she can actually have for the filling 🥱
What the hell don’t even know why I never checked the bread but I wondered why his allergies weren’t getting better 🤣🤣


VIP Member
I am the worst in the winter. I have terrible cold sweats. I barely sweat in the summer, but the winter?! I stink like a meat and potatoe pasty!