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VIP Member
What about sourdough or pitta bread? Pretty sure there’s no egg (although I’m not sure about other allergens!)

I’ll sent Elanna round. She’d chow through those 10 portions in 5 minutes. Kids a bottomless pit 😂
She used to eat so much but now she won’t touch a thing. I think we’re going through a phase (there’s always a bloody phase isn’t there 😂)


VIP Member
It’s me with another question guys, one day I’ll come with advice 😂
Baby has 2 big poos this morning (KW had to make his escape on one again 🙄) but they were like cream in colour. He’s 8 months so weaning, he’s not ate much except a shit tonne of green yogurt Friday & Saturday should I be worried or can teething/dairy change the colour of poop

I can’t believe my life has come to writing about poop online 😂
I’m sure Teething can have an affect on their poo x

I feel the same, all I do is ask questions, it’s not even like I’m a first time mum either😂🙈


VIP Member
You wouldn't think I'd already had a child asking this question but here goes - what do you do with your moving babies when you have jobs to do?

Baby Power cannot be left for even a second as he's such a danger to himself (and others!) and he gets so upset if I put him in something like the travel cot or the high chair.
It's just so hard and stressful trying to cook etc!
Everything is just kept up high 😂 so there’s not a lot she can do that’s a danger anymore. Then I just let her play on the floor by my feet


Well-known member
GPs are useless and won’t be able to advise you at all. You’ll more than likely get a dietician appointment and an allergen appointment (ours took 6 months). How old is Arnie?
abi had awful awful trapped wind from oat milk and detinox helped her get it out but she was still uncomfortable. Neocate is an hypoallergenic formula (made without cows milk) but it’s £40 for a tiny tin so they hate prescribing it. They may want to start you on a highly hydrolysed formula which is made from cows milk but the proteins are broken down so much a lot of children with allergies and intolerances can digest it.we were prescribed Sma alfamino but we bought neocate as I wanted to get rid of all intolerances for a short while before moving her onto alfamino.
He's 7 months now. Thank you that's really helpful. Wondering if I might as well go to the HV and ask for a referral?


VIP Member
I mentioned about baby having diarrhea earlier but when should I worry about it? It started Friday afternoon. He's had 6 dirty nappies today, 3 in the last hour but the last couple were only small amounts. He seems totally fine in himself, drinking milk like usual, playing and napping fine. His nappies are less wet so we are trying to give him water as well as his milk. Is it worth ringing the GP tomorrow if it continues? I've got no clue what has caused it and it's the first time he's been like this. He's 7 months old.
How many dirty nappies a day was he having before this started?
What kind of milk is having?
And with him being 7 months, are you weaning yet? And if so, what as he had to eat lately? Could just his system responding to that.


VIP Member
Does anyone know if theres any shops I could get size 2 baby wellys today? Or some form of water proof boot?


VIP Member
Theyve not got an online portal set up have they? We don't get any of our appointment letters posted anymore the twins are always online, I get a text to say we have one but my phone sometimes marks it as spam and shoves it in a folder so I don't get a notification (if you have a Samsung could it be the same?)
No online portal that they have made me aware of. Good point about the text, I usually get those and haven’t. I wonder if the secretary just hasn’t done her job🤔surgeon sounded less than impressed on the phone, but we have never missed an appointment before so not trying to take the piss 🙈


VIP Member
Is my 14 month old supposed to be wearing shoes?
As others have said. Only when they're walking around outside really 😊
I put them on if we go out anyway because there's always a chance I'll get her out and let her walk. But other than that, no.


VIP Member
Update she has woke up twice gone back to sleep… in the cott 🧐🧐🧐🧐 has she been playing me for a fool

Full fat. She guzzled it down and seemed satisfied after.

I do worry a bit because I feel like she’s still on a lot of formula for her age (3x 7oz) and she won’t sleep at night until she’s had exactly 21oz and she’s been like that since about 7 months.

At nursery she also eats 3 meals and 2 snacks every day but she only has one nap, whereas at home she naps twice so there’s not even time for snacks but she eats 3 decent sized meals. But I just feel like other babies her age are eating loads more solids and are much bigger than her but on less milk.
So because the dietician just cut us off completely from the nuitramegen the day before she turned one like what a joker. I have to buy it now and boy it’s not the cheapest so I cut the milk down to one bottle at night and I also give her this sma planty grow for a cup of it in the day she has three meals and about 2000 snacks however at 14 months she is on the least milk of all the other toddlers I know as they are still having two or three a day which I think is normal however if orange had this as well as her food she would look like Augustus gloop because she is like a dustbin.


VIP Member
No he’s not crying I lifted him out, he didn’t hit anything he was laying in the middle

I guess I’m just scared of shaken baby syndrome


VIP Member
Been trying to get the baby to sleep since 11 obviously he doesn’t sleep until 12:15 when we have swimming at 1.
Would you wake the baby at quarter to to leave or cancel and let them sleep? We missed last weeks lesson too so I’ll be losing £20 total but it’s his first nap of the day 🙃
I just had the same issue before physio appointment I woke him up 15 minutes before we left and he cried the whole session🥲


VIP Member
BabyGG has just got over bronchiolitis. It was absolutely horrendous. He completely reduced feeds to the point he was taking half an ounce then just screaming. They wanted to admit us for NG feeds but there were no beds in our local area, so they’d have been looking for an out of area bed so they agreed if I managed to get him to have a 2oz feed they’d send us home with open access if we took him back if he started taking under 2oz. We managed to get him to have 4oz cos I fed him with a bigger teat size so that he didn’t have to waste his energy on sucking. We kept on top of his calpol doses, used the fridamom snot sucker regularly to clear what was within his nose to make it a bit easier for him and sterimar spray. It was so difficult to get him to take them but we found the ready to feed wasn’t quite as heavy on his tummy as well and he’d take a bit more of that. Sending you lots of love and hopefully it eases up for baby soon x
Oh gosh how awful how old is he? The poor thing xx


VIP Member
Has anyone got any nappy rash remedies? Apart from sudacrem and metanium? Have noticed baby girl has some on her little bum and in the crack, she’s never had it before but it looks sore and painful 😓🙈 it looks a bit like some skin has peeled off, is that normal?
Egg white! Provided she hasn't got an egg allergy, pat it on with some cotton wool


Chatty Member
To the mum with the baby with the tomato reaction/allergy ( @Jellybean093 ), has your baby also had a reaction to red/yellow/green/orange bell peppers 🫑? I know someone who couldn’t eat them, along with tomatoes 🍅 and aubergine 🍆. Hope you get it sorted out soon.


VIP Member
Yeah if I’m honest I’m just desperate to save a bit of money from buying formula every week so I was hoping just swapping entire bottles at a time would mean I could phase it out faster - I’m getting to the bottom of my current tin so wanted to avoid opening another. I’ll keep going for a couple more days and see how it goes.
It’s crazy how much extra formula is on a weekly shop. And all the kids use blue milk, so will only be buying an extra carton a week. Hopefully she will be fine. If she gets hungry again, maybe give her a snack before bed? Although, she does seem to really love her milk, bless her!